Ottoville Schools Consolidation Fight 1925-26

4-7-1925 LN
Formation of New District is Opposed
            Argument against the proposed school district, petitioned for by Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, of Ottoville, was voiced by 100 residents of the territory to compose the new district, Tuesday, before the county board of education. The district, as outlined, will include protions of Jackson and Jennings-tps and all of Monterey-tp.
            Farmers were opposed to creation of the new district by the board on grounds that taxes would be higher and they were in favor of continuance of the “little red school house.”
            The board may meet Tuesday afternoon to consider the proposition, after hearing arguments.

4-27-1925 LN
Ottoville School District Created
            Creation of the district of Ottoville schools has been made by the county board of education. The district was not created as petitioned for by Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception church, Ottoville, but included parts of Jackson and all of Monerey-tp.
            Heretofore Monterey-tp and Ottoville schools were operated separately. Work upon the erection of the school building soon will begin. Land for the location has been purchased.

7-10-1925 LN
Board Creates School District at Ottoville
Petition Asking for New Division Unsuccessfully Contested by Faction
Voters Are Counted
Construction of Building for Section is Already Started by Petitions
            Creation of the Ottoville school district, as outlines in the petition submitted to the county board of education some months ago, was approved, at a meeting of the board, called in a special session at Ottawa.
            The petition, seeking creation of the district, was presented by Re. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church at Ottoville.
            The new district, as created, includes Ottoville, Monterey-tp, Monterey second school district, Jackson special school district, Jackson-tp and two eighty-acre tracts of land in Jennings-tp.
            The petition was strongly contested and a poll of the district asked. This the board required to be taken and the poll takers showed that 904 persons of voting age resided in the district.
Names Removed
            At the board meeting, for various causes, the names of 63 persons were removed from the list, some being possible non-residents and some not being of legal age, the board announced.
            With this number removed from the original poll, the remonstrance petition, placed against the proposition, failed to have a sufficient number of signatures to constitute a majority of the people of the new district, the board therefore authorized the new district.
            The board of education for the new district is composed of F. T. Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga, both of Ottoville; William Schlagbaum, of Ft. Jennings; Joseph Hoersten, of Ottoville, and J. C. Wannemacher, of Ft. Jennings.
            Acting upon the belief that the board would create the new district, Rev. Father Arnoldi already has the school building to house the pupils of the new district well under way in its construction.

7-27-1925 LN
Contest Looms Over Ottoville School District
Dissatisfied Citizens Are Expected To Institute Court Action in Controversy
Remonstrance Failed
New Building Now Beining Constructed For Section – Objectors Prefer Old System
            Probability that the creation of the new Ottoville school district and the construction of the new building there, under the supervision of Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, will be contested in the courts seems certain.
            Attorneys, said to’ represent dissatisfied tax-payers, were in Ottawa Monday, obtaining school records, in an endeavor to contest the case.
            Certain parts of the outlying districts in Jennings, Monterey and Jackson-tps and all of Monterey-twp are included in the new district.
            Many of the patrons favored the little red schoolhouse to the large new building, which Rev. Father Arnoldi is providing for educating the youth of the southwestern part of Putnam-co.          
            It is those who favored the old time methods who are said to be at the bottom in insituting the court action.
Petition Filed
            At the time the petition for the creation of the new district was considered, a remonstrance petition was presented by citizens who were bitterly opposed to the new district.
            After investigation, it was determined that the remonstrance petition was to be disregarded as it did not contain the names of a majority of residents of the district.
            The new district was authorized and construction on the new building, which has been underway for sometime, was continued. The new building is now practically complete and will be ready for occupancy this fall.
            The board of education for the district, appointed after the decision was made, is composed of F. T. Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga, both of Ottoville; William Schlagbaum, Ft. Jennings; Joseph Hoersten, Ottoville and J. C. Wannemacher, Ft. Jennings.

9-20-1925 LN
School Dispute is Carried to Ottawa Court
Question Arises Over Legal Time District was Created
Few Days Difference
Number of Signers to Petition Ask Withdrawl of Names
            Common Pleas court will be compelled to decide whether months from the date of creation of the Ottoville school district, fell on a Saturday or a Monday, according to a petition filed in that jurisdiction.
            The county board of education and Prof. George J, Kemath, county superintendent of schools, held that the law made the time for filing of a remonstrance petition until Monday, because the month, by days, fell on Sunday.
            Taxpayers who are seeking to enjoin the action of the board contend that the month was up Saturday. At that time, it was probable there were, there was a majority of signers on the remonstrance petition to the boards action. But by Monday, the time it was filed, a large number had asked their names be withdrawn.
            Joseph Brickner, Joseph Ricker, George H. Hammons, William Dickman and Albert Schimmoeller, taxpayers of the Ottoville school district, filed the suit in court Saturday, making the county board of education and the newly created board of Ottoville school district and Prof. Kemath, defendants.
            The new district was created of Ottoville village, Monterey Second special district, Monterey-twp, Jackson Special and Jackson-twp districts.
            The pastor of Immaculate Conception church, Ottoville, is in charge of the new building, which is being erected in Ottoville for the newly created district.
            The taxpayers favor the “little red schoolhouse,” thay say.
            Members of the board of education of the Ottoville district, as created, are F. T. Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga, William Schlagbaum, Joseph Hoersten, and Joseph Wannemacher.
            Members of the county board of education are Dr. H. A. Niswander, of Pandora; Edward Odenweller, of Monterey-twp’ Charles Henry, of Liberty-twp; Nathan Shireley, of Continental and Frank Logan, of Columbus Grove.

10-22-1925 LN
Parochial And Public Schools Consolidated
            Ottoville Nov. 21 – Complete vindication of the Putnam Co. Board of Education and the people of Ottoville, led by Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, was made in the election of William Schlagbaum, Joseph Osenga, J. C. Wannemacher, Joseph Koester and Frank Schimmoeller to the Ottoville Board of Education, according to an announcement by Prof. F. J. Uhrich, superintendent of schools here.
            The appointment of these five men as members of the board of Ottoville was made by the county board at the time the district was created. The board was re-elected by good majorities.
            Consolidated schools are now in effect at Ottoville and members of the parish of which Rev. Arnoldi is pastor, pay for the same, Nuns alone teach there.
            The few Protestant people in the district obtain education of their children free, not being called upon to contribute to the salary of the teachers and the school equipment of the parish.

1-10-1926 LN
School Merger Injunction is Oked by Judge
Court Order Denying Right to Establish Ottoville District Made Permanent
Appeal Decided Upon
County Board of Education Prepares to Carry Action to Superior Body
            Ottawa – the injunction obtained in common pleas court to prevent the creation of the new Ottoville school district, comprised of its present territory, Saturday, was made perpetual.
            Judge William F. Duncan, of Findlay, who on December 20 heard the case in common pleas court, held court here Saturday and announced his decision. At the time of the hearing he took the matter under consideration.
            The decision, as handed down by Judge Duncan, contained ten type written pages of matter.    
He held that section 1021.6 did not apply in construing section 1736and that the decision is given on common law, or decisions made on prior court questions.
            The case will be appealed to the appellate court, it was announced Saturday by the county board of education, defendants who lost the case. The county board must pay court costs.
Great Interest
            No school decision in years has aroused interests as the Ottoville case. The action was started by Joseph Brickner, Joseph Ricker, G. H. Hammons, William Dickman and Albert Schimmoeller, patrons of the district, who contended that duress had been used in the obtaining of signatures to the consolidation petition, that the petition had been filed promptly and that they would be forced to pay more than their share of taxes.
            In making the decision, Judge Duncan held that the time for filing the petition expired at midnight Sunday and that the filing of the petition on Monday rendered it illegal.
            One of the unusual features of the case was that the new building was designed by Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of the Immaculate Conception church, and all of the plaintiffs are catholic, some being members of the parish.
            Judge Duncan held in the decision granting the injunction that the plaintiffs had failed to prove that the distribution of assets was not equitable.

2-1-1926 LN
Appeals Court To Get School District Case
Jurists Announce They Will Be Ready to Hear All Matters on Feb. 10
Ottoville Trial Due
Great Interest Being Expressed as Higher Body Arranges to Review Decision
            Ottawa – the appellate court consisting of Judges Phil Crow, Kent W. Hughes and E. N. Warden, all of Lima, will convene here on Wednesday Feb. 10, at which time cases now pending in the higher court will be up for consideration.
            Among cases especially to be heard will be that of Joseph Brickner and others, against Dr. H. A. Neiswander and members of the county board of education, or more popularly known as the Ottoville school case.
Brickner Wins
            Brickner and his associates won in common pleas court, when, after a hearing before Judge William F. Duncan, of Findlay, the court decided creation of the Ottoville school district, as it now stands, was illegal.
            It is expected that a big majority of the taxpayers of Monterey, Jackson and Jennings-tps, which are included in the new district, will be present to listen to the arguments.
            According to a notice sent to the county clerk of courts by Judge E. N. Warden, presiding jurist of the court of appeals cases now pending in the higher court may be heard at that time by briefs or oral testimony.
            The Ottoville school case is one of the most interesting which has occupied the common pleas court docket in many months.

2-9-1926 LN
Judges To Set – Court of Appeals to Hear Cases at Ottawa Wednesday
            Ottawa – judges of the court of appeals, consisting of Phil Crow, Kent H. Hughes and Ernest N. Warden, will come to Ottawa Wednesday for hearing cases appealed to the court they represent.
            They will sit in the county court room. They especially will hear the Ottoville school case, wherein taxpayers of that district, headed by Joseph Brickner, are seeking to make illegal the school district as a created a year ago by the county board of education.
            Judge William F. Duncan, handing down a decision following a hearing here the latter of December, held that the taxpayers side of the case was well taken and decide in their favor and against the county board of education.
            The county appealed the case, arguments will be made Wednesday by T. R. Hamilton, of Lima, representing the taxpayers who instituted the suit, while the widely known law firm of which Attorny Knuepper, of Columbus is a member, and Herbert Eastman, of Ottawa, will be arranged on the side of the county board of education
            The residents of Ottoville school district and of the townships included, following creation of the district, representing all of Monterey and parts of Jennings and Jackson, will lay down their labors Wednesday and come to Ottawa to hear the case argued in the court of appeals.

2-11-1926 LN
Decision Near – Verdict in Ottoville School Case Expected Middle of March
            Ottawa – a decision in the Ottoville school case, urged orally Wednesday before the court of appeals, which held a session in Ottawa, may be expected by March 10 or the middle of the month, according to announcement by the court.
            Leave to file briefs in the case were given the plaintiffs, Joseph Bricker and taxpayers of the school district, until Feb. 20.
            Then the county board of education, defendants in the case, have until Feb. 27 to submit its brief.
            The taxpayers are seeking to show creation of the district by the county board of education was illegal. The present district includes Monterey-tp, and parts of Jennings and Jackson-tps.
            Taxpayers are in favor of the little red schoolhouse of the townships, instead of sending their pupils to the schools at Ottoville, which have been modernized to take care of educational wants.
            Taxpayers won in common pleas court following a decision handed down by Judge William F. Duncan, of Findlay, who heard the case here.
4-28-1926 LN
Putnam-co Board of Education Loses in Ottoville Consolidation Program
Supreme Court to Be Asked to Pass on Merits of Case
OTTAWA, April 28--(Special) —Affirmation of the injunction obtained in common pleas court to prevent creation of the new Ottoville school district, as comprised
of its present territory, by appellate court, will not deter the county board of education from permitting the supreme court to pass upon the case.
 Conference of Prof. George J. Keinath, county superintendent of schools, with Russell Knepper and Robert Wilcox, Columbus attorneys, and H. P. Eastman, now of Columbus but formerly of Ottawa, who represented defendants in the case, will be commenced at once to prepare to enter the highest tribunal in the state.
This was the announcement of Keinath Wednesday. The county board of education and the Ottoville school board are defendants.


The action was started by Joseph Brickner, G. H. Hammons, William Dickman und Albert Schimmoeller, patrons of the district, who contended that duress had been used in obtaining signatures to the consolidation petition, that the petition had not been filed promptly and that they would be forced to pay more than their share of taxes.
            In announcing his decision, Judge William F. Duncan, of common pleas court, held that the time for filing the petition expired at midnight Sunday and that filing of the petition on Monday rendered it illegal.
            He held that Section 10216 did apply in constructing Section 4736 and that the decision is given of common law, or decisions made on prior court questions.
            The district, as now created by the county board of education, is composed of Monterey-tp, which includes Ottoville and portions of territory in Jackson and Jennings-tp. A fine, new modern school building, as designed by Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception church of Ottoville, is used to house the youth of the district.

Pastor Cleared

            Judge Duncan, in common pleas court, ordered that three paragraphs of the reply, made to the school board’s answer to the petition dissatisfied taxpayers filed, struck from the records. This included that names on the petition obtained by Rev. Father Arnoldi and his supporters were procured by duress, fraud and misrepresentation.
            He held that the side represented by the taxpayers was pleading conclusion of the law, instead of facts, and held that it was not illegal to have signatures to the petition attached on Sunday, as this act was not prohibited by Ohio statute.
            The court also maintained that in case the school was being made a sectarian one and turned over to the Catholic church as plaintiffs pleaded, there was a remedy to the law – that an injunction against procedure of the building, now completed.
            The two things left for the court to decide was whether there was equitable distribution of the assets and liabilities in creation of the district and whether under Section 10216 of the Ohio statute when the last day of the month falls on Sunday the preceding day be comes the last day of the 30-day period allowed by law in which action mat be taken.

Held Equitable

            In drawing his conclusion he practically decided that the distribution of assets and liabilities was equitable.
            The only question to decide and which appellate court affirmed was that Sunday was the closing day of the month period open which the petition must be filed. The decision legalized the carrying on of business on Sunday.
            The case is monumental in the fact that Rev. Arnoldi is pastor of the church where some of the five worship who instituted the suit and they all are members of the Catholic faith.
            However, plaintiffs standing legally by the little red school house and hold they want it for the education of their children.
            The county board of education was made a party to the case because of creation of the Ottoville school district

3-30-1927 LN
Supreme Court Legalizes New School District
Suit by Taxpayers at Ottoville is Lost in Final Decision – Lower Courts Reversed
Action of Boards of Education in Constructing Building to Stand
            Ottoville – the supreme court Tuesday handed down a decision making legal the creation of the new Ottoville school district and construction of the new school building, under supervision of the Re. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church of Ottoville.
            The highest court thereby reversed the decision of both the common pleas court of Putnam-co and the appellate court of the Third Judicial District, located at Lima.
            Prof. George J. Keinath, county superintendent of schools, and Prof. F. J. Uhrich, superintendent of schools here, have maintained that this would be the decision of the supreme court and that the county and district boards of education would be vindicated and the action affirmed.
            Joseph Brickner, Joseph Ricker, G. H. Hammons, William Dickman and Albert Schimmoeller, patrons of the district, sought to prevent consolidation of portions of the outlying townships with the Ottoville school district. They contend they are forced to pay more than their fair share of taxes. They sought tot stay by the little red school house.
            The new district as created by the county board of education is composed of Monterey-tp, which includes Ottoville and portions of territory in Jackson and Jennings-tps. A modern school building, as designed by Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception church, Ottoville, has been completed and is now in use in Ottoville.

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