Emma Wannemacher
Aged Woman Buried Saturday
Emma Wannemacher Died Wednesday Night
Funeral services were held Saturday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville for Mrs. Emma Wannemacher, 83, wife of Henry Wannemacher, who died Wednesday night in her home as the result of complication and infirmities.
Mrs. Wannemacher was born at Delphos on October 28, 1865, the daughter of John and Mary Kalt. She was married to Mr. Wannemacher in 1882, and the couple observed their 65th wedding anniversary last year.
She is survived by her husband: twelve children, Mrs. Adolph Lauer, of Detroit; Mrs. George Fierstos and A. J. Wannemacher, of Wabash, Ind.; Mrs. Bernard Ricker, and Othmer Wannemacher, both of Delphos; Mrs. Ray Baxter, of Van Wert; Ralph and Edwin Wannemacher, of Ottoville; Gilbert, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Ralph, of Wauseon; and William Wannemacher, of Bakerfield, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Mayme Imber, of Delphos; two brothers, Frank, of Delphos; and John Kalt, of Harrod; 34 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.
Rev. Henry Gerwert, pastor of the Ottoville parish, officiated at the last rites and burial was made in the church cemetery.
Mary Ruen
Final Rites Ay Ottoville
Mrs. Henry Ruen Passed Away Saturday
Mrs. Mary Ruen, wife of Henry Ruen, passed away early Saturday morning at her home in Ottoville, following a stroke suffered Friday afternoon. She was seventy-six years of age.
She is survived by her husband, three sons, William, of Ottoville; Anthony, Continental; and Albert, of Ottoville; five daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Falke and Mrs. Frank Mesker, of Delphos; Mrs. Fred Brinkman, of Lima; Mrs. Harry Wolke, of Cleveland; and Mrs. George King, of Ottoville; 33 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren survive.
Funeral services were held Tuesday in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville, of which she was a member. She was also a member of the Alter Rosary Society of the church. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, at Ottoville.
Glen Rayman (Reburial)
Ottoville Soldier Returned For Rites
The body of Pvt. Glenn E. Rayman, member of the U. S. Army, who was killed in action in France on June 22, 1944, the first body to be returned from overseas, was received at the Kolkmeyer Funeral Home yesterday.
The body will remain there until funeral services in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church here Friday at 10 a.m. The Rev. Henry Gerwert will officiate at the requiem mass. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, south of Ottoville.
Joseph Schwertner
Burial Made At Ottoville
Joseph Schwertner Died In St. Rita’s Hospital
Last rites for Joseph Schwertner, 60, were held Tuesday morning in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mr. Schwertner died Saturday morning in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, following and illness of two weeks. He had been employed at Hixon-Peterson Lumber Company in Ottoville for a period of 28 years. A veteran of World War I, he was a member of the Ottoville VFW Post, and also held membership in the Delphos Council, Knights of Columbus.
He was born in Delphos on April 18, 1887, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwertner.
Mr. Schwertner was married to Cecelia Fortner at Ottoville on June 25, 1927. He is survived by his wife; a sister, Mrs. Walter Wannemacher, of Ottoville; and four brothers, Lewis, of Flint, Mich.; Edward and John, of Cleveland; and Robert Schwertner, of Ontario.
Emma Liebrecht
Passed Away On Saturday
Miss Emma Liebrecht A Native of Ottoville
Miss Emma Liebrecht, 71, native of Ottoville, died in Alameda, California Saturday, March 19th. Funeral services were held Wednesday in St. Leo’s Catholic Church in Alameda.
Miss Leibrecht was born on December 16, 1876, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Liebrecht. She had resided in California for the last thirty years where she had been a housekeeper for the pastor of St. Leo’s Church.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Fred Kreinbrink, of Avilla, Ind.; three brothers, Ben Liebrecht, of Cuba; John, of Kalida; and Bill, of Ottoville; and her step-mother, Mrs. Margaret Liebrecht, of Ottoville.
Three half-brothers, Arnold and Lawrence Liebrecht, of Ottoville; and Frank, of Dayton; and three half-sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Kastner, of Dayton; Mrs. Lawrence Verhoff and Mrs. Andy Brickner, of Cuba, also survive.
Rosa Hoehn
Services For Rosa Hoehn
Held Saturday Morning at Ottoville Church
Mrs. Rosa Hoehn, a resident of three miles northwest of Ottoville, died at 7:45 Wednesday night of last week in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima. She had been ill three and one-half years and was in serious condition for ten days prior to her demise.
Mrs. Hoehn was born at Ottoville on April 28, 1892, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, and was 55 years of age. She was married to Andrew Hoehn at Ottoville on April 28, 1914.
Surviving are her husband; five children, John Hoehn, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Wilbert Menker, of Dayton; and Anne, Lawrence and Walter Hoehn, at home; three grandchildren; three brothers, A. J. Weber, of Delphos; Louis and Frank Weber, of Ottoville; three sisters, Mrs. John Honigford, Mrs. Steve Miller and Mrs. William Perrin, all of Ottoville, also survive.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville at 10 o’clock Saturday morning. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
John Kehres
John Kehres Passed Away
Long Illness Claims Aged Ottoville Resident
John Kehres, 86, died at his home east of Ottoville Friday evening, following a long illness. He was born at Ottoville February 17, 1862, and lived there all his life.
His wife Anna Helmkamp Kehres, died in 1941.
Surviving are five daughters, Sister Mary Reginalda, of Carthagena; Mrs. Frank Rekart, of Van Nuys, Calif.; Misses Henrietta and Hilda Kehres, at home; ands Miss Amelia Kehres, of Toledo, and a son, Casmir, of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the church cemetery.
Petronella Koester
Well Known Lady Called
Mrs. Anthony Koester of Ottoville Summoned
Mrs. Petronella Koester, wife of Anthony Koester, died at the family home west of Ottoville Tuesday morning at 5:45. Mrs. Koester was stricken with a heart attack several weeks ago, and was a patient at St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, until Saturday. Apparently improved she was removed to her home, but suffered a severe stroke later that day from which she failed to rally.
Mrs. Koester was born at Frank, Ohio on October 28, 1896, the daughter of Frank and Catherine Greulich. She was 51 years of age. She came to the Ottoville community with her parents in childhood and was married to Mr. Koester on June 15, 1921. Mr. Koester was a former Vice Chairman of the county Triple-A committee, and president of the Putnam County Farm Bureau.
Surviving are her husband; five children, Connie Lou, James, Thomas, Betty Jane and Ralph, all at home; and the following brothers and sisters, Albert, Felix and Carl Greulich and Mrs. Hilda Spencer, all of Ottoville; Roman and Victor Greulich, of Delphos; and Ottoville Greulich, of Van Wert. Her parents and a sister preceded her in death.
She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, at Ottoville, the Alter Rosary Society and the C. L. of C., of that parish.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 9:30 in the Ottoville church with Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, in charge. Burial will be made in the church cemetery.
William Schimmoeller
Burial Made At Ottoville
William Schimmoeller Died Saturday Evening
William J. Schimmoeller, Ottoville, died in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Saturday evening at seven o’clock after an illness of two weeks. He was removed to the hospital a week earlier from the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Thines, with who he resided.
Mr. Schimmeoller was born at Ft. Jennings on January 13, 1866, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schimmoeller and was 82 years of age at the time of his demise.
He was married at Ottoville to Mary Langhals on August 28, 1894, and had resided on a farm near Ottoville until his retirement. Mrs. Schimmoeller died July 1, 1945.
He is survived by six children; Frank, of Chesaning, Mich.; Mrs. John Thines and Melitus Schimmoeller, Ottoville; Clarence and Alphonse, of Delphos; and Mrs. Norbert Wurst, of South Bend, Ind.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Holgreve, of Lima; Mrs. Bernadine Hohebrink, of Pittsburgh, PA.; and Mrs. Herman Ricker, of Leipsic; a brother, Louis Schimmoeller, of Lafayette, Ind.; 16 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. A daughter, three brothers and two sisters are deceased.
Last rites were held in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary Nomina
Funeral Held At Ottoville
Mrs. John Nomina Rites Held Monday
Mrs. Mary Nomina, 70, died at her home two miles northeast of Ottoville Friday after an illness of a year due to complications.
Mrs. Nomina was born at Toledo, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weiskoff. She was married to Mr. Nomina in 1915. The couple resided in Toledo until three years ago when they moved to there present home. She is survived by her husband; a son, Francis, of northwest of Delphos; and two sisters.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Monday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in St. John’s Cemetery, in Delphos.
August Smith
Funeral For August C. Smith
Citizen of Ottoville Died On Wednesday
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville at 9:30 a.m. Saturday for August C. Smith of that community who died in his home Wednesday of last week following a six week’s illness.
An employee of the Odenweller Miller Company virtually all of his life, he also served as town Marshall for sixteen years until his retirement seven years ago. Born in Landeck, he married Eva Janka April 23, 1894, and she survives.
In addition to his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Milton Bowers, Lima; Mrs. Leo Eickholt, Ottoville; Mrs. Bryan Kaverman and Mrs. Albert Weber, Ottoville; two sons, Henry, Ottoville; and George, Delphos; a half-brother, Anthony Clementz, north of Ottoville; and a step-sister, Mrs. Charles Konst, Lima; 20 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.
Mr. Smith was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church and the Knights of Columbus. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, at Ottoville.
William F. Koester
Services For William Koester
Held Saturday in Ottoville Church
William F. Koester, 54, two and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville, died at 12:20 a.m. Wednesday of last week at Lima St. Rita’s Hospital, of a cerebral hemorrhage, which he suffered the previous Sunday.
Funeral services were held Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville with burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mr. Koester was born June 23, 1889, near Ottoville. On May 6, 1914, he was married to Miss Rosa Beining, who survives.
He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church and belonged to the St. Joseph’s Society of the church.
Also surviving are the following children; Richard, of Ottoville; Mrs. Norbert Langhals, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Cyril Weber, of Ottoville; Ambrose, of Ottoville; Celestine, Hilarius and Rosemary, at home. There are five grandchildren, one brother, Anthony Koester, and one sister, Mrs. Roman Miller, west of Ottoville.
Catherine Liebrecht
Burial Made At Ottoville
Mrs. William Liebrecht Died Saturday
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at ten o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville for Mrs. Catherine S. Liebrecht, 58, who died at her home at Ottoville Saturday evening.
Mrs. Leibrecht, the former Catherine Knapp, was born in Cincinnati on March 7, 1890. She was married to William Leibrecht on June 29, 1921.
She is survived by her husband; three sons, Jerome, Paul and Claude, at home; two sisters, Mary and Clara; and five brothers, Louis, Paul, Ambrose and Urban Knapp, all of Cincinnati, and Rev. Charles Knapp, of Wellington, Texas.
The remains were laid to rest in the Ottoville parish cemetery.
Gerhard Brinkman
Died Sunday In Hospital
Ottoville Farmer Victim of Leukemia
Gerhard H. Brinkman, farmer of one and one-half miles northeast of Ottoville, died Sunday night at 10:50 in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, where he had been a patient for six days. His death was attributed to Leukemia.
Mr. Brinkman was born at Ottoville son September 26, 1887, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Brinkman, and was 60 years of age. He had been engaged in farming his entire life.
Mr. Brinkman is survived by the following brothers and sisters; Miss Mary Brinkman, Saginaw, Mich.; Mrs. Edward Schwertner, Cleveland; Sister Mary Irene, C. PP. S., New Reigel; Mrs. Louis Ricker, Miss Eleanora Brinkman and Sylvester Brinkman, all of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Thursday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Joseph Giesken (Reburial)
Body Of Vet On Way Home
Joseph Giesken, Ottoville, Died In Italy
The body of Joseph M. Giesken, 28, who was killed in action on March 15, 1944, in the battle for the Anzio beachhead in Italy, is being returned to this country for burial.
Funeral services will be held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville with burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery. The Ottoville V.F.W. post will be in charge of the military rites. No definite date has been set.
Mr. Giesken was born in Ottoville, August 13, 1916, a son of John and Rosa Giesken, both of whom survive. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville. Prior to his entrance into the service, he was engaged in farming.
Surviving in addition to his parents are the following brothers and sisters; Alva, of Paulding; Mrs. Nelson Schwinnen, of Landeck; William, Ambrose, Clarence, Julius, and John, and a cousin, Rosemary Vincke, all at home.
Anthony Janka
Anton Janka Died Monday
Funeral Held Thursday at Ottoville
Last rites were held this morning, Thursday, in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Ottoville, for Anton, Janka, 80, of Ottoville, who died Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hancock, of Dayton, following a year’s illness.
Mr. Janka was born in New Washington, November 16, 1867. On November 25, 1903, he was married to Susie Schumaker.
Surviving are his widow; two sons, Alfred and Isidore; another daughter, Frances; a grandchild; a sister, Mrs. Eva Smith, all of Ottoville; a brother, Wentz, of Cloverdale; three half-brothers, Frank, of Chicago; Simon and Adam Janka, both of Cleveland; two half sisters, Mrs. Rose Balka and Miss Hannah Janka, both of Cleveland.
Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
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