Anna Mary Gerdeman
Death Visits Gerdeman Home Thursday P. M.
Mrs. Anna Mary Gerdeman, Widow of the Late Henry C. Gerdeman, Dies 6:40 O' Clock Thursday Evening — Death Due to
Pneumonia and Heart Trouble — Funeral Services at St. John's Catholic Church
Monday Morning at 9:30 O' Clock — Burial in St. John’s Cemetery
The grim reaper
visited the Henry C. Gerdeman home on West First street Thursday evening, when
Mrs. Anna Mary Gerdeman, widow of the late Henry C. Gerdeman passed away at
6:40 o'clock. She took ill Saturday
with influenza, this later developing into pneumonia. This illness, together
with heart trouble, brought about her death. Her illness was not considered
serious until Thursday. She was sixty-five years, one month and nine days of
age when her death occurred.
The deceased lady
was born at Ottoville on November 25, 1863, to Henry and Adeline Pohl. She was
united in marriage to Mr. Gerdeman at Ottoville on November 15, 1883, he
preceding her in death about twenty-five years ago.
Mrs. Gerdeman and
family moved to Delphos about seventeen years ago to establish their home. She
was well known in this city and surrounding country. Her many friends and
acquaintances will be sorry to learn of her death.
She leaves to mourn
her death, one son, Joseph C. Gerdeman; west of Delphos; two daughters; Sr.
Mary Aidelaid, of the Ursuline Convent; Toledo, and Mrs. Medard Klevorn, West
First street; one brother, John Pohl, Ottoville; and six grandchildren.
One daughter;
Catherine, preceded the parents in death about twenty-five years ago.
Mrs. Gerdeman was a
zealous member of St. John's Catholic Church and was affiliated with the Altar
Society, C. L. of C. lodge, Sacred
Heart League and the Infant Jesus Society.
The remains were
taken to the Jhuman funeral home Thursday evening to be prepared for burial.
The body was removed to the family residence Friday where it will remain until
the time of the services.
Funeral services
will take place Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic church.
Burial will be made at St. John's cemetery.
August Rellinger Sr.
Ottoville Man Succumbs At Family Home
August Rellinger Dies At Ottoville Monday Evening at 9:00
O’clock – Death Due to Flu and Internal Trouble – Funeral Services Thursday
Morning 9:00 O’clock at Immaculate Conception Church – Burial St. Mary’s
Rellinger, a well-known resident of Ottoville was called to his reward at the
family residence Monday evening at 9:00 o’clock. He was in failing health foe a
week prior to his death, suffering from flu and internal trouble. He was
seventy years, seven months and fourteen days when his death occurred.
Rellinger was born at Alsace-Lorraine on June 3, 1858. He was united in
marriage to Miss Philomena Haskamp. She survives.
Mr. Rellinger
resided at Ottoville a number of years. He made friends who will be sorry to
learn of his death.
He leaves
in addition to his widow, the following children; Mrs. Lena Keller, of Dayton;
Mrs. Nora Brinkman, of Delphos, Albridge Rellinger, of Toledo; and August
Rellinger Jr., of Ottoville.
brothers also survive.
services will take place at the Immaculate Conception church Thursday morning
at nine o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Anna Schwertner
Death Occurs At Toledo State Hospital
Anna Schwertner, of Ottoville, Dies at Hospital Tuesday Morning at Early Hour- Was Confined to
Hospital for Seven Years— Remains Brought to Ottoville — Funeral Saturday
Morning 9:00 O' Clock—Burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery
Mrs. Anna
Schwertner, of Ottoville, widow of the late Edward Schwentner, passed away at
the Toledo State hospital Tuesday morning at an early hour. Mrs. Schwertner was
confined to the hospital tor the past seven years although her illness was more
critical about a week or two prior to her death. She was past seventy-five
years of age when she passed away.
Anna Bauman was
born in Baden, Germany, on July 8, 1853. When she was
twelve years of age she came to America alone and first settled at Canton,
Ohio. She lived at Ottoville for twenty-five years. She was united in marriage
to Edward Schwertner, he preceded her in death three years ago.
Seven children
survive: David, of Ottawa; John and Edward, of Cleveland; Robert, of Mayslone,
Ontario, Canada; Louis, of Flint, Mich.; Joseph, of Ottoville; and Mrs. Walter
Wannemacher, of Ottoville. One brother, John Bauman, of Canton, also survives.
The remains were
brought to Ottoville and taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wannemacher,
where they will remain until the time of the services.
Funeral services
will take place Saturday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception
Church. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Barney Martin
Charles F. Wannemacher
Cloverdale Man Succumbs Wednesday A. M.
Charles F. Wannemacher, Brother of Paul Wannemacher,
Delphos, Dies at His Home – Death Due to Complications – Funeral Saturday at
St. Barbara’s Catholic Church – Burial in St. Barbara’s Cemetery
Charles F.
Wannemacher, brother of Paul Wannemacher, of this city, passed away at his home
at Cloverdale Wednesday morning at 6:00 o’clock. He was in ill health for the
past five weeks suffering from complication of diseases. He was fifty-nine
years, one month and twenty-six days of age when his death occurred.
Wannemacher was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wannemacher, now long
deceased. He was born at Ottoville on December 4, 1869.
deceased gentleman resided on a farm at Cloverdale for the past thirty years.
He was well-known in Delphos, Cloverdale and surrounding country and his many
friends will be sorry to learn of his demise.
He never
following brothers and sisters survive; August, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Ferd
Weichart, of Cloverdale; Frank of Cloverdale; Miss Anna Wannemacher of
Cloverdale; Joseph, Cloverdale; and Paul of Delphos.
brother, John, preceded him in death.
deceased man was a member of the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Knights of
services will take place Saturday morning at 9:30 o’clock at St. Barbara’s
Catholic Church at Cloverdale. Burial will be made in St. Barbara’s cemetery.
Catherine Mohrbach
Mrs. Catherine Mohrbach was born in 1842 at Vienna Austria and came to this country when six years of age with her parents who settled in Ottoville Ohio. she was married to Adam Mohrbach in 1868 and has been a resident of this vicinity for many years.
Her death is mourned by six children, one son-in-law and six grandchildren, her husband having passed on some years ago. Funeral services were held at St. Bridgets church wednesday morning with interment at the catholic cemetery. We wish to extend our sympathy to the children in the loss of a kind and loving mother.
Louis N. Wagner
Louis Wagner Passes Away At Ottoville
Death Occurs Saturday Morning at Ten O’clock at Family
Residence – was in Failing Health for Years – Stroke of Apoplexy is Immediate
Cause of Death – Funeral Tuesday Morning 10:00 O’clock – Burial in St. Mary’s
Louis N.
Wagner, a well-known resident of Ottoville, passed away at his home Saturday
morning at ten o’clock following a lengthy illness. He was in failing health
for several days. Shortly before his death he suffered a stroke of apoplexy. He
was seventy-two years and nine days of age when his death occurred.
Mr. Wagner
was born at New Riegel, Ohio, on January 24, 1857.
At an early
age he moved with his parents to Jay County Indiana. Mr. Wagner taught school
at Chicksaw County and in 1880 accepted a position as superintendent in the
public schools at Coldwater. He also served as postmaster at that place.
Mr. Wagner
represented Mercer County in the General Assembly of Ohio from 1889 to 1893. He
taught at the Ottoville public schools, Monterey Township, and Washington
Township, Van Wert County, until his retirement in 1921. He resided in Delphos
several years when he taught in Van Wert County.
He was
united in marriage to Caroline Reidhear at Celina in June 1882. She survives.
Mr. Wagner
leaves to mourn his death in addition to his widow the following children; the
Very Rev. Ignatius Wagner, C. PP. S., Ph. D., moderator, Providencial of the
Society of the Precious Blood, Carthegena, Ohio, Lawrence Wagner, of Muskegon
Heights, Michigan; Otto and Julius Wagner, of Detroit, Mich.
One son
died in infancy and another son, William H., passed away five years ago.
He was a
charter member of the C. K. of O. lodge.
services will take place Tuesday morning at ten o’clock at the Immaculate
Conception church. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Henry Wurst
Henry Wurst Passes Away Early Monday
Suffered From Two Strokes of Paralysis which Brought About
His Death – Dies at 1:45 O’clock Monday Morning – Funeral Services Wednesday
9:00 O’clock at St. John’s Church – Burial St. Mary’s Cemetery at Ottoville
Wurst, aged resident of Delphos, passed away at his home on West Cleveland
street Monday morning at about 1:45 o’clock. He suffered a stroke of paralysis
about six weeks ago and two weeks prior to his death the second stroke
occurred, this causing his death. He was eighty-two years, six months and ten
days of age when his death occurred.
Mr. Wurst
was born at New Washington, Ohio, on August 15, 1846. Mrs. Wurst preceded him
in death about thirty years ago. The deceased man made his home in Delphos for
about nineteen years past. The news of his death comes as a shock to his many
friends and relatives.
He leaves
the following children; Miss Anna Wurst, at home; Mrs. Syl. Wannemacher, of
Ottoville; Mrs. Ed Kundert, West Fifth Street, Joseph Wurst, of Ottoville, and
Andy Wurst at home.
children preceded Mr. Wurst in death.
services will take place in St. John’s Catholic Church Wednesday morning at
nine o’clock. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s cemetery at Ottoville.
Henry Ernst
Henry Ernst Passes Away At Ottoville
takes Place Tuesday Morning l0:45 O' Clock from Complications - Was Engaged In
Business With J. J. Miller Co. Funeral Services Friday Morning 9:00 O' Clock
—Burial St. Mary's Cemetery
An aged and
well-known resident of Ottoville was called to his reward when Henry Ernst
succumbed at his home Tuesday morning at 10:45 o'clock. He had been in failing
health for some time suffering from complication of diseases; He was seventy
years and twenty-two days of age when his death occurred.
Mr. Ernst was born
to William and Catherine Ernst on February 27, 1859, at Bismark, Ohio. He came
to Ottoville from Huron county about forty-five years ago.
He was united in
marriage to Miss Theresa Wannemacher at the Immaculate Conception church
November 24, 1885. For the past thirty-five years he was engage in business
with the J. J. Miller company at Ottoville.
The deceased
gentleman was a faithful member of the Catholic church and was affiliated with
the C. K. of O. Lodge and the St. Joseph's Sodality.
He leaves his
widow, two daughters, Mrs. Mayme Harmon, at home, and Mrs. Fred Lauer, of
Toledo; one sister, Mrs. Kinney Cole, of Norwalk; one brother, Peter Ernst, of
Norwalk; and four grandchildren.
Funeral services
will take place Friday morning at nine o'clock at the Immaculate Conception
church. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery.
John Weber
John Weber Passes Away At Ottoville
Death Occurs at Family Residence Monday
Morning at 3:00 O'clock — Complications Cause Death — Funeral Services Thursday
Morning 9:00 O' Clock at Immaculate Conception Church – Burial In St. Mary’s
John Weber, an aged
resident of Ottoville, was called by death Monday morning at 3:00 o'clock after
an illness of three months. Complications, was given as the cause of his death.
He was seventy years and nine days of age when he passed away.
Mr. Weber was born
to Anthony and Helen Weber at Rochester, New York, on April 6, 1859. He came to
Ottoville with his parents in the year 1864 locating on a farm. He was united
in marriage to Miss Rose Gasser at the Immaculate Conception church in 1885.
They resided on a farm north of Ottoville until eight years ago when they
located in town.
He leaves his
widow, four sons, Anthony, of Delphos; Ferd, of Ottawa;
Louis, of Ottoville, and Frank, at home; four
daughters, Mrs. Andrew Hoehn, Mrs. William Perrin, Mrs. John Honingford, of
Ottoville, and Mrs. Steve Miller, of Columbus Grove; and twenty-five
Funeral services
will take place Thursday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception
church. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery.
Local Young Lady Succumbs At St. Rita’s
Miss Leona Honingfort, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Honingfort, East Third Street Dies at 2:40 O'clock Tuesday Morning-
Complications Cause Death- Funeral Services Friday Morning 9:30 at St. John’s
Catholic Church.
Miss Leona
Lucile Honingfort was called to her reward Tuesday morning at 2:40 o'clock at
St. Rita's hospital at Lima where she had been a patient for the past ten
days. She was confined to the home of
her parents at 733 East Third street since March 1. Her death was caused from complications. She was twenty-seven years, five months and
seven days of age when her death occurred.
Honingfort was born at Ottoville to Henry and Agnes Honingfort on November 23,
1901. With the exception of a few years
spent at Ottoville, her entire life was spent in Delphos. She was a graduate of St. John's High school
the class of 1920.
She was
employed for the past six years as bookkeeper and typist in the office of the
New Delphos Manufacturing company. She
retired from her work about March 1 when she became ill.
She was
well and favorably known in this city and her many friends and acquaintances
will be grieved to learn of her death.
She leaves
her parents, eight sisters and brother, Mrs. Anna Brandehoff, Delphos; Mrs.
Frank Berheide, Fort Jennings; Mrs. George Wunderle, of Cleveland; Mrs. Elmer
Stettler, Delphos; Mrs. Fred Hurry, Van Wert; Mrs. George Rode Delphos; Al
Honingfort, Lima, and Leander Honingfort, of Delphos.
Two sisters
and one brother preceded her in death.
services will take place Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic
church. Burial will be made in St. John's cemetery.
Simon Plescher
Death Occurs Wednesday Morning at 8:30 O'
Clock— Underwent Operation Monday —Pneumonia Develops Causing Death — Funeral
Saturday Morning at Immaculate Conception Church
Simon Plescher was
summoned by death at his home northwest of Ottoville, Wednesday morning, at
8:30 o'clock, following a brief illness. Mr. Plescher underwent an operation
Monday and was convalescing nicely when pneumonia developed, culminating in his
death. He was seventy-three years, six months and twenty days of age when his
death occurred.
Mr. Plescher was
born at Gottbwitz, Austria, on November 2, 1855. He was widely known in
Ottoville and the surrounding country, having resided near Ottoville a great
number of years. His wife preceded him in dearth about fifteen, years ago.
He leaves one son,
John Plescher, at home; and two brothers, John Plescher, of Ottoville, and
Thomas Plescher, of East Third street.
Funeral services
will take place at the Immaculate Conception church, at
Ottoville, Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock.
Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery.
Rosalia Weber
Rose Gasser Passes Away At Ottoville
Death Occurs at 8:00 O’ Clock Thursday Morning at Family Home – Death Due To Complications
– Funeral Services Monday Morning 9:00 O’ Clock at Immaculate Conception Church
– Burial At St. Mary’s Cemetery
Many people of
Delphos and vicinity will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Rose Weber who
passed away at her home in Ottoville at 8:00 o'clock, Thursday morning. Mrs.
Weber had been in failing health for some time prior to her death, which was
caused by complications.
She was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Gasser, of Ottoville, and was born at Wolsurt
Baralberg, Austria, on August 28, 1861. She was 67
years 10 months, and 2 days old at the time of her death. Practically all of
her life was spent at Ottoville on a farm.
Mrs. Weber was
married to John Weber at Ottoville at the Immaculate Conception church on
August 18, 1885. Her husband preceded her in death six weeks ago.
Left to mourn her
death are the following: four sons, Ferd, of Ottoville, Anthony, of Delphos,
and Frank and Lewis of Ottoville. Four daughters, Mrs. Andrew Hoehn, Mrs. Will
Perrin, Mrs. John Honingford, of Ottoville, and Mrs. Steve Miller, of Columbus Grove;
two sisters, Mrs. Fred Ruen, of Ottoville, and Miss Anastasia Gasser of Cloverdale;
two brothers, Gephart Gasser, of Delphos, and Will Gasser, of Chicago; one half
sister, Mrs. Mary Coverman, of Cloverdale and twenty-six grandchildren.
Funeral services
will take place Monday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception church.
Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery.
Dan Mallifiske
John Fuerst
Complication’s Is Cause Of Mans Death
John Fuerst Passes Away at 4:15 O' Clock
Wednesday Morning at Home One Mile
South of Ottoville - Seventy Years of Age at
Time of Death — Funeral Services on Saturday Morning
A well-known
resident of Ottoville, John Fuerst, passed away at his home one mile south of
Ottoville, following a brief illness. Mr. Fuerst had only been bedfast for a
week and his death was caused by complications. Had he lived until the 23rd of
August he would have been seventy years of age. He had been unable to work
since last July when he fell from a hay wagon and suffered an injury to his
John Fuerst was the
son of Barbara and Peter Fuerst and was born on August 23, 1850. He was a
resident of Delphos until about twenty-five years ago when he moved to
Ottoville and resided on a farm.
Fuerst was united in marriage to
Miss Mary Ruen in 1884 at Ottoville.
Left to mourn his
death are his widow and six children, Mrs. Henry Utrup, north of Delphos; Peter,
at home; Louisa, of Delphos; John, of Ottoville; Mrs. Andrew
Ellerbrock, of Kalida; and Mrs. Cornelius Bussing, of Napoleon. He also leaves
seven; grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Clem
Kohorst, Sr., Mrs. Louisa Stahl and Mrs. Joseph Murray, Sr., all of Delphos.
Funeral services
will be held Saturday morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception
church at Ottoville. Burial will be made at the St. Mary's Cemetery.
George Hoersten
Mr. Hoersten was
a. member of the board of education of Washington township, Van Wert county.
The deceased man
was born on a farm two miles northwest of Ottoville on August 30, 1884. He was
married to Miss Fredericka Ruen, at Cloverdale on June 9, 1914. Four children
were born to this union. They are Alma, Rudolph, Mildred and Arthur His first
wife died in 1920 and he was united in marriage to Miss Helena Snitz at
Ottoville on November 23, 1921. Two children were born to the second union,
Harry and Otmer.
Mr. Hoersten is
survived by his wife and the six children, also by four brothers and four
sisters Joseph, John Louis and Frank, and Misses Christina, Theresa, Mary and
Minnie, all of Ottoville.
Funeral services
will be held at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville at 9:00 o'clock
Thursday morning. Burial will be made in the St. Mary's cemetery, at Ottoville.
Amelia Altenburger
Aged Lady Passes Away At Ottoville
Mrs. Amelia Ann Altenburger, Seventy-one
Years of Age, of Ottoville, Dies at Home of Daughter at Ottoville Monday at
9:45 A. M. — Had been an Invalid for Four Years — Death Due to Paralytic Stroke
—Funeral Services at Immaculate Conception Church
Mrs. Amelia Ann
Altenburger, wife of, Joseph Altenburger, passed away at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Frank Miller, at her home west of Ottoville Monday at 9:45 o'clock a. m.
Mrs. Altenburger had been an invalid for the past four and one-half years and
her death was caused by a paralytic stroke.
The deceased was a
daughter of Alex and Elizabeth Miller and was born west of Ottoville on July
29, 1858. She was seventy-one years of age at the time of her death. She was
united in marriage at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville to Joseph
Altenburger in the year of 1870. Practically all of her life was spent on a
farm west of Ottoville. She was a member of the Catholic church at Ottoville.
She leaves to mourn
her death, her husband, three sons, William, of Vaughnsville, Andrew, of
Ottoville, John, at home, one daughter, Mrs. Frank Miller, west of Ottoville,
four brothers, Andrew Miller, of Delphos, Herman Miller, of North
Creek, George Miller of Van Wert, and Sam Miller, of west of Ottoville. Also
one half-brother, John Shirley, of Ottoville, and twenty-one grandchildren.
Funeral services
will take place at the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville on Thursday
morning at 9:00 o'clock, with Rev. Arnoldi in charge of the services. Interment
will be made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Mrs. Frank Vincke
Mrs. Vincke Passes Away Monday P. M.
Ottoville Resident, Mrs. Frank Vincke, Dies at Home at St. Benedict
Monday—Follows an Illness of Several Weeks — Was a Daughter of Henry and Wilhelmina Grispen — Spent
Childhood Near Ottoville — Leaves Husband and Ten Children.
Word of the death
of Mrs. Fred Vincke, which has been received at Ottoville, will be sad news to
many friends in Ottoville and vicinity. Mrs. Vincke passed away at St. Benedict
on Monday following an illness of a few weeks.
The deceased was a
daughter of Henry and Wilhelmina Grispen. She spent her childhood and early
part of her married life on a farm north of Ottoville. She was married to Frank
Vincke on April 26, 1907.
She leaves to
mourn her loss, her husband and ten children. They are two sons, Herman, 7, and
Henry 9, and eight daughters, Mary, 19, Cecelia, 17, Anna, 15, Rose, 13,
Catherine, 11, Theresa, 2, Wilma, 5, and Margaret Mary, 6 weeks of age.
Mary Gmeiner
Anna Wannemacher
Sister Of Local Resident Passes Away
Miss Anna Wannemacher Answers Summons of
Death at St. Rita's Hospital at Lima Friday Morning at 1:00 O'clock — Death Due
to Complications — Funeral to be Monday
Miss Anna
Wannemacher, sister of Paul Wannemacher, of this city, passed away at St.
Rita's hospital in Lima at 1:00 o'clock Friday morning. Her death was caused by
complications. She suffered an operation at the hospital about a week ago. Miss
Wannemacher had made her home with her sister, Mrs. Rose Wiechart, of
Cloverdale, for the past six months. Prior to that time, she resided with her
brother, Charles, who passed away less than a year ago.
The deceased woman
had been ailing for about four months but was not confined to her bed. She was
born at Ottoville to Ferdinand and Barbara Wannemacher both of whom are now
deceased. Charles, and another brother, John, also preceded her in death. At
the time of her demise she was forty-nine years, four months, and four days of
Surviving to mourn
her passing are six brothers, Andy and George Wannemacher, of Ottoville; Gust,
Frank, and Joseph, of Cloverdale, and Paul, of Delphos; two sisters, Mrs. John
Flatz, of Ottoville, and Mrs. Joseph Wiechart, of Cloverdale. She also leaves a
host of friends who are grieved at her death.
Funeral services
will be hold Monday; August 26, at St. Barbara's Catholic, church at Cloverdale
and burial will be made in a cemetery there.
Mrs. Joseph Miller
Mrs. Miller Passes Away At Hospital
Mrs. Joseph L. Miller, of Cloverdale, Well-Known In this
City, Passes Away at St. Rita’s Hospital at 7:00 Sunday Evening – Operation
Performed on Friday for Tumors – Fifty-Six Years of Age at Time of Death –
Funeral Services on Wednesday
Many friends of
Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, Whose death occurred at St. Rita's hospital at Lima at
7:00 o'clock Sunday evening, following an operation performed on Friday, will
be sorry to learn of her death. One brother of the deceased lady, William
Lehmkuhle, is a resident of this city. Mrs. Miller was operated upon for
tumors: and was unable to rally from her weakened condition. She was fifty-six
years of age at the time of her death.
The deceased lady
was born at Glandorf, lived there during her childhood after which her family
moved to Ottoville. She has been living in Cloverdale for a good many
years. She was married to Joseph J. Miller, who
still survives.
The following
children are living to mourn her death: Leo Miller and Beno Miller, of
Ottoville; Mrs. Henry Bensman, of New Cleveland; Sister Mary Leonesa and Sister
Mary Pious, of Cincinnati; Cyril Miller, at Cloverdale, Jerome; Edwena
and Marcella, at home. The following, brothers and sisters survive: Mrs.
Clementine Bensman, of Celina, Ohio; Mrs. Herman Ricker, and Mrs. Carl Herman,
of Ottoville; Ben Lehmkuhle, of New Washington; Mrs. Joseph Boges, of Nebraska
City, Nebraska and William Lehmkuhle,
of Delphos. One sister, Mrs. Henry
Ricker, preceded her in death.
The funeral
services will take place at 9:00 o'clock Wednesday morning at St. Barbara's
Catholic church Interment Will also be made at that place.
Maggie Martin
Mrs. Martin Passes Away On Tuesday
of Mrs. Eckhard Martin Occurs at 3:30 O' Clock Tuesday Morning at Home of
Sister — Follows Paralytic Stroke Suffered Five Days Ago — Had lived in Delphos
Past Ten Years—Leaves Husband and Two Brothers
Mrs. Eckhard
Martin passed away at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Samuel Martin, of 1025 North Franklin street following an illness of five
days. Mrs. Martin was stricken with a paralytic stroke last Thursday noon and
had been bedfast since. She had suffered from a similar stroke just two years
ago and had been in failing health since.
Mrs. Martin was
born in Ottoville on February 28, 1887, and was forty-one years of age at the
time of her death. She was before her marriage Miss Maggie Ernst, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst. She had lived in Delphos the past ten years, living
before that in Spencerville. On November 3, 1909, she was united in marriage to
Eckhard Martin. The marriage took place at Lima.
Surviving are her
husband, three sisters, Mrs. Susana Wallen, of Rushmore; Mrs. Edward Kill, of
Landeck; Mrs. Samuel Martin, of Delphos; two brothers, Henry Ernst, of Landeck,
and John Ernst, of Fort Rock, Oregon.
Funeral services
will be held at 2:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Christian
church. Rev. Holdy, of Van Wert Friendly Mission church, will be in charge of
the service.
Joseph Horstman
Mr. Horstman Passes Away At Cloverdale
Joseph Horstman Dies at 7:45 O' Clock Saturday Evening at Home — Death Due to Old Age—Seventy-three at Time of Death — Funeral Services at 8:30 O' Clock at Cloverdale — Burial at Ottoville Cemetery
The death of
Joseph Horstman occurred at 7:45 o'clock Saturday evening at his home in
Cloverdale. He had been ill for the past three weeks, having been bedfast,
however, for only one week. His death was due to old age and complications. He
was seventy-three years, eleven months and seven days of age at the time of his
Mr. Horstman had
lived in Cloverdale the past nine years, living be fore that
time at Muntanna. His wife, formerly Miss Anna Vogt, preceded him in death one
year ago in
August. He was born in Germany on December
18, 1855.
Surviving to mourn
his death are three daughters, Mrs. Henry Langhals, of Cloverdale; Mrs. M. L.
Krieger, of Cloverdale, and Mrs. Julius Flemming, of Cloverdale and two sons,
A. Horstman, of Ft. Wayne; Joseph Horstman, of Muntanna. He also leaves two
brothers, Theodore Horstman and Herman Horstman, both of Cloverdale, and one
sister, Mrs. Anna Kohl, of Cleveland.
Funeral services
will be held at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at St. Barbara's church at
Cloverdale. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery at Ottoville.
Otilla Martin
Mrs. Martin Passes Away At Defiance
Mrs. Ottilia Martin Dies at Home at Defiance at
12:30 O' Clock Sunday P. M. — Former Resident, of Ottoville — Twenty-seven
Years of Age at Time of Death — Funeral Services Held at Michael Burgei
Residence at Cloverdale
A young wife and
mother, Mrs. Ottilia Martin, passed away at her home at Defiance at 12:30
o'clock p. m. Sunday. She had been in ill health for some time past and her
death was caused by complications.
She was born on
December 23, 1901 and was twenty-seven years, eleven months and
twenty-two days of age at the time of her death.
She was a daughter
of Joseph F. and Elizabeth Pittner and was born in Ottoville. Practically all
of her life was spent there until the time of her marriage. She was graduated
from the Ottoville High School in the class of 1920 and taught the Antioch
School for four years.
In July 1925, she
was married to Sigmund Martin at Cloverdale. They lived on a farm north of
Ottoville for about two years and then moved to Defiance where she lived until
the time of her death.
Left to mourn her
death are her husband, one daughter, Louise, and two sisters, Pauline Burgei,
of Cloverdale; Clara Sawmiller, of Ottoville and one brother, William Pittner,
of Cincinnati.
The remains will
be brought to the Michael Burgei residence at Cloverdale Tuesday and will lay
in state until Wednesday morning. Services will be held at the Immaculate
Conception church at Ottoville at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Burial will be
made in the St. Mary's cemetery near Ottoville.
John J. Miller (Infant)
Mary D. Wannemacher (Infant)
Edward C. Grubenhoff (Infant)
Joseph G. Plescher (Infant)
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