Elizabeth Koester
Death Call Is Answered
Rites For Mrs. Koester Held Friday
Last rites for Mrs. Elizabeth Koester were held Friday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville. She passed away Tuesday of last week following an illness of four years.
Mrs. Koester was born a farm west of Ottoville on September 3, 1871, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hilvers. She was married to Christian Koester, on June 15, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Koester resided on a farm west of Ottoville during their entire married life. He preceded her in death thirteen years ago.
She leaves to mourn their loss, five sons, Anthony, Ben, William and Henry, of near Ottoville; Christian, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Roman Miller, Ottoville; twenty-eight grandchildren. Two daughters, two sons, two brothers and a sister preceded her into eternity.
Rev. Henry Gerwert, pastor of the church, officiated at the last rites, and interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary Becker
Becker Rites To Be Held At Ottoville
Services for Mrs. Mary Becker, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hohlbein, in Ottoville Friday at 10:30 a.m., will be conducted at Immaculate Conception Church at that place Monday morning, at 9:30 o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mrs. Becker, mother of Ed H. Becker, North Pierce Street, suffered a stroke on Tuesday ands since that time her condition had been serious.
Miss Mary Meyer, daughter of Anton and Elizabeth Meyer was born in Glandorf on April 3, 1860. She married August C. Becker at Glandorf on April 27, 1878. The Becker’s moved to a farm three and one-half miles east of Ottoville. Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Becker. Three died in infancy. Mr. Becker died in January twelve years ago.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Becker was seventy-seven years, nine months and nineteen days of age.
She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church and the Alter Rosary Society. For the past seven years she had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Hohlbein.
Eleven children survive. They are, Anthony Becker, Dayton; Rev. Father John Becker, Winamac, Ind.; William Becker, Dayton; Frank and August Becker, near Ottoville; Bernard Becker, Frankfort, Ind.; Ed. H. Becker, Delphos; Mrs. Joseph Schlagbaum, near Ottoville; Mrs. Peter Fischbach, near Ottoville; Mrs. Lawrence Hoffman, Columbus Grove; and Mrs. Albert hohlbein, Ottoville. There are forty-seven grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Mrs. Becker is also survived by two brothers, William and Henry Meyer, Glandorf. A brother, Anthony Meyer, and a sister, Mrs. John Selhorst, Columbus Grove, are dead.
Vincent Schlagbaum
Schlagbaum Rites Held
Ottoville Young Man Called To Eternity
The funeral of Vincent Schlagbaum, well known resident of near Ottoville, were held in Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville, Saturday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mr. Schlagbaum died at the University Hospital in Columbus at 4:30 o’clock Wednesday morning. He was taken ill about the middle of December and on January 15 was removed to University Hospital. Several transfusions failed to provide sufficient strength and for the past week, his condition was critical. Sarcoma caused his death.
Mr. Schlagbaum was born at Ottoville on December 23, 1909, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlagbaum. On August 6, 1937, he was married at Ft. Jennings to Miss Coletta Wieging, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wieging, Ft. Jennings. Until his marriage he lived with his parents one mile east of Ottoville. His married life was spent on a farm one-half mile south of Ottoville.
He was a graduate of Ottoville High School, class of ’27.
At the time of his death, Mr. Schlagbaum was twenty-eight years, one month, and fifteen days of age. He was a member of Immaculate Conception Church. He was very well known in Ottoville and vicinity.
Surviving are his widow; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlagbaum, east of Ottoville; two brothers, Anthony and Othmer Schlagbaum, at home; and seven sisters, Mrs. Kenneth Roth and Mrs. Charles Heathman, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and Clotilda, Dorothy, Marie, Phyllis and Joan, all at home.
John Van Oss
John Van Oss Is Summoned
Was Ottoville Blacksmith For Many Years
John Van Oss died at his home in Ottoville at 4:00 o’clock Saturday afternoon. In 1928, he was stricken with creeping paralysis and had been an invalid since 1930. For the past six months, his condition was serious.
Mr. Van Oss was born at Delphos on January 26, 1876. The family moved to a farm one and one-half miles west of Ottoville and Mr. Van Oss resided there until 1900 at which time he took up the blacksmith trade in Ottoville. Because of his ill health he was compelled to retire in 1930. In June 1900, he was married to Margaret Nomina, Delphos, daughter of John and Mary Nomina. A son, Hilarius Van Oss, of Marion, Ohio, was born to that union.
After his first wife’s death, Mr. Van Oss was united in marriage to Margaret Hammons, of near Ottoville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hammons. Two children were born to this union, Roland Van Oss, at home; and Mrs. Raymond Flemming, of Lima. Mrs. Van Oss died and on November 25, 1925, Mr. Van Oss married Mrs. Julia Fischbach, at Ottoville. She survives as do the three children; two step-children, Mrs. A. E. Sadler, Ft. Jennings; and Henry Fischbach, of Littleton, Colo.; and five grandchildren.
Surviving are the following brothers and sisters; Theodore, Joseph, and George Van Oss and Mrs. Joseph Schurer and Mrs. George Vincke, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Kaple, Lima; and Mrs. William Schlembach, of Delphos.
At the time of his death, Mr. Von Oss was sixty-two years of age and was a member of the Ottoville branch C. K. of O. and of Delphos Eagles.
Funeral services were held at nine o’clock Tuesday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville with Rev. Henry Gerwert in charge. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Louise Rayman
Former Lady Of Ottoville
Passed Away In Toledo; rites Saturday
Last rites for Mrs. Lousie Rayman, of Toledo, a former resident of Putnam County, were held Saturday morning in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville with interment in the Ottoville parish cemetery. She passed away Wednesday of last week at the home of her daughter in Toledo. She had been ill for the last seven months.
Mrs. Rayman was born north of Glandorf, Germany, on May 13, 1851, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doepker. She passed away two days prior to her eighty-seventh birthday. When she was twenty years of age she came to America and first settled in Glandorf, this county.
On September 14, 1876, she was married to Henry Rayman at Dayton and resided on a farm near that city for a year following their marriage. Then they moved to a farm north of Ottoville where they resided until Mr. Rayman’s death in 1895. Mrs. Rayman then moved to Ottoville where she resided until fourteen years ago when she moved to Toledo.
She is survived by the following children, Henry Rayman, of Delphos; Mrs. Mary Schwertner, Maidstone, Ont.; Mrs. Louise Brockman, Ft. Jennings; Ben and John Rayman, of near Ottoville; Mrs. Catherine Brady and Mrs. Therese Hardin, of Toledo. Two daughters and five brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Infant son of Earl Huysman
Leo Herman
Passed Away Friday Night
Leo Herman Of Ottoville Died Suddenly
Leo Herman, resident of two miles northwest of Ottoville, died suddenly following a heart attack Friday evening. He had been ailing for the last several months, however, suffering from a heart ailment.
Mr. Herman was born in Canton on August 25, 1876, the son of Anton and Mary Herman. He came to this county with his parents when a child of eight years and has resided near Ottoville since that time.
In 1892, he was united in marriage to Miss Philomena Herman, and since that time resided on the farm where his death occurred. He was sixty-one years of age. He is survived by his widow; a daughter, Miss Gertrude, at home; two sons, Gilbert, at home; and Edwin, of near Ottoville. He also leaves two brothers, Louis and Albert, both of Ottoville and four grandchildren.
Last rites were held in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Mary J. Wannemacher
Susan Eickholt
Last Rites At Ottoville
Mrs. Susan Eickholt Is Called To Eternity
Funeral services for Mrs. Susan Eickholt, who died at her home north of Ottoville, Thursday afternoon of last week, were held in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, Monday morning at nine o’clock. Interment was in the parish cemetery. Mrs. Eickholt’s death was due to a heart ailment and followed a short illness.
Mrs. Eickholt was born in Grand Junction, Tenn., on April 29, 1862, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Moore. Her early life was spent in that state and she was married to Edward O. Eickholt in the community of her birth. Following their marriage the couple located on the farm near Ottoville where her death occurred. At the time of her demise she was seventy-five years of age.
She is survived by her husband; seven children, Dr. Charles J. Eickholt, Columbus; Edward Eickholt, Alberta, Canada; Dr. J. L. Eickholt, Toledo; George J. Eickholt, and Henry B. Eickholt, of Columbus; Mrs. Marie Ebbeskotte, Ottoville; and Frank Eickholt, at home.
She also leaves fifteen grandchildren; a brother, John P. Moore, Little Rock, Ark.; and two sisters, Mrs. Cecelia Tarpay, Humboldt, Tenn.; and Miss Julia Moore, Jonesboro, Ark.
Laura Wurst
Wurst RitesHeld Monday
Ottoville Lady Did Friday Morning
Mrs. Laura Wurst, widow of the late John Wurst, died as the result of a heat trouble at her home in Ottoville, Friday morning at ten-fifteen. She had been seriously ill for three weeks prior to her demise.
Mrs. Wurst was born in Ottoville on April 14, 1871, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wannemacher. She was married to John Wurst forty-three years ago. He preceded her in death in 1927. At the time of her death she was sixty-seven years, three months and eight days of age.
Eleven years ago the family moved from Ottoville to Toledo, but returned to Ottoville to reside in 1935. She is survived by five children, Albert, Duluth, Minn.; LeRoy, Toledo; Herbert, Arizona; and Richard and Mary, at home. She also leaves seven grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. George Rieger, Ottoville; and Mrs. Charles Kalt, Toledo; and two brothers, George Wannemacher, Toledo; and C. B. Wannemacher, Ottoville. Two children and a brother preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with Rev. Henry Gerwert in charge.
Irene Ruen
Young Lady Passed Away
Ottoville Graduate Is Laid To Rest
Miss Irene Ruen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruen, two miles northeast of Ottoville, died at St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Thursday afternoon of last week. She had been ill since shortly after her graduation from the Ottoville High School in May. She was taken to the hospital a month ago. Her death was due to acute ulcerated colitis.
Miss Ruen was born near Ottoville on March 26, 1920. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception parish and the Young Ladies Sodality. She was a young lady of pleasing personality and had many friends throughout Ottoville and Monterey Township. She was eighteen years, four months and two days of age at the time of her demise.
She leaves to mourn their loss, her parents; two brothers, Alex and John Ruen, at home; and three sisters, Miss Martha Ruen, Ottoville; Miss Marcella Ruen, Lima; and Mrs. Raymond Hiett, southeast of Landeck.
Funeral rites were held Monday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. The remains were laid to rest in the parish cemetery.
Theresa Ernst
Ernst Rites At Ottoville
Well Known Lady Died Wednesday Night
A well known resident of Ottoville, Mrs. Thersia Ernst, died at her home at 9:00 o’clock Wednesday evening of last week, the result of complications. Her condition had been serious for the past several weeks.
Mrs. Ernst was born in Ottoville on January 20, 1861, the daughter of Peter and Agnes Wannemacher. On November 24, 1885, she was married at that place to Henry Ernst. Mrs. Ernst spent all of her life in Ottoville.
Her husband preceded her in death on March 19, 1929. Nine of her eleven children died in infancy.
When her death occurred, Mrs. Ernst was seventy-seven years and eight months of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Church, the Catholic Ladies of Columbia and the Alter Society.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mayme Harman, at home; and Mrs. Fred Lauer, Toledo; and five grandchildren. Mrs. Ernst also leaves a sister, Mrs. Anna Hotz, Delphos, and two brothers, William Wannemacher, Delphos; Peter Wannemacher, Coulee City, Washington. Four brothers and one sister are deceased.
The funeral was held at the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville at 9:00 o’clock Saturday morning. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Elizabeth Miller
Miller Rites Held Monday
Ottoville Resident Is Laid To Rest
Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, resident of two miles west of Ottoville for the past fifty years, were conducted at Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville at 9:00 a.m. Monday. A solemn requiem high mass was intoned with the pastor, Rev. Henry Gerwert, as celebrant, Rev. Henry Wichman, St. Barbara’s parish, Cloverdale, deacon, and Rev.
John H. Miller, St. Joseph’s, parish, Ft. Jennings, sub-deacon.
Mrs. Miller died suddenly at her home at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Her death was attributed to coronary thrombosis.
She was born on February 7, 1868, the daughter of Mathias and Bernadina Eickholt. On October 27, 1888, she was united in marriage at Ottoville to Michael Miller, who died on September 30, 1920.
At the time of her death, Mrs. Miller was seventy years, eight months and three days of age. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception church and the Alter Society.
Surviving are seven children, Paul, Victor and Rose Miller, at home; Mrs. Joseph Ricker, three miles southwest of Ottoville; Albert Miller, Akron; and Emma and Gertrude Miller, Toledo; and the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Veronica Miller, west of Ottoville; Mrs. Samuel Hessian, west of Delphos; Miss Clara Eickholt, Delphos; Andrew Eickholt, southwest of Ottoville; and Stephen Eickholt, west of Delphos. A son Urban, died in 1918.
Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Louis B. Ricker
Louis Ricker Passed Away
Father Of Ten Children Died Suddenly
Louis B. Ricker, a prominent resident of three miles southwest of Ottoville, died at St. Rita’s Hospital, in Lima, at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, following a brief illness. He was taken ill suddenly at noon on Tuesday and underwent an emergency operation at the hospital Tuesday afternoon. A blood transfusion on Wednesday failed to aid the stricken man.
Mr. Ricker was born on a farm two miles west of Ottoville on July 10, 1884, the son of Henry and Mary Ricker. On June 27, 1908, he was united in marriage at Ottoville to Anna Kemper, daughter of Henry and Louisa Kemper. For twelve years following their marriage, the couple lived on a farm three miles east of Cloverdale. From that place they moved to their present home. Mr. Ricker was a very well known and lifelong resident of Putnam County. He was a member of Immaculate Conception Church and of the St. Joseph’s Society.
When his death occurred he was fifty-four years, three months and sixteen days of age.
He is survived by his widow; and ten children, Mrs. Frank J. Foster, Florence, Alabama; Isadore, Gilbert, Marcus, Richard, Harold and Mary Ricker, all at home; Rita and Alfred Ricker, Florence, Alabama; and Mrs. Harry Backus, southeast of Delphos; and five grandchildren. Surviving also are the following brothers and sisters, Joseph and Herman Ricker, west of Ottoville; Mrs. Herman Kemper, Mrs. Jacob Burgei and Mrs. William Gasser, all of Ottoville; and Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers, Norwalk. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter.
The funeral was held at Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Saturday morning at 9:00 o’clock with Rev. Gerwert officiating. Burial was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ottoville.
Rev. Ralph Mueller
Death Calls Rev. Mueller Of Ottoville
Was Assistant Pastor Of Catholic Parish
Ill Short Time
Pontifical Requiem On Thursday Morning
Members of the Immaculate Conception parish at Ottoville and citizens throughout that community and county were shocked and grieved Monday morning when word was announced that Rev. Father Ralph J. Mueller, assistant pastor of the Ottoville parish, had passed away.
Father Mueller had been the beloved assistant of the Ottoville parish since February 1935, and since that time he has endeared himself to the people of that parish, and community. He held the confidence of his parishioners and all who knew him; he was diligent and prompt in performing his religious duties and he was particularly interested in the activities of the younger folks of the parish. He was zealous and sincere at all times, and was respected and held in the highest esteem by all who knew him.
Father Mueller became ill two weeks prior to his death and was taken to St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, on Thursday of last week. He suffered a severe throat infection, which caused his death at one o’clock Monday morning.
Father Mueller was born west of Landeck on September 5, 1905, the son of Peter and Mary Mueller. He attended the parochial school at Glandorf for eight years and then entered St. Joseph’s College at Collegeville, Indiana. He spent the next two years at St. Gregory’s preparatory seminary at Norwood and completed his studies for the priesthood at Mount St. Mary’s seminary, Cincinnati.
He was ordained to the holy priesthood at the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Toledo on August 15, 1931, by the Most Reverend Karl J. Alter, DD, Bishop of Toledo. He celebrated his first solemn high mass in St. John the Baptist Church at Landeck on August 16, 1931. He was assigned assistant pastor of the Immaculate Conception parish in Bellevue, where he remained for three and one-half years. In February 1935, he was appointed assistant at Ottoville and has been stationed there since that time.
At the time of his death Father Mueller was thirty-three years, one month and twenty-six days of age. He was a member of the Landeck Branch of the Catholic Knights of Ohio and of the Sacred Heart League. He was also a member of the Alumni Association of St. Joseph’s College.
Father Mueller is survived by his bereaved father, Peter Mueller, of Landeck; two brothers, Aloysius and Oliver, of Landeck; four sisters, Mrs. Syl. Brinkman, near Ottoville; Mrs. Clarence Gerdeman and Mrs. Walter Gerdeman of near Delphos; and Miss Alberta Mueller, at home; and a half-sister, Mrs. Leo Mueller, west of Landeck.
Father Mueller was preceded in death by his mother who died on January 25, 1925, a sister and a brother.
Following the death of Father Mueller his remains were taken to the rectory in Ottoville. On Wednesday afternoon the body was removed to the Church where vespers of the dead was chanted at three o’clock. A guard of honor was stationed at the bier from Wednesday afternoon until time for services.
A Pontifical Requiem High Mass was entoned Thursday morning at ten o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Church. A large number of visiting clergy attended the last rites. The remains were laid to rest in St. John’s Cemetery, Landeck.
Elizabeth Ricker
Mrs. Ricker Passed Away
Was Well Known Woman Of Near Ottoville
The funeral of Mrs. Herman J. Ricker, who died at 3:45 p.m. Wednesday at the home of her son, William J. Ricker, four and three-quarter miles northwest of Ottoville, were held in Immaculate Conception Church at that place Saturday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Interment was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mrs. Ricker had been an invalid for the past ten years.
She was the former Elizabeth Lehmkuhle and was born at Glandorf on January 26, 1869, the daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Lehmkuhle. She was married at Ottoville to Herman J. Ricker on April 21, 1885. Mr. Ricker preceded his wife in death on May 11, 1936.
Surviving are two children; William J. Ricker and Louise Ricker, northwest of Ottoville; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Two brothers and one sister also survive. They are, William Lehmkuhle, Delphos; Ben Lehmkuhle, Ft. Jennings; and Mrs. Theresa Voges, Omaha, Nebraska. She was preceded in death by four sisters.
At the time of her death, Mrs. Ricker was sixty-nine years, nine months and six days of age.
Clara Etgen
Death Calls Clara Etgen
Was Well Known Lady Of Monterey Township
Mrs. Clara Etgen, lifelong resident of Putnam County, died at her home near Ottoville, Wednesday night of last week at eleven o’clock. She had been in poor health for several months and suffered a stroke of paralysis on Friday evening prior to her demise.
Mrs. Etgen was the daughter of Fred and Clara Brinkman and was born at Ft. Jennings on January 28, 1865. She was married to Peter Etgen on May 6, 1884. Mr. Etgen preceded her in death three years ago. At the time of her death, Mrs. Etgen was seventy-three years, nine months and eleven days of age.
Mrs. Etgen is survived by eleven; Mrs. Frank Utrup, Columbus Grove; Frank Etgen, at home; Mrs. Lena Carder, Inkster, Mich.; Peter Etgen, Wapakoneta; Mrs. Laura Wickiser, Cuyahoga Falls; Mrs. Clem Klausing and Mrs. Alex Schweitzer, Wapakoneta; Ben Etgen, Van Wert; and Louis Etgen, Ft. Jennings. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Henry Ellerbrock, Ft. Jennings; a brother, John Brinkman, Miller City; thirty-nine grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at nine o’clock in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville. Rev. Henry Gerwert, the pastor, officiated. Interment was made in the parish cemetery.
Patricia Byrne (Infant)
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