Loretta Kill
Resident Of Near Landeck Passes Away
Three Weeks' Serious Illness Precedes Death of Mrs. Loretta Kill, Wife of Edward Kill, Thursday Morning -- Husband at Home Near Landeck and Seven Children Survive
Mrs. Loretta Kill, wife of Edward Kill, succumbed at her home two miles south of Landeck Thursday morning at 7:05 o’clock after an illness of approximately thirteen weeks. For the past three weeks, her illness has been serious. Her death was caused by hardening of the arteries and Bright’s disease.
Mrs. Kill was born at Ottoville on March 9, 1882, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst. On May 14, thirty years ago, she was married to Edward Kill at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Their entire married life was spent near Landeck.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Kill was fifty years, nine months and ten days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck and the C. L. of C.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Kill is survived by seven children: Mrs. Ed. Freund south of Landeck; Syl., southwest of Landeck; Clarence, southeast of Landeck; Richard, Johanna, Aloysius, and Mary Ellen, at home. Two children died in infancy.
The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Joseph Wallen, of Rushmore; Mrs. Sam Martin, North Franklin street; Henry Ernst, of near Spencerville; and John Ernst, of Ft. Rock, Oregon.
The funeral will be held at St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at the Landeck cemetery.
Frank Perrin
Resident Of Ottoville Dies Friday Night
Cancer Causes Death of Frank J. Perrin, of Ottoville, at Home Friday—Three Brothers and One Sister Survive— Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday Morning
Frank J. Perrin succumbed at his home one and one-half miles north of Ottoville, Friday evening at 11:10 o'clock. He had been in failing health since the first of September and he was bedfast for only three days preceding his death, which was caused by cancer.
Mr. Perrin was born in Putnam County on January 17, 1877, the son of Louis and Josephine Perrin. His entire life was spent near Ottoville. He was unmarried. At the time of his death, he was fifty-six years of. age.
He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville.
Surviving are three brothers, Syl., at home; Charles, north of Ottoville; and William, of Oregon; and one sister , Mrs. Bernadina Clementz, three miles north of Ottoville.
The mother of Mr. Perrin passed away en June 10, eight years ago while his father died on October 7, seven years ago. One brother, Clemence, died at the age of seventeen years and another, Henry, died in infancy.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at St. Mary's cemetery at Ottoville.
Mary E. Eickholt
Eickholt Rites Are Conducted At Ottoville
Rev. Father Arnoldi Officiates at Services Conducted for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt — Grandsons Officiate as Pallbearers — Burial at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt were held at the Immaculate
Conception Church at Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the services and also delivered the sermon. Music was furnished by the church choir. A great grandson of the deceased lady, Lawrence Eickholt, acted as mass server.
The following grandsons were pallbearers: Urban Von Lehmden, Mark Kieffer, Leo and Gilbert Eickholt and Fred and Alphonse Markward.
There were many spiritual and floral offerings and the services were largely attended. Burial was made at St. Mary’s cemetery.
The following were present at the services from a distance: Mrs. John
Kieffer, Gerald Keiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kieffer and daughter, Patty, ofChesaning, Mich.; Mrs. Alex Eickholt and John Gross and son, of Maple
Grove, Michigan; Isadore Gross and son, Washburn, of Saginaw, Mich.; George and Mark Kieffer, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Urban Von Lehmden, of Ft. Jennings; Medard Markward and family, of South Bend, Ind.; Mr., and Mrs. Ross E. Siler, of Lancaster; Mrs. Henry Bellman and sons and daughter and Mrs. lnkrott, of New Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schumaker, of Glandorf; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamburger, of Kalida; John Fenbert, of Ottawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and sons, and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina. There were also a number of relatives and friends
Orland Perrin
One Dead As Result of Auto Accident Here
Orland Perrin, Ottoville, Succumbs at St. Rita's Hospital at Lima Friday Morning to Injuries Sustained in Crash at Clay and Cleveland Streets —Others Injured
One is dead and several are suffering from more or less serious injuries as the result of an automobile accident, which occurred at the intersection of Cleveland and Clay streets at about 8:30 Thursday night.
Orland Perrin, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin. Ottoville, is dead from injuries received in the accident
The injured are Omer Perrin, brother of Orland; Leo Horstman, Ottoville, Percy Lehmkuhle, Bank street, this city.
The accident occurred when a Chevrolet coach owned and driven by Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo westbound on Cleveland street, was struck by a Studebaker roadster being driven north on Clay street by Harry Ricker, of Fort Jennings. The Chevrolet was jammed against a poll at the northwest corner of the intersection and was badly damaged, the right side being crushed.
Orland Perrin sustained a fractured pelvis and internal injuries from which he died at St. Rita's hospital at Lima at 2:00 o'clock Friday morning. He was conscious up to the time of his death.
His brother, Omer Perrin, was rendered unconscious and sustained several fractured ribs. He was taken to the John B. Lehmkuhle home on Bank street, where his brother, Melvin, resides. His condition is considered favorable.
Leo Horstman suffered, a fractured collarbone but was not otherwise injured. Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo, escaped without any injury but suffered somewhat from shock. Miss Letha Musser, West First street, this city, also a passenger in this car, suffered slightly from shock and bruised. Percival Lehmkuhle received a scalp wound and slight cuts about the face. Lloyd Landin, Ottoville, the seventh occupant of the Chevrolet, was not injured.
Ricker, driver of the Studebaker, was not injured. His car was not badly damaged.
Orland Perrin was born March 20, 1913, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He spent his entire life at Ottoville with the exception of two years during which the family made their home at Toledo.
For some time past, they have been residing with Mrs. George Miehls, mother of Mrs. Perrin. He is survived by his parents and by two brothers, Omer and Melvin.
The remains were removed from the Kramer mortuary, at Ottoville, to the Miehls home.
Funeral services will be held at 9:00 o'clock Monday morning at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville.
Omer Perrin
Omer Perrin Dies Sunday At St. Rita’s
Second Victim Of Fatal Accident Succumbs Sunday Afternoon —Brother, Orland -Perrin, Succumbs Friday Morning— Double Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday Morning
The second fatality in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, Ottoville, occurred at St. Rita's hospital in Lima Sunday afternoon when Omer Perrin passed away, the result of injuries, which he sustained in an auto accident here last Thursday evening,
Orland Perrin, brother of Omer succumbed at the hospital early Friday morning as the result of injuries sustained in the accident at the intersection of Clay and Cleveland streets.
Omer Perrin was born on January 21, 1911, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1929.
Surviving are his parents and one brother, Melvin, West Bank street.
The funeral of Orland Perrin was scheduled to have been held Monday but because of the death of his brother, funeral services, for both young men will be held Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Funeral Of Perrin Boys At Ottoville
Father J. S. Arnoldi Officiates at Mass Intoned Wednesday Morning for Omer and Orland Perrin at Immaculate Conception Church — Young Men are Victims of Auto Accident
A double funeral, that of Omer Perrin and Orland Perrin, was held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi intoned the requiem high mass and gave the funeral sermon.
Omer and Orland, twenty-one and twenty years of ago, respectively were the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, of Ottoville. Orland succumbed at St. Rita's hospital, Lima early Friday morning and Omer, Sunday afternoon, the result of injuries which they sustained in an auto collision on the corner of Clay and Cleveland streets Thursday evening of last week.
The funeral was cue of the largjest ever held at Ottoville. There were many spiritual and floral offerings.
The pallbearers for Omer Perrin were: Elmer Smith, Frederick Eggeman, Kenneth and Ralph Kickholt, Andrew Pittner and John Pohl. The pallbearers for Orland Perrin were: William Klima, Leo and Cyrillus Horstman, Lloyd and Joseph Landin and Elmer Schneider.
Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Those present at the funeral from a distance included: Mrs. Alvin Rower, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Al Miehls and son John, of Maumee, Ohio; George Miehls, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wieging, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horstman, of Ft. Jennings; Mrs. Hubert Gerding and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. George Laibe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahle, of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miehls, Robert Kahle, Sister Mary Blanche and Sister Mary Eileen, of Lima; Sister Boniface, of Fremont; Mrs. Anna Wurst, Mrs. Ed Kundert, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Allemeir, Mr. and Mrs. John Stirn, Muntanna; and Percival Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simidinger, of Ohio City; Mrs. Elijah Swigert, of Leipsic; Henry Rower and Mr. and Mrs. George Rambo, of Kalida; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korte and Mrs. William Kolhoff, of Glandorf.
Mary Schneider
Mrs. Schneider Passes Away Early Thursday
Heart Trouble and Complications Cause Death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, East Fifth Street – Survived by Eight Children — Was Well Known in Delphos and Ottoville — Funeral Monday Morning
The death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, well-known Delphos lady, occurred at her home at 633 East Fifth street Thursday morning at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Schneider had been seriously ill for the past six weeks. Her death was caused by heart trouble and complications.
She was born at Wolschwiller, Alsace Lorraine, on December 19, 1860. At the age of eighteen years, she came to America and in 1880 was married to Joseph Schneider. She lived on a farm east of Ottoville until 1914 when she moved to her home on East Fifth street.
Her husband preceded her in death in 1912, one daughter, Amelia, died at the age of two years, and a son, Joseph, died at Portland, Oregon, on May 18, 1932.
At the time of her death, Mrs. Schneider was seventy-two years, four months and six days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and the Sacred Heart League.
Left to mourn her death are four sons and four daughters, Mrs. Anna Shirack, West first street; Mrs. Mayme Wannemacher, Ottoville; Albert, of Owosso, Michigan; Oliver, at home; Edward, South Clay street; Mrs. Martha Miller, east of, Delphos; Mrs. Victoria Vincke, of Lima; and Rudolph, at home. There are twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at St. John's Catholic Church Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery Ottoville.
John Osenga
Fails to Rally from Operation at Van Wert County Hospital — John Osenga is Life-long Resident of Near Ottoville — Funeral at Home Monday Afternoon at 2 O'clock
John Osenga, well-known farmer of northwest of Ottoville, passed away suddenly at the Van Wert County hospital Friday evening at 6:45 o'clock. He underwent a major operation at the hospital at 4:00 p.m. from which he failed to rally. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Osenga was born northwest of Ottoville, the homeplace, on May 12, 1871, the son of Joseph and Catherine Osenga. He was unmarried. His father preceded him in death fifty-six years ago.
At the time of his death, Mr. Osenga was sixty-one, years, eleven months and twenty-three days of age. He spent his entire life near Ottoville. He was a member of the Lutheran Church at Middle Point.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Catherine Osenga; and: the following brothers and sisters: William, of near Cloverdale; Mrs. Emma Ashbaugh, of near Wetzel; Anna, at home; Joseph, northwest of Ottoville.
The funeral will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'-clock. Burial will be made at the West Side cemetery, Delphos.
Susanna Winkelman
Well Known Ottoville Lady Passes Away
Complications Cause Death of Miss Sue Winkelman Early Tuesday Morning— One Brother and Three Sisters Survive — Funeral at Ottoville Friday Morning.
Miss Sue Winkelman, a well-known Ottoville resident, succumbed at her home Tuesday morning at 3:20 o’clock following a serious illness of a week. Her death was attributed to complication of diseases.
Miss Winkelman was born in Ottoville on October 23, 1896, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Winkelman.
She graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1914. During the following five years, she was employed by the Altenburger Insurance Agency at Ottoville. In 1919, she obtained employment with the Toledo Travelers Insurance company at Toledo. Later she worked for the Kourits-Stieg and Whitaker Insurance Company in Toledo.
For the past three years, she made her home in Ottoville. She Was thirty-six year’s, seven months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church. She was also a member of the 1913 Club.
She is survived by one brother and three sisters: Albert, Mayme and Rose Winkelman, at home; and Alma Winkelman, of Toledo.
Her mother preceded her in death about eight years ago and her father died a number of years ago.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock.
Interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Rev. Fr. J. S. Arnoldi is in Charge of Rites Held Friday Morning for Well-Known Ottoville Resident – Burial at St. Mary’s Cemetery
Funeral services for Miss Sue Winkelman were held at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass.
The death of Miss Winkelman occurred at her home in Ottoville early Tuesday morning.
The funeral services were largely attended. Floral offerings were in profusion.
Four members of the 1913 Club to which Miss Winkelman belonged, served as flower-bearers. They were: Miss Lue Lauer, of Ottoville; Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; and Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin.
The pallbearers were: George King, Gerard Ulrich, Ralph Cramer, August Eickholt, Carl Obringer and George Vincke. Burial was made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Among those present at the funeral from towns other than Ottoville were: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Binder and son, Jack, Mrs. William Schaffer and sons, Charles and Bert, Miss Ella Farman, Miss Mayme Short, Mr. and Mrs. George Stieg, Miss Irene Moellenberg, Miss Nellie Kohn, Miss. Tillie Brennan, Misses Martin and Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, of Bowling Green; Nellie and Lena Weisanberger, of Defiance; Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin; Mrs. Frank Hempke, of Lima; Mrs. Jacob Rekart, Mrs. Catherine Kleekamp and Otto Rekart, of Ft. Jennings, and Mrs. Elizabeth Winkelman and son, Felix and daughters, Ida and Frances, of Ft. Wayne.
June 1933
Robert Smith (Infant)
Philomena Dickman
Howard Guelker
Drowning Tragedy Mars Reunion Of Family Group At Ottoville
A reunion of relatives Sunday at the home of John Brandehoff at Ottoville was marred by the drowning of Howard Gulker, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Lucille Gulker, in the Helmich stone quarry pool, northwest of Delphos. The boy's mother was employed in Lima until recently and lives at Spring and Elizabeth-sts.
The boy, who made his home with Brandehoff, his grandfather, went to the pool with a companion in the afternoon. He was able to swim, but it is believed that he was seized with cramps.
Mrs. Gulker has been employed in Lima for the last three years. She formerly was bookkeeper for Roy F. John, used car dealer. Recently she has been working part time at Morley's Home Dairy delicatesen.
Mrs. Gulker was at her father's home in Ottoville when the drowning occurred.
The body of the youth was recovered from the quarry and was taken to the Kramer funeral home at Ottoville.
Martha Fatum (Infant)
Funeral services
for the infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Fatum were held from the
Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The child was one day old and died at St. Rita's hospital at Lima. Surviving
are the parents, two brothers, Jack and Paul, and one sister, Mary Ann.
John J. Miller
Mary C. Schneeg
Cletus Weber (Infant)
Brinkman Baby
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