Edward Brokamp
Brokamp Rites Held At Ottoville
Edward Brokamp, forty-five, resident of the Ottoville community until last fall, died at the County Home Thursday of last week. He had been an invalid all his life.
He was the son of Frank and Elizabeth Brokamp and was born at Ottoville on May 31, 1898. His mother passed away on October 29th of last year, and a brother John, who resides at the County Home is the only survivor.
Funeral was held from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Saturday morning at nine o’clock. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Louise Hufford
Ida Ricker
Mrs. Ricker Rites Monday
Ottoville Citizen Died Monday Evening
Mrs. Ida Ricker, wife of Herman Ricker, of near Ottoville, died in Memorial Hospital, Lima, Monday evening at eight forty-five o’clock. She underwent a major operation last April and has been in failing health since that time. She was removed to the hospital Sunday.
Mrs. Ricker was born April 6, 1902, the daughter of John and Catherine Wyant. Her marriage to Mr. Ricker took place at New Cleveland on November 17, 1937. She was forty-one years, nine months and eleven days of age at the time of her demise.
She is survived by her husband; four children, Esther, Mildred, Dorothy and Norbert, at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wyant, Leipsic; and two sisters, Mrs. Monica Stuber, Leipsic; and Mrs. Regina Meyers, Ft. Jennings.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at nine o’clock in Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, of which she was a member. Interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Anna Schneeg
Passed Away At Ottoville
Mrs. Anna Schneeg Laid To Rest Saturday
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Saturday morning for Mrs. William Schneeg, Sr., well known resident of that village, who died at her home late Wednesday afternoon. She had been an invalid for thirteen years and her condition had been serious since the holidays.
Mrs. Schneeg was born at Ft. Jennings on December 12, 1869, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luersman. She was seventy-four years of age.
On November 15, 1893, she was married at Ft. Jennings to Mr. Schneeg. The couple moved to a farm west of Ottoville until twenty-eight years ago when they moved to Ottoville.
She is survived by her husband; two daughters and a son; Mrs. R. L. Baker, Cleveland; and Miss Lorene and Gilbert, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Christina Brenner, Dayton; and Mrs. William Martin, Ft. Jennings; a brother, Henry Luersman, Landeck; and three grandchildren. Two sons and three sisters preceded her in death.
Rev. Henry Gerwert, pastor of the Ottoville parish, officiated, burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Carl Rellinger
Ottoville Athlete Killed In Auto-Train Accident
Carl Rellinger Died Of Fractured Skull
Basketball Player
He and His Twin Brother Star Forwards
Carl Rellinger, senior and one of the star athletes of the Ottoville High School, was killed instantly in a train-automobile accident at the East Fifth Street crossing of the Nickel Plate railroad in Delphos shortly after noon on Monday. Four other members of the class were riding in the car at the time but escaped injury.
The youth was pinned between the automobile and the train as he attempted to jump to safety. His death was caused by a skull fracture.
Police Chief Sam Link, of Delphos, investigated the accident and reported that the young men were traveling west on Fifth Street at a slow rate of speed, and their car skidded on the snow and wet pavement as their car neared the crossing with the approaching train.
Richard Hoehn, riding on the right in the front seat, opened the door and jumped from the car as he noticed the vehicle sliding onto the tracks. The Rellinger youth riding in the center of the front seat also attempted to jump but met his death.
John Van Oss was driving the automobile and seated in the back seat were Carl’s twin brother, Paul Rellinger, and Gerald Fischbach. None of the youths remaining in the car were injured, and the train which was reported as traveling at slow speed, caused slight damage to the car.
Witnesses to the accident report that as Carl attempted to jump the train struck the front part of the car and the rear of the automobile swung around to pin the youth against the train.
Carl and his twin brother Paul, have been outstanding athletes at the Ottoville High School during their high school career, and Carl had been considered as the star forward on the present basketball team. The Rellinger twins were known throughout the County for their ability against any team. Hoehn was a regular guard, and Van Oss also played guard for the team. The victim in the fatal accident was a good student and was popular among the student and faculty bodies of the Ottoville school.
Because of the fatal accident, L. W. Heckman, athletic coach for the school, issued a statement that the Ottoville team was withdrawing from the annual county high school tournament scheduled to start in Ottawa
The son of Mr. and Mrs. August Rellinger. He was eighteen years of age. He is survived by his parents; four brothers, Paul, his twin; Oscar, with the United States Army and stationed at Orlando, Fla.; John and Arthur, at home; and five sisters, Imelda, Mary, Adelhaide, Isabelle and Lucinda. All at home. His grandmothers, Mrs. Wilhelmina Rellinger, of Delphos; and Mrs. Mary Flatz, who resides with the Rellinger family, also survive.
Carl, a faithful member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic parish at Ottoville and was affiliated with the Young Men’s Sodality of that parish.
Last rites were held in the parish church Thursday morning at nine-thirty o’clock. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Joseph Freiburger
Burial Made At Ottoville
Joseph Freiburger Died Sunday Morning
Joseph F. Freiburger, resident of Ottoville, died at his home in that village Sunday morning at one forty-five after an illness of four weeks.
Mr. Freiburger was born at Ottoville on January 29, 1857, the son of John and Eva Freiburger. He was eighty-seven years of age. He was married in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in October 1889, to Mary Ann Schneider, who preceded him in death on May 3, 1935. He was engaged in farming until his retirement several years ago.
He is survived by four sons and a daughters; Fred, of Delphos; Isadore and Bruno, at home; Joseph Jr., and Mrs. Irma Sunderland, of Van Wert; a sister, Catherine Distel, of Toledo. Three children and a sister preceded him in death.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock in the Catholic Church at Ottoville and burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Paul Marez
Joseph Giesken
Dies Result of Wounds
Mr. and Mrs. John Giesken, Near Spencerville, Formerly of Delphos, Dies of Wounds Received in Action in Italy - Solemn Mass at Ottoville Monday
In a telegram sent them by the War department, Mr. and Mrs. John Giesken, of nine miles southeast, of Spencerville until last September in residents of four miles northwest, of Delphos, were surprised of the death of their son. PFC Joseph M. Giesken, 27. The young man was one of three brothers in the services. The telegram reads as follows:
"The Secretary of War asks that I assure you of his deep sympathy in the loss of your son, Private First Class Joseph M. Giesken. Report received states he died fifteen March in Italy as result of wounds received in action. Letter follows."
Joseph Giesken was born at Ottoville on August 13, 1916, the son of Rosa and John Giesken, he attended Ottoville high school and until his induction, he was engaged
in farming, he left on October 22, 1941, for active duty with the United States Army. It was in May, l942, that he left for duty on foreign soil. He participated in the invasions of Africa and Sicily.
In addition to his parents, PFC Giesken is survived by eight brothers and sister: Corporal William Giesken stationed in England; Mrs. Nelson Schwinnen, Landeck; Aloysius, Paulding; Mrs. Alphonse Niemeyer, Landeck; Corporal Ambrose Giesken, Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania; Clarence, Julius and John Giesken at home. A cousin of
the young soldier, Rose Mary Vincke, also makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. John Giesken.
PFC Giesken was well known throughout this community. He was a member of Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville and of the Young Men's Sodality.
A solemn requiem high Mass will be offered at Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville at 9:00 a. m. Monday. Officers of the Mass will be the church pastor, the Rev. Henry Gerwert, the Rev. Louis Huffman and the Rev. John H. Miller, pastor of St. Joseph's church, Fort Jennings.
Catherine Friemoth
Frank Studenka Jr.
County Man War Victim
Frank Studenka Jr. Dies On French Soil
Frank Studenka, Jr., a former resident of north of Ft. Jennings and son of Frank Studenka, of Delphos, was killed in action in France on June ninth according to a telegram received by his father from the War Department early this week.
Pfc. Studenka was born in Czecklsovakia and came to America with his parents in 1927. He was thirty-five years of age and had resided on a farm six miles north of Ft. Jennings prior to entering the armed services.
He was in the Airborne Division of the U. S. Army Air Corps and served in the glider unit. He had been overseas for a year and served in the North Africa Campaign and later fought in Italy. He was transferred to North Ireland and then to England.
He is survived by his father and the following brothers, Joseph of Flint, Michigan, John of Ft. Jennings, Charles in the Air Corps at Greenville, Mississippi, Louis of Delphos, Steve of Ft. Wayne and Mrs. Anna Yuetsi of Van Wert.
Glen Rayman
Ft. Jennings Man Killed In French Sector
FT. JENNINGS, July 25-PFC Glenn Rayman. 30, of Ft. Jennings Route 3 was killed in action in France, June 22 according to a message received by his mother, Mrs. Lucy Rayman, from the War Department, she reported today.
The telegram received by the mother did not disclose any other details hut assured her a letter of explanation will follow.
Born Dec 11, 1913, in Ottoville, to John and Lucy Rayman. PFC Rayman entered the services May 28, 1941, and went overseas October 2, 1943. He landed first in Ireland and then moved to England before the invasion of France.
The father died recently. Also remaining besides Mrs. Rayman and two sisters. Mrs. Maxine Crow of Toledo and Miss Mary Catherine Rayman at home, and four brothers, John, Paul, Stanley, Robert and Eugene Rayman, all at home.
Arrangements for memorial rites will he completed in the near future but the date has not bean determined.
Carl Leis
Leis Funeral On Wednesday
Services Held at Immaculate Conception Church – Full Military Rites Conducted At Grave – Commander Sends Official Statement of Death of Ottoville Marine
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville for PFC Carl Leis, U. S. Marines who was fatally injured Sunday, June 25, in an accident, near San Diego, California, where he was stationed. Rev. Henry Gerwert, pastor of the church, was in charge of the services. Full Military rites were conducted at the cemetery by members of the Commemorative Post, American Legion of this city and Ottawa, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars from the Delphos and Ottoville posts. They attended the service in a body.
A number of service men home on furloughs also were in attendance.
An exceptionally large number of persons attended the services for the Ottoville young man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leis, northwest of that place. Floral and spiritual offerings wore in profusion.
Pallbearers were Hugo, John, Orien and Walter Byrne and Gilbert and Edward Sanders.
The body of PFC Leis arrived in Delphos Monday night on the Pennsylvania railroad from San Diego. Accompanying the body was an official representative of the U. S. Marine Corps, T. W. Curtin. His wife from Park Rapids, Wisconsin, came to Delphos Monday afternoon to visit with her husband.
Mr. Curtin, a close friend of PFC Leis, brought to Delphos with him an official signed statement concerning the accident, which cost the life of the Ottoville young man.
The statement is as follows:
"While returning from an official rum with supplies on a government truck, skidded on a curve and went off the road, between Felicita Park, 4 miles south of Escondida, California, and Camp Miramar, San Diego, California. He was taken to Community Hospital, Escondida, where he died about 10 minutes later. Cause of death, multiple injuries.
"Death is not the result of misconduct and is in the line of duty."
Lt. Commander H. Schwartz."
Rose Koetter
Funeral To Be Held Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa Koetter, who died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Koetter, 527 West Third street, will be held Monday morning at 9:00 CWT at Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
The remains will be removed from the Jauman-Kolkmeyer Funeral Home on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock to the home of Mrs. Joseph Beining, two and one half miles west of Ottoville.
She was a member of Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville and spent practically her whole life in Ottoville.
Joseph Gerhard Otte
Joseph Otte Fatally Hurt In Accident
Struck By Automobile At Ottoville, Friday
Funeral Tuesday
Joseph Otte, lifelong and prominent resident of Ottoville, passed away in St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Saturday morning at four o’clock as the result of injuries received Friday evening when he was struck by an automobile driven by Owen Grubenhoff, twenty, of Ottoville. The accident happened at eight o’clock as Mr. Otte was crossing the street in the Ottoville business district on his way to a directors meeting at the Ottoville bank.
Mr. Otte suffered fractures of the ribs and legs, a broken hip, brain concussion and internal injuries. Sheriff Arnold Potts and County Coroner W. C. Miller investigated the accident, but have not returned a report on the case, pending further investigation.
Mr. Otte was born in Ottoville on April 3, 1863, the son of Gebhard and Anna Otte. As a youth he worked for his father in a grocery store and later went into the grocery and dry goods business in Ottoville for himself. Several years later he formed a partnership with the late J. J. Miller, with the business operating under the name of J. J. Miller and company. Mr. Otte continued his affiliations with that firm until June of this year when he retired from active work. He continued to serve as director of the Ottoville Bank and the Ottoville Telephone Company.
He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Louth, of Delphos, and she died June 18, 1927. Seven children were born to this union. Two sons died in infancy, and a daughter, Mathilda, died at the age of eleven years. Another daughter, Mrs. Lucille Ulrich died in November of 1941. Mr. Otte was eighty-one years of age at the time of his death.
He is survived by three children, Mrs. Amelia Niedecken, of Ottoville; Mrs. Gertrude Siler of Lima; and Miss Malinda Otte, at home. He also leaves three brothers, Gerhard and William, of Ottoville; and Leo, of Toledo; and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Rekart, of near Ottoville; and ten grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Burial was made in the parish cemetery.
Leonard Gmeiner
Ottawa Man Died Monday
Leonard Gmeiner Rites Friday Morning
Leonard Gmeiner, well known in Putnam County and a resident of Ottawa, died at his home at midnight Monday. He had been in failing health for the last several years, suffering from infirmities of age and a heart ailment.
Mr. Gmeiner was born at Fremont, on January 8, 1863, the son of George and Anna Gmeiner. He was eighty-one years of age. He was married in 1891 to Mary Miller in Ottoville. She preceded him in death nineteen years ago.
Mr. Gmeiner operated a tile mill and brickyard at Ottoville for twenty years, and then moved to a farm northwest of Kalida where he resided until 1917, when he moved to a farm southeast of Columbus Grove. In the past ten years he spent most of his time in Ottawa.
He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Amelia Reynolds, of Ottawa; Mrs. Ida Ehlen, of Lafayette, Ind.; Sister Mary Imelda, of Melbourne, Ky.; Mrs. Alma Holtgreven, of Ottawa; and two sons, Rudolph, of Ottawa; and Ambrose, of Philadelphia; a sister, Mrs. Catherine Leatherman, of Findlay; and a brother, George Gmeiner, of Ottawa; fourteen grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Three daughters, a son, two brothers, and a sister preceded him in death.
Mr. Gmeiner was a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio and Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Ottawa. Funeral services were held in the church Friday morning at nine-thirty and burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville. The remains will be at the Fischer Funeral Home until time for services.
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