Donald J. Hoehn (Infant)
Bertha Odenweller
Mrs. Bertha Odenweller
Called By Death Angel At Ottoville Home
Mrs. Bertha Louise Odenweller, wife of Alex J. Odenweller, passed away at her home in Ottoville Sunday morning at 6:15 o’clock following an illness of approximately a year. Stomach trouble caused her death. Mrs. Odenweller was a will known and highly respected in her community.
She was born in Delphos on May 7, 1884, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Flanagan. Her marriage to Alex Odenweller, then also of Delphos, took place in St. John’s Church on June 7, 1905. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Odenweller made their home in Ottoville where Mr. Odenweller was associated with the Odenweller Milling Company.
The father of Mrs. Odenweller succumbed in January 1909. When her death occurred, Mrs. Odenweller was forty-seven years, nine months and twenty-nine days of age.
She is survived by her husband, six children, Mrs. Melvin Sullivan, of Toledo; Mrs. Eugene Ricker, of Delphos; Thomas, James, Eugene and Alice, all at home; her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Flanagan. Delphos five brothers, William, Ferdinand, John, George and James; and one sister, Mrs. Peter Widmer.
Funeral services were held at the Immaculate conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. John’s Cemetery, Delphos.
Leonard T. Wannemacher
Ottoville Family Loses Young Son
Leonard Wannemacher, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wannemacher, passed away at the home at Ottoville Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. He had been ill for the past year. His death was due to complications.
Leonard was born on December 14, 1927. He is survived by his parents and three brothers, Harold, Ambrose and Lester, all at home.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Richard J. Bendele (Infant)
Mary A. Grubenhoff
Grubenhoff Rites Monday
Death Follows Illness of Over A Year
Mrs. Mary Grubenhoff died at her home in Ottoville last Thursday evening at eleven-fifty, following an illness of a year and a half. Her death was due to a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Grubenhoff was a native of Ottoville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shirack, and was born on July 8, 1866. On October 26, 1892 she was married at the Immaculate Conception Church to Frank Grubenhoff. Her age was sixty-five years, nine months and twenty-seven days.
She was a faithful member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, and of the Alter Rosary Society. She was a fine lady, a good wife, mother and neighbor, and had many friends.
Mrs. Grubenhoff is survived by the husband, two children and five grandchildren. The children are Ed of Vaughnsville; and Miss Verna, at home. A daughter, Mrs. Lucy Stretker, died in 1921.
Other survivors are five sisters and one brother; Mrs. Frank Eickholt, of Ottoville; Mrs. Frank Droll and Mrs. Frank Wannemacher, of Cloverdale; Mrs. J. F. Sheibley, of Delphos; Mrs. H. E. Kehres, of Akron; Joseph Shirack, of Delphos.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of the church, was in charge. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, in Ottoville.
Elizabeth Bedink
Miss Bedink Is Summoned
Ottoville Lady Called at Farm Home
Miss Elizabeth Bedink of west of Ottoville passed away at the Bedink farm home Friday morning at 4:15, following a complication of ailments from which she had been suffering for several weeks. She was never married.
Miss Bedink was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedink Sr., both deceased, and came with her parents to this country in 1881. They took up their home on a farm west of Ottoville, where she has since resided.
She was born November 25, 1870, at Kifihu, Austria, and at the time of her death was past sixty-one years of age.
She is survived by two brothers; Albert, who resides on the home farm and with whom she lived; and Nichols, of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville, of which parish she was a faithful member. The rites were in charge of the pastor, Rev. J. S. Arnoldi. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Monica M. Brinkman
Death Calls Young Lady
Miss Monica Brinkman of Ottoville Summoned
Miss Monica Brinkman of Ottoville died Sunday evening at Delphos while attending a show in the Capitol Theatre, death being caused by a heart attack and coming a few minutes after she was stricken. She was twenty-four years old.
Miss Brinkman was a nurse by profession, and had been following her work at St. Joseph Hospital in Ft. Wayne until a short time ago, when she was compelled to give up her duties on account of her poor health. She had come to the home of her parents in Ottoville for a period of rest and recuperation.
Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brinkman, both surviving. She also leave three brothers and three sisters, Fred, of Michigan; Alphonse and Cletus, at home; Mrs. Leonard Schwab, of Ida Grove, Iowa; Leona and Vera, at home.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. The pastor of the church, Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, will officiate, and burial will follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery. She was a faithful and devoted member of this parish.
Mary Hilvers
Mrs. Hilvers Is Called By Death
Mrs. Mary Hilvers died at her farm home in Monterey Township on Wednesday of this week. Her husband, C. H. Hilvers, departed this life March 22, 1928. The deceased lady, one of the most highly respected in her community, was born May 3, 1869.
She leaves six children, Alex, Regina, wife of J. H. Schweller; Edwin, Stephen; Lauretta, wife of Alex Ruen, and Clara. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Eickholt. They were married at Maple Grove, Mich., February 19, 1895.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville with a solemn requiem high mass. She was a faithful member of this parish and the Alter Rosary Society. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mary C. Wagner
Mrs. Wagner Is Summoned
Funeral Rites Tuesday At Ottoville Church
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary C. Wagner were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Her son Rev. Ignatius Wagner, of Carthagena, Ohio, was celebrant of the solemn requiem high mass. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi gave the sermon.
There was a profusion of both spiritual and floral offerings. The members of the Alter Rosary Society and the Catholic Ladies of Columbia attended the service in a body.
The following were pallbearers; W. T. Rellinger, L. W. Heckman, Ralph Siler, Adolph Miller, Henry Tithoff and L. J. Wannemacher.
Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Wagner succumbed at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Sunday morning at 9:05 o’clock, the result of heart trouble. She had been in ill health for approximately a year past. She was taken to the hospital several days before her death.
Mrs. Wagner was born in Mendon, Ohio in Mercer County, on August 20, 1857, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Reidhaar. She was 74 years, 10 months and 20 days age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church, alter Rosary Society and of the C. L. of C.
For approximately twenty years, Mrs. Wagner was a resident of Ottoville. Mr. Wagner preceded her in death three years ago.
Surviving Mrs. Wagner are four sons, Rev. Father Ignatius Wagner, of the Provincial Society of the Precious Blood, of Carthagena, Ohio; Otto J and Julius J., of Detroit; and Lawrence of Muskegon Heights, Mich.
A son William died in August 1914 and Alphonse passed away in infancy.
Stephen Looser
Looser Rites At Ottoville
Funeral Services Held Thursday Morning
Stephen Looser, succumbed at his home in Ottoville Monday morning at 8:20 o’clock. He had been ill for the past two months and for the past week had been seriously ill. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Looser was born on a farm one and a half miles southwest of Ottoville on January 15, 1892, the son of Bernard and Mary Looser. On January 21, 1914, he was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Miehls. There are six children,
When his death occurred, Mr. Looser was forty years, seven months and sixteen days of age. He was a member of Immaculate Conception Church and of the St. Joseph Society.
Surviving are: his widow; four daughters, Virginia, Elinor, Marjorie and Joanne, all at home; two sons, George and John, at home; his mother, Mrs. Mary Schmersal, near Ottoville; four brothers, Joseph, of Ft. Jennings; Henry, of Dayton; William, of Delphos; and Charles, of Ottoville; one half brother, Florian Schmersal, of near Delphos; one foster brother, Albert Schmersal, of Delphos; and two sisters, Miss Clara Looser and Mrs. Charles Leis, of near Ottoville.
Funeral services were held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Thursday morning at9 o’clock and interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Luella C. Friemoth (Infant)
Adelina Wannemacher
Funeral Rites At Ottoville On Wednesday
Last Rites for Mrs. Adam Wannemacher, of Findlay, Formerly of Ottoville, to be Conducted Wednesday - Mrs. Wannemacher Dies at Findlay Sunday — Husband and Eight Children Survive
Funeral services for Mrs. Adam Wannemacher, of Findlay, formerly a resident of Ottoville, will be conducted Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville.
Mrs. Wannemacher passed away at Findlay Sunday evening at 10 o'clock. She was born in New York City on November 5, 1863 and her maiden name was Miss Adeline Gard. The Gard family moved to Ottoville when Adeline was a child. She was married in 1882 to Adam Wannemacher at Ottoville. They left Ottoville for Greenville, Pa., in 1912 and in 1922 they moved to Findlay.
Mrs. Wannemacher is survived by her husband and eight children. The following are the children: Mrs. Henry Brawn of Findlay; Godfrey, of Greenville, Pa.; Mrs. Wilbert Solomon, of Ft. Wayne; Fred, of Findlay; Mrs. Isadore Best, of Ft. Wayne; Mrs. Ira Riser, of Findlay; Mrs. Bernard Wellington, of Wapakoneta; and Ralph, of Findlay.
Mary Blankemeyer (Infant)
Alice M. Brickner
Ottoville Girl Dies In Hospital
Alice Margaret, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brickner, of three miles east of Ottoville, passed away at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Thursday evening at 8:20 o’clock following an illness of three weeks. The death of the child was caused by Spinal Meningitis. She was born May 30, 1928.
In addition to her parents, Alice is survived by one brother, Donald.
Funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mathias Wannemacher
Mathias Wannemacher Services Saturday
Funeral services for Mathias Wannemacher who passed away at his family home in Toledo on Saturday morning, were held from Immaculate Conception Church at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday morning. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi intoned the requiem high mass with Fr. Eisel and Fr. Hoehn assisting. The remains were brought from Toledo to Ottoville Tuesday morning. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemtery.
Active pallbearers were; Alex Miller, W. T. Remlinger, William Schneeg, Alex Wannemacher, George Wannemacher, George Rieger. Honorary pallbearers were; John Zahm and Gerhard Otte.
Among those attending the funeral from out of town were; Mr. and Mrs. William Hendridge, Mrs. and Mrs. William Talley, Mrs. Carey Frey, Mrs. Crowe, Miss Ilo Pike, Mr. Stickel, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Charles Kalt, Miss Stella Gillen, all of Toledo; Ed Gillen, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Small, Mrs. and Mrs. Edmund Yenor, of Pontiac, Michigan.
Mrs. Josephine Minnich, of Swanton; Mr. and Mrs. William Scherger and son Norbert, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Korb, Mr. and Mrs. Gerdeman, Dr. J. F. Ockuley, all of Delphos; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sellet and daughter, Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lane and son Earl, all of Dayton; Mrs. Elizabeth Sellet and son Sylvester, Mr. Frank Schulien, of Ft. Wayne; Peter Ockuley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, of Celina; Mrs. Grover LaBarr and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole, of Fayette.
John Hohlbein
John Hohlbein Passes Away At Hospital
Father of Mrs. Lena Pohl, of This City, Succumbs Wednesday Evening – Was Resident of Near Ottoville — Five Children Survive — Funeral at Ottoville Saturday Morning
John Hohlbein, aged resident of three miles east of Ottoville, succumbed at St. Rita's hospital in Lima Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock. Last Monday, Mr. Hohlbein was taken to the hospital and his leg was amputated. He had been critically ill since Monday.
Mr. Hohlbein was born at Ottoville on August 25, 1855, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hohlbein. On October 17, 1882, he was married to Miss Marian Ruen, who passed away in October, three years later. Mr. Hohlbein was united in marriage to Mary Altenburger-Sanders in November 15, 1888. There were nine children. Two died in infancy and a daughter, Miss Louise Hohlbein died in 1906 and a son, John, died in 1918. At the time of his death, Mr. Hohlbein was seventy-seven years, one month and ten days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville and of the St. Joseph Society.
Mrs. Hohlbein preceded her husband in death on August 16, 1926. Surviving are five children; Andrew, Frank and Albert, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Lena Pohl, of Delphos; and Anne, at home. There is one step-son, Joseph Sanders, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Mary Beining, of Ottoville. Three sisters also survive. They are: Mrs. Mary Altenberger, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Frank Schulien, of Ft. Wayne; and Mrs. Elizabeth Eisenbeis, of Delphos.
Funeral services will be conducted Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville Interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Death Of Mr. Honingford Occurs Tuesday
Infirmities of Advanced Age Causes Death of Henry Honingford at Home of Daughter
Survived by Widow and Seven Children
Funeral Friday Morning
Henry Honingford, well-known Delphos resident, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Rode, North Main street, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Honingford had been quite ill since last February due to infirmities of his advanced age. He had been making his home with his daughter for the past year. The Honingford home is on East Third street.
Mr. Honigford was born in Cincinnati March 5, 1854, the son of Bernard and Margaret Honingford. On November 10, fifty-one years ago, he was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Kortokrax, of Ottoville. They were the parents of twelve children. Five children preceded their father in death.
At the time of his death, Mr. Honingford was seventy-eight years, eight months and ten days of age. He resided in Delphos for twenty-three years and previous to that time, lived in Ottoville. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church in this city.
In addition to his widow, Mr. Honingford is survived by seven children; Mrs Anna Brandehoff, East Third street; Mrs. George Wunderle, of Cleveland; Mrs. Elmer Stettler, East Third street; Al Honingford, of Lima; Mrs. Fred Hurry, of Van Wert; Leander Honingford, East Eighth street; Mrs. George Rode, North Main street; and one brother, John Honingford, of Ottoville.
There are twenty-five great-grandchildren. The following were the children who preceded him in death; Mrs. Frank Berheide, who died one year ago last September; Miss Leona Honingford, who passed away three years ago last April; Catherine Wallenhorst; Mrs. Margaret Frisch; and Bernard Honingford.
Funeral services will be conducted Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic Church. Burial will be at St. John's cemetery.
Roman Kramer
Hold Services For Ottoville Young Man
Last Rites For Roman Kramer Are Conducted At Ottoville On Wednesday Morning – Succumbs at Ottoville Christmas Day – Parents and Eleven Brothers and Sisters Survive
Funeral services for Roman Kramer, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kramer, of Ottoville, were conducted Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville.
The pallbearers were; Bernard Kramer, Delphos; Gerard Uhrich, Gilbert Hoehn, Gilbert Schneeg and Joseph Bedink, of Ottoville, and Elmer Bowman, of Ft. Jennings. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mr. Kramer passed away Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock following a week’s illness of influenza. For years he had been an invalid.
He was born February 5, 1908. He is survived by his parents, five brothers and six sisters. August Kramer of this city, attended the services.
John G. Breitholt
Rites For Mr. Brietholt At Ottoville Friday
Funeral services for john Brietholt, of one mile west of Ottoville, will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9 o’clock.
Mr. Brietholt passed away at his home Tuesday morning. He had been ill for some time past.
There are no direct survivors. Mr. Brietholt has a number of cousins living in Delphos.
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