Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ottoville Items - 1908

1-4-1908 VWTB
Nicholas Schille, aged twenty-one, is suing Nicholas Lauer, proprietor of the Ottoville stone quarry for five thousand dollars damages for injuries received in an explosion of dynamite at the quarry, four years ago. His eye sight was badly damaged in the explosion.

1-10-1908 DH
$5,000 DAMAGES.
Ottoville Man Asks That Amount in Suit Against Nicholas Lauer.
In Common Pleas court of Putnam county, at Ottawa, today, there was filed by W. S. Kimball, attorney for plaintiff, a suit for damages in the sum of $5,000, against Nicholas Lauer owner of the lime stone quarry near Ottoville, on behalf of Nicholas Schille.
The petition recites that Schille was, on the 13th day of November, 1903, employed at the quarry, shoveling stone therein, and that at that time, he was 17 years of age, but has since arrived at the age of 21 years. Plaintiff avers that on the date he mentioned he was ordered from his regular work of shoveling stone in the quarry to the more hazardous and dangerous task of placing sticks of dynamite in holes drilled in the stone, and use an iron pipe to push and tamp the dynamite into, position; that the plantiff by reason of his extreme youth and inexperience did not appreciate or apprehend the danger, which the defendant well knew; that defendant failed to caution plaintiff of such danger, and while engaged in tamping the dynamite in a hole it exploded, throwing with great force stone, mud and other debris, which struck the plaintiff in the face and ayes, crushing, breaking and mangling the skin and flesh, and that by reason of the same his eyesight has been permanent injured jar life; that plaintiff  was put together suffering and anguish, and still suffers there from, and that he has been damaged in the sum stated above, which he seeks to recover, together with his costs.

1-27-1908 VWTB
Clem Studer, of near Ottoville, was arrested on a paternity charge brought by Margaret Simons, aged sixteen years, of Delphos.

2-28-1908 DH
Clem Studer of near Ottoville and Margaret Simons, of Delphos, will be married Thursday evening by 'Squire Bergfeld, who went to Lima to obtain a marriage license. Both the parties are under age, and affidavits were procured from the parents of both, giving their consent. Studer was arrested some time ago on a warrant sworn to before the Mayor, on a paternity charge, and the case was delayed pending possible settlement. Wednesday, on a warrant issued before 'Squire Bergfeld, Studer was rearrested by Constable Sam. Neer, of Middle Point, and the marriage was arranged.

6-26-1908 DH
News From Ottoville
News Of Interest Taken From The Tri-County News
Gus. Tegenkamp is building a new house.
W. T. Remlinger is placing a new lighting plant in his home.
Mathias Kramer likes to have berry pickers that use tobacco. They get their boxes filled first.
A. B. Schneeg has, been busy hauling brick from Delphos for the new school house at Ft. Jennings. The foundation for the same is about completed.
White horses seem to predominate.
The Faber pusher of the News counted twenty-eight at 4:30 p. m. Friday, at one time, between the Ottoville bank and the Otte hotel.
"One Arm Jake," the aqua producer on Main street has a "busted" vein, which necessitated a bandage; Where, oh where, is Doc Otte, the pump physician?
Louis Peters is preparing to build a new brick house. Peter Schmitt has completed the foundation.
The school house work is delayed on account of waiting for ' the fire marshal, who is expected to order some changes.
Mr. Louis Recker and Miss Anna Kemper were, united in marriage at St. Mary’s church Wednesday morning. The groomsman and bridesmaid were Mr. Joseph Rocker and Miss Lizzie Kemper.
A class of forty-nine young people took their first communion at St. Mary’s church, Sunday morning. A large audience witnessed the impressive ceremony.
The treasurer of the Ottoville Cadets No. 100, reports that the proceeds from the social netted $19.90. The boys wish to thank the people for their patronage. The proceeds will be used to purchase swords, belts etc. Come to Ottoville and see the boys drill on the 4th of July.
While the wedding bells were joyously pealing forth their merry chimes, Mr. Joseph Vincke led to the altar Miss Kathryn Zahm, Wednesday morning. The contracting couple are well to do young folks of this village and are well known. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Vincke, and has been associated with the Ottoville Hardware Co., for several years, Having also been Postmaster. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Nicholas Zahm. After the ceremony, breakfast was served at the home of the groom after which the bridal party left for a week's visit at Indianapolis, Ind. Upon their return they will reside in the home purchased by Mr. Vincke in the north part of town. The groomsman and bridesmaid were Mr. Wm. Vincke brother of the groom and Miss Anna Zahm, sister of the bride.
Photographer H. J. (Hungry Jim) Niedecken, won laurels last week, which enables him to become Isaak Walton, jr. (Dr. Harmon, of Glandorf, being senior.) He et al went fishing Wednesday and secured a carp of the monster variety. The fish pulled and he pulled. The fish gave the second pull and H. J. had his pedal extremities dampened. A third pull from the supposed brother of Jonah's whale, landed the photographer to a depth where the waves played against his solar plexus. The fish was finally landed, but as to its exact weight, this deponent sayeth not.

6-26-1908 DH
Going about it in their usual hustling manner, the people of the little town of Ottoville have planned a big celebration of the Fourth of July, and are advertising the event all over this part of the country. There will be two ball games between Ottoville and Ottawa at 10 a. m., and 2.30 p. m., the winners of the morning contest will meet the Spencerville team. A merry-go-round and ferris wheel will be among the attractions, and a balloon ascension and fireworks in the evening. J. W. Smith, of Ottawa, and others, will speak. A greased pole and greased pig contest will be had, tub races, sack races, fat men's race, wheelbarrow race, automobile race, horse and pony races, pie and apple eating contests, etc. In fact it will be a big day of entertainment for all.

7-25-1908 VWTB
Lightning struck the barn on the John Fuerst farm near Ottoville, and the building was destroyed by fire, two horses, machinery and crops being burned with it.

9-4-1908 DH
Sunday morning, about 3 o'clock, night officer Wagoner found a horse and buggy in Main street, between First and Second, and took the outfit to the Simons & Stottlemeyer livery barn. Later in the day it was learned that the rig was owned by Joseph Becker, of Defiance. Becker drove into Ottoville, intending to remain there over night, and when he went to the hitching rack, where he had tied his horse, to take it to a livery barn for the night, the horse and buggy were missing. Someone drove the horse to Delphos, along the tow path of the canal, and abandoned the rig on the West Side. The tracks were followed from the hitching rack in Ottoville to the canal bank, and thence to Delphos.

9-7-1908 VWTB
A barn on the Joseph Binder farm near Ottoville was destroyed by fire, together with all of its contents. It is believed that the building was set on fire by a tramp who had been refused a meal at the Studer home.

10-16-1908 DH
Putnam Dry’s Get Decision
Election Board Decides In Their Favor
Was In Session At Ottawa – Wets Dissatisfied and Will Contest the Decision – Latest About The Muddle
At 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon it was announced from Ottawa that the board of election supervisors, after being in session for several hours, decided in favor of the drys, according to the returns of the election, out the figures were not stated. The wet forces are not satisfied and will fight the case, it is stated.
The election in Putnam county, held Tuesday to decide whether the 32 saloons in that county shall continue, the election being held under the provision's of the Rose county local option law, is still in doubt, although at this time the claim is made that returns show a dry majority of 21 votes. The statement is made that a wet victory in the south precinct in Ottawa was reported as a dry victory, and the wets are claiming the
county of a safe majority.
            The total vote was 7,427, Ottawa gave a wet majority of 143; Glandorf polled 14 dry and 126 wet votes; Gilboa 56 dry and 46 wet; Pandora 62 dry and 51 wet; Kalida 120 dry and 73 wet; Riley township gave a dry majority of over 200. Ottawa, Glandorf, Ottoville and Ft. Jennings, were among towns that voted wet. Leipsic and Columbus Grove, dry for seven years under the Beale law gave dry majorities. Of the fifteen township in the county, Blanchard, Monroe, Perry, Pleasant, Riley, Sugar Creek, Union and. Van Buren have a majority of dry votes. Greensburg, Jackson, Jennings, Liberty, Monterey, Ottawa and Palmer went wet. Great demonstrations were held at Leipsic and Columbus Grove on election day by the school children and W. C. T. U. In some of the towns parades of women and children were features of the day.
In Ottoville where one dry vote was cast, it is reported that in spirit of fun, a dummy was made to represent the lone voter, and that he was burned in effigy Tuesday night. This event was not in a spirit of revenge or hatred, but merely tor the fun of the thing, and was laughable to both wets and drys.
It is stated that in Jennings township, out of the total vote there were 27 ballots for dry.
The remaining counties to vote this month are, Darke, Oct. 16th; Lorain 19th; Seneca 20th; Coshocton, Fairfield 22d; Trumbull, Green Williams, 27th.

10-30-1908 DH
Breezy Bunch of News Paragraphs From the Columns of the Tri-County News
John Fuerst is building a new barn.
Miss Ida Rekart was in Delphos last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shenk were in Delphos, Tuesday.
Frank Pahl was in Carey this week, transacting business.
The new heating plant in the school house is now in operation.
Martin and Miss Fannie Wannemacher were in Delphos, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mallory left for their home, in Toledo, last week.
Judge Lindemann, of Delphos, was in town on business, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stirn will move on a farm near Cloverdale this week.
J. M. Posnaught, of Ft. Jennings, was in town Monday, on business.
F. J. Maehlman was in Miller City and Napoleon, last week-on business.
John Shirack visited over Sunday with his daughter at Cloverdale.
Wm. Willacher, of St. Charles, Mich., is the guest of his father this week.
Mrs. Gust Rellinger and children are visiting with relatives in Dayton.
Daniel Mallifske is now the new janitor at the church and school house.
Mrs. Wm. Wannemacher, of Delphos, visited with friends the past week.
Joseph Shirack visited Sunday with his father-in-law, Joseph Schneider.
Mrs. Edward Oldberg, of Kirby, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frisch, Saturday.
Mrs. T. J. Thornell and her daughter, of Delphos, visited with friends here Sunday.
Wm. Leibrick and daughter, of Upper Sandusky, visited the past week, with his brother Joseph.
Harry Vorderer and Miss Josephine Kenkel, of Chicago, were guests of relatives here this week.
Fire near Cloverdale and Mandale destroyed several acres of corn.
Joseph Shoemaker and Peter Burkholder of Kalida, transacted, business in town, Monday.
Joseph Shoemaker has nearly completed the new grist mill for John Nartker & Co., at Kalida. It will be in running order in a few weeks.
Joseph Reiger is off  duty on the C. H. & D. section, at Delphos, on account of a sore eye, caused by cinders, and visited over Monday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, Mrs. E. Frisch and daughter ,Elizabeth, of Kirby, and Mrs. Chas. Reister, of Swanton, were visiting with friends here Saturday.
Ottoville has a "Happy Grandpa" in the person of Daniel Mallifske, on account of the arrival of a boy baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mallifske, Saturday, Oct. 17th.
A. A. Roth had a narrow escape from being injured Sunday afternoon, by a horse he was driving becoming scared, as he drove into the barn yard at the home of Frank Schulien. He escaped with a few bruises.
Mr. H. Martin appeared on our streets election day with a "great big smile." When asked what caused his joy, he informed us that he had become grandpa on October 12th, by the birth of a bouncing girl baby to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin.
A social gathering was held at the home of George Wagner last Monday evening. Those present were: Joseph Leibrich and family of here, and daughter Emma, of Cincinnati; Wm. Leibrich and daughter of Upper Sandusky, John Shirack and family, Henry Schmersal and wife, John Klima and family, Theo. Van Oss and family, Henry Van Oss and wife and Miss Mary Van Oss.

11-20-1908 DH
Paragraphs From Ottoville News
Francis Miehls left on Monday for Toledo where she will be employed during the coming winter.
Henry Kehres and two children of Delphos, were Sunday visitors here.
Allen Brown, of Van Wert, and Miss Cora Wannemacher were callers at Ottoville, Saturday afternoon.
Martin Wannemacher was in Lima, Monday.
W. C. Shenk visited his mother at Delphos, Wednesday.
Miss Francis Zahner transacted business in Delphos, Wednesday.
Mrs. J. F. Pittner and Mrs. Caroline Studer transacted business in Delphos Monday.
Miss Arline Metcalf, of Delphos, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wannemacher this week.
Monterey township Trustees met with Jennings township Trustees for the purpose of deciding on buying a road engine for work.
Joseph Vincke, Republican candidate for Recorder, received 3201, votes. Which was the largest vote for any Republican, in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Maehlmann left Tuesday for Fremont, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Maehlmann's mother, Mrs. Paul Gores, aged 68 years;
Announcements were made Sunday of the coming marriage of Mr. Adam Plescher and Miss Mary Klima; also Mr. Charles Turnwald and Miss Frederick. Miss Pauline Pittner prettily entertained a party of young girls at her home, Wednesday evening. Those present were Misses Dora Bedink, Laura, Margaret and Marian Wurst, Monica, Sophia and Estella Wannemacher, Martha Schneider, Amelia and Fanny Rekart, Martha Krebs, Edna Bower. An elegant lunch was served at 10 o'clock, and a happy time was had by everybody.
Frances and Edward Miehls entertained a party of young folks at their home on Sunday evening, twenty-two were present. Progressive Euchre was played. Luncheon was served at eleven o’clock.

11-27-1908 DH
Will Huysman, who recently returned from Los Angeles, Calif. is in Ottoville where he will study pharmacy with his brother-in-law W. T. Remlinger, who conducts a drug store in that town.

12-4-1908 DH
Ottoville News: Amos Kloeppe has made some good records this year in the threshing business. In August, he made a run of 192 bushels of wheat in 45 minutes. He has threshed out this season 1030 bushels of clover seed, and over 17,000 bushels of corn.
C. H. Hilvers has sold to Jos. Hoersten, 40 acres of land in Monterey township, Putnam county, for $4,000. Andrew Otte: has bought lot 51 in Ottoville of Jacob Weber, for $1,300.

12-17-1908 LN
E. L. Odenweller, one of the city’s most prominent residents, and owner of the large flouring mill, the principal industry in Ottoville, Ohio, was stricken by paralysis at his home here, yesterday and is in a critical condition.

12-18-1908 DH

From The Ottoville News

Mrs. H. J. Niedecken is visiting in Delphos.
Mrs. Caroline Studer was in Delphos last week,
Casper Franzer moved on the S. H. Kehres farm, Wednesday.
Miss Grace Harpster returned to Lima after a week's visit with her parents.
Miss Nora Huysman of Delphos is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Remlinger,
We are informed that Oliver Hoehn is doing well in his new home at Nazareth, Texas.
A social gathering was, held at the home of Mrs. Caroline Studer.
Mrs. Matthias Wannemacher and children are visiting with her parents, Mrs. N. Gillen, at Delphos.
S. H. Kehres and family left for their new home at Olpe, Kansas, last Sunday evening, via the Clover Leaf.
A. A. Roth transacted business in Lima, Wednesday.
Mrs. W. C. Shenk his visiting with relatives at Delphos.
John McGown has sold to W. .C. Shenk, three fine mink hides.
H. J. Niedecken made a business trip to Cincinnati and Camden last week.
Tuesday, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was appropriately observed at the St. Mary’s Catholic church, Services were held in both the forenoon and afternoon.
Wm. Turnwald took in the sights of Delphos last Saturday.
Fred. Mericle, of Grover Hill, is the successor to Stephen Lowe, Jr., ticket agent at Cloverdale.
Mrs. Louis Brockman and Walter, of Ft. Jennings, was the guest of relatives here the past week.
An unusual event occurred on our streets, Thursday, that made Ottoville have the appearance of days of long ago when several large loads of logs passed through here on their way to Delphos. Timber is getting scarce around here and in a few years from now will be a thing of the past.
The enterprising firm of Odenweller Milling Co., are now preparing to build a switch from the C. S. & D. to their large flour mill. This will save their heavy hauling, besides, grain and flour will be shipped out quicker. Their "Necco" brand of flour has gained such good reputation that they are running day and night in order to supply the demand.

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