Margaret Hoehn
Hoehn Rites Held Monday
Long Illness Ends For Ottoville Lady
A solemn requiem funeral mass was offered in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, Monday morning at 9:30, for Mrs. Margaret Hoehn, seventy-five, who died Saturday morning at her home north of Ottoville at 7:30 o’clock.
Mrs. Hoehn hade been on failing health for the past two years, and was in serious condition for six weeks prior to her demise.
She was born in Pilsen, Austria, and came to this country in 1875. She resided in the vicinity of Ottoville since that time. Her husband Anton Hoehn, died twenty-five years ago.
She leaves to mourn their loss ten children, Rev. Roger Hoehn O. S. B., Denver Colo.; William and Leo, of Lima; Frank, of Ft. Wayne; Sylvester, of Ft. Jennings; Rudolph, Joseph and Gilbert, of Ottoville; Mrs. Louis Grote, Ft. Jennings; and Mrs. Phillip Weber, Ecorse, Mich.; forty-five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Father Hoehn, son of the deceased, was celebrant of the solemn mass; Rev. Henry Gerwert, deacon, and Rev. Sylvester Schnipke, sub-deacon. Interment was made in the parish cemetery at Ottoville.
Leona Fenbert
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 9 a. m. in Sts. Peter and Paul. Catholic church for Mrs. Leona B. Fenbert, 32 with burial in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Fenbert died Wednesday night in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wannemacher, in Ottawa. She was a native of Ottoville where she was born May 11, 1909. On Aug. 3, 1932, she married Edwin Fenbert at Ft. Jennings.
The husband and parents remain together with two daughters, Doris Ann and Patricia Louise Fenbert, at home; two brothers, and three sisters.
The body will be returned to the parents' home Friday evening from the Fischer and son funeral home.
Elizabeth Schulte
Rites Held At Ottoville
Mrs. Elizabeth Schulte Buried Saturday
Death came to Mrs. Elizabeth Schulte, a native of Ottawa, at her home three miles-northeast of Ottoville, Wednesday of, last week after an illness of nine months. She had been bedfast since last April when she suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Mrs. Schulte was born on February 2, 1857, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mersman. She was married to Henry Schulte in 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Schulte resided on a farm near Glandorf, for the first five years after their marriage and then moved to the farm where her death occurred. Mr. Schulte died on December 12, 1918. Mrs. Schulte was eighty-five years of age.
She is survived by a son, Ron, who resides on the home place; two sisters, Mrs., Frank Goedde, of Leipsic, and Mrs. Barney Moening, Lansing, Mich., a brother, Barney Mersman, of near Ottawa, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Two sisters and two brothers preceded her in death.
Last Rites were held Saturday morning at nine thirty in the Immaculate Conception Catholic church at Ottoville, and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Edward Kramer
Ottoville Young Man Passed Away
Funeral services fort Edward Kramer, Jr., who died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer, in Ottoville, Tuesday of last week, were held Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. The young man had been ill for two years.
He was born in Ottoville on March 14, 1923, and attended the Ottoville schools. Had he lived until last Saturday he would have been nineteen years of age. He is survived by the parents, six sisters and two brothers. Burial was made in the parish cemetery, Ottoville
Catherine Vincke
Services For Catherine Vincke
Held Monday Morning in Ottoville Church
Mrs. Catherine Vincke, well known and lifelong resident of Ottoville, died at her home Thursday forenoon of last week after an illness of two months.
Mrs. Vincke was born at Ottoville fifty-six years ago, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Wannemacher. She is survived by her husband, William Vincke; a sister, Mrs. Rose Lane, Dayton; and a brother, Louis Wannemacher, Ottoville.
She was a member of the Immaculate Conception church and the Catholic Ladies of Columbia at Ottoville. Funeral services were held in the Ottoville church Monday morning at nine-thirty o’clock and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Conrad Krebs
Passed Away At Ottoville
Conrad Krebs Services Held Tuesday
Conrad F. Krebs, well known resident of Ottoville and community, passed away Saturday morning at seven o’clock in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, after an illness of four weeks.
Mr. Krebs was born at Ottoville on September 15, 1861, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krebs. He was married on April 29, 1884, to Miss Anna Kiefer. Had he lived until next Tuesday he and hid wife would have observed their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary.
Following their marriage, the couple located on a farm south of Ottoville, and with the exception of fourteen years spent in Wabash, Indiana, he live in that community all his life. The couple moved to Ottoville eight years ago. Mr. Krebs was eighty years of age at the time of his death.
He is survived by his widow; two sons, Joseph, of Toledo; and George, of Warsaw, Ind.; four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Horstman and Mrs. Amelia Phillips, Wabash, Ind.; Mrs. Edna Everhart, Tiffin; and Sister Mary Alexia C.PP.S., Salem Heights, Dayton; seventeen grandchildren. A son, sister and eight brothers preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Fannie Wannemacher
Rites Held At Ottoville
Fannie Wannemacher Died Thursday
Miss Fannie Wannemacher, a lifelong and well known citizen of Ottoville, died Thursday night at eleven o’clock at her home after an illness of several months. She had been bedfast since February.
Miss Wannemacher was born at Ottoville on October 19, 1878, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wannemacher. She was sixty-three years of age.
She was a member of the Immaculate Conception parish at Ottoville and the Ottoville council, Catholic Ladies of Columbia. She is survived by a brother, Stephen, of Lima. Nine brothers preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Ottoville Catholic church and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Henry H. Koester
Rites Held Last Friday
Ottoville World War Veteran Called, Wounded In Action
Leaves Large Family Of Twelve Children
Military rites attended by a large number of relatives and friends were held Friday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville for Henry Koester, resident one and a half miles west of Ottoville, died Tuesday of last week in the Van Wert Hospital.
Mr. Koester was a veteran of the World War, who was gassed and wounded on the battlefields of France, had been in ill health throughout most of the winter. He became seriously ill two weeks before his death and was removed to the hospital on April 17th. Complications of diseases were the cause of death.
He was born on the Koester homestead, three-quarters of a mile west of Ottoville on May 28, 1891, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Koester. He was fifty-one years of age, and with the exception of the period spent in the United States Army, resided in Monterey Township his entire life.
On May 6, 1919, he was united in marriage to Clara Deitering, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deitering, at Ottoville. He was well known throughout the western part of Putnam County and was held in high esteem by all of his acquaintances.
He is survived by his widow; five daughters, Mildred, Rita, Mary Jane, and twins Eileen and Irene; seven sons, Roman, Alphonse, Gerald, Virgil, Victor, and twins Jerome and Clarence; four brothers and a sister, William F, Ben, Anthony and Christ, and Mrs. Roman Miller, all of west of Ottoville. His mother passed away four years ago and his father died sixteen years ago.
Father Henry Gerwert, pastor of the Ottoville parish, officiated at the last rites and interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Joseph F. Ruen
Joseph F. Ruen, 40, a farmer living four miles west of here, died suddenly Thursday evening of a heart attack. He had worked in the fields all day Thursday and was on an errand to the home of a neighbor when he dropped dead. He had been ill, but not serious, for two or three months.
He was born March 5, 1902, at Ottoville, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruen of Continental, who survive. He was married 15 years ago to Anna Maag, who also survives, with six children Joe, Jr., Charles, Joan, Charlene, Ferman and Normalee, all at home.
Also surviving are three brothers, William of Cleveland, Andy of Continental and Albert of Ottoville, and five sisters, Mrs. Harry Wolke of Cleveland, Mrs. Lawrence Falke and Mrs. Frank Metzger of Delphos, Mrs. Fred Brinkman and Miss Henrietta Ruen of Lima.
He was a member of the Eagles lodge, the Holy Name Sodality and St. Anthony's Catholic church here, where requiem mass will be sung at 9:30 a. m. Monday by Fr. Karl Finsel, with burial following in the church cemetery.
The body is at the Harris funeral home here and will be removed to the late home Saturday, where it will remain until time of services.
Mayme Weber
Mrs. Ludwig F. Weber died at her home in Ottoville from a cerebral hemorrhage. She was the former Mayme Bedink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bedink of Ottoville.
She is survived by her husband and five sons, Stanley, John, James, Louis and Thomas, and two daughters, Marie and Joan, all at home. Also surviving are her parents and two brothers, Carl Bedink, of Detroit, and Joseph Bedink, of Ottoville; one sister, Mrs. Henry Kistler, of Ottawa.
She was born at Ottoville on August 3, 1901. Funeral services will be held from Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville at 9 a.m. Friday. Burial will be in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Paul Wannemacher
Mass will be celebrated at 9 a. m. Monday in St. John's Catholic church here for Paul Wannemacher, 57, member of the firm of George Wannemacher and Co., farm implement dealers, who died in St. Rita's hospital Friday. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Delphos.
He was a native of Ottoville but had lived in Delphos for many years. He was a member of St. John's church here and Ottoville chapter, Catholic Knights of Ohio and the Sacred Heart League of St. John's parish. He also was a member of the Delphos Civic club.
Surviving are his widow and one daughter. Dolores, at home.
Joseph Altenburger
Last Rites Held Monday
Joseph Altenburger Dies At Ottoville
Funeral services for Joseph Altenburger, aged and respected resident of Monterey township, were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Monday morning at nine o’clock. Mr. Altenburger passed away at the home of his son Andrew, in Ottoville, Friday afternoon, after an illness of three weeks. Prior to his illness he resided on a farm five miles west of Ottoville.
Mr. Altenburger was born in Stark County, Ohio, on January 26, 1857, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Altenburger. At the time of his death he was eighty-five years of age.
He was married fifty-seven years ago to Miss Amelia Miller at Ottoville. She preceded him in death in 1929. He is survived by three sons, William of near Glandorf; Andrew and John, of Ottoville; two brothers, Frank, of Cleveland; and Peter, of Botkins; twenty-five grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three daughters, two sisters and four brothers.
Rev. Henry Gerwert, pastor of the Ottoville parish, officiated at the last rites, and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Charles Benedict Wannemacher
Rites Held At Ottoville
Ottoville Jeweler Laid To Rest Monday
C. B. Wannemacher, Ottoville Jeweler, died unexpectedly as the result of a heart attack at his home Thursday noon of last week. He became suddenly ill at four o’clock Thursday morning and died eight hours later.
Mr. Wannemacher was widely known in Ottoville and community and was in the jewelry business for forty-five years. He was born at Ottoville on December 18, 1875, the son of Charles and Anna Wannemacher, and spent all of his sixty-six years in the village of his birth. He was sixty-six years of age.
On July 1, 1904, he was married to Miss Cecelia Geier. He is survived by the widow, two daughters and a son; Mrs. Carl King and Robert of Baltimore, Maryland; and Mrs. Alfred Maher of Piqua; seven grandchildren; a brother, George, of Toledo; and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Kalt, of Toledo and Mrs. George Rieger of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Monday morning at nine o’clock, and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Gertrude Harrsion
(Toledo) Mrs. Gertrude Harrison, 46, wife of Robert G. Harrison, city fireman, died yesterday in her home, 552 Lodge Avenue, following a heart attack. The fire department rescue squad applied the inhalator one hour but efforts were futile.
Mrs. Harrison had been in poor health for several months. A native of Ft. Jennings, O., she had lived in Toledo 23 years. Surviving besides her husband, who is stationed in No. 5 Engine House, are mother, Mrs. John Warnecke, Ottoville, O.; brothers, Hubert, Urban, Fred, Toledo and Albert, Ottoville, and a sister, Mrs. Martha Van Oss, East Liberty, O.
The body is in the Coyle Funeral Home where services will be at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and at 9 a.m. in St. James Church. Burial will be made in Ottoville.
Joseph Schneeg
Hold Rites At Ottoville
Joseph Schneeg Dies In Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Joseph Schneeg, sixty-six, a former resident of Ottoville, died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Wednesday evening of last week after a month’s illness. He had resided in the Indiana city for the last several years.
He is survived by his widow, Jennie; a daughter, Margaret, of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and a son Lawrence, who is in the United States Army on foreign soils. Two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson and Miss Pauline Schneeg, and three brothers, William, Andrew and Paul Schneeg, all of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Saturday morning at nine o’clock and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary Suever
Death Occurs Unexpectedly
Mrs. Mary Suever Dies Monday at Home Near
Fort Jennings —Seven Children Survive—Services Friday.
The death of Mrs.
Mary Suever occurred unexpectedly at 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon at her home
a quarter of a mile southeast of Fort Jennings. For the past seven weeks, she
had been bedfast.
Born at Ottoville
on November 5, 1862, Mrs. Suever was the daughter of Adolph and Elizabeth Rose.
She was married to William Suever on June 19, 1884. The greater part of her
life had been spent in the Fort Jennings community. Her husband's death
occurred on May 4, 1922.
Had she lived
until November 5, Mrs. Suever would have been eighty years of age. She was a
member of St. Joseph's church, Fort Jennings, and of the Altar Society.
Her survivors are:
four sons and three daughters: Charles, Fort Jennings; Mrs. Joseph Broecker,
Fort Jennings; Joseph, north of Fort Jennings; Anton, east of Delphos; Mrs.
Wilfred Fischer, Lima; Leo, at home; and Mrs. Lawrence Warnecke, Fort Jennings;
thirty-six grandchildren; and one great-grandson. Surviving also is a sister,
Mrs. George Hoffstetter, Fort Jennings. A son, Louis, died on February 28, 1898.
Funeral services
will be held at St. Joseph's church in Fort Jennings at 9:30 o'clock Friday
morning with the pastor, the Rev. John H. Miller, officiating. Burial will be
in the church cemetery.
The remains were
removed from the Jauman-Kolkmeyer funeral home to the Suever residence Tuesday
Passed Away At Ottoville
Gerhard Gasser Services Held Monday
Gerhard Gasser, a former resident of Ottoville for many years, died at his home in Delphos Thursday afternoon of last week. He had been bedfast for a period of five weeks suffering from senility.
Mr. Gasser was born in Austria on December 12, 1855, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Gasser. He came to America in 1883 and settled at Ottoville. On October 26, 1887, he was married to Miss Anna Honigford at Ottoville. She preceded him in death on July 15, 1915.
At the time of his death Mr. Gasser was eighty years, ten months and three days of age. For the last sixteen years he had made his home in Delphos.
Mr. Gasser is survived by eight children: Mrs. Rose Bensman, Ft. Jennings; Frank Gasser, Ottoville; John, of Chesaning Mich.; William and Gebhard, Ottoville; Oliver, of Delphos; Mrs. Oliver Beining and Mrs. Joseph Miller, also of Ottoville. He also leaves fifty-six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. A son died in infancy.
Funeral services were held Monday in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Frank Thessing
Frank Thessing Rites Monday
Funeral of Former Ottoville Resident Held at Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville — Mr. Thessing, Step-father of Fred Geier, South of Delphos, and Frank Geier, West Sixth Street, Dies Thursday
Funeral services for Frank Thessing, 93, for many years an Ottoville resident, were conducted at Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville at 8:50 a. m. Monday. The pastor, the Rev. Henry Gerwert offered the requiem High mass and also gave the sermon. Interment was in St. Mary's cemetery, Ottoville.
Mr. Thessing was the step-father of Fred Geier, south of Delphos, and Frank Geier, West Sixth street. His death occurred Thursday at the home for the Aged operated in Toledo by the Little Sisters of the Poor. His wife died eight years ago. He had been in Toledo for the past six years.
Surviving are the following stepchildren: Fred and Frank Geier, Delphos; Mrs. Henry Cramer, Baltimore, Maryland; William Geier, Youngstown; Mrs. Eva Wagner, Baltimore; and Mrs. C. B. Wannemacher, Ottoville.
The remains were removed from Toledo to the Lauer mortuary in Ottoville on Saturday.
Mrs. Eisenbeis Passes Away
Death of Elizabeth Eisenbeis Jennings Street, Occurs Tuesday
-- Services at St. John’s Friday
Mrs. elizabeth Eisenbeis a residen of the Delphos and Ottoville vicinity her entire life, died at her home at 721 Jennings street at 4 p.m. Tuesday. She had been bedfast several weeks and had been in failing health for a number of years past. Her conditon had been serious for the past several days.
Cardio-Vascular disease cause her death.
Elizabeth Hohlbein was born at Ottoville on May 27, 1860, the daughter of Philip and Magdalena Hohlbein. She was married at Ottoville to John Eisenbeis in 1886. The death of Mr. Eisenbeis occuured in May, 1908.
Mrs. Eisenbeis was a member of St. john’s church and of the Sacred Heart League. When her death occurred. She was eigty-two years, five-months and twenty-four days of age.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Madeline Lause, at home; three step-daughters, Mrs. J. C. Furge, Fort Wayne; and Mrs. S. O. Hisey and Mrs. C. A. Cooley, Toledo; a step-son, William Eisenbeis, Oregon; and two grandchidren. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs Frank Schulien, Fort Wayne and Mrs. Mary Altenburger, Cloverdale. Two sons, Frank and John and a step-daughter, Mrs. Florence Schuchart, are dead.
Services will be held at St. John’s church at 9:30 o’clock Friday morning. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
The remains will be removed from Jauman-Kolkmeyer funeral home to the Eisenbeis residence this evening.
Anna Heising
Heising Services Held At Ottoville
Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Heising, of near Ottoville, were held in the Immaculate Conception church in that village Wednesday morning of last week. She died suddenly from a heart attack on the previous Sunday morning.
She was born near Ottoville on November 30, 1887, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Utrup. She was fifty-five years of age. On May 15, 1915, she was married to Mr. Heising. He survives with a sister, Mrs. Theresa Frisch, of Kirby, and four brothers, Henry, Joseph and Paul Utrup, of Ottoville; and Frank Utrup, of Kalida. An infant daughter preceded him her in death.
The remains were interred in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville.
Barbara Dunham
Mrs. Barbara Dunham, 67, of 833 Bellefontaine-av, who suffered a stroke October 14, died in Memorial Hospital at 8:50 p.m. Thursday.
She made her home with her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Hitzman. Her brother George Hitzman died January 13, 1942.
A native of Ottoville and a resident of Lima for 40 years, Mrs. Dunham is survived by a step-brother. John H. Hitzman of Cloverdale.
The body will remain at the Lewis funeral home where final rites will be held in the chapel at 2 p.m. Sunday with Rev. John White, pastor of Epworth Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Walnut Grove cemetery, Delphos.
William T. Wannemacher
Funeral for William T. Wannemacher, 83, of 1124 S. Erie-st, will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in St. John’s Catholic Church.
Wannemacher lived in this city for 40 years. He was a member of St. John’s Catholic Church. He was a native of Ottoville. He was a sawyer by trade.
Besides his wife he leaves four children, Mrs. Wayne Long, east of Delphos; Mrs. William Lehmkuhle, Lima; William Wannemacher, south of Delphos; J. A. Wannemacher, Little Rock, Ark.
Thomas H. Lauer
Plane Crash Kills Youth
Was A Son Of Former Ottoville Residents
Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Lauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lauer, of Toledo, formerly of Ottoville, was killed Wednesday of last week in an airplane accident at Ft. George Wright, Washington. The Lauer family is well known in the Ottoville community, where they have a number of relatives. Details of the accident were not learned immediately.
The young man was born in Toledo where he attended St. John’s High School and graduated from Central High school in that city. He was valedictorian of his class. In 1938 he was appointed to the U. S. Military Academy and graduated fourth high in his class in May of this year. He won his Freshman numerals at West Point in lacrosse and was associate editor of the bi-monthly cadet magazine.
Upon graduation he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the army and was sent to the Engineer’s school at Ft. Belvoir, Va. He was assigned to the engineers battalion at Geiger Field, near Spokane Wash., August 1, and recently had been battalion executive officer.
Lieutenant Lauer is survived by his parents, three brothers, Robert, a midshipman at the U. S. Naval Academy, John and Daniel at home, and a sister, Carol, also at home.
Military rites were held in the Toledo Catholic parish church and burial was made in that city.
Mary Byrne
Carl Dean Hohlbein
Caroline Jean Hohlbein
Robert Landwehr
Leo Landwehr
Mary Greulich
George Sellet
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