Cletus L. Miller
Funeral services were held here in Immaculate
Conception Church last Thursday morning for Cletus, six-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Miller, residing on a farm north of Ottoville. The child died
Monday, January 5th at St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima.
Death was
caused from injuries to the skull of the child when, he was kicked by a horse
on the farm. The skull was fractured, and consciousness was never regained
after the accident. Burial was made in the church cemetery.
Matilde C. Beckner
Mrs. Matilda C. Beckner Passes Away at 6:45 Monday Evening
at St. Rita's Hospital —Taken There Sunday Morning for Operation — Leaves
Husband, Parents, and Two Children — Funeral Services at St. John's Church.
A young wife and
mother, Mrs. Matilda C. Beckner, wife of Henry Beckner, of 1034 North
Washington street, passed away at St. Rita's Hospital at Lima her death came at
6:45 Monday evening after being a patient at the hospital since Sunday morning,
when she was taken there for an operation for gall-bladder trouble, which
caused her death.
Mrs. Beckner was
born on June14, 1895 in Ottoville and was thirty-four years, six months and
twenty-two days of age at the time of her death. She was before her marriage,
Miss Matilda Brabant, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Brabant, who both survive her. On November 6, 1915, she was united in
marriage to Henry Beckner at St. John's parsonage in Delphos. Monsignor Rupert
performed the ceremony.
She leaves to
mourn her death her husband and parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brabant, of East
Suthoff street; two children, Wilbert and Harold; three brothers, Henry
Brabant, of Toledo; Edward, of Youngstown and Syl, of Delphos and three
sisters, Mrs. Bertha Freisner, of Toledo; Mrs. Irene Pierce, of
Delphos, and Mrs. Loretta Conwell, of Delphos. She had one other son who died
about three years ago and also a brother, Joseph, of Youngstown, who preceded
her in death six months ago.
The remains were
taken to the Jauman funeral home Monday evening and were then removed to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brabant on Suthoff street. Funeral services will be
held in St. John's church at 9:30 Thursday morning. Burial will be made m St.
John's cemetery.
Thomas Plescher
Thomas Plescher Called By Death At Residence
Dies at 1:05 o’clock Saturday Afternoon at Home on East
Third Street – In Failing Health For Past Three And One-Half Years – Born at
Gottowitz, Austria – Employed as Engineer on Nickel Plate For Many Years.
Plescher, well-known and respected Delphos resident, and former engineer on the
Nickel Plate Railroad, answered the call of death at 1:05 o’clock Saturday
afternoon at his home at 550 East Third street.
deceased man had been seriously ill for the past two days but had enjoyed
fairly good health this winter and was thought to be doing very well until he
took sick. He first became ill about three and one-half years ago, suffering
from heart trouble, and was forced to discontinue his work. His death was due
to complications.
He was born
on Gottowitz, Austria, on December 21, 1862, and was sixty-eight years of age
at the time of his death. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Simon Plescher, who
lived at Ottoville, after coming from Austria. Mr. Plescher in his youth spent
twelve years in the Austrian Navy. He came to this country in the year 1892,
and made his home with his parents in Ottoville.
On September 17, 1895, he was
untied in marriage to Miss Josephine Weigle, of Ottoville. The marriage was
performed at Ottoville in the Immaculate Conception Church with Father Miller
officiating. They made their home in Delphos continuously since their marriage.
Direst survivors are his widow and two children, Simon, at home,
and Adele, also at home. The eldest, Edward, passed away on September 10th,
five years ago. He also leaves one brother, John Plescher, of Ottoville.
Mr. Plescher was a member of the
St. John’s Catholic Church choir for quite a number of years.
Arrangements for the funeral
services have not been completed yet.
Louis Fischbach
Loretta Harpster
Aged Resident Succumbs On Tuesday A. M.
Mrs. George Harpster, 71, Dies At Home Of Son, Albert
Harpster, Delphos, at 12:25 o’clock Tuesday Morning Following a Short Illness
of Heart Trouble – Funeral Services at 2 o’clock Thursday
Scores of
relatives and friends in the Delphos vicinity will mourn the loss of an aged
and respected resident, Mrs. George Harpster, who passed away at the home of
her son. Albert Harpster, 704 West Sixth Street, at 12:45 o’clock Tuesday
morning. She was the wife of the late George Harpster, who succumbed on June
26, 1928.
Harpster’s death came rather suddenly, having been confined to her bed only
three days. She had not been feeling well for some time troubled by heart attacks,
which caused her death.
deceased lady was before her marriage Miss Loretta Elizabeth Martin, the oldest
child of Anthony and Elizabeth Martin. She was born in Massilon, Ohio, Stark
County, on February 28, 1858. At the time of her death she was sevety-one years
an eleven months of age.
At the age
of twenty-one she was united in marriage to George W. Harpster and eight
children were born to this union, John, of Leipsic; Robert, of near Ottoville;
and Albert at whose home she passed away, are the only children surviving.
Three daughters, Emma, Maggie and Stella and two sons, Edward and Cleve, and
two step-daughters, Anna and Rosa, preceded her in death. Besides the three
sons, she is survived by one stepdaughter, Ida Wheeler, of Fremont; eighteen grandchildren;
and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, William and Robert Martin,
Ottoville; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Malifiskey, of Hamilton, Ohio; besides a
host of other relatives and fiends.
She was a
life-long and faithful member of the Antioch Christian Church.
services will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the United Brethren
Church, in Delphos, Rev. C. E. Wintringham, pastor of the M. E. Church, will
officiate. Burial will be made in the Antioch Cemetery.
Mary Lauer
Death Calls Mrs. Lauer
Ottoville Citizen Had Host Of Friends
This parish
and the community lost a friend and member of noble qualities of character,
when Mrs. John P. Lauer passed away at her home last Friday evening at seven
o’clock. She was aged 73 years, 1 month and 9 days.
suffered a paralytic stroke Wednesday afternoon of the last week, and never
regained consciousness. She was born near Delphos, January 26, 1857, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lause, and was united in marriage to Mr. Lauer in
May 1881.
Their first
home was in Delphos. Later they moved to McClure, back to Delphos, and have
resided in Ottoville since 1900. Here they have created a large family and have
contributed to the general welfare of the community in many ways.
Eight children
were born to this union, two of whom preceded their mother in death. A son died
in infancy, and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Huysman, was called by death in May,
Besides the
husband, three sons and three daughters survive; Mrs. Lillian Krupp of Ottoville,
Mrs. Leo Otte of Toledo, Mrs. W. P. Hubbard of Akron; Fred and Alex of Toledo,
and Arnold of Ottoville. Other close relatives are two sisters, Mrs. John
Laudick of Kansas, Mrs. Charles Moore of Washington; and four brothers, Fred,
Clem and Louis of Delphos, and Casper of Springfield.
deceased was a faithful member of the Catholic Church, and belonged to several
auxiliary societies. Services were held Monday at the Immaculate Conception
Church, and were in the charge of pastor, Rev. R. S. Arnoldi. Burial was made
in the church cemetery.
Philomena Pohl
Death Calls Mrs. J. Pohl
Ottoville Lady Survived By Eight Children
Mrs. John
Pohl passed away at her home here Sunday. Her death following an illness of
three weeks, was due to complications. She was fifty-eight years, seven months,
and five days of age at the time of her death.
Philomena Meyer was born on September 1, 1871 at Glandorf, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Meyer. On May 6, 1890 she was married in Ottoville to John
Pohl, and to this union were born eight children. Mrs. Pohl spent her married
life in Ottoville on the Pohl homestead.
She was an
active member of the Alter sodality of the Immaculate Conception Church.
following survive; her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Joseph Sanders, Mrs.
August Utrup, of Ottoville, Philomena and Katherine at home; four sons, Henry
and Frank, of Ottoville, John and Bernard, at home; six sisters, Mrs. Gertrude
Meyers, of Michigan, Miss Mary Meyers of Delphos, Mrs. Katherine Schabbing of Delphos,
Mrs. Edward Sink of Miller City, Mrs. Agnes Utendorf of Ottawa, and Mrs. Christ
Schulte of Lima; five brothers, Henry of Ft. Jennings, Clem and Gust of
Delphos, and Ignatius and Herman of Michigan; also twenty-two grandchildren.
services were held Wednesday morning at nine o’clock at the Immaculate
Conception church and burial was made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Margaret Miller
Mrs. J. J. Miller Dies Suddenly At Ottoville
Located In County Fifty Years Ago
Funeral Services To Be Held At Nine O’clock Friday
Mrs. J. J.
Miller was found dead at her home here Tuesday morning at seven o’clock. For
two years prior to her death she had been in failing health but at no time was
her illness considered serious, it is believed her death was due to high blood
Mrs. Miller
was born in Wolminster, Alsace-Lorraine on September 22, 1855, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lauer. The Lauer family came to America and settled in
Ottoville in May 1870. She has been a resident of this place since that time.
At the time of her death she was seventy-four years, seven months and seven
days of age.
She was
united in marriage to John J. Miller on August 28, 1879, in the Immaculate
Conception church here. To this union seven children were born. She was a kind
and loving mother, a true and faithful companion and wife, and a staunch and
cheerful neighbor and friend. She was held in high esteem by all those who knew
Left to
mourn their loss are the husband, three sons, Rudolph of Celina, Alex of Ottoville,
and Edward of Kalida; four daughters, Mrs. J. F. Okuly, of Delphos, Mrs. Walter
Mersman of Celina, Margaret and Catherine at home; four brothers, Nick and John
Lauer of Ottoville, Alex Lauer of Detroit, and Charles Lauer of Idaho; one
sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Frederick of Dayton; ten grandchildren and scores of
relatives and friends.
services will be held Friday morning at nine o’clock from the Immaculate
Conception church, of which she was a devout and faithful member. Interment
will be made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Mary Mallifiske
Death Call Answered
Mrs. Mary Mallifiske Dies At Home Of Son
Mrs. Mary
Mallifiske, widow of the late Daniel Mallifiske, passed to her reward at the
home of her son in Glandorf, Wednesday night at ten-thirty o’clock. She was
stricken with paralysis about a month ago and has been bed fast since that
Mallifiske was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Martin. She was born in
Stark County, Ohio in the year 1865. She came to Ottoville, this county, with
her parents when quite young. She resided there until six weeks ago, when she
came to Glandorf, so that her son and family might take care of her and nurse
her in her illness. She was given the best of attention by loved ones until
death relieved her of her suffering.
deceased was a very industrious lady, a good wife and mother, a kind neighbor
and a devout member of the Catholic church, she will be missed by all who new
She leaves
to mourn their loss two sons, Charles of Glandorf, and Edward of Hamilton.
Charles is employed at the Frey hardware in Ottawa. Her parents, one sister and
a brother preceded her in death.
services will be held Saturday morning at the Immaculate Conception church,
Ottoville, at 9 o’clock. Burial will be made in the Catholic cemetery there.
Benedict Schneeg
Young Man Is Summoned
Ben Schneeg Of Ottoville Answers Call
Schneeg, a young and respected resident of Ottoville, died at two o’clock last
Thursday afternoon at a government hospital in Chillicothe, Illinois. He passed
away while he was being operated upon for removal of a goiter.
Mr. Schneeg
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schneeg, Sr., and was born near Wetzel on
March 27, 1896. With the exception of three months spent in the United States
Army, practically his entire life was spent in Ottoville and vicinity. He was
honorably discharged from service because of ill health. Until about a year
ago, he was employed by the Ottoville garage.
At the time
of his death, Mr. Schneeg was thirty-four years, one month, and twenty days of
He is
survived by his parents, two sisters, Lorene, at the Good Samaritan hospital in
Cincinnati, and Mrs. Cevilla Baker of Cleveland, and one brother Gilbert, at
services were held in the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville last
Saturday morning and burial was made in the Catholic cemetery there.
Robert W. Ulrich (Infant)
Last Rites For Infant Boy Held Saturday
Funeral Services For Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ulrich, of Ft. Wayne Take Place Saturday Morning at Ottoville – Death Due To
Whooping Cough
services were held for Robert Ulrich, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ulrich,
of Ft. Wayne, Saturday morning at the Immaculate Conception Church in
Father J.
S. Arnoldi sang the Angel’s Mass. Pallbearers were, James Niedecken, Eugene
Odenweller, George Sellet, and Stanley Wannemacher.
was made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
passed away Wednesday evening at 9 o’clock at the home of his parents in Ft.
Wayne. His death was caused by whooping cough. At the time of his death he was
six weeks of age.
the remains were brought from Ft. Wayne to the home of his grandfather, Joseph
Otte, on Ottoville.
He is
survived by his parents and a brother, Richard.
Leo H. Kromer
Leo Kromer Is Called
Funeral Held At Ottoville Thursday Morning
Leo H.
Kromer, a well-known and prominent resident of Ottoville, passed away at the
United States Veterans hospital at Outwood, Kentucky, last Sunday morning at
eleven-thirty o’clock. He had been a patient at the hospital for the past two
years. Death was due to complications.
Mr. Kromer
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kromer, and was born August 20, 1888. His
entire life was spent in Ottoville and vicinity with the exception of two years
when he resided in Michigan, and nine months when he served with the United
States army overseas.
He is
survived by one brother, William Kromer of Coopersville, Michigan, and one
sister, Mrs. Louis Sellet, of Ottoville.
The remains
were brought to Ottoville last Tuesday evening and were taken to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sellet. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at nine
o’clock in the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, and burial was made
in the church cemetery.
Otto Kortokrax
Ottoville Man Dies at Family Home Friday
Death Calls Otto Kortokrax Early Friday Morning – Had
Been Ailing For Two Years – Eight Children Survive – Funeral Services Monday
Kortokrax passed away at his home a mile south of Ottoville at 5:40 o’clock
Friday morning. He had been ill for approximately two years and was seriously
ill since last January. His death was due to complications.
Kortokrax was born on February 2, 1861, at Ottoville, the son of Christopher
and Anna Kortokrax. On April 10, 1883, he was united in marriage to Miss
Caroline Wank, of New Reigel, Ohio. Their entire married life was spent in the
vicinity of Ottoville. At the time of his death, Mr. Kortokrax was sixty-nine
years, four months and eleven days of age.
following survive; his widow; the following children, Christopher, of Whiting,
Ind.; Mrs. Laura Beining, of Ottoville; August, of Kingsley, Mich.; Mrs. Mary
Polnce, of Otsego, Mich.; Mrs. Clara Spence, of Whiting, Ind.; Miss Estella, of
Chicago; and Bernadine and Leo, at home. One brother, Max, of Ft. Wayne; four
sisters, Mrs. John Friemoth, of Ottoville; Mrs. Henry Honingford, of Delphos;
Mrs. Alex Heinl, of Ft. Jennings; and Mrs. Henry Beining, of Glandorf; and
twenty-seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren also survive.
services will be held Monday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception
Church in Ottoville. Interment will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Frank Hoersten
Frank Hoersten Succumbs At Lima Hospital
Ottoville Man Dies at St. Rita’s Hospital Tuesday Morning
– Death Follows Long Illness – Four Sisters and Three Brothers Survive.
John Hoersten succumbed at St. Rita’s Hospital in Lima Tuesday morning at 7:30
o’clock. He had been ailing for approximately three years but was not seriously
ill until three weeks ago. His death was the result of complications. He was
taken to the hospital Monday morning.
Hoersten was born on March 23, 1891, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Florenz Hoersten,
both deceased. He spent his entire life on a farm two miles northwest of
Ottoville. At the time of his death he was thirty-nine years, two months and
twenty-four days of age.
He is
survived by the following; four sisters, Christina, Teresa, Mary and Minna and
three brothers, Joseph, John and Louis, all of near Ottoville. One brother
George, died eleven months ago.
services will be held Friday morning at 9 o’clock at the Immaculate Conception
Church at Ottoville. Burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Alex Krieger
Shooting Victim To Be Buried Here Wednesday
Funeral Services to be Held at Cloverdale for Alex Krieger
Who was Killed at Continental Saturday Night
— Mayor Noffsinger, Who Fired the Fatal Shot, pleads Self Defense.
Mayor Joseph
Noffsinger, of Continental, pleaded self-defense when he appeared at an inquest
Monday into the death of Alex Krieger, 30, of Cloverdale, whom he shot to death
Saturday night during an argument over a traffic law violation.
No charge has been
placed against the mayor, who said he shot when Krieger moved as if to draw a
gun, and none will be lodged against him unless a corner verdict justifies it,
it was announced.
Krieger was killed
shortly after he and a companion were stopped by the mayor and questioned as to
why their automobile had only one headligiht. They were said to have told the
mayor the car's wiring was defective.
A heated argument
ensued, it was said, and was climaxed by Krieger's death.
Krieger's body was
removed to the home of his parents at Cloverdale.
Funeral services
will be held in St. Barbara's Catholic church there Wednesday with Rev. Father
Wichman in charge. Burial will be
made at Ottoville.
With Krieger at
the time of the shooting was Bryan Curtis, well known in this section.
John Schumaker
Death Calls J. Schumaker
Services Held Friday At Ottoville Church
called John Schumaker, 86, on Tuesday of last week, his last illness being
attended with the infirmities of old age. He passed away at the home of his son
John Jr. northeast of Ottoville.
He was born
in Glandorf December 24, 1842, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schumaker. In
1868 he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Scheeley of Landeck, who died
forty years ago.
are four sons; Joseph of Columbus Grove, Frank, Henry and John all of
Ottoville; four daughters; Mrs. Anna Pavel of Delphos, Mrs. Lena Cramer of
Marion, Mrs. Susan Janka of Ottoville, Mrs. Mary Carpenter of Cincinnati. One
daughter of Marion preceded her father in death.
survivors are brothers Henry of Ft. Jennings, and Frank of Delphos; one sister,
Mrs. Anna Krieger of New Bavaria; thirty-seven grandchildren and ten
services were held Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock in the Immaculate Conception
church, Ottoville. Interment was made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
The death of Bernard Honigfort well
known Ottoville resident of near Ottoville, occurred at his home Thursday
afternoon at 1:45 o'clock. He had been ill from heart trouble for the past
month, and was seriously ill for the past few days.
Honigfort was born at Ottoville, the son of Bernard and Margaret Honigfort, on
August 30, 1857. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bohn of Ottoville in
1882. Mrs. Honigfort preceded her husband in death five years ago. Mr.
Honigfort was seventy-two years, eleven months and twenty-eight days of age
when his death occurred. He was a member of the St. Joseph Society.
to mourn his death are: five sons, Frank of Lima, William and Oliver of Kalida,
George of Traverse City Mich., and Edward at home; two daughters, Mrs. Andrew
Brinkman of Cloverdale and Mrs. Charles Schimmoeller at home; eleven
grandchildren and two brothers, John of Ottoville and Henry of Delphos.
services were held at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville Monday
morning at eight o'clock and internment was made in the St. Mary's cemetery.
Mary Miller (Infant)
Margaret Odenweller
Mrs. Edward Odenweller Called Home
Death Follows Operation In Cincinnati
Community Worker
Loyal And Devoted Wife and Dutiful Mother
Margaret May Odenweller, wife of Edward G. Odenweller, died at the Good
Samaritan hospital at Cincinnati Monday, September 29, from the effects of an
operation. She was 53 years old at the time of her death.
Odenweller had not been very well for some time, and the operation was resorted
to as a means to restore her health. She died a few days after the operation,
which was performed on Tuesday of last week.
She was
born August 14, 1877, at Delphos, Ohio. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Summers. She received her education in the Delphos Parochial schools, and
following her school days she was active in the millinery business.
marriage to Ed G. Odenweller, a prominent businessman of Ottoville, Ohio, took
place on November 19, 1903. They have resided in Ottoville ever since their
marriage, and stand high in the esteem of the entire community.
Odenweller for many years served on the Ottoville Board of Education, and is
now serving his second term as a member of the County Board of Education. His
wife was not only a pillar of strength in the home, but and ever sustaining
help in the cares of business and the responsibilities of public duties.
children were born to this union; Edward at home, Mary, a graduate nurse in
Cincinnati; Helen a nurse in training at Cincinnati; Vincent, Sylvester and
Margaret, at home.
Odenweller was quite active as a community worker, and a member of the
Alter-Rosary Society. She was a lady of excellent character, a loyal and
devoted wife and a dutiful mother to her children.
glorified the sphere in which she lived, and was a living example of the saying
that the grandest of heroic deeds are those, which are performed within four
walls and in domestic privacy.
services were held at the Ottoville Catholic Church on Thursday morning October
2nd, and were in charge of the pastor, Rev. J. S. Arnoldi. Interment
was made in the Catholic cemetery at Ottoville.
Joseph Liebrecht
Ottoville Man Dies Following Long Illness
Death Calls Joseph Liebrecht at His Home Tuesday Morning
– Was Ill Past Five Years – Services On Friday Morning
Liebrecht, well known Ottoville farmer, passed away at his home northeast of
Ottoville Tuesday morning at 9:30 o’clock following an illness of five years.
Complications caused his death.
Liebrecht was born near Delphos on July 10, 1852, the son of Frank and Clara
Liebrecht. In October 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bedecker, of
Germany. She passed away in 1885. On September 4, 1888 he was married to Miss
Mary Gerger.
He was a
resident of near Ottoville practically his entire life, and he was a member of
the St. Joseph’s Society of the Immaculate Conception Church. When death
occurred he was seventy-eight years, three months and four days of age.
to mourn his death are his widow; and the following children; Emma, of Oakland,
Calif.; John, of Kalida; Barney, of Cuba, Oh.; William, of Ottoville; Mrs.
Fred. Kreinbrink, of Avilla, Ind.; Mrs. Lawrence Verhoff, of Cuba, Oh.; Mrs.
Alois Kastner and Frank, both of Dayton; Arnold, of Ottoville; Lawrence, at
home; and Mrs. Andrew Brickner, of Ottoville; one sister, Mrs. John Brandehoff,
of near Ottoville; and twenty-two grandchildren survive.
services will be held at the Immaculate Conception Church at Ottoville Friday
morning at 9 o’clock and burial will be made in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Antonia Ulrich
Catherine Lauf
Mrs. Lauf Called Home
Services Held Tuesday In Ottoville Church
Katherine Lauf passed away at her home on Saturday afternoon. Se was in ill
health for sometime past but in a serious condition the last three weeks. Her death
was caused by complications.
She was
born in Ottoville, November 4, 1863 and was 66 years, 11 months and 14 days of
age at the time of her demise. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
She was
married to Mathias Lauf May 29, 1895 at the Immaculate Conception Church in
Ottoville. They lived on a farm near Ft. Jennings until about eight years ago
when the moved to Ottoville. Left to mourn her death are her husband, and two
brothers, John Fischbach and Mathias Klein, both of Ottoville.
services were held at the Immaculate Conception Church, Ottoville, on Tuesday
morning and interment made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Herman J. Hilvers
Herman Joseph
Hilvers passed away at the state hospital in Columbus Friday morning. Mr.
Hilvers was born at Ottoville on September 1, 1896, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
August Hilvers, now of 108 Adams street, this city.
Surviving are: his
parents, two brothers, Henry, East Fifth street and William at home; and one
sister, Mary, at home.
No definite
arrangements have been made for the funeral as yet The remains will be brought
to the B. L. Jauman Funeral Home this evening.
Catherine Van Oss
Death Calls Mrs. Van Oss
Ottoville Parish Loses Faithful Old Member
Catherine Van Oss died at her home here last Monday afternoon of complications
at the age of 83 years, 8 months and 22 days. Her husband died three and a half
years ago.
She was
born in Iowa, and married to Henry Van Oss at Minster in 1868. They first lived
at St. Henry, later at Delphos, and moved to Ottoville 49 years ago.
She was a
faithful member of the Immaculate Conception Church and of the Alter Society.
She was of a quiet and reserved nature, and had a large circle of friends.
daughters and four sons survive. One son Benedict died in infancy. The
daughters are Mrs. Mary Schurer and Mrs. Elizabeth Vincke of Ottoville, Mrs.
Anna Kaple of Lima, and Mrs. Veronica Schlembach of Delphos. The sons are
Theodore, John, George and Joseph all of Ottoville.
services were held at nine o’clock Thursday morning of last week at the
Immaculate Conception Church. Burial was made in St. Mary’s cemetery.
William H. Martin
Aged Resident Of Ottoville Passes Away
William H. Martin Answers Death Summons
Tuesday at Home Following Illness of
One Year — Complications Cause Death
—-Funeral Services at Immaculate Conception Church Friday Morning
An aged resident of Ottoville answered a summons to
the great beyond in the death of William H. Martin, which occurred Tuesday at
his home there. His death followed an illness of about a year and was due to
complications. For the past three weeks, he had been confined to his bed.
Mr. Martin was
born at Massillon, Ohio, June 11, 1861 and when a young man, married Miss
Catherine Kersting. Left to mourn his passing are his wife, two sons, George A.
Martin, of this city; Henry Martin, of Ottoville, and Mrs. Wenzel Klima, of
Ottoville. At the time of his death he was sixty-nine years, five months' and
twenty-one days of age. The last eighteen years of his life he was a resident
of Ottoville.
His many relatives
and friends who, reside here will be grieved to hear, of his passing. The funeral services will take place Friday
morning at 10 o'clock at Immaculate
Conception church at Ottoville and burial
will be made in the church cemetery.
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