Donald J. Hoehn (Infant)
Bertha Odenweller
Mrs. Bertha Odenweller
Called By Death Angel At Ottoville Home
Mrs. Bertha Louise Odenweller, wife of Alex J. Odenweller, passed away at her home in Ottoville Sunday morning at 6:15 o’clock following an illness of approximately a year. Stomach trouble caused her death. Mrs. Odenweller was a will known and highly respected in her community.
She was born in Delphos on May 7, 1884, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Flanagan. Her marriage to Alex Odenweller, then also of Delphos, took place in St. John’s Church on June 7, 1905. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Odenweller made their home in Ottoville where Mr. Odenweller was associated with the Odenweller Milling Company.
The father of Mrs. Odenweller succumbed in January 1909. When her death occurred, Mrs. Odenweller was forty-seven years, nine months and twenty-nine days of age.
She is survived by her husband, six children, Mrs. Melvin Sullivan, of Toledo; Mrs. Eugene Ricker, of Delphos; Thomas, James, Eugene and Alice, all at home; her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Flanagan. Delphos five brothers, William, Ferdinand, John, George and James; and one sister, Mrs. Peter Widmer.
Funeral services were held at the Immaculate conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. John’s Cemetery, Delphos.
Leonard T. Wannemacher
Ottoville Family Loses Young Son
Leonard Wannemacher, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wannemacher, passed away at the home at Ottoville Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. He had been ill for the past year. His death was due to complications.
Leonard was born on December 14, 1927. He is survived by his parents and three brothers, Harold, Ambrose and Lester, all at home.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Richard J. Bendele (Infant)
Mary A. Grubenhoff
Grubenhoff Rites Monday
Death Follows Illness of Over A Year
Mrs. Mary Grubenhoff died at her home in Ottoville last Thursday evening at eleven-fifty, following an illness of a year and a half. Her death was due to a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Grubenhoff was a native of Ottoville, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shirack, and was born on July 8, 1866. On October 26, 1892 she was married at the Immaculate Conception Church to Frank Grubenhoff. Her age was sixty-five years, nine months and twenty-seven days.
She was a faithful member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, and of the Alter Rosary Society. She was a fine lady, a good wife, mother and neighbor, and had many friends.
Mrs. Grubenhoff is survived by the husband, two children and five grandchildren. The children are Ed of Vaughnsville; and Miss Verna, at home. A daughter, Mrs. Lucy Stretker, died in 1921.
Other survivors are five sisters and one brother; Mrs. Frank Eickholt, of Ottoville; Mrs. Frank Droll and Mrs. Frank Wannemacher, of Cloverdale; Mrs. J. F. Sheibley, of Delphos; Mrs. H. E. Kehres, of Akron; Joseph Shirack, of Delphos.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of the church, was in charge. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, in Ottoville.
Elizabeth Bedink
Miss Bedink Is Summoned
Ottoville Lady Called at Farm Home
Miss Elizabeth Bedink of west of Ottoville passed away at the Bedink farm home Friday morning at 4:15, following a complication of ailments from which she had been suffering for several weeks. She was never married.
Miss Bedink was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedink Sr., both deceased, and came with her parents to this country in 1881. They took up their home on a farm west of Ottoville, where she has since resided.
She was born November 25, 1870, at Kifihu, Austria, and at the time of her death was past sixty-one years of age.
She is survived by two brothers; Albert, who resides on the home farm and with whom she lived; and Nichols, of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville, of which parish she was a faithful member. The rites were in charge of the pastor, Rev. J. S. Arnoldi. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Monica M. Brinkman
Death Calls Young Lady
Miss Monica Brinkman of Ottoville Summoned
Miss Monica Brinkman of Ottoville died Sunday evening at Delphos while attending a show in the Capitol Theatre, death being caused by a heart attack and coming a few minutes after she was stricken. She was twenty-four years old.
Miss Brinkman was a nurse by profession, and had been following her work at St. Joseph Hospital in Ft. Wayne until a short time ago, when she was compelled to give up her duties on account of her poor health. She had come to the home of her parents in Ottoville for a period of rest and recuperation.
Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brinkman, both surviving. She also leave three brothers and three sisters, Fred, of Michigan; Alphonse and Cletus, at home; Mrs. Leonard Schwab, of Ida Grove, Iowa; Leona and Vera, at home.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. The pastor of the church, Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, will officiate, and burial will follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery. She was a faithful and devoted member of this parish.
Mary Hilvers
Mrs. Hilvers Is Called By Death
Mrs. Mary Hilvers died at her farm home in Monterey Township on Wednesday of this week. Her husband, C. H. Hilvers, departed this life March 22, 1928. The deceased lady, one of the most highly respected in her community, was born May 3, 1869.
She leaves six children, Alex, Regina, wife of J. H. Schweller; Edwin, Stephen; Lauretta, wife of Alex Ruen, and Clara. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Eickholt. They were married at Maple Grove, Mich., February 19, 1895.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville with a solemn requiem high mass. She was a faithful member of this parish and the Alter Rosary Society. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mary C. Wagner
Mrs. Wagner Is Summoned
Funeral Rites Tuesday At Ottoville Church
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary C. Wagner were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Her son Rev. Ignatius Wagner, of Carthagena, Ohio, was celebrant of the solemn requiem high mass. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi gave the sermon.
There was a profusion of both spiritual and floral offerings. The members of the Alter Rosary Society and the Catholic Ladies of Columbia attended the service in a body.
The following were pallbearers; W. T. Rellinger, L. W. Heckman, Ralph Siler, Adolph Miller, Henry Tithoff and L. J. Wannemacher.
Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Wagner succumbed at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Sunday morning at 9:05 o’clock, the result of heart trouble. She had been in ill health for approximately a year past. She was taken to the hospital several days before her death.
Mrs. Wagner was born in Mendon, Ohio in Mercer County, on August 20, 1857, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Reidhaar. She was 74 years, 10 months and 20 days age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church, alter Rosary Society and of the C. L. of C.
For approximately twenty years, Mrs. Wagner was a resident of Ottoville. Mr. Wagner preceded her in death three years ago.
Surviving Mrs. Wagner are four sons, Rev. Father Ignatius Wagner, of the Provincial Society of the Precious Blood, of Carthagena, Ohio; Otto J and Julius J., of Detroit; and Lawrence of Muskegon Heights, Mich.
A son William died in August 1914 and Alphonse passed away in infancy.
Stephen Looser
Looser Rites At Ottoville
Funeral Services Held Thursday Morning
Stephen Looser, succumbed at his home in Ottoville Monday morning at 8:20 o’clock. He had been ill for the past two months and for the past week had been seriously ill. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Looser was born on a farm one and a half miles southwest of Ottoville on January 15, 1892, the son of Bernard and Mary Looser. On January 21, 1914, he was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Miehls. There are six children,
When his death occurred, Mr. Looser was forty years, seven months and sixteen days of age. He was a member of Immaculate Conception Church and of the St. Joseph Society.
Surviving are: his widow; four daughters, Virginia, Elinor, Marjorie and Joanne, all at home; two sons, George and John, at home; his mother, Mrs. Mary Schmersal, near Ottoville; four brothers, Joseph, of Ft. Jennings; Henry, of Dayton; William, of Delphos; and Charles, of Ottoville; one half brother, Florian Schmersal, of near Delphos; one foster brother, Albert Schmersal, of Delphos; and two sisters, Miss Clara Looser and Mrs. Charles Leis, of near Ottoville.
Funeral services were held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Thursday morning at9 o’clock and interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Luella C. Friemoth (Infant)
Adelina Wannemacher
Funeral Rites At Ottoville On Wednesday
Last Rites for Mrs. Adam Wannemacher, of Findlay, Formerly of Ottoville, to be Conducted Wednesday - Mrs. Wannemacher Dies at Findlay Sunday — Husband and Eight Children Survive
Funeral services for Mrs. Adam Wannemacher, of Findlay, formerly a resident of Ottoville, will be conducted Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville.
Mrs. Wannemacher passed away at Findlay Sunday evening at 10 o'clock. She was born in New York City on November 5, 1863 and her maiden name was Miss Adeline Gard. The Gard family moved to Ottoville when Adeline was a child. She was married in 1882 to Adam Wannemacher at Ottoville. They left Ottoville for Greenville, Pa., in 1912 and in 1922 they moved to Findlay.
Mrs. Wannemacher is survived by her husband and eight children. The following are the children: Mrs. Henry Brawn of Findlay; Godfrey, of Greenville, Pa.; Mrs. Wilbert Solomon, of Ft. Wayne; Fred, of Findlay; Mrs. Isadore Best, of Ft. Wayne; Mrs. Ira Riser, of Findlay; Mrs. Bernard Wellington, of Wapakoneta; and Ralph, of Findlay.
Mary Blankemeyer (Infant)
Alice M. Brickner
Ottoville Girl Dies In Hospital
Alice Margaret, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brickner, of three miles east of Ottoville, passed away at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Thursday evening at 8:20 o’clock following an illness of three weeks. The death of the child was caused by Spinal Meningitis. She was born May 30, 1928.
In addition to her parents, Alice is survived by one brother, Donald.
Funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mathias Wannemacher
Mathias Wannemacher Services Saturday
Funeral services for Mathias Wannemacher who passed away at his family home in Toledo on Saturday morning, were held from Immaculate Conception Church at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday morning. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi intoned the requiem high mass with Fr. Eisel and Fr. Hoehn assisting. The remains were brought from Toledo to Ottoville Tuesday morning. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemtery.
Active pallbearers were; Alex Miller, W. T. Remlinger, William Schneeg, Alex Wannemacher, George Wannemacher, George Rieger. Honorary pallbearers were; John Zahm and Gerhard Otte.
Among those attending the funeral from out of town were; Mr. and Mrs. William Hendridge, Mrs. and Mrs. William Talley, Mrs. Carey Frey, Mrs. Crowe, Miss Ilo Pike, Mr. Stickel, Mr. Miller, Mrs. Charles Kalt, Miss Stella Gillen, all of Toledo; Ed Gillen, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Small, Mrs. and Mrs. Edmund Yenor, of Pontiac, Michigan.
Mrs. Josephine Minnich, of Swanton; Mr. and Mrs. William Scherger and son Norbert, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Korb, Mr. and Mrs. Gerdeman, Dr. J. F. Ockuley, all of Delphos; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sellet and daughter, Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lane and son Earl, all of Dayton; Mrs. Elizabeth Sellet and son Sylvester, Mr. Frank Schulien, of Ft. Wayne; Peter Ockuley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, of Celina; Mrs. Grover LaBarr and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole, of Fayette.
John Hohlbein
John Hohlbein Passes Away At Hospital
Father of Mrs. Lena Pohl, of This City, Succumbs Wednesday Evening – Was Resident of Near Ottoville — Five Children Survive — Funeral at Ottoville Saturday Morning
John Hohlbein, aged resident of three miles east of Ottoville, succumbed at St. Rita's hospital in Lima Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock. Last Monday, Mr. Hohlbein was taken to the hospital and his leg was amputated. He had been critically ill since Monday.
Mr. Hohlbein was born at Ottoville on August 25, 1855, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hohlbein. On October 17, 1882, he was married to Miss Marian Ruen, who passed away in October, three years later. Mr. Hohlbein was united in marriage to Mary Altenburger-Sanders in November 15, 1888. There were nine children. Two died in infancy and a daughter, Miss Louise Hohlbein died in 1906 and a son, John, died in 1918. At the time of his death, Mr. Hohlbein was seventy-seven years, one month and ten days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville and of the St. Joseph Society.
Mrs. Hohlbein preceded her husband in death on August 16, 1926. Surviving are five children; Andrew, Frank and Albert, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Lena Pohl, of Delphos; and Anne, at home. There is one step-son, Joseph Sanders, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Mary Beining, of Ottoville. Three sisters also survive. They are: Mrs. Mary Altenberger, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Frank Schulien, of Ft. Wayne; and Mrs. Elizabeth Eisenbeis, of Delphos.
Funeral services will be conducted Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville Interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Death Of Mr. Honingford Occurs Tuesday
Infirmities of Advanced Age Causes Death of Henry Honingford at Home of Daughter
Survived by Widow and Seven Children
Funeral Friday Morning
Henry Honingford, well-known Delphos resident, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Rode, North Main street, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Honingford had been quite ill since last February due to infirmities of his advanced age. He had been making his home with his daughter for the past year. The Honingford home is on East Third street.
Mr. Honigford was born in Cincinnati March 5, 1854, the son of Bernard and Margaret Honingford. On November 10, fifty-one years ago, he was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Kortokrax, of Ottoville. They were the parents of twelve children. Five children preceded their father in death.
At the time of his death, Mr. Honingford was seventy-eight years, eight months and ten days of age. He resided in Delphos for twenty-three years and previous to that time, lived in Ottoville. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church in this city.
In addition to his widow, Mr. Honingford is survived by seven children; Mrs Anna Brandehoff, East Third street; Mrs. George Wunderle, of Cleveland; Mrs. Elmer Stettler, East Third street; Al Honingford, of Lima; Mrs. Fred Hurry, of Van Wert; Leander Honingford, East Eighth street; Mrs. George Rode, North Main street; and one brother, John Honingford, of Ottoville.
There are twenty-five great-grandchildren. The following were the children who preceded him in death; Mrs. Frank Berheide, who died one year ago last September; Miss Leona Honingford, who passed away three years ago last April; Catherine Wallenhorst; Mrs. Margaret Frisch; and Bernard Honingford.
Funeral services will be conducted Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic Church. Burial will be at St. John's cemetery.
Roman Kramer
Hold Services For Ottoville Young Man
Last Rites For Roman Kramer Are Conducted At Ottoville On Wednesday Morning – Succumbs at Ottoville Christmas Day – Parents and Eleven Brothers and Sisters Survive
Funeral services for Roman Kramer, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kramer, of Ottoville, were conducted Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville.
The pallbearers were; Bernard Kramer, Delphos; Gerard Uhrich, Gilbert Hoehn, Gilbert Schneeg and Joseph Bedink, of Ottoville, and Elmer Bowman, of Ft. Jennings. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mr. Kramer passed away Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock following a week’s illness of influenza. For years he had been an invalid.
He was born February 5, 1908. He is survived by his parents, five brothers and six sisters. August Kramer of this city, attended the services.
John G. Breitholt
Rites For Mr. Brietholt At Ottoville Friday
Funeral services for john Brietholt, of one mile west of Ottoville, will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9 o’clock.
Mr. Brietholt passed away at his home Tuesday morning. He had been ill for some time past.
There are no direct survivors. Mr. Brietholt has a number of cousins living in Delphos.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
1933 - Otoville Obits
Helen Trentkamp (Infant)
Loretta Kill
Resident Of Near Landeck Passes Away
Three Weeks' Serious Illness Precedes Death of Mrs. Loretta Kill, Wife of Edward Kill, Thursday Morning -- Husband at Home Near Landeck and Seven Children Survive
Mrs. Loretta Kill, wife of Edward Kill, succumbed at her home two miles south of Landeck Thursday morning at 7:05 o’clock after an illness of approximately thirteen weeks. For the past three weeks, her illness has been serious. Her death was caused by hardening of the arteries and Bright’s disease.
Mrs. Kill was born at Ottoville on March 9, 1882, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst. On May 14, thirty years ago, she was married to Edward Kill at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Their entire married life was spent near Landeck.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Kill was fifty years, nine months and ten days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck and the C. L. of C.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Kill is survived by seven children: Mrs. Ed. Freund south of Landeck; Syl., southwest of Landeck; Clarence, southeast of Landeck; Richard, Johanna, Aloysius, and Mary Ellen, at home. Two children died in infancy.
The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Joseph Wallen, of Rushmore; Mrs. Sam Martin, North Franklin street; Henry Ernst, of near Spencerville; and John Ernst, of Ft. Rock, Oregon.
The funeral will be held at St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at the Landeck cemetery.
Frank Perrin
Resident Of Ottoville Dies Friday Night
Cancer Causes Death of Frank J. Perrin, of Ottoville, at Home Friday—Three Brothers and One Sister Survive— Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday Morning
Frank J. Perrin succumbed at his home one and one-half miles north of Ottoville, Friday evening at 11:10 o'clock. He had been in failing health since the first of September and he was bedfast for only three days preceding his death, which was caused by cancer.
Mr. Perrin was born in Putnam County on January 17, 1877, the son of Louis and Josephine Perrin. His entire life was spent near Ottoville. He was unmarried. At the time of his death, he was fifty-six years of. age.
He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville.
Surviving are three brothers, Syl., at home; Charles, north of Ottoville; and William, of Oregon; and one sister , Mrs. Bernadina Clementz, three miles north of Ottoville.
The mother of Mr. Perrin passed away en June 10, eight years ago while his father died on October 7, seven years ago. One brother, Clemence, died at the age of seventeen years and another, Henry, died in infancy.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at St. Mary's cemetery at Ottoville.
Mary E. Eickholt
Eickholt Rites Are Conducted At Ottoville
Rev. Father Arnoldi Officiates at Services Conducted for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt — Grandsons Officiate as Pallbearers — Burial at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt were held at the Immaculate
Conception Church at Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the services and also delivered the sermon. Music was furnished by the church choir. A great grandson of the deceased lady, Lawrence Eickholt, acted as mass server.
The following grandsons were pallbearers: Urban Von Lehmden, Mark Kieffer, Leo and Gilbert Eickholt and Fred and Alphonse Markward.
There were many spiritual and floral offerings and the services were largely attended. Burial was made at St. Mary’s cemetery.
The following were present at the services from a distance: Mrs. John
Kieffer, Gerald Keiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kieffer and daughter, Patty, ofChesaning, Mich.; Mrs. Alex Eickholt and John Gross and son, of Maple
Grove, Michigan; Isadore Gross and son, Washburn, of Saginaw, Mich.; George and Mark Kieffer, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Urban Von Lehmden, of Ft. Jennings; Medard Markward and family, of South Bend, Ind.; Mr., and Mrs. Ross E. Siler, of Lancaster; Mrs. Henry Bellman and sons and daughter and Mrs. lnkrott, of New Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schumaker, of Glandorf; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamburger, of Kalida; John Fenbert, of Ottawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and sons, and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina. There were also a number of relatives and friends
Orland Perrin
One Dead As Result of Auto Accident Here
Orland Perrin, Ottoville, Succumbs at St. Rita's Hospital at Lima Friday Morning to Injuries Sustained in Crash at Clay and Cleveland Streets —Others Injured
One is dead and several are suffering from more or less serious injuries as the result of an automobile accident, which occurred at the intersection of Cleveland and Clay streets at about 8:30 Thursday night.
Orland Perrin, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin. Ottoville, is dead from injuries received in the accident
The injured are Omer Perrin, brother of Orland; Leo Horstman, Ottoville, Percy Lehmkuhle, Bank street, this city.
The accident occurred when a Chevrolet coach owned and driven by Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo westbound on Cleveland street, was struck by a Studebaker roadster being driven north on Clay street by Harry Ricker, of Fort Jennings. The Chevrolet was jammed against a poll at the northwest corner of the intersection and was badly damaged, the right side being crushed.
Orland Perrin sustained a fractured pelvis and internal injuries from which he died at St. Rita's hospital at Lima at 2:00 o'clock Friday morning. He was conscious up to the time of his death.
His brother, Omer Perrin, was rendered unconscious and sustained several fractured ribs. He was taken to the John B. Lehmkuhle home on Bank street, where his brother, Melvin, resides. His condition is considered favorable.
Leo Horstman suffered, a fractured collarbone but was not otherwise injured. Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo, escaped without any injury but suffered somewhat from shock. Miss Letha Musser, West First street, this city, also a passenger in this car, suffered slightly from shock and bruised. Percival Lehmkuhle received a scalp wound and slight cuts about the face. Lloyd Landin, Ottoville, the seventh occupant of the Chevrolet, was not injured.
Ricker, driver of the Studebaker, was not injured. His car was not badly damaged.
Orland Perrin was born March 20, 1913, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He spent his entire life at Ottoville with the exception of two years during which the family made their home at Toledo.
For some time past, they have been residing with Mrs. George Miehls, mother of Mrs. Perrin. He is survived by his parents and by two brothers, Omer and Melvin.
The remains were removed from the Kramer mortuary, at Ottoville, to the Miehls home.
Funeral services will be held at 9:00 o'clock Monday morning at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville.
Omer Perrin
Omer Perrin Dies Sunday At St. Rita’s
Second Victim Of Fatal Accident Succumbs Sunday Afternoon —Brother, Orland -Perrin, Succumbs Friday Morning— Double Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday Morning
The second fatality in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, Ottoville, occurred at St. Rita's hospital in Lima Sunday afternoon when Omer Perrin passed away, the result of injuries, which he sustained in an auto accident here last Thursday evening,
Orland Perrin, brother of Omer succumbed at the hospital early Friday morning as the result of injuries sustained in the accident at the intersection of Clay and Cleveland streets.
Omer Perrin was born on January 21, 1911, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1929.
Surviving are his parents and one brother, Melvin, West Bank street.
The funeral of Orland Perrin was scheduled to have been held Monday but because of the death of his brother, funeral services, for both young men will be held Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Funeral Of Perrin Boys At Ottoville
Father J. S. Arnoldi Officiates at Mass Intoned Wednesday Morning for Omer and Orland Perrin at Immaculate Conception Church — Young Men are Victims of Auto Accident
A double funeral, that of Omer Perrin and Orland Perrin, was held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi intoned the requiem high mass and gave the funeral sermon.
Omer and Orland, twenty-one and twenty years of ago, respectively were the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, of Ottoville. Orland succumbed at St. Rita's hospital, Lima early Friday morning and Omer, Sunday afternoon, the result of injuries which they sustained in an auto collision on the corner of Clay and Cleveland streets Thursday evening of last week.
The funeral was cue of the largjest ever held at Ottoville. There were many spiritual and floral offerings.
The pallbearers for Omer Perrin were: Elmer Smith, Frederick Eggeman, Kenneth and Ralph Kickholt, Andrew Pittner and John Pohl. The pallbearers for Orland Perrin were: William Klima, Leo and Cyrillus Horstman, Lloyd and Joseph Landin and Elmer Schneider.
Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Those present at the funeral from a distance included: Mrs. Alvin Rower, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Al Miehls and son John, of Maumee, Ohio; George Miehls, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wieging, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horstman, of Ft. Jennings; Mrs. Hubert Gerding and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. George Laibe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahle, of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miehls, Robert Kahle, Sister Mary Blanche and Sister Mary Eileen, of Lima; Sister Boniface, of Fremont; Mrs. Anna Wurst, Mrs. Ed Kundert, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Allemeir, Mr. and Mrs. John Stirn, Muntanna; and Percival Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simidinger, of Ohio City; Mrs. Elijah Swigert, of Leipsic; Henry Rower and Mr. and Mrs. George Rambo, of Kalida; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korte and Mrs. William Kolhoff, of Glandorf.
Mary Schneider
Mrs. Schneider Passes Away Early Thursday
Heart Trouble and Complications Cause Death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, East Fifth Street – Survived by Eight Children — Was Well Known in Delphos and Ottoville — Funeral Monday Morning
The death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, well-known Delphos lady, occurred at her home at 633 East Fifth street Thursday morning at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Schneider had been seriously ill for the past six weeks. Her death was caused by heart trouble and complications.
She was born at Wolschwiller, Alsace Lorraine, on December 19, 1860. At the age of eighteen years, she came to America and in 1880 was married to Joseph Schneider. She lived on a farm east of Ottoville until 1914 when she moved to her home on East Fifth street.
Her husband preceded her in death in 1912, one daughter, Amelia, died at the age of two years, and a son, Joseph, died at Portland, Oregon, on May 18, 1932.
At the time of her death, Mrs. Schneider was seventy-two years, four months and six days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and the Sacred Heart League.
Left to mourn her death are four sons and four daughters, Mrs. Anna Shirack, West first street; Mrs. Mayme Wannemacher, Ottoville; Albert, of Owosso, Michigan; Oliver, at home; Edward, South Clay street; Mrs. Martha Miller, east of, Delphos; Mrs. Victoria Vincke, of Lima; and Rudolph, at home. There are twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at St. John's Catholic Church Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery Ottoville.
John Osenga
Fails to Rally from Operation at Van Wert County Hospital — John Osenga is Life-long Resident of Near Ottoville — Funeral at Home Monday Afternoon at 2 O'clock
John Osenga, well-known farmer of northwest of Ottoville, passed away suddenly at the Van Wert County hospital Friday evening at 6:45 o'clock. He underwent a major operation at the hospital at 4:00 p.m. from which he failed to rally. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Osenga was born northwest of Ottoville, the homeplace, on May 12, 1871, the son of Joseph and Catherine Osenga. He was unmarried. His father preceded him in death fifty-six years ago.
At the time of his death, Mr. Osenga was sixty-one, years, eleven months and twenty-three days of age. He spent his entire life near Ottoville. He was a member of the Lutheran Church at Middle Point.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Catherine Osenga; and: the following brothers and sisters: William, of near Cloverdale; Mrs. Emma Ashbaugh, of near Wetzel; Anna, at home; Joseph, northwest of Ottoville.
The funeral will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'-clock. Burial will be made at the West Side cemetery, Delphos.
Susanna Winkelman
Well Known Ottoville Lady Passes Away
Complications Cause Death of Miss Sue Winkelman Early Tuesday Morning— One Brother and Three Sisters Survive — Funeral at Ottoville Friday Morning.
Miss Sue Winkelman, a well-known Ottoville resident, succumbed at her home Tuesday morning at 3:20 o’clock following a serious illness of a week. Her death was attributed to complication of diseases.
Miss Winkelman was born in Ottoville on October 23, 1896, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Winkelman.
She graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1914. During the following five years, she was employed by the Altenburger Insurance Agency at Ottoville. In 1919, she obtained employment with the Toledo Travelers Insurance company at Toledo. Later she worked for the Kourits-Stieg and Whitaker Insurance Company in Toledo.
For the past three years, she made her home in Ottoville. She Was thirty-six year’s, seven months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church. She was also a member of the 1913 Club.
She is survived by one brother and three sisters: Albert, Mayme and Rose Winkelman, at home; and Alma Winkelman, of Toledo.
Her mother preceded her in death about eight years ago and her father died a number of years ago.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock.
Interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Rev. Fr. J. S. Arnoldi is in Charge of Rites Held Friday Morning for Well-Known Ottoville Resident – Burial at St. Mary’s Cemetery
Funeral services for Miss Sue Winkelman were held at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass.
The death of Miss Winkelman occurred at her home in Ottoville early Tuesday morning.
The funeral services were largely attended. Floral offerings were in profusion.
Four members of the 1913 Club to which Miss Winkelman belonged, served as flower-bearers. They were: Miss Lue Lauer, of Ottoville; Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; and Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin.
The pallbearers were: George King, Gerard Ulrich, Ralph Cramer, August Eickholt, Carl Obringer and George Vincke. Burial was made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Among those present at the funeral from towns other than Ottoville were: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Binder and son, Jack, Mrs. William Schaffer and sons, Charles and Bert, Miss Ella Farman, Miss Mayme Short, Mr. and Mrs. George Stieg, Miss Irene Moellenberg, Miss Nellie Kohn, Miss. Tillie Brennan, Misses Martin and Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, of Bowling Green; Nellie and Lena Weisanberger, of Defiance; Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin; Mrs. Frank Hempke, of Lima; Mrs. Jacob Rekart, Mrs. Catherine Kleekamp and Otto Rekart, of Ft. Jennings, and Mrs. Elizabeth Winkelman and son, Felix and daughters, Ida and Frances, of Ft. Wayne.
June 1933
Robert Smith (Infant)
Philomena Dickman
Howard Guelker
Drowning Tragedy Mars Reunion Of Family Group At Ottoville
A reunion of relatives Sunday at the home of John Brandehoff at Ottoville was marred by the drowning of Howard Gulker, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Lucille Gulker, in the Helmich stone quarry pool, northwest of Delphos. The boy's mother was employed in Lima until recently and lives at Spring and Elizabeth-sts.
The boy, who made his home with Brandehoff, his grandfather, went to the pool with a companion in the afternoon. He was able to swim, but it is believed that he was seized with cramps.
Mrs. Gulker has been employed in Lima for the last three years. She formerly was bookkeeper for Roy F. John, used car dealer. Recently she has been working part time at Morley's Home Dairy delicatesen.
Mrs. Gulker was at her father's home in Ottoville when the drowning occurred.
The body of the youth was recovered from the quarry and was taken to the Kramer funeral home at Ottoville.
John J. Miller
Mary C. Schneeg
Cletus Weber (Infant)
Brinkman Baby
Loretta Kill
Resident Of Near Landeck Passes Away
Three Weeks' Serious Illness Precedes Death of Mrs. Loretta Kill, Wife of Edward Kill, Thursday Morning -- Husband at Home Near Landeck and Seven Children Survive
Mrs. Loretta Kill, wife of Edward Kill, succumbed at her home two miles south of Landeck Thursday morning at 7:05 o’clock after an illness of approximately thirteen weeks. For the past three weeks, her illness has been serious. Her death was caused by hardening of the arteries and Bright’s disease.
Mrs. Kill was born at Ottoville on March 9, 1882, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst. On May 14, thirty years ago, she was married to Edward Kill at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Their entire married life was spent near Landeck.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Kill was fifty years, nine months and ten days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck and the C. L. of C.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Kill is survived by seven children: Mrs. Ed. Freund south of Landeck; Syl., southwest of Landeck; Clarence, southeast of Landeck; Richard, Johanna, Aloysius, and Mary Ellen, at home. Two children died in infancy.
The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Joseph Wallen, of Rushmore; Mrs. Sam Martin, North Franklin street; Henry Ernst, of near Spencerville; and John Ernst, of Ft. Rock, Oregon.
The funeral will be held at St. John's Catholic Church at Landeck Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at the Landeck cemetery.
Frank Perrin
Resident Of Ottoville Dies Friday Night
Cancer Causes Death of Frank J. Perrin, of Ottoville, at Home Friday—Three Brothers and One Sister Survive— Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday Morning
Frank J. Perrin succumbed at his home one and one-half miles north of Ottoville, Friday evening at 11:10 o'clock. He had been in failing health since the first of September and he was bedfast for only three days preceding his death, which was caused by cancer.
Mr. Perrin was born in Putnam County on January 17, 1877, the son of Louis and Josephine Perrin. His entire life was spent near Ottoville. He was unmarried. At the time of his death, he was fifty-six years of. age.
He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville.
Surviving are three brothers, Syl., at home; Charles, north of Ottoville; and William, of Oregon; and one sister , Mrs. Bernadina Clementz, three miles north of Ottoville.
The mother of Mr. Perrin passed away en June 10, eight years ago while his father died on October 7, seven years ago. One brother, Clemence, died at the age of seventeen years and another, Henry, died in infancy.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial will be made at St. Mary's cemetery at Ottoville.
Mary E. Eickholt
Eickholt Rites Are Conducted At Ottoville
Rev. Father Arnoldi Officiates at Services Conducted for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt — Grandsons Officiate as Pallbearers — Burial at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt were held at the Immaculate
Conception Church at Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the services and also delivered the sermon. Music was furnished by the church choir. A great grandson of the deceased lady, Lawrence Eickholt, acted as mass server.
The following grandsons were pallbearers: Urban Von Lehmden, Mark Kieffer, Leo and Gilbert Eickholt and Fred and Alphonse Markward.
There were many spiritual and floral offerings and the services were largely attended. Burial was made at St. Mary’s cemetery.
The following were present at the services from a distance: Mrs. John
Kieffer, Gerald Keiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kieffer and daughter, Patty, ofChesaning, Mich.; Mrs. Alex Eickholt and John Gross and son, of Maple
Grove, Michigan; Isadore Gross and son, Washburn, of Saginaw, Mich.; George and Mark Kieffer, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Urban Von Lehmden, of Ft. Jennings; Medard Markward and family, of South Bend, Ind.; Mr., and Mrs. Ross E. Siler, of Lancaster; Mrs. Henry Bellman and sons and daughter and Mrs. lnkrott, of New Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schumaker, of Glandorf; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerdeman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamburger, of Kalida; John Fenbert, of Ottawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and sons, and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina. There were also a number of relatives and friends
Orland Perrin
One Dead As Result of Auto Accident Here
Orland Perrin, Ottoville, Succumbs at St. Rita's Hospital at Lima Friday Morning to Injuries Sustained in Crash at Clay and Cleveland Streets —Others Injured
One is dead and several are suffering from more or less serious injuries as the result of an automobile accident, which occurred at the intersection of Cleveland and Clay streets at about 8:30 Thursday night.
Orland Perrin, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin. Ottoville, is dead from injuries received in the accident
The injured are Omer Perrin, brother of Orland; Leo Horstman, Ottoville, Percy Lehmkuhle, Bank street, this city.
The accident occurred when a Chevrolet coach owned and driven by Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo westbound on Cleveland street, was struck by a Studebaker roadster being driven north on Clay street by Harry Ricker, of Fort Jennings. The Chevrolet was jammed against a poll at the northwest corner of the intersection and was badly damaged, the right side being crushed.
Orland Perrin sustained a fractured pelvis and internal injuries from which he died at St. Rita's hospital at Lima at 2:00 o'clock Friday morning. He was conscious up to the time of his death.
His brother, Omer Perrin, was rendered unconscious and sustained several fractured ribs. He was taken to the John B. Lehmkuhle home on Bank street, where his brother, Melvin, resides. His condition is considered favorable.
Leo Horstman suffered, a fractured collarbone but was not otherwise injured. Cletus Horstman, brother of Leo, escaped without any injury but suffered somewhat from shock. Miss Letha Musser, West First street, this city, also a passenger in this car, suffered slightly from shock and bruised. Percival Lehmkuhle received a scalp wound and slight cuts about the face. Lloyd Landin, Ottoville, the seventh occupant of the Chevrolet, was not injured.
Ricker, driver of the Studebaker, was not injured. His car was not badly damaged.
Orland Perrin was born March 20, 1913, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He spent his entire life at Ottoville with the exception of two years during which the family made their home at Toledo.
For some time past, they have been residing with Mrs. George Miehls, mother of Mrs. Perrin. He is survived by his parents and by two brothers, Omer and Melvin.
The remains were removed from the Kramer mortuary, at Ottoville, to the Miehls home.
Funeral services will be held at 9:00 o'clock Monday morning at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville.
Omer Perrin
Omer Perrin Dies Sunday At St. Rita’s
Second Victim Of Fatal Accident Succumbs Sunday Afternoon —Brother, Orland -Perrin, Succumbs Friday Morning— Double Funeral at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday Morning
The second fatality in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, Ottoville, occurred at St. Rita's hospital in Lima Sunday afternoon when Omer Perrin passed away, the result of injuries, which he sustained in an auto accident here last Thursday evening,
Orland Perrin, brother of Omer succumbed at the hospital early Friday morning as the result of injuries sustained in the accident at the intersection of Clay and Cleveland streets.
Omer Perrin was born on January 21, 1911, at Ottoville, the son of Henry and Bertha Perrin. He graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1929.
Surviving are his parents and one brother, Melvin, West Bank street.
The funeral of Orland Perrin was scheduled to have been held Monday but because of the death of his brother, funeral services, for both young men will be held Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville. Interment will be made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Funeral Of Perrin Boys At Ottoville
Father J. S. Arnoldi Officiates at Mass Intoned Wednesday Morning for Omer and Orland Perrin at Immaculate Conception Church — Young Men are Victims of Auto Accident
A double funeral, that of Omer Perrin and Orland Perrin, was held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi intoned the requiem high mass and gave the funeral sermon.
Omer and Orland, twenty-one and twenty years of ago, respectively were the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrin, of Ottoville. Orland succumbed at St. Rita's hospital, Lima early Friday morning and Omer, Sunday afternoon, the result of injuries which they sustained in an auto collision on the corner of Clay and Cleveland streets Thursday evening of last week.
The funeral was cue of the largjest ever held at Ottoville. There were many spiritual and floral offerings.
The pallbearers for Omer Perrin were: Elmer Smith, Frederick Eggeman, Kenneth and Ralph Kickholt, Andrew Pittner and John Pohl. The pallbearers for Orland Perrin were: William Klima, Leo and Cyrillus Horstman, Lloyd and Joseph Landin and Elmer Schneider.
Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Those present at the funeral from a distance included: Mrs. Alvin Rower, of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Al Miehls and son John, of Maumee, Ohio; George Miehls, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miehls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wieging, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horstman, of Ft. Jennings; Mrs. Hubert Gerding and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. George Laibe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahle, of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miehls, Robert Kahle, Sister Mary Blanche and Sister Mary Eileen, of Lima; Sister Boniface, of Fremont; Mrs. Anna Wurst, Mrs. Ed Kundert, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Allemeir, Mr. and Mrs. John Stirn, Muntanna; and Percival Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simidinger, of Ohio City; Mrs. Elijah Swigert, of Leipsic; Henry Rower and Mr. and Mrs. George Rambo, of Kalida; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korte and Mrs. William Kolhoff, of Glandorf.
Mary Schneider
Mrs. Schneider Passes Away Early Thursday
Heart Trouble and Complications Cause Death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, East Fifth Street – Survived by Eight Children — Was Well Known in Delphos and Ottoville — Funeral Monday Morning
The death of Mrs. Mary Schneider, well-known Delphos lady, occurred at her home at 633 East Fifth street Thursday morning at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Schneider had been seriously ill for the past six weeks. Her death was caused by heart trouble and complications.
She was born at Wolschwiller, Alsace Lorraine, on December 19, 1860. At the age of eighteen years, she came to America and in 1880 was married to Joseph Schneider. She lived on a farm east of Ottoville until 1914 when she moved to her home on East Fifth street.
Her husband preceded her in death in 1912, one daughter, Amelia, died at the age of two years, and a son, Joseph, died at Portland, Oregon, on May 18, 1932.
At the time of her death, Mrs. Schneider was seventy-two years, four months and six days of age. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and the Sacred Heart League.
Left to mourn her death are four sons and four daughters, Mrs. Anna Shirack, West first street; Mrs. Mayme Wannemacher, Ottoville; Albert, of Owosso, Michigan; Oliver, at home; Edward, South Clay street; Mrs. Martha Miller, east of, Delphos; Mrs. Victoria Vincke, of Lima; and Rudolph, at home. There are twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at St. John's Catholic Church Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery Ottoville.
John Osenga
Fails to Rally from Operation at Van Wert County Hospital — John Osenga is Life-long Resident of Near Ottoville — Funeral at Home Monday Afternoon at 2 O'clock
John Osenga, well-known farmer of northwest of Ottoville, passed away suddenly at the Van Wert County hospital Friday evening at 6:45 o'clock. He underwent a major operation at the hospital at 4:00 p.m. from which he failed to rally. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Osenga was born northwest of Ottoville, the homeplace, on May 12, 1871, the son of Joseph and Catherine Osenga. He was unmarried. His father preceded him in death fifty-six years ago.
At the time of his death, Mr. Osenga was sixty-one, years, eleven months and twenty-three days of age. He spent his entire life near Ottoville. He was a member of the Lutheran Church at Middle Point.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Catherine Osenga; and: the following brothers and sisters: William, of near Cloverdale; Mrs. Emma Ashbaugh, of near Wetzel; Anna, at home; Joseph, northwest of Ottoville.
The funeral will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'-clock. Burial will be made at the West Side cemetery, Delphos.
Susanna Winkelman
Well Known Ottoville Lady Passes Away
Complications Cause Death of Miss Sue Winkelman Early Tuesday Morning— One Brother and Three Sisters Survive — Funeral at Ottoville Friday Morning.
Miss Sue Winkelman, a well-known Ottoville resident, succumbed at her home Tuesday morning at 3:20 o’clock following a serious illness of a week. Her death was attributed to complication of diseases.
Miss Winkelman was born in Ottoville on October 23, 1896, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Winkelman.
She graduated from the Ottoville high school with the class of 1914. During the following five years, she was employed by the Altenburger Insurance Agency at Ottoville. In 1919, she obtained employment with the Toledo Travelers Insurance company at Toledo. Later she worked for the Kourits-Stieg and Whitaker Insurance Company in Toledo.
For the past three years, she made her home in Ottoville. She Was thirty-six year’s, seven months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church. She was also a member of the 1913 Club.
She is survived by one brother and three sisters: Albert, Mayme and Rose Winkelman, at home; and Alma Winkelman, of Toledo.
Her mother preceded her in death about eight years ago and her father died a number of years ago.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock.
Interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Rev. Fr. J. S. Arnoldi is in Charge of Rites Held Friday Morning for Well-Known Ottoville Resident – Burial at St. Mary’s Cemetery
Funeral services for Miss Sue Winkelman were held at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass.
The death of Miss Winkelman occurred at her home in Ottoville early Tuesday morning.
The funeral services were largely attended. Floral offerings were in profusion.
Four members of the 1913 Club to which Miss Winkelman belonged, served as flower-bearers. They were: Miss Lue Lauer, of Ottoville; Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; and Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin.
The pallbearers were: George King, Gerard Ulrich, Ralph Cramer, August Eickholt, Carl Obringer and George Vincke. Burial was made at St. Mary's cemetery.
Among those present at the funeral from towns other than Ottoville were: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Binder and son, Jack, Mrs. William Schaffer and sons, Charles and Bert, Miss Ella Farman, Miss Mayme Short, Mr. and Mrs. George Stieg, Miss Irene Moellenberg, Miss Nellie Kohn, Miss. Tillie Brennan, Misses Martin and Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, Mrs. Fred Lauer and Mrs. Laverne Rower, of Toledo; Mrs. Layton Goen, of Bowling Green; Nellie and Lena Weisanberger, of Defiance; Mrs. Albert Hoffstetter, of Tiffin; Mrs. Frank Hempke, of Lima; Mrs. Jacob Rekart, Mrs. Catherine Kleekamp and Otto Rekart, of Ft. Jennings, and Mrs. Elizabeth Winkelman and son, Felix and daughters, Ida and Frances, of Ft. Wayne.
June 1933
Robert Smith (Infant)
Philomena Dickman
Howard Guelker
Drowning Tragedy Mars Reunion Of Family Group At Ottoville
A reunion of relatives Sunday at the home of John Brandehoff at Ottoville was marred by the drowning of Howard Gulker, 14-year-old son of Mrs. Lucille Gulker, in the Helmich stone quarry pool, northwest of Delphos. The boy's mother was employed in Lima until recently and lives at Spring and Elizabeth-sts.
The boy, who made his home with Brandehoff, his grandfather, went to the pool with a companion in the afternoon. He was able to swim, but it is believed that he was seized with cramps.
Mrs. Gulker has been employed in Lima for the last three years. She formerly was bookkeeper for Roy F. John, used car dealer. Recently she has been working part time at Morley's Home Dairy delicatesen.
Mrs. Gulker was at her father's home in Ottoville when the drowning occurred.
The body of the youth was recovered from the quarry and was taken to the Kramer funeral home at Ottoville.
Martha Fatum (Infant)
Funeral services
for the infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Fatum were held from the
Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The child was one day old and died at St. Rita's hospital at Lima. Surviving
are the parents, two brothers, Jack and Paul, and one sister, Mary Ann.
John J. Miller
Mary C. Schneeg
Cletus Weber (Infant)
Brinkman Baby
Friday, June 24, 2011
1935 - Ottoville Obits
Joseph Weber
Joseph Weber Is Summoned, Retired Ottoville Farmer Died Suddenly
Ottoville--- Joseph Weber, highly esteemed and life-long resident of this community, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at three-thirty at his home in Ottoville. He had been ill for only an hour before his death, which was due to apoplexy.
Mr. Weber was born in Monterey Township on October 5, 1865, the son of Anthony and Helena Weber. In April 1888, he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Kiefer of Ottoville. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Weber. A daughter, Helena died in infancy.
Until several years ago Mr. Weber was engaged in farming. He was industrious, a good neighbor and staunch friend. He held the confidence and respect of all his acquaintances. At the time of his death he was sixty-nine years, three months and twenty-two days of age.
The widow and following children survive: Mrs. Elizabeth Gulker, Delphos; Mrs. Ed A. Eickholt and Mrs. B. J. Wannemacher, Ottoville; Ida Weber, New York City; Mrs. Clem Honigfort and Albert Weber, Ottoville; E. A. Weber, Pheonix, Ariz.; and Ed. Weber, Chesaning, Mich.
Two brothers, Charles Weber of Ottoville, and Andrew Weber of Flint Michigan, also survive. Two brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Thursday morning at nine o'clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, entoned the requiem mass and delivered the funeral sermon. The remains were interred in the St. Mary's Cemetery, Ottoville.
Donald A. Pohl (Infant)
Rose M. Miller
Gertrude Fierstos
Peter J. Stahl
Peter J. Stahl, 52, is dead at his home here after a long illness. Born in Ottoville, June 6, 1882 to John and M. A. Fuerst Stahl. Stahl had lived here more than 20 years. He was a member of St. John's Catholic church.
Funeral service will be conducted at St. John's church at 9:30 a. m. Thursday. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery.
Henry Beining Sr.
John A. Pohl
Cornelius Bedink
Mary A. Freiburger
Alberta M. Fierstos
Rita Geier
Anna Kromer
Hubert G. Horstman
Louis Peters
Louis Peters, 70, died Sunday at his home north of Ottoville following a long illness. He was the father of Harry Peters of this city.
Mr. Peters was a retired farmer and widely known through out the community where he had lived all his life. He was a member of Ft. Jennings Lutheran church.
Besides his son here, he leaves three others, Carl Peters, of Columbus Grove; Amos Peters, near Ottoville; Harold Peters at home; two daughters, Mrs. Katherine
Arn, Cloverdale; Mrs. Clara Baker, Grover Hill; 20 grandchildren; one brother, Fred Peters, Elida and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Martin, Delphos; Mrs. Louisa Fisher, Cloverdale and Mrs. Elizabeth Wink of near Ottoville. Funeral service will be held at
2 p.m. Wednesday at Ft. Jennings Lutheran Church, conducted by the Rev. Charles Stroh. Burial will be in Ft. Jennings Cemetery.
Mary Wurst
Peter Etgen
Harry D. Giesken
Wilhelmina Ricker
Mary Bendele
Joseph Dickman (infant)
Joseph Weber
Joseph Weber Is Summoned, Retired Ottoville Farmer Died Suddenly
Ottoville--- Joseph Weber, highly esteemed and life-long resident of this community, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at three-thirty at his home in Ottoville. He had been ill for only an hour before his death, which was due to apoplexy.
Mr. Weber was born in Monterey Township on October 5, 1865, the son of Anthony and Helena Weber. In April 1888, he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Kiefer of Ottoville. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Weber. A daughter, Helena died in infancy.
Until several years ago Mr. Weber was engaged in farming. He was industrious, a good neighbor and staunch friend. He held the confidence and respect of all his acquaintances. At the time of his death he was sixty-nine years, three months and twenty-two days of age.
The widow and following children survive: Mrs. Elizabeth Gulker, Delphos; Mrs. Ed A. Eickholt and Mrs. B. J. Wannemacher, Ottoville; Ida Weber, New York City; Mrs. Clem Honigfort and Albert Weber, Ottoville; E. A. Weber, Pheonix, Ariz.; and Ed. Weber, Chesaning, Mich.
Two brothers, Charles Weber of Ottoville, and Andrew Weber of Flint Michigan, also survive. Two brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Thursday morning at nine o'clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, entoned the requiem mass and delivered the funeral sermon. The remains were interred in the St. Mary's Cemetery, Ottoville.
Donald A. Pohl (Infant)
Rose M. Miller
Gertrude Fierstos
Peter J. Stahl
Peter J. Stahl, 52, is dead at his home here after a long illness. Born in Ottoville, June 6, 1882 to John and M. A. Fuerst Stahl. Stahl had lived here more than 20 years. He was a member of St. John's Catholic church.
Funeral service will be conducted at St. John's church at 9:30 a. m. Thursday. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery.
Henry Beining Sr.
John A. Pohl
Cornelius Bedink
Mary A. Freiburger
Alberta M. Fierstos
Rita Geier
Anna Kromer
Hubert G. Horstman
Louis Peters
Louis Peters, 70, died Sunday at his home north of Ottoville following a long illness. He was the father of Harry Peters of this city.
Mr. Peters was a retired farmer and widely known through out the community where he had lived all his life. He was a member of Ft. Jennings Lutheran church.
Besides his son here, he leaves three others, Carl Peters, of Columbus Grove; Amos Peters, near Ottoville; Harold Peters at home; two daughters, Mrs. Katherine
Arn, Cloverdale; Mrs. Clara Baker, Grover Hill; 20 grandchildren; one brother, Fred Peters, Elida and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Martin, Delphos; Mrs. Louisa Fisher, Cloverdale and Mrs. Elizabeth Wink of near Ottoville. Funeral service will be held at
2 p.m. Wednesday at Ft. Jennings Lutheran Church, conducted by the Rev. Charles Stroh. Burial will be in Ft. Jennings Cemetery.
Mary Wurst
Peter Etgen
Harry D. Giesken
Wilhelmina Ricker
Gilbert J. Shulte
Schulte, Former Boxer, Victim In St. Mary’s Crash
ST. MARY’S, Dec.
13—Gilbert Schulte, 26, of Delphos, truck driver for the Nathan Liff Co., junk
dealers, was killed instantly at 4 a. m. today when the truck he was driving
skidded on State Route 66, north of here, and struck a tree.
Schulte, former professional boxer, was en route to St. Mary’s with a
load of scrap iron when his truck left the icy, snow-covered road as the driver
attempted to negotiate a curve. The iron was shoved forward by the impact of
the truck against a tree, pinning Schulte in the cab. His chest was crushed and
he received a broken right leg and severe body bruises.
Schulte was found
dead by Joseph Burris, of St. Mary’s, employee of the state highway department,
who was scraping the road early this morning with a snowplow.
Burris reported the truck was in a ditch and
that a smouldering fire was burning in the motor and cab.
The body was
removed to St. Mary’s and was to be taken to Delphos this afternoon.
Schulte was widely
known in athletic circles of northwestern Ohio because of his numerous boxing
Mary Bendele
Joseph Dickman (infant)
1936 - Ottoville Obits
Delores Pohl (Infant)
Rites Held For Ottoville Child
Services for Dorothy Rose, four week’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pohl of two miles east of Ottoville wee held Thursday morning of last week in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the Angel’s Mass.
The infant was born January 4th and passed away Tuesday after an illness of several days.
Elizabeth Pohl
Pohl Rites At Ottoville
Mrs. Frank Pohl Called Suddenly At Hospital
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Pauline Pohl, wife of Frank Pohl, of Ottoville, were held Thursday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at nine o’clock. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
She was born at Ft. Jennings on October 11, 1895, the daughter of Barney and Catherine Cavelage. On April 20, 1920, she married Frank Pohl, at Ft. Jennings. There were eight children. A daughter died in September 1934.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Pohl was forty years, ten months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. She resided in Ft. Jennings and Ottoville her entire life.
Beside her husband, Mrs. Pohl leaves the following children; Robert, Gilbert, Norbert, Ruth, Alice, Bernard and Mary Catherine, all at home; and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Cavelage, Ft. Jennings. Three brothers and three sisters also survive; Felix, Harry, Frank and Mary Cavelage, all of Ft. Jennings; and Rita Cavelage and Mrs. Isabel Sheldon, of Los Angeles, Calif.
Frank H. Helmkamp
Ft. Wayne Man Called
Frank H. Helmkamp Was Native Of Ottoville
Word was received in the county announcing the death of Frank H. Helmkamp, former Putnam County citizen, which occurred in his home at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday morning of last week. His death followed and illness of several months.
Mr. Helmkamp was born in Ottoville and moved to Ft. Wayne about twelve years ago. He was sixty-seven years of age. He is survived by his widow, Josephine; three daughters, Misses Marcella, Marie and Angela Helmkamp, at home; three sons, Bernard of Ottoville, Joseph of Anderson, Indiana, and Norbert of Ft. Wayne; four sisters, a brother and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine-thirty in St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Ft. Wayne. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Thiele, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Herman Ricker
Well Known Man Called
Rites Held Thursday For Herman Ricker
Herman Ricker, well known resident of the Ottoville vicinity, died at his home five miles west of Ottoville Monday at 5:30 p.m. He had been in ill health for the past year. His condition had been serious for the past five weeks. Cancer caused his death.
He was born in Glandorf on February 3, 1860, the son of George and Mary Ann Ricker. On April 21, 1885, he married Elizabeth Lehmkuhle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmkuhle.
Mr. Ricker leaves his widow, who is a sister of William Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; and two sons, Louis, six miles northwest of Ottoville; and William, at home. There are seven grandchildren.
A brother, Henry, of near Ottoville, also survives; two sisters, Mrs. David Hoffman, of Delphos, and Mrs. Matt Hoffman, of Arkansas, are dead.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Catherine Eickholt
Summoned By Death Angel
Mrs. Frank Eickholt Died Wednesday Morning
Mrs. Frank Eickholt, well known and highly respected citizen of Ottoville, answered the call of her Maker and passed to her eternal reward Wednesday morning at eight forty-five after a long illness due to complications. She had been confined to her home for two years prior to her departure.
Mrs. Eickholt was born north of Ottoville on January 12, 1869, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shirack. Following her marriage to Mr. Eickholt on April 18, 1894, the couple located on a farm four miles southwest of Ottoville where they resided until 14 years ago when the moved to Ottoville.
Mr. and Mrs. Eickholt were the parents of five children, all of whom survive the passing of a loving and kind mother. The children are, Leo and Gilbert, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina; and Mrs. John Fenbert, of Ottawa. The husband also mourns the loss of a faithful and true companion.
She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Henry Kehres, Akron; Mrs. Jacob Sheibley, Delphos; Mrs. Frank Wannemacher, Cloverdale; a brother, Joseph Shirack, Delphos; a number of grandchildren and other relatives with scores of friends. Two sisters and a brother preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery there.
Anna C. Sanders
Mrs. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
Last rites for Mrs. Caroline Sanders, who died at her home west of Ottoville Saturday morning, were held in the Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Her death followed an illness of four weeks. Her body was laid to rest in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Sanders was one of the oldest and highly respected citizens of Monterey Township. She was born in France on October 7, 1849, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hug, and at the time of her death was almost eighty-seven years of age. She came to this country with her parents when two years of age and for more than seventy-five years resided in this county.
On October 29, 1872, she was united in marriage to John A. Sanders at Ottoville. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple of the Ottoville parish. In 1932, with their children and other relatives, the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
She leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, who is eighty-nine years of age; five daughters, Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; and scores of friends and other relatives. A sister residing in Fostoria, also survives.
Three sons and four sisters preceded her in death.
Andrew Willacker
Aged Citizen Of Ottoville
Died Sunday Morning At Family Home
Andrew Willacker pioneer and prominent farmer of east of Ottoville, died at his home Sunday morning after an illness of five months. Complications due to heart trouble were the cause of his demise.
Mr. Willacker was born in Germany on March 29, 1855, and has resided in this community for sixty-eight years. At the time of his death he was eighty-one years, three months and thirteen days of age. His wife, who prior to their marriage was Miss Louisa Kuersting, preceded him in death.
He is survived by six children, Frank, of San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. Louis Schwertner, Flint, Mich.; George and Mrs. Fred Wanstroth, Delphos; Mrs. Harold Guendelsberger, Sandusky; and two brothers in Chesaning, Mich. A son, John, preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
John A. Sanders
John A. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
John A. Sanders, aged and respected citizen of northwest of Ottoville, passed away at his home Saturday evening at eight-forty o’clock, just one week after the death of his wife, Mrs. Caroline Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple in the Immaculate Conception parish at Ottoville.
Mr. Sanders was past eighty-nine years of age and had been in failing health for several years, suffering from infirmities due to his advanced age.
He was born in New Reigel, Ohio, on April 29, 1847, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sanders. When he was one year of age his parents moved to Landeck and seven years later moved to Ottoville, where the deceased spent the remainder of his life.
He was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Hug at Ottoville on October 29, 1872. Mrs. Sanders and three sons preceded him in death.
He leaves to mourn the loss the following children; Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; also survive.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville with Rev. J. S. Arnoldi in charge. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary M. Wannemacher
Rites Held At Ottoville
Mrs. Lena Wannemacher Died Saturday
Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher passed away at her home two miles southwest of Ottoville at 11:20 o’clock Saturday evening. She had been ill for the past several years and her condition had been serious for five weeks past. Complications caused her death.
Mrs. Wannemacher was born on December 31, 1863, in Pilsen, Austria, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Zahner. A year and a half later, the Zahner family moved to New Washington where they resided for more than eighteen years. They then moved to a farm seven miles west of Delphos.
On May 7, 1888, Miss Zahner married Andrew Wannemacher. For a period of fifteen years, Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher lived northwest of Ottoville. Later, they moved to a farm southwest of that place.
Mrs. Wannemacher was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville and of the Alter Society. At the time of her death she was seventy-two years, six months and seventeen days of age.
Besides her husband, she leaves the following children; Albert C. and Walter Wannemacher, east of Ottoville; Isadore Wannemacher, of Ft Jennings; Fred, Andrew and Linus Wannemacher, all of Celina. There are 21 grandchildren. A brother John, of Shelby, also survives.
Five sisters and two brothers have preceded Mrs. Wannemacher in death.
Funeral services were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church Wednesday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Isadore A. Wannemacher
Business Man Summoned At Ft. Jennings
Isadore Wannemacher Died Suddenly Friday
Was War Veteran
Funeral Held Monday In Catholic Church
Isadore A. Wannemacher, village blacksmith at Ft. Jennings, died suddenly while at work in the shop Friday evening at ten o’clock. He had been in good health prior to his death, which was due to a heart attack.
Mr. Wannemacher was born in Ottoville on June 18,1894, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher. On October 24, 1922, he was united in marriage to Miss Eda Droll, of Cloverdale. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher resided in Cloverdale and eleven years ago moved to Ft. Jennings. At the time of his death he was forty-two years, one month and six days of age.
Mr. Wannemacher served in the United States Army for a period of thirteen months during the World War and was a member of the Ottawa Kerner-Slusser Post of the American Legion. He was a faithful and devout member of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, a member of the Men’s sodality of the parish and was also a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Mr. Wannemacher was well known in Putnam County and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was an honest businessman, and upstanding citizen, a good neighbor, and a loving and kind husband and father. His mother preceded him in death on July 18th of this year.
He leaves to mourn their loss his wife; seven children, Roman, Helen, Hilary, Alberta, Margaret, Evelyn, and Mary Jane, all at home; his father Andrew Wannemacher, of near Ottoville; and five brothers, Albert and Walter, of Ottoville; Ferdinand, Andrew and Linus, of Celina.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Rev. Father George May, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in Ottoville.
The services were attended in a body by members of the C. K. of O., the Ft. Jennings businessmen and members of the American Legion from Ottawa, Delphos and Continental.
Angeline Hellman
Mrs. Hellman Passed Away
Young Wife And Mother Called To Eternity
Last rites for Mrs. Angeline Hellman, wife of Sylvester Hellman of east of Ft. Jennings were conducted at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Ft. Jennings Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in the Church cemetery.
Mrs. Hellman died at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Friday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock. She underwent a major operation on Tuesday morning and apparently was convalescing nicely. However, her condition became critical Thursday morning.
Miss Angelina Mary Brinkman was born one and one-half miles east of Ottoville on May 23, 1898, the daughter of Gerhard and Mary Brinkman. She married Sylvester Hellman at Ottoville on May 23, 1922. Nine children were born to this union. Two twin boys, John and Joseph, died three years ago. Her father Gerhard Brinkman passed away in 1915.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Hellman was thirty0eight years, two months and twenty-eight days of age. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, the Catholic Ladies of Columbia, Ft. Jennings Council, the Alter Rosary Society and the Sacred Heart League. She spent her entire life in the vicinity of Ottoville and Ft. Jennings and was well known.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Hellman leaves seven children; Emily, Dolores, William, Genevieve, George, Catherine, and Eileen, all at home; her mother, Mrs. Mary Brinkman, east of Ottoville; the following brothers and sisters; Mrs. Joseph Krietemeyer, near Columbus Grove, Mrs. Albert Hempfling, near Delphos, Mrs. Fred Koch, near Ottawa, Ben of Lima, Mrs. Isadore Friemoth, northwest of Delphos, Alex of Youngstown, Mrs. Frank Fenbert, near Columbus Grove, Loretta, east of Ottoville, and Sister M. Matthew of Carthagena, Ohio
Edna Willacker
Death Due To Injuries
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Michigan
The sad message announcing the death of Mrs. William Willacker, former resident of Ottoville, was received by local relatives Tuesday evening. Mrs. Willacker’s death was due to injuries received Tuesday afternoon in Flint, Michigan, when she was struck by a train. She was walking along the tracks to the depot in that city when the fatal accident happened.
Mrs. Willacker was born in Ottoville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Friemoth and was forty-eight years of age. She had been a resident of Flint, Michigan, for a period of twenty years.
She is survived by her husband; six children, all of Michigan; her parents at Ottoville; and the following brothers and sisters; Theodore Friemoth, of near Ottoville, Frank Friemoth of East Troy, Wis., Otto and Alma Friemoth of Toledo, Amedeus, of Columbus, Mrs. H. A. Guske of Laperre, Mich., and Father William Friemoth, assistant pastor of St. John’s Church, Lima. Her husband is a relative of Father Carl Willacker, also an assistant in St. John’s parish, Lima.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning in Flint, Michigan, and interment will be made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Ralph Vincke
Ottoville Native Died In Seminary
Services for Brother Ralph Vincke, native of Ottoville, were held in St. Charles Seminary, at Carthagena, Ohio, Wednesday morning. He became suddenly ill on Saturday morning and died the following day.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand F. Vincke and was born in Ottoville on October 27, 1902. Had he lived until Tuesday he would have been thirty-four years of age.
He is survived by his father; four brothers, and three sisters; George, William, Mrs. Anna Giesken and Mrs. Dora Van Oss, all of Ottoville; Fred and Joseph, Lima; and Sister Mary Gertrude, Superior, Wis. His mother died in 1933.
Joseph H. Brickner
Rites Held At Ottoville
Joseph H. Brickner Died Suddenly Thursday
Joseph H. Brickner, well known and highly esteemed farmer of Ottoville, died suddenly at his home Thursday evening at nine o’clock. His death was due to angina pectoris.
Mr. Brickner was born July 15, 1867, on a farm west of Delphos, a son of John and Caroline Brickner. He resided on the farm south of Ottoville for the past forty-five years.
He was united in marriage to Josephine Miller, of Ottoville, on April 14, 1881. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brickner. Two daughters preceded their father in death.
The widow, two daughters and six sons survive. The children are Mrs. Lena Snyder, Dayton; Mrs. Amelia Deitering, Wapakoneta; Andrew and John Brickner, near Ottoville; George Brickner, at home; Leo Brickner, northwest of Ottoville; Joseph, of Delphos; and William Brickner, of Middletown. He leaves a brother, George Brickner, of near Delphos; and a sister, Anna Brickner, of Dayton; and eleven grandchildren. A sister Phylis, died in Dayton a week ago. Two sisters and two brothers also preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Burial was made in the Ottoville cemetery.
Henry E. Peters
Final Call Is Answered
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Delphos
Funeral services for Henry E. Peters, former resident of Putnam County, were held in Delphos Friday afternoon and burial was made in Antioch Cemetery.
Mr. Peters died suddenly at his home in Delphos on Wednesday of last week. He had been in failing health for several years but was never bedfast a heart attack was the cause of death.
Mr. Peters was born on November 9, 1888, in Monterey Township, a son of Louis and Dora Peters. At the time of his death he was almost forty-eight years of age. The Peters family moved from Monterey Township to Delphos five years ago.
He is survived by his widow and six children. The children are, Gladys, Forest, Lloyd, Esther, Ruth, and Junior, all at home. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Katie Arn, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Clara Baker, of Haviland; three brothers, Carl Peters, Columbus Grove; and Amos and Harold Peters, of north of Ottoville.
Oliver Sellet
Aged Citizen Is Summoned
Rites Held At Ottoville For Oliver Sellet
Funeral services for Oliver Sellet, Ottoville’s oldest resident, were held Friday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Mr. Sellet passed away Tuesday afternoon in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, after a long illness. Gangrene was the immediate cause of death.
He was born in Rheininger, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, on March 31, 1849, the son of Morand and Maria Sellet. When he was four years of age he came to this country with his parents, who located in Seneca County, Ohio. Fifteen years later the family moved to Ottoville.
On November 16, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Wilhelmina Wannemacher. The family resided on a farm near Ottoville until 1913, when they moved to Ottoville.
In his younger years Mr. Sellet was Captain on a State Boat on the Miami and Erie Canal and worked on the route between St. Mary’s and Defiance.
He is survived by the following children, Charles, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Louis, Ottoville; Joseph, Dayton; Mrs. William Greulich, Ottoville; Sister Mary, LaCrosse, Wis.; and Mrs. Agnes Studer, St. Maries, Idaho. He also leaves twenty-four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife who died in 1934, three daughters, three sisters, and a daughter.
John Plescher
Death Call Is Answered
John Plescher Died At Ottoville Home
John Plescher, a well known resident of a quarter of a mile north of Ottoville, passed away at his home at 12:15 p.m. Sunday following an illness of a year. His condition had been serious for the past several weeks. Complications caused his death.
Mrs. Plescher was born at Gottevitz, Austria on February 1, 1867, the son of Simon and Catherine Plescher. When he was fifteen years of age, he came to this country with his parents and settled in Jackson Township, Van Wert County, six and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville. On August 11, 1915, he was married to Miss Catherine Zahner. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Plescher moved to their present home.
At the time of his death, Mr. Plescher was sixty-nine years, eight months and twenty-four days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, and was also a member of the St. Joseph’s Society and the Ottoville council, Knights of Columbus.
Besides his widow, he leaves two sons, Herbert and John Plescher, two step-sons and a step-daughter. He was preceded in death by a step-daughter and four brothers.
Funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
John Klima
Death Calls John Klima
Former Ottoville Man Died At Delphos
John Klima, former resident of Ottoville, died at his home north of Delphos, Tuesday morning after an illness of several years. He was sixty-four years of age.
On May 4, 1904, he was married to Miss Mary Kieffer in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. he is survived by his widow and ten children. A son preceded him in death.
Brothers and sisters living are Joseph and W. J. Klima, Ottoville; Mrs. John Siern, Cloverdale; Mrs. Andrew Myers, Kalida; Mrs. Catherine Mersman, Delphos and Conrad Klima, Wapakoneta.
Mr. and Mrs. Klima moved to a farm near Delphos seventeen years ago. Previous to that time they resided in Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Friday in St. John’s Church at Delphos and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Delores Pohl (Infant)
Rites Held For Ottoville Child
Services for Dorothy Rose, four week’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pohl of two miles east of Ottoville wee held Thursday morning of last week in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the Angel’s Mass.
The infant was born January 4th and passed away Tuesday after an illness of several days.
Elizabeth Pohl
Pohl Rites At Ottoville
Mrs. Frank Pohl Called Suddenly At Hospital
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Pauline Pohl, wife of Frank Pohl, of Ottoville, were held Thursday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at nine o’clock. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
She was born at Ft. Jennings on October 11, 1895, the daughter of Barney and Catherine Cavelage. On April 20, 1920, she married Frank Pohl, at Ft. Jennings. There were eight children. A daughter died in September 1934.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Pohl was forty years, ten months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. She resided in Ft. Jennings and Ottoville her entire life.
Beside her husband, Mrs. Pohl leaves the following children; Robert, Gilbert, Norbert, Ruth, Alice, Bernard and Mary Catherine, all at home; and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Cavelage, Ft. Jennings. Three brothers and three sisters also survive; Felix, Harry, Frank and Mary Cavelage, all of Ft. Jennings; and Rita Cavelage and Mrs. Isabel Sheldon, of Los Angeles, Calif.
Frank H. Helmkamp
Ft. Wayne Man Called
Frank H. Helmkamp Was Native Of Ottoville
Word was received in the county announcing the death of Frank H. Helmkamp, former Putnam County citizen, which occurred in his home at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday morning of last week. His death followed and illness of several months.
Mr. Helmkamp was born in Ottoville and moved to Ft. Wayne about twelve years ago. He was sixty-seven years of age. He is survived by his widow, Josephine; three daughters, Misses Marcella, Marie and Angela Helmkamp, at home; three sons, Bernard of Ottoville, Joseph of Anderson, Indiana, and Norbert of Ft. Wayne; four sisters, a brother and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine-thirty in St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Ft. Wayne. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Thiele, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Herman Ricker
Well Known Man Called
Rites Held Thursday For Herman Ricker
Herman Ricker, well known resident of the Ottoville vicinity, died at his home five miles west of Ottoville Monday at 5:30 p.m. He had been in ill health for the past year. His condition had been serious for the past five weeks. Cancer caused his death.
He was born in Glandorf on February 3, 1860, the son of George and Mary Ann Ricker. On April 21, 1885, he married Elizabeth Lehmkuhle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmkuhle.
Mr. Ricker leaves his widow, who is a sister of William Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; and two sons, Louis, six miles northwest of Ottoville; and William, at home. There are seven grandchildren.
A brother, Henry, of near Ottoville, also survives; two sisters, Mrs. David Hoffman, of Delphos, and Mrs. Matt Hoffman, of Arkansas, are dead.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Catherine Eickholt
Summoned By Death Angel
Mrs. Frank Eickholt Died Wednesday Morning
Mrs. Frank Eickholt, well known and highly respected citizen of Ottoville, answered the call of her Maker and passed to her eternal reward Wednesday morning at eight forty-five after a long illness due to complications. She had been confined to her home for two years prior to her departure.
Mrs. Eickholt was born north of Ottoville on January 12, 1869, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shirack. Following her marriage to Mr. Eickholt on April 18, 1894, the couple located on a farm four miles southwest of Ottoville where they resided until 14 years ago when the moved to Ottoville.
Mr. and Mrs. Eickholt were the parents of five children, all of whom survive the passing of a loving and kind mother. The children are, Leo and Gilbert, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina; and Mrs. John Fenbert, of Ottawa. The husband also mourns the loss of a faithful and true companion.
She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Henry Kehres, Akron; Mrs. Jacob Sheibley, Delphos; Mrs. Frank Wannemacher, Cloverdale; a brother, Joseph Shirack, Delphos; a number of grandchildren and other relatives with scores of friends. Two sisters and a brother preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery there.
Anna C. Sanders
Mrs. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
Last rites for Mrs. Caroline Sanders, who died at her home west of Ottoville Saturday morning, were held in the Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Her death followed an illness of four weeks. Her body was laid to rest in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Sanders was one of the oldest and highly respected citizens of Monterey Township. She was born in France on October 7, 1849, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hug, and at the time of her death was almost eighty-seven years of age. She came to this country with her parents when two years of age and for more than seventy-five years resided in this county.
On October 29, 1872, she was united in marriage to John A. Sanders at Ottoville. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple of the Ottoville parish. In 1932, with their children and other relatives, the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
She leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, who is eighty-nine years of age; five daughters, Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; and scores of friends and other relatives. A sister residing in Fostoria, also survives.
Three sons and four sisters preceded her in death.
Andrew Willacker
Aged Citizen Of Ottoville
Died Sunday Morning At Family Home
Andrew Willacker pioneer and prominent farmer of east of Ottoville, died at his home Sunday morning after an illness of five months. Complications due to heart trouble were the cause of his demise.
Mr. Willacker was born in Germany on March 29, 1855, and has resided in this community for sixty-eight years. At the time of his death he was eighty-one years, three months and thirteen days of age. His wife, who prior to their marriage was Miss Louisa Kuersting, preceded him in death.
He is survived by six children, Frank, of San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. Louis Schwertner, Flint, Mich.; George and Mrs. Fred Wanstroth, Delphos; Mrs. Harold Guendelsberger, Sandusky; and two brothers in Chesaning, Mich. A son, John, preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
John A. Sanders
John A. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
John A. Sanders, aged and respected citizen of northwest of Ottoville, passed away at his home Saturday evening at eight-forty o’clock, just one week after the death of his wife, Mrs. Caroline Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple in the Immaculate Conception parish at Ottoville.
Mr. Sanders was past eighty-nine years of age and had been in failing health for several years, suffering from infirmities due to his advanced age.
He was born in New Reigel, Ohio, on April 29, 1847, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sanders. When he was one year of age his parents moved to Landeck and seven years later moved to Ottoville, where the deceased spent the remainder of his life.
He was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Hug at Ottoville on October 29, 1872. Mrs. Sanders and three sons preceded him in death.
He leaves to mourn the loss the following children; Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; also survive.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville with Rev. J. S. Arnoldi in charge. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary M. Wannemacher
Rites Held At Ottoville
Mrs. Lena Wannemacher Died Saturday
Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher passed away at her home two miles southwest of Ottoville at 11:20 o’clock Saturday evening. She had been ill for the past several years and her condition had been serious for five weeks past. Complications caused her death.
Mrs. Wannemacher was born on December 31, 1863, in Pilsen, Austria, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Zahner. A year and a half later, the Zahner family moved to New Washington where they resided for more than eighteen years. They then moved to a farm seven miles west of Delphos.
On May 7, 1888, Miss Zahner married Andrew Wannemacher. For a period of fifteen years, Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher lived northwest of Ottoville. Later, they moved to a farm southwest of that place.
Mrs. Wannemacher was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville and of the Alter Society. At the time of her death she was seventy-two years, six months and seventeen days of age.
Besides her husband, she leaves the following children; Albert C. and Walter Wannemacher, east of Ottoville; Isadore Wannemacher, of Ft Jennings; Fred, Andrew and Linus Wannemacher, all of Celina. There are 21 grandchildren. A brother John, of Shelby, also survives.
Five sisters and two brothers have preceded Mrs. Wannemacher in death.
Funeral services were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church Wednesday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Isadore A. Wannemacher
Business Man Summoned At Ft. Jennings
Isadore Wannemacher Died Suddenly Friday
Was War Veteran
Funeral Held Monday In Catholic Church
Isadore A. Wannemacher, village blacksmith at Ft. Jennings, died suddenly while at work in the shop Friday evening at ten o’clock. He had been in good health prior to his death, which was due to a heart attack.
Mr. Wannemacher was born in Ottoville on June 18,1894, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher. On October 24, 1922, he was united in marriage to Miss Eda Droll, of Cloverdale. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher resided in Cloverdale and eleven years ago moved to Ft. Jennings. At the time of his death he was forty-two years, one month and six days of age.
Mr. Wannemacher served in the United States Army for a period of thirteen months during the World War and was a member of the Ottawa Kerner-Slusser Post of the American Legion. He was a faithful and devout member of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, a member of the Men’s sodality of the parish and was also a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Mr. Wannemacher was well known in Putnam County and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was an honest businessman, and upstanding citizen, a good neighbor, and a loving and kind husband and father. His mother preceded him in death on July 18th of this year.
He leaves to mourn their loss his wife; seven children, Roman, Helen, Hilary, Alberta, Margaret, Evelyn, and Mary Jane, all at home; his father Andrew Wannemacher, of near Ottoville; and five brothers, Albert and Walter, of Ottoville; Ferdinand, Andrew and Linus, of Celina.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Rev. Father George May, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in Ottoville.
The services were attended in a body by members of the C. K. of O., the Ft. Jennings businessmen and members of the American Legion from Ottawa, Delphos and Continental.
Angeline Hellman
Mrs. Hellman Passed Away
Young Wife And Mother Called To Eternity
Last rites for Mrs. Angeline Hellman, wife of Sylvester Hellman of east of Ft. Jennings were conducted at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Ft. Jennings Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in the Church cemetery.
Mrs. Hellman died at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Friday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock. She underwent a major operation on Tuesday morning and apparently was convalescing nicely. However, her condition became critical Thursday morning.
Miss Angelina Mary Brinkman was born one and one-half miles east of Ottoville on May 23, 1898, the daughter of Gerhard and Mary Brinkman. She married Sylvester Hellman at Ottoville on May 23, 1922. Nine children were born to this union. Two twin boys, John and Joseph, died three years ago. Her father Gerhard Brinkman passed away in 1915.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Hellman was thirty0eight years, two months and twenty-eight days of age. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, the Catholic Ladies of Columbia, Ft. Jennings Council, the Alter Rosary Society and the Sacred Heart League. She spent her entire life in the vicinity of Ottoville and Ft. Jennings and was well known.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Hellman leaves seven children; Emily, Dolores, William, Genevieve, George, Catherine, and Eileen, all at home; her mother, Mrs. Mary Brinkman, east of Ottoville; the following brothers and sisters; Mrs. Joseph Krietemeyer, near Columbus Grove, Mrs. Albert Hempfling, near Delphos, Mrs. Fred Koch, near Ottawa, Ben of Lima, Mrs. Isadore Friemoth, northwest of Delphos, Alex of Youngstown, Mrs. Frank Fenbert, near Columbus Grove, Loretta, east of Ottoville, and Sister M. Matthew of Carthagena, Ohio
Edna Willacker
Death Due To Injuries
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Michigan
The sad message announcing the death of Mrs. William Willacker, former resident of Ottoville, was received by local relatives Tuesday evening. Mrs. Willacker’s death was due to injuries received Tuesday afternoon in Flint, Michigan, when she was struck by a train. She was walking along the tracks to the depot in that city when the fatal accident happened.
Mrs. Willacker was born in Ottoville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Friemoth and was forty-eight years of age. She had been a resident of Flint, Michigan, for a period of twenty years.
She is survived by her husband; six children, all of Michigan; her parents at Ottoville; and the following brothers and sisters; Theodore Friemoth, of near Ottoville, Frank Friemoth of East Troy, Wis., Otto and Alma Friemoth of Toledo, Amedeus, of Columbus, Mrs. H. A. Guske of Laperre, Mich., and Father William Friemoth, assistant pastor of St. John’s Church, Lima. Her husband is a relative of Father Carl Willacker, also an assistant in St. John’s parish, Lima.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning in Flint, Michigan, and interment will be made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Ralph Vincke
Ottoville Native Died In Seminary
Services for Brother Ralph Vincke, native of Ottoville, were held in St. Charles Seminary, at Carthagena, Ohio, Wednesday morning. He became suddenly ill on Saturday morning and died the following day.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand F. Vincke and was born in Ottoville on October 27, 1902. Had he lived until Tuesday he would have been thirty-four years of age.
He is survived by his father; four brothers, and three sisters; George, William, Mrs. Anna Giesken and Mrs. Dora Van Oss, all of Ottoville; Fred and Joseph, Lima; and Sister Mary Gertrude, Superior, Wis. His mother died in 1933.
Joseph H. Brickner
Rites Held At Ottoville
Joseph H. Brickner Died Suddenly Thursday
Joseph H. Brickner, well known and highly esteemed farmer of Ottoville, died suddenly at his home Thursday evening at nine o’clock. His death was due to angina pectoris.
Mr. Brickner was born July 15, 1867, on a farm west of Delphos, a son of John and Caroline Brickner. He resided on the farm south of Ottoville for the past forty-five years.
He was united in marriage to Josephine Miller, of Ottoville, on April 14, 1881. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brickner. Two daughters preceded their father in death.
The widow, two daughters and six sons survive. The children are Mrs. Lena Snyder, Dayton; Mrs. Amelia Deitering, Wapakoneta; Andrew and John Brickner, near Ottoville; George Brickner, at home; Leo Brickner, northwest of Ottoville; Joseph, of Delphos; and William Brickner, of Middletown. He leaves a brother, George Brickner, of near Delphos; and a sister, Anna Brickner, of Dayton; and eleven grandchildren. A sister Phylis, died in Dayton a week ago. Two sisters and two brothers also preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Burial was made in the Ottoville cemetery.
Henry E. Peters
Final Call Is Answered
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Delphos
Funeral services for Henry E. Peters, former resident of Putnam County, were held in Delphos Friday afternoon and burial was made in Antioch Cemetery.
Mr. Peters died suddenly at his home in Delphos on Wednesday of last week. He had been in failing health for several years but was never bedfast a heart attack was the cause of death.
Mr. Peters was born on November 9, 1888, in Monterey Township, a son of Louis and Dora Peters. At the time of his death he was almost forty-eight years of age. The Peters family moved from Monterey Township to Delphos five years ago.
He is survived by his widow and six children. The children are, Gladys, Forest, Lloyd, Esther, Ruth, and Junior, all at home. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Katie Arn, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Clara Baker, of Haviland; three brothers, Carl Peters, Columbus Grove; and Amos and Harold Peters, of north of Ottoville.
Oliver Sellet
Aged Citizen Is Summoned
Rites Held At Ottoville For Oliver Sellet
Funeral services for Oliver Sellet, Ottoville’s oldest resident, were held Friday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Mr. Sellet passed away Tuesday afternoon in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, after a long illness. Gangrene was the immediate cause of death.
He was born in Rheininger, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, on March 31, 1849, the son of Morand and Maria Sellet. When he was four years of age he came to this country with his parents, who located in Seneca County, Ohio. Fifteen years later the family moved to Ottoville.
On November 16, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Wilhelmina Wannemacher. The family resided on a farm near Ottoville until 1913, when they moved to Ottoville.
In his younger years Mr. Sellet was Captain on a State Boat on the Miami and Erie Canal and worked on the route between St. Mary’s and Defiance.
He is survived by the following children, Charles, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Louis, Ottoville; Joseph, Dayton; Mrs. William Greulich, Ottoville; Sister Mary, LaCrosse, Wis.; and Mrs. Agnes Studer, St. Maries, Idaho. He also leaves twenty-four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife who died in 1934, three daughters, three sisters, and a daughter.
John Plescher
Death Call Is Answered
John Plescher Died At Ottoville Home
John Plescher, a well known resident of a quarter of a mile north of Ottoville, passed away at his home at 12:15 p.m. Sunday following an illness of a year. His condition had been serious for the past several weeks. Complications caused his death.
Mrs. Plescher was born at Gottevitz, Austria on February 1, 1867, the son of Simon and Catherine Plescher. When he was fifteen years of age, he came to this country with his parents and settled in Jackson Township, Van Wert County, six and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville. On August 11, 1915, he was married to Miss Catherine Zahner. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Plescher moved to their present home.
At the time of his death, Mr. Plescher was sixty-nine years, eight months and twenty-four days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, and was also a member of the St. Joseph’s Society and the Ottoville council, Knights of Columbus.
Besides his widow, he leaves two sons, Herbert and John Plescher, two step-sons and a step-daughter. He was preceded in death by a step-daughter and four brothers.
Funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
John Klima
Death Calls John Klima
Former Ottoville Man Died At Delphos
John Klima, former resident of Ottoville, died at his home north of Delphos, Tuesday morning after an illness of several years. He was sixty-four years of age.
On May 4, 1904, he was married to Miss Mary Kieffer in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. he is survived by his widow and ten children. A son preceded him in death.
Brothers and sisters living are Joseph and W. J. Klima, Ottoville; Mrs. John Siern, Cloverdale; Mrs. Andrew Myers, Kalida; Mrs. Catherine Mersman, Delphos and Conrad Klima, Wapakoneta.
Mr. and Mrs. Klima moved to a farm near Delphos seventeen years ago. Previous to that time they resided in Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Friday in St. John’s Church at Delphos and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
1937 - Ottoville Obits
Rose Guske
LAPEER, Mich., Jan. 9—Following a major operation a week ago, Mrs. Rose Guske, 38, sister of the Rev. William Friemoth, of St. Gerard church, Lima, Ohio, died Saturday.
She is survived by her husband and four children, Charles, Maria, John and Kenneth, all at home. Mrs. Guske, nee Rose Friemoth, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Friemoth, of Ottoville. She moved from the Lima area when she was married 20 years ago.
Besides her parents, five brothers and a sister survive. They are: Rev. William Friemoth; Theodore, of Ottoville; Frank, of East Troy, Wis.; Otto, of Toledo and A. J.
Friemoth, of Columbus, and Alma Friemoth, of Toledo. Another sister, Mrs. Will Willacker, of Flint, Mich., was killed there last October in a traffic crash.
Services will be at 10 a. m. Monday in Lapeer where she will be buried.
January 1937
Marilyn Schimmoeller (infant)
Wilhemina Luebrecht
Young Lady Is Summoned
Luebrecht Rites Held Wednesday Morning
Funeral services for Mrs. Gilbert Luebrecht, young wife and mother, were held in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Ft. Jennings, Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Luebrecht underwent a major operation in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Friday of last week and her death occurred Sunday evening at five-thirty. She was born in Ottoville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Giesken, and at the time of her death, was twenty-six years of age.
She is survived by her husband, two children, Shirley and Betty, at home; her parents who reside near Ottoville, and seven brothers and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Luebrecht resided on a farm five miles northeast of Ft. Jennings.
Andrew Kehres
Andrew Kehres, 83, died at his home, 108 E. Sixth-st, Tuesday. Mr. Kehres was born in Senaca-co and came to reside here several years ago from Ottoville.
He was a member of St. John's Catholic church. He also was affiliated with the Sacred Heart league and the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Besides his wife, he leaves two sons, Cyril of Washington, D. C. and Eugene at home; eight daughters, Miss Elizabeth Kehres, Mrs. Joseph Hummer, Delphos; Mrs. W. H. Ames, Cincinnati; Mrs. Leona Hesseling, Mrs. Edith Kaverman, near Delphos; Misses Clara and Amelia Kehres, of Washington, D. C. One sister, Miss Elizabeth Kehres, Ottoville; two brothers, Sebastian, Attica, Ohio, and John Kehres of Ottoville and nine grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a. m., Friday in St. John's Catholic church. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery.
Frank Beining
Last Rites Held Monday
Frank Beining Died In Toledo Hospital
Frank Beining, well known farmer of three and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville, died in St. Vincent’s Hospital, Toledo, Saturday morning at 7:15 o’clock. His death followed a major operation performed the week before.
Mr. Beining, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beining, was born in Putnam County, and for the past twenty years resided on a farm northwest of Ottoville. He was never married.
Surviving are five sisters and four brothers; Mrs. Henry Deitering, Mrs. William Koester, Mrs. Joseph Hoersten, Henry, Theodore, Oliver, and Joseph Beining, all of near Ottoville; Mrs. Mary Schulte, of Kalida; and Mrs. Ben Moeggenborg, of Alma, Mich.; A brother, Anthony, died nineteen years ago.
Mr. Beining, a member of Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, was an active member of the Ottoville Council of the Knights of Columbus and a member of the church choir.
Funeral services were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass and delivered the funeral sermon. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
John Zahm
John Zahm, 65, last of the pioneer blacksmiths in Putnam-co, died at 9:25 p.m. Thursday in St. Rita's Hospital, Lima, where he submitted to an operation Wednesday night.
Born in Ottoville on November 27, 1871, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zahm. Zahm had lived here all his life.
On October 28, 1896, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Rekart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rekart, at Ottoville. At the time of his death he was sixty-five years, three months and twenty-eight days of age.
In this community he followed in the professional footsteps of his father, Nicholas Zahm, who as one of the early-settlers, had one of the first smithy shops here, forced during the ill health suffered the past several years had forced John Zahm's retirement altho he occasionally shod horses for the farmers.
Zahm was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church.
Surviving are his widow; four daughters, Mrs. T. J. Connell and Mrs. H. S. Nelson, both of Detroit; Mrs. J. B. Mensing of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. L. A. Metcalf, of Ottoville; three sisters, Mrs. John Winkelman, of Ft Wayne, Ind.; Mrs. Joseph Vincke, of 955 N. Elizabeth St, Lima, and Miss Anna Zahm, of Toledo, and a brother, Frank, of San Diego, Calif.
Funeral rites were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville Monday morning at nine o’clock. The remains were laid to rest in the parish cemetery.
Martin Obringer
Is Summoned To Eternity
Rites Held Last Thursday For Mr. Obringer
Last earthly rites were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, Thursday morning of last week, for Martin Obringer, well known resident of northeast of Ottoville, who died Monday following and illness of ten days.
He was born in Fremont and at the age of two years came to this county with his parents and located on a farm near Ottoville. He was seventy-four years of age. For the last forty years he resided with his sister, Mrs. Charles P. Weber.
He is survived by two brothers, M. E. Obringer, Ottoville; John Obringer, of Delphos; and two sisters, Mrs. Weber, of near Ottoville; and Mrs. Barbara Groves, of near Delphos.
Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Elizabeth Winkelman
Winkelman Rites Held
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Ft. Wayne
Last rites for Mrs. Mary E. Winkelman, former prominent citizen of Ottoville, were held Thursday morning of last week in the Immaculate Conception Church at that place, at ten o’clock. Mrs. Winkeman passed away Monday morning, April 5th, in her home at Ft. Wayne after an illness of several months due to complications.
Mrs. Winkelman was born in Ottoville sixty-seven years ago and resided there until 1925 when the family moved to Ft. Wayne. She had many relatives and friends in Putnam County.
She leaves to mourn their loss, a son, Felix; four daughters, Misses, Ida, and Frances, Mrs. Frank Redmond and Mrs. Harold Noll, all of Ft. Wayne; a brother, Frank Zahm, of San Diego, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Vincke, Lima; and Miss Anna Zahm, San Diego. A brother, John Zahm, of Ottoville, passed away two weeks ago.
Mary Fuerst
Ottoville Native Dies
Mrs. Mary Fuerst Passed Away Suddenly
Mrs. Mary T. Fuerst, native of Ottoville, died suddenly at her home in Delphos at nine-thirty Thursday evening of last week. She was ill for only several hours and her death was attributed to angina pectoris.
Mrs. Fuerst was born in Ottoville on September 9, 1863, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ruen. In 1883 she was united in marriage to John Fuerst at Ottoville. He preceded her in death eight years ago.
In 1930 Mrs. Fuerst moved from Ottoville to Delphos. At the time of her death she was seventy-three years, seven months and six days of age.
She is survived by six children; Mrs. Henry Utrup and John, of Delphos; Louise, at home; Peter, of Lima; Mrs. Andrew Ellerbrock, of Kalida; and Mrs. C. B. Bussing, Blissfield, Mich. Ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; two brothers, William Ruen, Cloverdale; Henry Ruen, Ottoville; a half brother, Frank Ruen, Ottoville; and two half-sisters, Mrs. Gus Trenkamp, Ottoville; and Mrs. Joseph Schmersal, Cuba, also survive.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in St. John’s Catholic Church in Delphos. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Mary Eberle
Aged Citizen Passed Away, Was Oldest Resident of Ottoville Vicinity
Death called the oldest citizen in the vicinity of Ottoville Friday morning, when Mrs. Mary Eberle passed to her eternal reward at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Honigford, Sr., Her death occurred at five o'clock and followed a stroke of paralysis which she suffered two weeks prior to her demise.
Mrs. Eberle was born in Austria on December 11, 1843, the daughter of Simon and Anna Bedink. At the time of her death she was ninety-three years, five months and twelve days of age.
In 1864 she was united in marriage to John Eberle in Austria. The following year the couple sailed for the United States, first settling in New Washington, Ohio, and two and one-half years later moved to a farm one and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville.
Mrs. Eberle resided on that farm until nine years ago when she moved into the home of her daughter, Mrs. Honigford. Mr. Eberle passed away on May 27, 1904.
Mrs. Eberle is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Honigford, and Mrs. Andrew Wurst, both of near Ottoville; nine grandchildren; and seventy-seven great-grandchildren. Two daughters died in infancy and a sister and three brothers preceded her in death.
Last earthly rites were held Monday morning at 9 o'clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the parish cemetery, Ottoville.
Al Roth
Rites Held In Akron Wednesday
Al Roth Former Ottoville Mayor, Called
Funeral services for Al Roth, of Akron, former Ottoville citizen, were held Wednesday morning in St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, Akron, and interment was made in that city. He was fifty-nine years of age.
Mr. Roth was well known in Ottoville and surrounding community. At one time he was engage in the lumber and furniture business in Ottoville and also served several years as mayor of the village. He moved to Akron about twenty years ago where he engaged in the real estate business.
He is survived by the widow, who prior to their marriage was Miss Matilda Schulien of Ottoville, and six children.
Supt. And Mrs. F. J. Uhrich and Mrs. William Vincke, of Ottoville, were among those from this county who attended the last rites.
Henry Kemper
Is Summoned To Eternity
Henry Kemper Is Called After Long Illness
Henry Kemper, native of Germany and well known citizen of Ottoville, passed away at the family home Friday evening at seven o’clock. He had been in failing health for almost three years and was in serious condition for four weeks prior to his demise. Complications were the cause of his departure.
Mr. Kemper was born in Alphonses, Germany, on October 17, 1855, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kemper. He came to this country at the age of twenty-five years; locating first in Cincinnti and later moving to a farm near Ottoville. At the time of his death he was eighty-one years, six months and six days of age.
In February 1886, he was united in marriage to Louisa Schulte of Ottoville. The Kemper family moved from their farm near Ottoville twenty years ago.
He is survived by the widow; five children, Herman, Mrs. Louis Ricker, and Mrs. Joseph Hoehn, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Martin Didion, Ft. Wayne; and Mrs. Al Hoehn, Detroit; 50 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren also survive. Two children and four brothers preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at ten-thirty in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
LaVern Kramer
Death Calls Young Man
Had Been An Invalid For Six Years
Lavern Kramer died at his home in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 3:30 o’clock. Bronchial Influenza was the direct cause of his death.
Lavern was born in Ottoville on August 11, 1918, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kramer. He attended school at Ottoville until the sixth grade when he was stricken with infantile paralysis. He had been a cripple since that time.
When his death occurred, he was eighteen years, nine months and fourteen days of age.
Besides his parents, he leaves six sisters, Velma, Covington, Ky.; Permilla, Honolulu; Elenetta, Joan, Norma, and Carolyn, all at home; and four brothers, Paul, Ed., Jr., Alfred and Richard, all at home; Frank Pahl, Ottoville; is Lavern’s grandfather. A brother, Roman, died four years ago.
The funeral will be held in Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Paul Kramer
Paul Kramer Passed Away
Second Son Of Family Is Called To Eternity
Paul Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer of Ottoville, passed away at the family home Saturday. He followed his brother Lavern, in death by five days. Both of the young men suffered from infantile paralysis for several years. There deaths, however, were due to bronchial influenza.
Paul was born in Ottoville and spent all of his life in that community. He was sixteen years of age. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer; and the following brothers and sisters, Velma, Covington, Ky.; Permilla, Honolulu; Elenetta, Joan, Norma, Carolyn, Edward, Jr., Alfred and Richard, all at home. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Roman and Lavern.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Ottoville, at nine o’clock. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Donna J. Brandehoff (Infant)
Young Child Died In Lima Hospital
Last earthly rites for Donna Jean, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brandehoff, north of Ottoville, were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
The infant passed away in Memorial Hospital, Lima, Sunday morning. She is survived by her parents and three brothers.
Mary Freiburger
Miss Freiburger Is Summoned
The funeral of Miss Mary Freiburger, who died Friday, was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Monday morning at 9 o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass and gave the funeral sermon.
Miss Freiburger, who was nearing the age of eighty-six, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schurer, one mile west of Ottoville.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Frank Distel, of Toledo; and two brothers, Joseph, of Ottoville; and William, of Dearborn, Mich. Three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Katherine Biedenharn
Frank Brokamp
Brokamp Dies At Ottoville
Had Been Poor Health For Eight Months
Frank Brokamp died at his home in Ottoville at 2:00 o’clock Monday morning. Eight months ago he suffered a stroke and had been in failing health since that time.
Mr. Brokamp was born in Glandorf on May 25, 1853, the son of Andrew and Elizabeth Brokamp, he spent his early life in that place and was married there on April 11, 1891, to Elizabeth Scherzinger, daughter of Michael and Mary Scherzinger. The Brokamp’s resided in Kalida for ten years and then moved to Ottoville.
At the time of his death Mr. Brokmap was eighty-four years, two months and seven days of age.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Brokamp is survived by two sons, John and Edward, at home. A son Andrew, of Delphos, died in 1931 and a brother and three sisters preceded him in death.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Joseph Beckman (Infant)
Helen Bendele (Infant)
Donald R. Eickholt (Infant)
Infant Rites At Ottoville
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eickholt, of northwest of Ottoville were held Monday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. The remains were interred in the parish cemetery with Rev. Gerwert in charge.
The child, named Donald Raymond, was born Thursday and passed away Sunday. The parents, two sisters and a brother survive.
Catherine Metz
Metz Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Clement Metz Died Friday Morning
Mrs. Clement Metz, prominent and well known citizen of Ottoville, passed to her reward in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Friday morning at three o’clock. She had been ill for four weeks and was removed to the hospital two weeks prior to her demise when her condition became serious.
Prior to her marriage, she was Miss Catherine Krebs and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs. She was born in Cleveland on December 10, 1875, and at the time of her death was sixty-one years, five months and eleven days.
When she was twelve years of age she accompanied her family to Danburry, Conn. On September 12, 1893, she was married to Clement Metz in Cleveland. In 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Metz and children moved to Napoleon where they resided until five years ago when they moved to Ottoville.
She is survived by her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Cline and Mrs. Helen William, of Ravenna; Mrs. Catherine Gordon, of Ottawa; Miss Marie Metz, Decatur, Ind.; and John Metz, also at home. Nine grandchildren; two sisters and a brother also survive. Seven children preceded her in death.
Last rites were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville with Rev. Henry Gerwert the pastor in charge. The body was laid to rest in the parish cemetery.
Henry Lehmkuhle
Lehmkuhle Rites Held
Services Saturday For Ottoville Citizen
Funeral services for Henry Lehmkuhle were held in Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville, Saturday morning at nine-thirty o’clock. Rev. Father Gerwert officiated. His body was laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery at Ft. Jennings.
Mr. Lehmkuhle, a lifelong resident of Putnam County, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hohlbein, three miles east of Ottoville, at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday night. He had been in failing health for the past two years and was seriously ill for the past week.
He was born at Ft. Jennings on August 30, 1857, the son of Casper and Elizabeth Lehmkuhle. In April 1885, he was married at Ft. Jennings to Anna Schneeg, daughter of Paul and Elizabeth Schneeg. Mr. and Mrs. Lehmkuhle lived at Ft. Jennings for several years after their marriage and later moved to a farm three miles east of Ottoville. Mrs. Lehmkuhle preceded her husband in death thirty-five years ago.
Elizabeth M. Wanstroth
Wanstroth Rites Held
Native Of County Died In Delphos
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wanstroth, 72, died unexpectedly Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hermina Wechta, N. Main-st.
Mrs. Wanstroth had lived in this city nearly a quarter of a century, making her home with her daughter. She was widely known in the community and was a member of St. John's church.
Mrs. Wanstroth was born in Ft. Jennings on September 24, 1865 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rose. Her husband Herman Wanstroth passed away in 1901.
Besides her daughter, she leaves a son, Fred Wanstroth of Delphos. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mary Suever and Mrs. George Hofstetter of Ft. Jennings; nine grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. She was the mother-in-law of John B Lehmkuhl, council president-elect.
Funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Monday at St. John’s church. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery Ottoville.
Rose Guske
LAPEER, Mich., Jan. 9—Following a major operation a week ago, Mrs. Rose Guske, 38, sister of the Rev. William Friemoth, of St. Gerard church, Lima, Ohio, died Saturday.
She is survived by her husband and four children, Charles, Maria, John and Kenneth, all at home. Mrs. Guske, nee Rose Friemoth, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Friemoth, of Ottoville. She moved from the Lima area when she was married 20 years ago.
Besides her parents, five brothers and a sister survive. They are: Rev. William Friemoth; Theodore, of Ottoville; Frank, of East Troy, Wis.; Otto, of Toledo and A. J.
Friemoth, of Columbus, and Alma Friemoth, of Toledo. Another sister, Mrs. Will Willacker, of Flint, Mich., was killed there last October in a traffic crash.
Services will be at 10 a. m. Monday in Lapeer where she will be buried.
January 1937
Marilyn Schimmoeller (infant)
Wilhemina Luebrecht
Young Lady Is Summoned
Luebrecht Rites Held Wednesday Morning
Funeral services for Mrs. Gilbert Luebrecht, young wife and mother, were held in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Ft. Jennings, Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Luebrecht underwent a major operation in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Friday of last week and her death occurred Sunday evening at five-thirty. She was born in Ottoville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Giesken, and at the time of her death, was twenty-six years of age.
She is survived by her husband, two children, Shirley and Betty, at home; her parents who reside near Ottoville, and seven brothers and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Luebrecht resided on a farm five miles northeast of Ft. Jennings.
Andrew Kehres
Andrew Kehres, 83, died at his home, 108 E. Sixth-st, Tuesday. Mr. Kehres was born in Senaca-co and came to reside here several years ago from Ottoville.
He was a member of St. John's Catholic church. He also was affiliated with the Sacred Heart league and the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Besides his wife, he leaves two sons, Cyril of Washington, D. C. and Eugene at home; eight daughters, Miss Elizabeth Kehres, Mrs. Joseph Hummer, Delphos; Mrs. W. H. Ames, Cincinnati; Mrs. Leona Hesseling, Mrs. Edith Kaverman, near Delphos; Misses Clara and Amelia Kehres, of Washington, D. C. One sister, Miss Elizabeth Kehres, Ottoville; two brothers, Sebastian, Attica, Ohio, and John Kehres of Ottoville and nine grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a. m., Friday in St. John's Catholic church. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery.
Frank Beining
Last Rites Held Monday
Frank Beining Died In Toledo Hospital
Frank Beining, well known farmer of three and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville, died in St. Vincent’s Hospital, Toledo, Saturday morning at 7:15 o’clock. His death followed a major operation performed the week before.
Mr. Beining, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beining, was born in Putnam County, and for the past twenty years resided on a farm northwest of Ottoville. He was never married.
Surviving are five sisters and four brothers; Mrs. Henry Deitering, Mrs. William Koester, Mrs. Joseph Hoersten, Henry, Theodore, Oliver, and Joseph Beining, all of near Ottoville; Mrs. Mary Schulte, of Kalida; and Mrs. Ben Moeggenborg, of Alma, Mich.; A brother, Anthony, died nineteen years ago.
Mr. Beining, a member of Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, was an active member of the Ottoville Council of the Knights of Columbus and a member of the church choir.
Funeral services were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass and delivered the funeral sermon. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Peter A. Gengler
P. A. Gengler is dead; resident here since 1878
Was prominent in fraternal circles
Peter A. Gengler, a pioneer and well known resident of Garrett, died at Sacred Heart Hospital at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning from heart trouble and complications.
Mr. Gengler had been ailing for six months and his condition became much worse two weeks ago. He was admitted to the hospital last Friday and his condition was considered grave at that time.
The final rights of the B. P. O. Elks will be conducted by Garrett Lodge at the Gengler residence, 217 South Guilford St., Friday evening. Funeral services will be held at St. Joseph Catholic Church Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. The pastor the Rev. J. G. Bennett, will officiate and interment will be made in the mausoleum of Calvary Cemetery, dear.
Mr. Gengler was in his 68th year, having been born May 20, 1869, at Ottoville, Ohio. He was a son of L. J. Gengler and the family moved to Auburn that to Garrett, locating and Garrett in 1878. L. J. Gengler became a well-known citizen, practicing law in serving as justice of the peace.
When he was 13 years old P. A. Gengler went to work for the Baltimore and Ohio as a call boy. Later he was a messenger boy in 1889 took employment as a brakeman. Afterward he was employed by the express company and in 1909 he opened in insurance, real estate and notary office. For many years he was located in his own building at 117 East King St. He had been manager of the Garrett automobile license bureau since its establishment in December, 1935.
Mr. Gengler was long prominent in fraternal circles. He had been secretary of the Garrett Elks Lodge ever since its institution in 1922. He was a charter member of the Garrett Airey, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and served as president for four years. He also was a member of the Tribe of Ben Hurs. He also was active in local Democratic politics.
Mr. Gengler and miss Clara Coates were married June 19, 1916. She survives, with one sister, Mrs. John L. Cogley of 401 West Adjutant St., Garrett, to have sisters and two half brothers, Mrs. John P. Coates of Chicago, and miss Cecilia Gengler and Sylvan and Louis Gengler, who live at the family home at 415 West Adjutant St., Garrett.
The body was taken to the residence this morning from the Dilgard – Zimmerman funeral home.
John Zahm
John Zahm, 65, last of the pioneer blacksmiths in Putnam-co, died at 9:25 p.m. Thursday in St. Rita's Hospital, Lima, where he submitted to an operation Wednesday night.
Born in Ottoville on November 27, 1871, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zahm. Zahm had lived here all his life.
On October 28, 1896, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Rekart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rekart, at Ottoville. At the time of his death he was sixty-five years, three months and twenty-eight days of age.
In this community he followed in the professional footsteps of his father, Nicholas Zahm, who as one of the early-settlers, had one of the first smithy shops here, forced during the ill health suffered the past several years had forced John Zahm's retirement altho he occasionally shod horses for the farmers.
Zahm was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church.
Surviving are his widow; four daughters, Mrs. T. J. Connell and Mrs. H. S. Nelson, both of Detroit; Mrs. J. B. Mensing of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. L. A. Metcalf, of Ottoville; three sisters, Mrs. John Winkelman, of Ft Wayne, Ind.; Mrs. Joseph Vincke, of 955 N. Elizabeth St, Lima, and Miss Anna Zahm, of Toledo, and a brother, Frank, of San Diego, Calif.
Funeral rites were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville Monday morning at nine o’clock. The remains were laid to rest in the parish cemetery.
Martin Obringer
Is Summoned To Eternity
Rites Held Last Thursday For Mr. Obringer
Last earthly rites were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, Thursday morning of last week, for Martin Obringer, well known resident of northeast of Ottoville, who died Monday following and illness of ten days.
He was born in Fremont and at the age of two years came to this county with his parents and located on a farm near Ottoville. He was seventy-four years of age. For the last forty years he resided with his sister, Mrs. Charles P. Weber.
He is survived by two brothers, M. E. Obringer, Ottoville; John Obringer, of Delphos; and two sisters, Mrs. Weber, of near Ottoville; and Mrs. Barbara Groves, of near Delphos.
Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Elizabeth Winkelman
Winkelman Rites Held
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Ft. Wayne
Last rites for Mrs. Mary E. Winkelman, former prominent citizen of Ottoville, were held Thursday morning of last week in the Immaculate Conception Church at that place, at ten o’clock. Mrs. Winkeman passed away Monday morning, April 5th, in her home at Ft. Wayne after an illness of several months due to complications.
Mrs. Winkelman was born in Ottoville sixty-seven years ago and resided there until 1925 when the family moved to Ft. Wayne. She had many relatives and friends in Putnam County.
She leaves to mourn their loss, a son, Felix; four daughters, Misses, Ida, and Frances, Mrs. Frank Redmond and Mrs. Harold Noll, all of Ft. Wayne; a brother, Frank Zahm, of San Diego, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Vincke, Lima; and Miss Anna Zahm, San Diego. A brother, John Zahm, of Ottoville, passed away two weeks ago.
Mary Fuerst
Ottoville Native Dies
Mrs. Mary Fuerst Passed Away Suddenly
Mrs. Mary T. Fuerst, native of Ottoville, died suddenly at her home in Delphos at nine-thirty Thursday evening of last week. She was ill for only several hours and her death was attributed to angina pectoris.
Mrs. Fuerst was born in Ottoville on September 9, 1863, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ruen. In 1883 she was united in marriage to John Fuerst at Ottoville. He preceded her in death eight years ago.
In 1930 Mrs. Fuerst moved from Ottoville to Delphos. At the time of her death she was seventy-three years, seven months and six days of age.
She is survived by six children; Mrs. Henry Utrup and John, of Delphos; Louise, at home; Peter, of Lima; Mrs. Andrew Ellerbrock, of Kalida; and Mrs. C. B. Bussing, Blissfield, Mich. Ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; two brothers, William Ruen, Cloverdale; Henry Ruen, Ottoville; a half brother, Frank Ruen, Ottoville; and two half-sisters, Mrs. Gus Trenkamp, Ottoville; and Mrs. Joseph Schmersal, Cuba, also survive.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in St. John’s Catholic Church in Delphos. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Mary Eberle
Aged Citizen Passed Away, Was Oldest Resident of Ottoville Vicinity
Death called the oldest citizen in the vicinity of Ottoville Friday morning, when Mrs. Mary Eberle passed to her eternal reward at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Honigford, Sr., Her death occurred at five o'clock and followed a stroke of paralysis which she suffered two weeks prior to her demise.
Mrs. Eberle was born in Austria on December 11, 1843, the daughter of Simon and Anna Bedink. At the time of her death she was ninety-three years, five months and twelve days of age.
In 1864 she was united in marriage to John Eberle in Austria. The following year the couple sailed for the United States, first settling in New Washington, Ohio, and two and one-half years later moved to a farm one and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville.
Mrs. Eberle resided on that farm until nine years ago when she moved into the home of her daughter, Mrs. Honigford. Mr. Eberle passed away on May 27, 1904.
Mrs. Eberle is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Honigford, and Mrs. Andrew Wurst, both of near Ottoville; nine grandchildren; and seventy-seven great-grandchildren. Two daughters died in infancy and a sister and three brothers preceded her in death.
Last earthly rites were held Monday morning at 9 o'clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the parish cemetery, Ottoville.
Al Roth
Rites Held In Akron Wednesday
Al Roth Former Ottoville Mayor, Called
Funeral services for Al Roth, of Akron, former Ottoville citizen, were held Wednesday morning in St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, Akron, and interment was made in that city. He was fifty-nine years of age.
Mr. Roth was well known in Ottoville and surrounding community. At one time he was engage in the lumber and furniture business in Ottoville and also served several years as mayor of the village. He moved to Akron about twenty years ago where he engaged in the real estate business.
He is survived by the widow, who prior to their marriage was Miss Matilda Schulien of Ottoville, and six children.
Supt. And Mrs. F. J. Uhrich and Mrs. William Vincke, of Ottoville, were among those from this county who attended the last rites.
Henry Kemper
Is Summoned To Eternity
Henry Kemper Is Called After Long Illness
Henry Kemper, native of Germany and well known citizen of Ottoville, passed away at the family home Friday evening at seven o’clock. He had been in failing health for almost three years and was in serious condition for four weeks prior to his demise. Complications were the cause of his departure.
Mr. Kemper was born in Alphonses, Germany, on October 17, 1855, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kemper. He came to this country at the age of twenty-five years; locating first in Cincinnti and later moving to a farm near Ottoville. At the time of his death he was eighty-one years, six months and six days of age.
In February 1886, he was united in marriage to Louisa Schulte of Ottoville. The Kemper family moved from their farm near Ottoville twenty years ago.
He is survived by the widow; five children, Herman, Mrs. Louis Ricker, and Mrs. Joseph Hoehn, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Martin Didion, Ft. Wayne; and Mrs. Al Hoehn, Detroit; 50 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren also survive. Two children and four brothers preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at ten-thirty in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Joseph Odenweller
Odenweller, 52, partner in the Odenweller Clothing Co., died in a Toledo
Hospital. He was in St. Rita’s Hospital and later in the Women’s and Children’s
Hospital in Toledo.
was a member of St. John’s Catholic Church and the men’s organization of the
parich. He was widely known thru his business and church connections. He
resided at 333 S. Pierce St.
Besides his
wife, he leaves, three sons, Herbert, George and Alfred Odenweller, and the
following brothers, Edward, William, Alexander, Theodore, Leo, Sylvester,
Arnold and a sister, Miss Catherine Odenweller and his mother.
LaVern Kramer
Death Calls Young Man
Had Been An Invalid For Six Years
Lavern Kramer died at his home in Ottoville Tuesday morning at 3:30 o’clock. Bronchial Influenza was the direct cause of his death.
Lavern was born in Ottoville on August 11, 1918, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kramer. He attended school at Ottoville until the sixth grade when he was stricken with infantile paralysis. He had been a cripple since that time.
When his death occurred, he was eighteen years, nine months and fourteen days of age.
Besides his parents, he leaves six sisters, Velma, Covington, Ky.; Permilla, Honolulu; Elenetta, Joan, Norma, and Carolyn, all at home; and four brothers, Paul, Ed., Jr., Alfred and Richard, all at home; Frank Pahl, Ottoville; is Lavern’s grandfather. A brother, Roman, died four years ago.
The funeral will be held in Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Paul Kramer
Paul Kramer Passed Away
Second Son Of Family Is Called To Eternity
Paul Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer of Ottoville, passed away at the family home Saturday. He followed his brother Lavern, in death by five days. Both of the young men suffered from infantile paralysis for several years. There deaths, however, were due to bronchial influenza.
Paul was born in Ottoville and spent all of his life in that community. He was sixteen years of age. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer; and the following brothers and sisters, Velma, Covington, Ky.; Permilla, Honolulu; Elenetta, Joan, Norma, Carolyn, Edward, Jr., Alfred and Richard, all at home. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Roman and Lavern.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Ottoville, at nine o’clock. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Donna J. Brandehoff (Infant)
Young Child Died In Lima Hospital
Last earthly rites for Donna Jean, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brandehoff, north of Ottoville, were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
The infant passed away in Memorial Hospital, Lima, Sunday morning. She is survived by her parents and three brothers.
Mary Freiburger
Miss Freiburger Is Summoned
The funeral of Miss Mary Freiburger, who died Friday, was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Monday morning at 9 o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated at the requiem high mass and gave the funeral sermon.
Miss Freiburger, who was nearing the age of eighty-six, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schurer, one mile west of Ottoville.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Frank Distel, of Toledo; and two brothers, Joseph, of Ottoville; and William, of Dearborn, Mich. Three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Katherine Biedenharn
Frank Brokamp
Brokamp Dies At Ottoville
Had Been Poor Health For Eight Months
Frank Brokamp died at his home in Ottoville at 2:00 o’clock Monday morning. Eight months ago he suffered a stroke and had been in failing health since that time.
Mr. Brokamp was born in Glandorf on May 25, 1853, the son of Andrew and Elizabeth Brokamp, he spent his early life in that place and was married there on April 11, 1891, to Elizabeth Scherzinger, daughter of Michael and Mary Scherzinger. The Brokamp’s resided in Kalida for ten years and then moved to Ottoville.
At the time of his death Mr. Brokmap was eighty-four years, two months and seven days of age.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Brokamp is survived by two sons, John and Edward, at home. A son Andrew, of Delphos, died in 1931 and a brother and three sisters preceded him in death.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Joseph Beckman (Infant)
Helen Bendele (Infant)
Donald R. Eickholt (Infant)
Infant Rites At Ottoville
Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eickholt, of northwest of Ottoville were held Monday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. The remains were interred in the parish cemetery with Rev. Gerwert in charge.
The child, named Donald Raymond, was born Thursday and passed away Sunday. The parents, two sisters and a brother survive.
Catherine Metz
Metz Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Clement Metz Died Friday Morning
Mrs. Clement Metz, prominent and well known citizen of Ottoville, passed to her reward in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Friday morning at three o’clock. She had been ill for four weeks and was removed to the hospital two weeks prior to her demise when her condition became serious.
Prior to her marriage, she was Miss Catherine Krebs and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs. She was born in Cleveland on December 10, 1875, and at the time of her death was sixty-one years, five months and eleven days.
When she was twelve years of age she accompanied her family to Danburry, Conn. On September 12, 1893, she was married to Clement Metz in Cleveland. In 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Metz and children moved to Napoleon where they resided until five years ago when they moved to Ottoville.
She is survived by her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Cline and Mrs. Helen William, of Ravenna; Mrs. Catherine Gordon, of Ottawa; Miss Marie Metz, Decatur, Ind.; and John Metz, also at home. Nine grandchildren; two sisters and a brother also survive. Seven children preceded her in death.
Last rites were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville with Rev. Henry Gerwert the pastor in charge. The body was laid to rest in the parish cemetery.
Henry Lehmkuhle
Lehmkuhle Rites Held
Services Saturday For Ottoville Citizen
Funeral services for Henry Lehmkuhle were held in Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville, Saturday morning at nine-thirty o’clock. Rev. Father Gerwert officiated. His body was laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery at Ft. Jennings.
Mr. Lehmkuhle, a lifelong resident of Putnam County, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hohlbein, three miles east of Ottoville, at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday night. He had been in failing health for the past two years and was seriously ill for the past week.
He was born at Ft. Jennings on August 30, 1857, the son of Casper and Elizabeth Lehmkuhle. In April 1885, he was married at Ft. Jennings to Anna Schneeg, daughter of Paul and Elizabeth Schneeg. Mr. and Mrs. Lehmkuhle lived at Ft. Jennings for several years after their marriage and later moved to a farm three miles east of Ottoville. Mrs. Lehmkuhle preceded her husband in death thirty-five years ago.
Elizabeth M. Wanstroth
Wanstroth Rites Held
Native Of County Died In Delphos
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wanstroth, 72, died unexpectedly Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hermina Wechta, N. Main-st.
Mrs. Wanstroth had lived in this city nearly a quarter of a century, making her home with her daughter. She was widely known in the community and was a member of St. John's church.
Mrs. Wanstroth was born in Ft. Jennings on September 24, 1865 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rose. Her husband Herman Wanstroth passed away in 1901.
Besides her daughter, she leaves a son, Fred Wanstroth of Delphos. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mary Suever and Mrs. George Hofstetter of Ft. Jennings; nine grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. She was the mother-in-law of John B Lehmkuhl, council president-elect.
Funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Monday at St. John’s church. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery Ottoville.
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