Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ottoville Items - 1923

3-24-1923 LN
Wanted in Kansas, Man Arrested at Ottoville
            C. D. Simmons, deputy sheriff from Witchita, Kansas, arrived in Delphos Thursday night, and secured conveyance to Ottoville, where he arrested Jacob Engelbrecht, 22, on a charge of non-support of his wife and child. Engelbrecht was confined in the Delphos jail until Friday, when Simmons started westward with him.
            Engelbrecht has been employed at Ottoville. He has no relatives residing in that community.

6-14-1923 LN
Kramer is Signed for Hicksville Ball Game
Ralph Kramer, Ottoville catcher for three years battery mate of “Smoky” Wannemacher, has been signed by the Delphos American Legion ball club and will report Sunday when the locals tackle Hicksville at Clay Field for the second time this season. Hicksville previously defeated Delphos 8 to 0.
            On the following Sunday Delphos will meet the Ft. Wayne Kipps and on July 29 will play at Lima. The legionaires have won nine and lost four.

9-5-1923 LN
            Rev. Carl Finsel, who has been the assistant pastor of St. John’s church for the past six months, has been transferred to Ottoville, and leaves today to begin his new duties there. Father Teasesall, of Toledo, will arrive within a few days to assume his duty here as assistant to Father Plummans.

9-25-1923 LN
Ottoville Wins Putnam-co Fair School Exhibit
            Ottawa – the Ottoville schools ranked first in the educational awards made at the Putnam-co fair in the class for village schools, Glandorf took second prize, Continental third, and Ottawa fourth.
            The Ottoville schools were awarded four first places, three seconds and three thirds. First prizes for Ottoville were in its sixth seventh and eighth grades and the work of composition.

10-18-1923 LN
Will Aid Bazarr
            Ottoville – the Catholic Ladies of Columbia at Ottoville have volunteered their aid for the bazaar, which will be held soon by Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Funds realized from the bazaar will be used to aid various departments of school and church, Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi is pastor.

10-21-1923 LN
Diamond Jubile Begins Monday – Immaculate Conception Parish Celebrates at Ottoville
Homecoming is Arranged – Pioneers Day and Childrens Day are Other Features
            Ottoville – Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Immaculate Conception parish will be held for five days beginning Monday, Oct. 22. Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of the parish, and members of the congregation, are making every effort to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the church’s founding in a manner befitting the occasion.
            Monday will be observed as homecoming day. For several weeks members of the congregation have been sending invitations to former parishioners asking them to be present.
            Monday morning Rev. Joseph Ludwig, pastor of Antwerp, and former curate of Ottoville, will sing a solemn high mass. At 2 p.m. the entire parish will parade thru the main streets of the village.
            At 7:30 p.m. school children will present a varied program for the entertainment and instruction of the people. Number of songs, recitations and playlets will be given, together with the staging of the “Deestrikt School” of 50 years ago.
Tuesday Pioneer Day
            Tuesday will be observed as pioneer day, and will be opened with a solemn requiem high mass for deceased members of the parish. Mass will be sung by Rev. Fridolin Frommherz, former curate, and at present pastor of Cecil and Junction. The entire day will be given over to entertainment of the old pioneers of the parish.
            At 5:30 p.m. the Alter Rosary Society will serve a banquet to pioneers, and at 7:30 p.m. a short program will be given in their honor by the school children.
            Wednesday will be children’s day. In the morning solemn requiem high mass will be offered up for deceased pastors and curates.
            At 9:30 a.m. Thursday Rt. Rev. Samuel A. Stritch, D. D., bishop of Toledo, will celebrate a Pontifical High Mass, the first one ever to be sung in the parish during the 75 years of its existence. Rev. Ignatious F. Wagner C. P. P. S., president of St. Joseph’s college, Rensselaer, Ind., will be assistant priest to the bishop; Rev. Henry Wichman of Cloverdale and Rev. Henry Gerwert of Miller City, will be deacons of honor, while Rev. Joseph Ludwig will be deacon and Rev. Fridolin Frommherz, sub-deacon. Rev. Dr. F. E. Malone will be master of ceremonies.
            Jubilee sermon will be preached by Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. F. O’Connell, LL. D, vicar general of the Toledo Diocese.
            Following the Pontifical High mass a banquet will be served to the visiting clergy.

10-24-1923 LN
Diamond Jubilee Ends Thursday – Pagent of Progress Features Ottoville Celebration
            Pontifical High mass conducted by Bishop Stritch of the Toledo Diocese Thursday will close the diamond jubilee celebration in honor of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the parish of Immaculate Conception, at Ottoville.
            Children’s day was observed Wednesday, and the schools were given a holiday in honor of the occasion. One of the features of the jubilee was a pagent of progress. Monday, a procession three-fourths of a mile long passed the reviewing stand. It was headed by a soldier in uniform. The Ottoville parish band followed. Then came the school children from Monterey, Brox, Eickholt, Douglas, Muntanna and Antioch following. The children were dressed to represent historical events. Several floats depicted pioneer life and others represented modern times, the whole presenting in living form the progress of 75 years since the parish was established.
            Tuesday morning a solemn requiem high mass for deceased members of the parish was conducted, and a banquet for all pioneers over 60 years of age was given in the afternoon. Rev. Father Wiechman a former assistant at Ottoville gave the address. A program by the school children featuring pioneer life was also part of this event.

12-7-1923 LN
Frank Ruen Elected by Ottoville Bureau
            Ottoville – Frank Ruen, of Montery-tp, was elected director of the township farm bureau, at a meeting held at Ottoville. Joseph Hoersten was elected vice director, and August Rellinger secretary and treasurer and purchasing agent.
            Three girls and the boys who are members of the pig club were present to receive their checks from the county fair board for efforts at the recent fair.
            Four Ottoville business men added substantially to the boy’s prizes, each man giving $1 in trade to each boy and girl who competed in the pig club at the fair.

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