August Trenkamp
A. C. Trenkmap Passed Away
Was Prominent Farmer Of Near Ottoville
August C. Trenkamp, prominent resident of southeast of Ottoville, died Tuesday morning at two-ten in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima. He suffered a stroke of paralysis a week prior to his demise and his condition was regarded as serious since that time.
Mr. Trenkamp was born in Germany on October 13, 1876, the son of Henry and Johanna Trenkamp. He came to this country at the age of eight years and settled in Glandorf. He was sixty-nine years of age.
He was married to Anna Ruen at Ottoville forty-three years ago. In addition to his widow, he leaves twelve children, Mrs. Charles Landwehr, Kalida; Ambrose, of Toledo; Walter, of Ft. Jennings; Henry, of Ottoville; Sister Mary Annaceta, C.PP.S., of Cleveland; Edna, Sally, and Mrs. John Dugan, Lima; Arnold, John, August, Jr. and James, at home; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Utrup, of near Delphos; and twenty grandchildren.
Mr. Trenkamp was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, the St. Joseph’s Society and the Ottoville branch. C. K. of O.
Funeral services will be held in the parish church Friday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, will officiate. Burial will be made in the parish cemetery.
Rita Beining
Young Lady Died Monday
Rita C. Beining, Ottoville, Dies From Influenza
Mrs. Rita C. Beining, twenty-four, wife of John Beining, three and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville, died at six forty-five Sunday in Lima Memorial Hospital. Complications, which developed following an attack of influenza caused her death. She had been ill for the past week and on Thursday was removed to the hospital.
She was born at Ft. Jennings on June 2, 1921, the daughter of Matt and Agnes Hellman. Her marriage to John Beining took place at St. Joseph’s Church in Ft. Jennings on September 5, 1945.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Beining was twenty-four years, seven months and eleven days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville. With the exception of her married life, which was spent near Ottoville, she had been a lifelong resident of the Ft. Jennings community.
Surviving are her husband; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hellman, two and one-half miles east of Ft. Jennings; three brothers and three sisters, Joseph Hellman, north of Delphos; Pfc. Thomas Hellman, U. S. Army; Albert Hellman, at home; Mrs. Leona Metzger, of Delphos; and Dorothy and Esther Hellman, at home; and the grandfather H. C. Schimmoeller, near Ft. Jennings.
Services were held in the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville at nine-thirty Thursday morning a Requiem High Mass was offered. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Joseph Klima
Joseph Klima Passed Away
Ottoville Resident To Be Buried Friday
Joseph W. Klima, seventy-five, lifelong resident of Ottoville, died at his home at five o’clock Monday following a critical illness of a week. In ill health for the past year, his condition has been more serious for the past eight weeks.
He was born in Ottoville on November 22, 1870, the son of Wenzlaus and Thekla Klima. His marriage to Elizabeth Sanders took place at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville on October 29, 1907. For many years, Mr. Klima was a saddler by trade. He was also in the shoe repair business and operated a retail shoe business.
When his death occurred he was seventy-five years, one month and seventeen days of age. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville and of the Ottoville branch of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Surviving are his widow; a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Maag, of near Ottoville; a son Joseph Klima, Ottawa; nine grandchildren; two brothers, W. J. Klima, Ottoville; and Conrad Klima, Ottoville; and three sisters, Mrs. John Sierens, Cloverdale; Mrs. Andrew Meyer, Kalida; and Mrs. Frank Merschman, Delphos. A brother, John Klima preceded him in death.
Services will be held at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville at nine-thirty o’clock Friday morning. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Frank M. Weber
Ottoville Man Killed As Two Cars Meet Head On
Frank M. Weber Died From Injuries
Four Persons Hurt
Ottoville Party On Way To Lima Plant
Frank M. Weber, sixty-three, of Ottoville, was killed and three other Ottoville men and an Elida woman were injured this morning, Thursday, when the cars in which they were riding collided head-on on route 30 south, between Elida and Lima.
State Highway patrolman are investigating the accident which happened shortly after seven o’clock as the men were on their way to work at the Lima Tank Depot.
Albert W. Greulich, fifty, who was driving the car, suffered chest injuries, a fractured jaw and lacerations. His condition was reported as very critical by attaches at St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Thursday noon. Wenzel Klima, fifty-nine another passenger in the car, suffered a fractured nose and lacerations and his condition is reported as fair. He is also a patient in St. Rita’s Hospital.
Carl Weber, the fourth occupant of the car, received cuts and bruises and was discharged from the hospital after receiving medical attention. Mr. Weber was pronounced dead upon admittance to the hospital.
Mr. Dorothy Smith, twenty, of Elida, was traveling west on the highway, and was the only occupant in the second machine involved. She was taken to Memorial Hospital, Lima, for treatment of severe injuries.
Mr. Weber was born in Stacyville, Iowa, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weber. He had resided in this county for more than thirty-five years, and was married at Glandorf on April 24, 1912, to Philomena Rampe. Before taking employment in Lima he was employed for a number of years by the Odenweller Milling Company in Ottoville.
He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Miss Bernice Weber, Los Angeles, Calif.; and a son, Cyril, of Ottoville who recently returned from military service; his mother, of Stacyville, Iowa; four brothers, Joseph, of Iowa; Andrew, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Alex, of Ossege, Iowa; and Arthur, of Green Falls, Minn.; and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Loreski, of Minnesota; and Mrs. Catherine Heimer, also of Minnesota.
Funeral services will be held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial will be made in the parish cemetery.
Andrew Carl Wannemacher
Services At Ottoville
Andrew Wannemacher Laid To Rest
Andrew Wannemacher, lifelong resident of Ottoville, died at eight-thirty Monday at the Convalescent Home in Van Wert. He suffered a stroke eight weeks prior to his death and was removed to Gibbons Hospital in Celina. He was taken to Van Wert two weeks ago, suffering a second stroke Sunday.
Mr. Wannemacher was born in Monterey Township on April 28, 1864, a son of Ferdinand and Barbara Wannemacher. He was eighty-one years of age. On May 7, 1889, he was married at Ottoville to Magdalene Sahner. She preceded him in death on July 18, 1936. He was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, the St. Joseph’s Society and the Ottoville branch of the Catholic Knights of Ohio.
Surviving are five sons, Albert C. and Walter Wannemacher, of near Ottoville; Fred, Andrew, Jr., and Linus Wannemacher, of Celina; a brother August Wannemacher, of Cloverdale; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Flatz, of Ottoville; and Mrs. Rose Wiechart, of Cloverdale; and twenty-six grandchildren. A son Isadore, preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held at the Ottoville parish church Thursday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Nicholas Gergen
Jackson Township Farmer Dies
Nicholas Gergen Funeral Held Tuesday
Nicholas Gergen, eighty-five, progressive and esteemed farmer of Jackson Township, died at his home north of Ft. Jennings Friday evening at nine-twenty. He had been in failing health for several years and was seriously ill for a week prior to his demise.
Mr. Gergen spent all of his life in Putnam County, was well known throughout the county. Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Mr. Gergen is survived by three sisters and a brother, Susan and Anna, who resided with their brother; Mrs. Margaret Liebrecht, North of Ft. Jennings; and Peter Gergen, of near Ft. Jennings; and two foster sons, Lloyd and Joseph Landin, and by Frank Schumacher, who has been employed on the Gergen farm for the last forty-three years. Two sisters preceded him in death.
Mathias Krieger
Mr. Krieger Buried Tuesday
Cloverdale Citizen Died Saturday Morning
Requiem funeral services were held Tuesday morning at nine o’clock in St. Barbara’s Catholic Church at Cloverdale for Mathias L. Krieger, sixty-two, who died at his home in that village Saturday morning at seven-fifteen after an illness of several weeks.
Mr. Krieger was born at Ottoville on May 15, 1883, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Krieger. He was married on November 16, 1902, at Ottoville to Anna Horstman.
He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. C. H. Kleman, of Wapakoneta; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Schuerman, of Ft. Jennings; a brother, Ed Krieger, of Harrisburg, Oregon; three step sisters and three step brothers.
Rev. Karl Willacker, pastor of the Cloverdale parish, officiated at the last rites and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Edward G. Odenweller
Well Known County Man Died Friday
Edward G. Odenweller Was Prominent Citizen
Lived At Ottoville
In Grain Business For a Number Of Years
Edward G. Odenweller, prominent and well known Ottoville resident and businessman of Putnam County, died at eight o’clock Friday evening in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, as the result of a heart attack. He had been in poor health for the past several years as the result of a heart ailment and had been a patient in the hospital for two months.
Mr. Odenweller was born in Delphos on March 6, 1874, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Odenweller. He was seventy-two years of age. A brother T. A, Odenweller, passed away on Thursday of last week in Fostoria, also as the result of a heart condition.
Mr. Odenweller was married in 1906 to Miss Margaret Sommers, at Delphos. She preceded him in death in 1929.
Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Odenweller located in Ottoville, where Mr. Odenweller was affiliated with his father in the Ottoville Milling Company. At the death of his father he became president and general manager of the company, which adopted the family name, and continued in that capacity until his death. The company has elevators in Ottoville, Douglass, Muntanna, Kalida, Ottawa and Middlepoint.
In addition Mr. Odenweller was associated with the Odenweller Clothing Company ay Delphos, and for a number of years he also served on the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Delphos. He also served on an untold number of committees and county and community programs during the course of years, and was always known as a man of keen judgment and a willing worker. For many years he was a member of the Putnam County Board of Education. He was an ardent believer in good education facilities and programs, and during his membership on the board many board programs were put into effect and consolidation of school districts in the county was inaugurated.
Mr. Odenweller was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville; a member of St. Joseph’s Society of the parish; and a fourth degree member of the Delphos Council, Knights of Columbus.
He is survived by six children, Miss Margaret Odenweller, Cincinnati; Mrs. Ray Brinkmeyer, Ottoville; Mrs. James Abrams, Cincinnati; Edward, Jr., and Sylvester, both of Ottoville; and Vincent, of Delphos. He also leaves five brothers, Arnold, Ottawa; Louis, of Detroit, Mich.; Alex of Ottoville; and Sylvester and Leo, both of Delphos. Two brothers, William, of Kalida, passed away several months ago; Joseph died several years ago; and a sister Mrs. Katherine Ray also preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated at the last rites. Interment was made in the Ottoville cemetery.
Rose Schurer
Mrs. Schurer Passed Away
Spent Entire Life Near Ottoville
Mrs. Rose Schurer, sixty-four of one and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville, died suddenly at her home Saturday morning at eight o’clock following a heart attack.
Mrs. Schurer, the former Rose Leis, was born in the Ottoville community, the daughter of Adam and Catherine Leis. She had resided in the Ottoville community all of her life. Her marriage to John Schurer took place at Ottoville on November 15, 1932.
In addition to the husband, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Sellet, of Dayton and a brother, Charles Leis, of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Richard Kramer
Ottoville Youth Died Saturday
Richard John Kramer, fourteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramer, died at the family home in Ottoville Saturday morning at five o’clock. He was born December 25, 1931, and had lived in Ottoville all his life.
In addition to his parents, he leaves six sisters and one brother. Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Robert Deitering
Joseph Turnwald
Burial Made At Ottoville
Joseph Turnwald Passed Away Saturday
Joseph J. Turnwald passed away at his home, four and one-half miles northwest of Ottoville Saturday morning at two-twenty. He was sixty-eight years of age.
Born in Staub, Austria, on January 26, 1878, a son of Joseph and Mary Turnwald he came to this country with his parents when he was four years of age. The family first located in Fremont, Ohio, and two years later moved to Ottoville.
Mr. Turnwald was married to Miss Theresia Miller on May 1, 1906 at St. Barbara’s church, Cloverdale, who survives with two daughters and three sons; Mrs. Edmund Schimmoeller, Ralph Turnwald, Lawrence Turnwald and Leonard Turnwald, of Ottoville; and Mrs. Arnold Fisher, of Ft. Jennings. A sister, Mrs. Frank Schimmoeller, of Ottoville; three brothers, Charles, of Adrian, Mich.; William, of Ottoville; and Ed Turnwald, of Cloverdale; and fourteen grandchildren also survive.
Mr. Turnwald was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, and the St. Joseph’s Society of the parish. Funeral services were held in the parish church Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Joseph Edward Miller
Infant Died At Ottoville Monday
Joseph Edward, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Miller of Ottoville, died at three-forty Monday at St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, where he had been a patient for two days. An only child of the couple, he was born May 5, 1946.
The child is survived by his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, all of Ottoville. Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville, Monday afternoon at two o’clock. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Henry Schmersal
Died Monday At Ottoville
Henry Schmersal Had Been Ill Six Months
Henry Schmersal, lifelong resident of this county, died at the home of his step-son, Charles Looser, four and one-half miles west of Ottoville, Monday afternoon at four-thirty after an illness of six months. He was seventy-nine years of age.
Mr. Schmersal was born at Ottoville on April 16, 1867, the son of Christopher and Mary Schmersal. He was married to Miss Mary Krebs at Ottoville and two sons were born to this union, Albert, of Delphos; and Frank, who died in infancy. Mrs. Schmersal died in 1894.
On November 17, 1898, he was married to Mrs. Mary Looser. A son Florian was born to this union, of Delphos. Mrs. Schmersal died on December 23, 1940. In addition to two sons, and the step-son at whose home he died, Mr. Schmersal is survived by five other step-children, Joseph Looser, Ft. Jennings; Mrs. Charles Leis, Miss Clara Looser, Charles and William Looser, all of Ottoville; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Scharf, Monroeville; and Mrs. George Van Oss, of Ottoville; two brothers, John, of Lima; and Joseph Schmersal, of Greensberg Township; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and thirty-one step grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Friday morning at nine o’clock. Burial will be made in the parish cemetery.
Edward Maag
Youth Meets Tragic Death In Accident
Ottoville Lad Suffered Crushed Chest
Death Was Instant
Trapped Between Tractor and House Wall
Citizens of the Ottoville community were shocked Saturday afternoon when word circulated of the tragic death of Edward Joseph Maag, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Maag, of near that village.
The lad was killed instantly when he was crushed between the steering wheel of a tractor and the wall of a neighbors home. Playmates reported that the youth was playing with the tractor and accidentally shifted it into reverse gear. The tractor backed into a cellar excavation on the Robert Wannemacher farm, pinning him between the wheel and the wall.
The body of the boy was extricated by the Ottoville fire department. A physician who examined the body reported that Edward’s death was due to a crushed chest.
The victim, a student and a likable chap among fellow pupils, is survived by his parents; four sisters, Carol Jean, Marie, Juliana and Dorothy and two brothers, Oscar and Leon.
The lad was born in Ottoville on May 15, 1936, is also survived by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Maag, of Ottoville; and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klima, also of Ottoville.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery. Children of the Ottoville Schools attended the funeral mass in a body.
Herbert Miller
Two Young People Fatally Injured: Cars Meet Head On
Ottoville Man, Jennings Girls Are Victims
Crash Near Elida
Accident Occurred Early Sunday Night
Two young people of Putnam County were killed Sunday night in an automobile accident on route 30-s, two miles west of Elida when two automobiles crashed head-on, and another Putnam County man was seriously injured in the same accident.
According to Allen County Sheriff C. E. Hollar, Miller was traveling west on 30-s, when his automobile collided head-on with the eastbound car of Dahling. Miss Wieging, a passenger in Dahling’s automobile was thrown through the windshield and died in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Monday morning at three o’clock as the result of internal injuries.
Miller lived about an hour and a half after the accident and died at nine-twenty in St. Rita’s Hospital from head injuries. Dahling was admitted to the hospital for serious cuts and body injuries. His condition is reported as good. Both cars were demolished.
Coroner Harry E. Lewis of Allen County, who is investigating the accident, has not stated what he believes caused the accident, which happened on a straight stretch of highway.
Miss Wieging, a senior in the Jennings High School, was born at Ft. Jennings on October 1, 1929, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wieging, and in addition to her parents is survived by a sister, Ruth; and two brothers, Billy and Carl, all at home. She also leaves her grandmothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Comes, of Waverly, S.D.; and Mrs. Christina Wieging, of Ft. Jennings. Two brothers, Melvin and Robert, preceded her in death.
Funeral services for the young lady were held Thursday at nine-thirty in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Ft. Jennings, of which she was a member. Rev. John H. Miller, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the church cemetery.
Mr. Miller was born at Toledo on May 9, 1923. He was a private in Co. B, 28th Infantry Training Battalion, in World War II, and held membership in the William Paul Gallagher Post of the American Legion at Lima. He was also a member of Delphos Aerie of Eagles and the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. Since his discharge he had been employed at the Lima Ordnance Depot.
He is survived by his parents, Mrs. Christina Miller, of Ottoville; and William J. Miller, of Delphos; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Philo, of Bowling Green; Mrs. Ralph Weber, of Ottoville; and a brother, Lawrence Miller, at home.
Funeral services were conducted in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Thursday morning at nine o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery. The American Legion conducted military rites at the graveside.
Veronica Kehres
Burial Of Infant Made At Ottoville
Mary Veronica Kehres, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Kehres of near Ottoville, died Wednesday of last week, shortly after birth. The child is survived by her parents, two sisters, Joann and Marjorie; two brothers, Gilbert and Michael, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kehres, of Delphos; and Mrs. Helen Maenle, of near Ft. Jennings.
Services were held Thursday afternoon in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Elizabeth Gulker
Mrs. Elizabeth Gulker, 55, of 843 Brice-av, died at 10 p.m. Monday in her home following an illness of four years. She was born in Putnam County and was a member of St. Rose Catholic Church.
Surviving are her husband, William H., of Glandorf; a son, Orvin J. 515 W. Market St; three daughters, Arlene, at home; Mrs. Alice Wiley, Delphos; and Mrs. Marie Malmede, Lima Route 7; her mother, Mrs. Catherine Weber, Ottawa; three brothers, Albert Weber, Delphos; Ed, Oswosso, Mich.; and Ellsworth, Venezuela, South America; four sisters, Mrs. Clem Honigford and Mrs. Ed Eickholt, both of Ottoville; Mrs. Ben Wannemacher, and Mrs. Ida Keller, both of Toledo.
The body will remain at the Davis-Miller and Son Funeral Home. Requiem High Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Friday in St. Rose Church with Msgr. James S. Elder as celebrant. Burial will be in Gethsemani Cemetery.
Wilhelmina Rellinger
Burial Made At Ottoville
Mrs. Rellinger Died At Home Of Daughter
Mrs. Wilhelmina Rellinger, former resident of the Ottoville community, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Brinkman, in Delphos, at five o’clock Thursday evening of last week. She had been ill some time suffering from complications and infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Rellinger was born on Oldenburg, Germany, on March 1, 1861. She resided in the vicinity of Ottoville most of the time since she came to this country in 1885. She was eighty-five years of age.
She was married to August Rellinger in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville on January 10, 1887. Her husband preceded her in death on January 21, 1929.
Surviving are three children, Aloysius Rellinger, of Toledo; August Rellinger, of Ottoville; and Mrs. Brinkman, of Delphos; nineteen grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. A son and two daughters preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in St. John’s Catholic Church at Delphos. Burial was made in the parish cemetery at Ottoville.
Eda Wannemacher
Funeral services for Mrs. Eda Wannemacher, 47, Ft. Jennings, who died at St. Rita's hospital in Lima yesterday, will be held Friday morning in St. Joseph's Catholic Church here with burial in St. Mary’s cemetery, south of Ottoville. The Rev. John Miller, pastor, will officiate at a requiem high mass.
Born Sept. 1, 1899, to Frank and Mathilda Droll of nearby Cloverdale, her marriage to Isidore Wannemacher took place Oct. 22, 1922. He preceded her in death in 1936.
Surviving relatives include four daughters, Margaret and Evelyn, at home; Alberta, Ft. Wayne, Ind; Mrs. Ralph Miller, Route 3, Delphos; two sons, Roman, Celina, and Hiliry with the U. S. Army in the Philippines; her father, Frank Droll, Fostoria: three sisters, Sister Mary Leandra, Cincinnati; Mrs. Arthur Ziegman, Fostoria; Sister Mary Damascene, Rome City, and three brothers, Joseph Droll, Ft. Wayne; Wilfred Droll. Carey, and Raymond Droll, Fostoria.
The body will be at the Kolkmeyer Funeral Home in Delphos until time for services.
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