Delores Pohl (Infant)
Rites Held For Ottoville Child
Services for Dorothy Rose, four week’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pohl of two miles east of Ottoville wee held Thursday morning of last week in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi officiated at the Angel’s Mass.
The infant was born January 4th and passed away Tuesday after an illness of several days.
Elizabeth Pohl
Pohl Rites At Ottoville
Mrs. Frank Pohl Called Suddenly At Hospital
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Pauline Pohl, wife of Frank Pohl, of Ottoville, were held Thursday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at nine o’clock. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
She was born at Ft. Jennings on October 11, 1895, the daughter of Barney and Catherine Cavelage. On April 20, 1920, she married Frank Pohl, at Ft. Jennings. There were eight children. A daughter died in September 1934.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Pohl was forty years, ten months and thirteen days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. She resided in Ft. Jennings and Ottoville her entire life.
Beside her husband, Mrs. Pohl leaves the following children; Robert, Gilbert, Norbert, Ruth, Alice, Bernard and Mary Catherine, all at home; and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Cavelage, Ft. Jennings. Three brothers and three sisters also survive; Felix, Harry, Frank and Mary Cavelage, all of Ft. Jennings; and Rita Cavelage and Mrs. Isabel Sheldon, of Los Angeles, Calif.
Frank H. Helmkamp
Ft. Wayne Man Called
Frank H. Helmkamp Was Native Of Ottoville
Word was received in the county announcing the death of Frank H. Helmkamp, former Putnam County citizen, which occurred in his home at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday morning of last week. His death followed and illness of several months.
Mr. Helmkamp was born in Ottoville and moved to Ft. Wayne about twelve years ago. He was sixty-seven years of age. He is survived by his widow, Josephine; three daughters, Misses Marcella, Marie and Angela Helmkamp, at home; three sons, Bernard of Ottoville, Joseph of Anderson, Indiana, and Norbert of Ft. Wayne; four sisters, a brother and six grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine-thirty in St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Ft. Wayne. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Thiele, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Herman Ricker
Well Known Man Called
Rites Held Thursday For Herman Ricker
Herman Ricker, well known resident of the Ottoville vicinity, died at his home five miles west of Ottoville Monday at 5:30 p.m. He had been in ill health for the past year. His condition had been serious for the past five weeks. Cancer caused his death.
He was born in Glandorf on February 3, 1860, the son of George and Mary Ann Ricker. On April 21, 1885, he married Elizabeth Lehmkuhle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmkuhle.
Mr. Ricker leaves his widow, who is a sister of William Lehmkuhle, of Delphos; and two sons, Louis, six miles northwest of Ottoville; and William, at home. There are seven grandchildren.
A brother, Henry, of near Ottoville, also survives; two sisters, Mrs. David Hoffman, of Delphos, and Mrs. Matt Hoffman, of Arkansas, are dead.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Catherine Eickholt
Summoned By Death Angel
Mrs. Frank Eickholt Died Wednesday Morning
Mrs. Frank Eickholt, well known and highly respected citizen of Ottoville, answered the call of her Maker and passed to her eternal reward Wednesday morning at eight forty-five after a long illness due to complications. She had been confined to her home for two years prior to her departure.
Mrs. Eickholt was born north of Ottoville on January 12, 1869, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shirack. Following her marriage to Mr. Eickholt on April 18, 1894, the couple located on a farm four miles southwest of Ottoville where they resided until 14 years ago when the moved to Ottoville.
Mr. and Mrs. Eickholt were the parents of five children, all of whom survive the passing of a loving and kind mother. The children are, Leo and Gilbert, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Ferd Wannemacher and Miss Armella Eickholt, of Celina; and Mrs. John Fenbert, of Ottawa. The husband also mourns the loss of a faithful and true companion.
She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Henry Kehres, Akron; Mrs. Jacob Sheibley, Delphos; Mrs. Frank Wannemacher, Cloverdale; a brother, Joseph Shirack, Delphos; a number of grandchildren and other relatives with scores of friends. Two sisters and a brother preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery there.
Anna C. Sanders
Mrs. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
Last rites for Mrs. Caroline Sanders, who died at her home west of Ottoville Saturday morning, were held in the Immaculate Conception Church Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Her death followed an illness of four weeks. Her body was laid to rest in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Mrs. Sanders was one of the oldest and highly respected citizens of Monterey Township. She was born in France on October 7, 1849, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hug, and at the time of her death was almost eighty-seven years of age. She came to this country with her parents when two years of age and for more than seventy-five years resided in this county.
On October 29, 1872, she was united in marriage to John A. Sanders at Ottoville. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple of the Ottoville parish. In 1932, with their children and other relatives, the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
She leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, who is eighty-nine years of age; five daughters, Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; and scores of friends and other relatives. A sister residing in Fostoria, also survives.
Three sons and four sisters preceded her in death.
Andrew Willacker
Aged Citizen Of Ottoville
Died Sunday Morning At Family Home
Andrew Willacker pioneer and prominent farmer of east of Ottoville, died at his home Sunday morning after an illness of five months. Complications due to heart trouble were the cause of his demise.
Mr. Willacker was born in Germany on March 29, 1855, and has resided in this community for sixty-eight years. At the time of his death he was eighty-one years, three months and thirteen days of age. His wife, who prior to their marriage was Miss Louisa Kuersting, preceded him in death.
He is survived by six children, Frank, of San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. Louis Schwertner, Flint, Mich.; George and Mrs. Fred Wanstroth, Delphos; Mrs. Harold Guendelsberger, Sandusky; and two brothers in Chesaning, Mich. A son, John, preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
John A. Sanders
John A. Sanders Passed Away
One Of The Oldest Citizens Of Monterey Township
John A. Sanders, aged and respected citizen of northwest of Ottoville, passed away at his home Saturday evening at eight-forty o’clock, just one week after the death of his wife, Mrs. Caroline Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders were the oldest couple in the Immaculate Conception parish at Ottoville.
Mr. Sanders was past eighty-nine years of age and had been in failing health for several years, suffering from infirmities due to his advanced age.
He was born in New Reigel, Ohio, on April 29, 1847, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sanders. When he was one year of age his parents moved to Landeck and seven years later moved to Ottoville, where the deceased spent the remainder of his life.
He was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Hug at Ottoville on October 29, 1872. Mrs. Sanders and three sons preceded him in death.
He leaves to mourn the loss the following children; Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew Bendele and Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Steinacker, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; one son, John G. Sanders, west of Ottoville; 35 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren; also survive.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville with Rev. J. S. Arnoldi in charge. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary M. Wannemacher
Rites Held At Ottoville
Mrs. Lena Wannemacher Died Saturday
Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher passed away at her home two miles southwest of Ottoville at 11:20 o’clock Saturday evening. She had been ill for the past several years and her condition had been serious for five weeks past. Complications caused her death.
Mrs. Wannemacher was born on December 31, 1863, in Pilsen, Austria, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Zahner. A year and a half later, the Zahner family moved to New Washington where they resided for more than eighteen years. They then moved to a farm seven miles west of Delphos.
On May 7, 1888, Miss Zahner married Andrew Wannemacher. For a period of fifteen years, Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher lived northwest of Ottoville. Later, they moved to a farm southwest of that place.
Mrs. Wannemacher was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville and of the Alter Society. At the time of her death she was seventy-two years, six months and seventeen days of age.
Besides her husband, she leaves the following children; Albert C. and Walter Wannemacher, east of Ottoville; Isadore Wannemacher, of Ft Jennings; Fred, Andrew and Linus Wannemacher, all of Celina. There are 21 grandchildren. A brother John, of Shelby, also survives.
Five sisters and two brothers have preceded Mrs. Wannemacher in death.
Funeral services were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church Wednesday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Isadore A. Wannemacher
Business Man Summoned At Ft. Jennings
Isadore Wannemacher Died Suddenly Friday
Was War Veteran
Funeral Held Monday In Catholic Church
Isadore A. Wannemacher, village blacksmith at Ft. Jennings, died suddenly while at work in the shop Friday evening at ten o’clock. He had been in good health prior to his death, which was due to a heart attack.
Mr. Wannemacher was born in Ottoville on June 18,1894, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wannemacher. On October 24, 1922, he was united in marriage to Miss Eda Droll, of Cloverdale. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wannemacher resided in Cloverdale and eleven years ago moved to Ft. Jennings. At the time of his death he was forty-two years, one month and six days of age.
Mr. Wannemacher served in the United States Army for a period of thirteen months during the World War and was a member of the Ottawa Kerner-Slusser Post of the American Legion. He was a faithful and devout member of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, a member of the Men’s sodality of the parish and was also a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Mr. Wannemacher was well known in Putnam County and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was an honest businessman, and upstanding citizen, a good neighbor, and a loving and kind husband and father. His mother preceded him in death on July 18th of this year.
He leaves to mourn their loss his wife; seven children, Roman, Helen, Hilary, Alberta, Margaret, Evelyn, and Mary Jane, all at home; his father Andrew Wannemacher, of near Ottoville; and five brothers, Albert and Walter, of Ottoville; Ferdinand, Andrew and Linus, of Celina.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Rev. Father George May, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery in Ottoville.
The services were attended in a body by members of the C. K. of O., the Ft. Jennings businessmen and members of the American Legion from Ottawa, Delphos and Continental.
Angeline Hellman
Mrs. Hellman Passed Away
Young Wife And Mother Called To Eternity
Last rites for Mrs. Angeline Hellman, wife of Sylvester Hellman of east of Ft. Jennings were conducted at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Ft. Jennings Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in the Church cemetery.
Mrs. Hellman died at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Friday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock. She underwent a major operation on Tuesday morning and apparently was convalescing nicely. However, her condition became critical Thursday morning.
Miss Angelina Mary Brinkman was born one and one-half miles east of Ottoville on May 23, 1898, the daughter of Gerhard and Mary Brinkman. She married Sylvester Hellman at Ottoville on May 23, 1922. Nine children were born to this union. Two twin boys, John and Joseph, died three years ago. Her father Gerhard Brinkman passed away in 1915.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Hellman was thirty0eight years, two months and twenty-eight days of age. She was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ft. Jennings, the Catholic Ladies of Columbia, Ft. Jennings Council, the Alter Rosary Society and the Sacred Heart League. She spent her entire life in the vicinity of Ottoville and Ft. Jennings and was well known.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Hellman leaves seven children; Emily, Dolores, William, Genevieve, George, Catherine, and Eileen, all at home; her mother, Mrs. Mary Brinkman, east of Ottoville; the following brothers and sisters; Mrs. Joseph Krietemeyer, near Columbus Grove, Mrs. Albert Hempfling, near Delphos, Mrs. Fred Koch, near Ottawa, Ben of Lima, Mrs. Isadore Friemoth, northwest of Delphos, Alex of Youngstown, Mrs. Frank Fenbert, near Columbus Grove, Loretta, east of Ottoville, and Sister M. Matthew of Carthagena, Ohio
Edna Willacker
Death Due To Injuries
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Michigan
The sad message announcing the death of Mrs. William Willacker, former resident of Ottoville, was received by local relatives Tuesday evening. Mrs. Willacker’s death was due to injuries received Tuesday afternoon in Flint, Michigan, when she was struck by a train. She was walking along the tracks to the depot in that city when the fatal accident happened.
Mrs. Willacker was born in Ottoville, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Friemoth and was forty-eight years of age. She had been a resident of Flint, Michigan, for a period of twenty years.
She is survived by her husband; six children, all of Michigan; her parents at Ottoville; and the following brothers and sisters; Theodore Friemoth, of near Ottoville, Frank Friemoth of East Troy, Wis., Otto and Alma Friemoth of Toledo, Amedeus, of Columbus, Mrs. H. A. Guske of Laperre, Mich., and Father William Friemoth, assistant pastor of St. John’s Church, Lima. Her husband is a relative of Father Carl Willacker, also an assistant in St. John’s parish, Lima.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning in Flint, Michigan, and interment will be made in the Catholic Cemetery in that city.
Ralph Vincke
Ottoville Native Died In Seminary
Services for Brother Ralph Vincke, native of Ottoville, were held in St. Charles Seminary, at Carthagena, Ohio, Wednesday morning. He became suddenly ill on Saturday morning and died the following day.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand F. Vincke and was born in Ottoville on October 27, 1902. Had he lived until Tuesday he would have been thirty-four years of age.
He is survived by his father; four brothers, and three sisters; George, William, Mrs. Anna Giesken and Mrs. Dora Van Oss, all of Ottoville; Fred and Joseph, Lima; and Sister Mary Gertrude, Superior, Wis. His mother died in 1933.
Joseph H. Brickner
Rites Held At Ottoville
Joseph H. Brickner Died Suddenly Thursday
Joseph H. Brickner, well known and highly esteemed farmer of Ottoville, died suddenly at his home Thursday evening at nine o’clock. His death was due to angina pectoris.
Mr. Brickner was born July 15, 1867, on a farm west of Delphos, a son of John and Caroline Brickner. He resided on the farm south of Ottoville for the past forty-five years.
He was united in marriage to Josephine Miller, of Ottoville, on April 14, 1881. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brickner. Two daughters preceded their father in death.
The widow, two daughters and six sons survive. The children are Mrs. Lena Snyder, Dayton; Mrs. Amelia Deitering, Wapakoneta; Andrew and John Brickner, near Ottoville; George Brickner, at home; Leo Brickner, northwest of Ottoville; Joseph, of Delphos; and William Brickner, of Middletown. He leaves a brother, George Brickner, of near Delphos; and a sister, Anna Brickner, of Dayton; and eleven grandchildren. A sister Phylis, died in Dayton a week ago. Two sisters and two brothers also preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Burial was made in the Ottoville cemetery.
Henry E. Peters
Final Call Is Answered
Former Ottoville Citizen Died In Delphos
Funeral services for Henry E. Peters, former resident of Putnam County, were held in Delphos Friday afternoon and burial was made in Antioch Cemetery.
Mr. Peters died suddenly at his home in Delphos on Wednesday of last week. He had been in failing health for several years but was never bedfast a heart attack was the cause of death.
Mr. Peters was born on November 9, 1888, in Monterey Township, a son of Louis and Dora Peters. At the time of his death he was almost forty-eight years of age. The Peters family moved from Monterey Township to Delphos five years ago.
He is survived by his widow and six children. The children are, Gladys, Forest, Lloyd, Esther, Ruth, and Junior, all at home. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Katie Arn, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Clara Baker, of Haviland; three brothers, Carl Peters, Columbus Grove; and Amos and Harold Peters, of north of Ottoville.
Oliver Sellet
Aged Citizen Is Summoned
Rites Held At Ottoville For Oliver Sellet
Funeral services for Oliver Sellet, Ottoville’s oldest resident, were held Friday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Mr. Sellet passed away Tuesday afternoon in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, after a long illness. Gangrene was the immediate cause of death.
He was born in Rheininger, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, on March 31, 1849, the son of Morand and Maria Sellet. When he was four years of age he came to this country with his parents, who located in Seneca County, Ohio. Fifteen years later the family moved to Ottoville.
On November 16, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Wilhelmina Wannemacher. The family resided on a farm near Ottoville until 1913, when they moved to Ottoville.
In his younger years Mr. Sellet was Captain on a State Boat on the Miami and Erie Canal and worked on the route between St. Mary’s and Defiance.
He is survived by the following children, Charles, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Louis, Ottoville; Joseph, Dayton; Mrs. William Greulich, Ottoville; Sister Mary, LaCrosse, Wis.; and Mrs. Agnes Studer, St. Maries, Idaho. He also leaves twenty-four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife who died in 1934, three daughters, three sisters, and a daughter.
John Plescher
Death Call Is Answered
John Plescher Died At Ottoville Home
John Plescher, a well known resident of a quarter of a mile north of Ottoville, passed away at his home at 12:15 p.m. Sunday following an illness of a year. His condition had been serious for the past several weeks. Complications caused his death.
Mrs. Plescher was born at Gottevitz, Austria on February 1, 1867, the son of Simon and Catherine Plescher. When he was fifteen years of age, he came to this country with his parents and settled in Jackson Township, Van Wert County, six and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville. On August 11, 1915, he was married to Miss Catherine Zahner. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Plescher moved to their present home.
At the time of his death, Mr. Plescher was sixty-nine years, eight months and twenty-four days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, and was also a member of the St. Joseph’s Society and the Ottoville council, Knights of Columbus.
Besides his widow, he leaves two sons, Herbert and John Plescher, two step-sons and a step-daughter. He was preceded in death by a step-daughter and four brothers.
Funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
John Klima
Death Calls John Klima
Former Ottoville Man Died At Delphos
John Klima, former resident of Ottoville, died at his home north of Delphos, Tuesday morning after an illness of several years. He was sixty-four years of age.
On May 4, 1904, he was married to Miss Mary Kieffer in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. he is survived by his widow and ten children. A son preceded him in death.
Brothers and sisters living are Joseph and W. J. Klima, Ottoville; Mrs. John Siern, Cloverdale; Mrs. Andrew Myers, Kalida; Mrs. Catherine Mersman, Delphos and Conrad Klima, Wapakoneta.
Mr. and Mrs. Klima moved to a farm near Delphos seventeen years ago. Previous to that time they resided in Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Friday in St. John’s Church at Delphos and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
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