DD – Defiance Democrat
DH – Delphos Herald
LN – Lima News
PCS – Putnam County Sentinel
LTD – Lima Times Democrat
DC – Delphos Courant
Joseph Vincke has been appointed postmaster at
1-6-1902 DH
Death Near Ottoville
Miss Kate Bentley, aged 26 years and 3 months, died
at the home of her parents, two miles west of Ottoville, Sunday, from
consumption. Miss Bentley went to Cleveland about two years ago and entered the
Ursuline Convent to become a nun, but her health soon failed and she was
compelled to return home. She was confined to her bed for four weeks. The
funeral will be held at Ottoville Wednesday. A number of her young friends in
the neighborhood, about twenty in number, were at her bedside just before she
1-8-1902 DH
Ottoville Gas Company has commenced drilling another well in their field. It is
located on the Joseph Brickner farm, about one mile this side of Ottoville.
Schille, of near Douglas, died Sunday at the age of 78 years. Her remains were
interred at Ottoville Tuesday afternoon.
1-11-1902 DH
W. J. Moss, representative of the Mosler Safe and
Lock Company was here Thursday, and stated that he intended going to Ottoville
next week and endeavor to start a bank there. The businessmen of the little
village are hustling citizens and there is no doubt but they will take to the
idea readily.
1-15-1902 DH
Drilling on the Brickner well near Ottoville has been
delayed on account of the difficulty in getting water.
1-16-1902 DH
The drill has again been started in the Brickner gas
well in the Ottoville field.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mersman, of Ottawa, was in town Friday.
Welde, county auditor, was here on business Thursday.
Gremling, of Bucyrus, attended the funeral of Miss Katie Bindle Tuesday.
Geo. Ockuly
returned to Continental Monday after spending a few days at home.
Ottoville Gas Co. commenced drilling Thursday.
Ottoville Items PCS
Vincke, acting postmaster here, since the death of Dr. Binder, has received his
commission and now has charge of the office as a full fledged postmaster. Jos.
Proved his ability in the past and will administer the duties of the position
with satisfaction to all.
Jos. Reif
and Henry Schmidt were in town Monday.
Geo Ernst
and son, Aaron Huysman and Frank Gmeiner made a business trip to Ottawa
Jacob Adams
is harvesting his crop of ice.
Giesken, of Watson, Mo., is visiting his brothers, Henry and Barney Giesken.
Henison and Miss Rosa Henison, of Botkins, are visiting relatives and friends
Geo. Meihls
sold his farm at Douglass to J. W. Rekart. Consideration $82.50 per acre.
Mrs. J.
Piepenbrack, of St. Rose, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. C. F. Franzer.
Mrs. F.
Guelker and Miss Grace Guelker, of Glandorf, were guests of Mrs. Henry
Beidenharn Sunday.
Miss Lizzie
Schneeg, of Delphos, is home to spend a few days.
E. L.
Odenweller and Mrs. Frank Thessing made a business trip to Ottawa Monday.
Straley, of Seamersville, sold his farm to Manuel Adams.
Dr. J. F.
Ockuly is having plans made to build a new office this coming spring.
Steinle and John Hotz, of Delphos, were here Thursday.
Joseph Reif
and Joseph Schmidt, of Delphos, were in town Monday.
Wannemacher, the great trapper, invented a mink trap, which he intends to have
Mr. Davis,
of Lima, spent a few days here on business.
J. C.
Wannemacher made a business trip to Grover Hill Thursday.
Snyder, of Wetsel, was in Ottoville Wednesday, calling on friends.
1-25-1902 DH
The well in the Ottoville field will drill in Monday.
1-29-1902 DH
The gas well in the Ottoville field was shot Tuesday
afternoon with a light charge. It improved the pressure and makes the product
of the well a certainty.
2-6-1902 DH
The gas well in the Ottoville field continues to show
good and they are talking of locating another well.
Ottoville Items PCS
Wm. Bigelow
and Photographer Weger made a trip to Seamersville Saturday.
Steinle, of Delphos, was in town Tuesday on business.
Davisdson and family, W. Davidson and Mike Coon, who made a trip to Alma,
Mich., returned last week. George bought a farm and intends to embark in the
sugar beet industry. While helping to move the crop of sugar beets from the
farm he purchased to the refinery in Alma, there were only 365 other wagons
ahead of them.
Kollsmith and Miss Rosa Landick, of Delphos, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Altenburger and family Sunday.
J. H.
Wannemacher, Wm. Schlagbaum and Henry Schimmoeller made a business trip to
Kenton Monday.
Schlereth, of Minnesota, is home visiting his parents and friends.
Schimmoeller, of Rimer, gave the boys a friendly call Saturday and Sunday.
Berner left Monday for Ft. Wayne, after spending a week at home.
Morris bought the Dick Wells farm for $1,105.
Fred Barts
and Chas. Henry made a business trip to Lima Thursday.
Rose and
Katie Morbach left Monday for Ottawa after spending a week at home.
A sled load
of people left for Delphos to attend the funeral of Anton Steckler.
Wm. Duvall
purchased the Shaw farm of 50 acres for $3,000.
Rampe, of Ft. Jennings, was in town Thursday.
Armstrong, of Leipsic, was in town Saturday.
Jake Studer
and Jos. Schuver left for Spencerville Monday, where they are getting out ship
Ed Priddy,
of Wetsel, was in town Thursday.
Altenburger, of Cloverdale, was in town Wednesday.
2-10-1902 DH
W. Wannemacher, J. Miller, G. Altenburger, A. Rostal, W. Gillen, J. Lauer, T.
Thasing, G. Strothman and son, of Ottoville, composed a sleigh riding party
that enjoyed Sunday evening at the home of Joseph Hotz, on west First Street.
2-11-1902 DH
Near Ottoville
A sleigh riding party composed of young people drove
to the home of Oliver Sellet, about two miles north of Ottoville Monday
evening. The crowd pleasantly passed the evening in various games and lunch was
served. Composing the party were Misses Agnes Wahmoff, Mamie Weger, Kate
Mittler, Grace Bergfeld, Gertrude Limbach, Gertrude Herlihy. Messrs. Carl Roth,
Oscar Roth, William Roth, Andy Rienmeyer, John Hotz, Carl Reif, William Walsh,
George Walsh, John Wahmhoff and Alphonse Hotz.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Gustbacher and daughter are the guests of Theo. Kramer and wife.
Henry Smith
is on the sick list at this writing.
E. Leinninger and wife attended the opera at Delphos Monday
Theo Kramer received the sad news
of the death of his uncle Anthony Kramer, of Glandorf, Ohio. Age 77 years, 5
months and 3 days. Burial took place Monday morning.
Mrs. John Studer and daughter left
for their home at Ottawa Tuesday morning.
Frank Mersman returned from
The young folks of Delphos gave
Oliver Sellet and family a pleasant call Monday evening.
The progressive pedro party at Mrs.
Caroline Studer’s Monday was a grand success. Every one present enjoyed the
Frank Gmeiner, Nick Lauer, Nick
Bedink, J. J. Miller, Henry Wurst, Wm. Schlagbaum, Barney Schlagbaum, Sebastian
Kehres, Anton Bensmann, Jos. Schneider, John Schille, members of the C. K. of
O., took in the banquet Thursday evening at Ottawa, given by the branch there.
They were all pleased and think it well worth it to make the long cold trip for
the event. They were royally entertained and the event will not soon be
The Delphos singing choir were
testing zero weather Thursday evening, by giving us a pleasant call. They made
their headquarters at the Lauer Hall and a good time was reported by all who
were present.
Born to
John McOwen and wife, a girl.
Frank Herman made a trip to Delphos
Wednesday, and on his way home he got stuck in a snow drift.
Mrs. John N. Vondran is temporarily
on the sick list.
Wm. Studer, Jos. Berner and wife,
Chas. Lauer and several others are contemplating a trip to the state of Washington
in the near future.
A large sled load of young folks
went to Chas. Rekart’s Friday evening. On their way home they were all spilled
out in the snow.
Frank Giesken was here on a
business trip Thursday.
Wm. Schlagbaum, J. H. Wannemacher
and Henry Schimmoeller returned from Kenton, but have not closed a deal for the
horse they were after.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Friburg,
a boy.
The progressive pedro party at the
Lauer Hall Wednesday evening was a success in every particular. A delicious
lunch was served at 11 p.m., which was nicely arranged by the ladies.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. A.
Volka is very ill at this writing with dropsy.
Antioch is
having a series of meetings. Two Morman preachers, one of Utah and one of
Wyoming, are giving lectures on Christianity.
Rev. James
Claypool is concluding a series of meetings at Convoy.
The sad
news of the death of John Turnvall, of New Washington, was received here
Friday. John Pittner, Wm. And Louis Studer and Tracey Wenslitz left Saturday to
attend the funeral.
Schimmoeller, J. H. Wannemacher and John Kehres made a business trip to
Columbus last week.
Gmeiner made a business trip to Ottawa Saturday.
Jos. And
John Schurer made and important business trip to Delphos Wednesday.
John Altenburger
was surprised Monday evening, when a crowd of young folks, sixty in number,
gave him a royal treat. A good time was reported.
C. H. and Barney Hilvers bought a
farm from Chas. Kehres. Consideration $4,950.
E. B.
Walkup was here Wednesday to look after the Ottoville gasser. He is well
pleased with the gas well.
Quite a
number of Grover Hill people attended the German medicine show this week.
Wm. Studer
sold his business place to Chas. Kehres. Consideration $1,475.
Schurer made a business trip to Ottawa Friday.
Mrs. Tom
Dunlap, of Muntanna, is the guest of Joseph Moritz and wife.
Mrs. Frank
Gmeiner was in Delphos Friday, a guest of Mrs. Kittie Moening.
Odenweller was in Delphos Thursday to attend the canal meeting.
Born, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Miller, a boy.
Chas. Weber
and Chas. Krebs made a business trip to Delphos Tuesday.
Len Gmeiner
is getting the brick hauled to the place where he intends to erect a new
residence, as soon as the weather will permit to start the ball rolling.
Barbara Weldy, of Cloverdale, is visiting friends and relatives here.
will have a boom on hand in the way of building new residences and business
Arnoldi, of Ft. Jennings, is the guest of Rev. J. B. Mertes Tuesday.
2-24-1902 DH
Charles M. Weaver, Charles Krebs and Joseph Perry, of
Ottoville, were in Delphos this morning and left over the Pennsylvania for
Hampshire, Ill., where they will be employed on a dairy farm. Michael and Louis
Perry, of Ottoville left on the same train for Greene, Michigan, to work on a
fruit farm.
Ottoville Items PCS
Caroline Studer and daughter Rosa, made a business trip to Delphos Friday.
Frank Adams
and family left for Michigan Wednesday, where they expect to make there future home.
Wm. DuVall
and family left Saturday for Cincinnati, where they expect to spend a few weeks
with relatives and friends.
Jos. Reif
and G. F. Wilson were in town Monday.
Bonifas has a very sick child at this writing.
Gmeiner made a business trip in the country Monday.
protracted meeting at Harmony Church is still in progress.
Mersman, of Ottawa, a candidate for probate judge, was in town and vicinity
Thursday and Friday.
Winkleman, of Muncie, Ind., arrived here Sunday morning. He was called to the
bedside of his sister, Mrs. A. Binder, who had been critically ill, but is
slightly better.
A party
passed through Ottoville Monday, inspecting the banks of the canal. He thinks
there will soon be an electric railway to pass through our burg, from
Cincinnati to Toledo.
Misses Anna
Helmkamp and Tracy Wrathman, of Delphos, are the guests of Misses Louise and
Mamie Schlagbaum.
The infant
child of Theo. Kramer, who has been very ill, is convalescing again.
The family
of W. J. Rekart are getting better again, after a long siege of sickness.
Mike Perrin
and Louis Perrin left for Reno, Mich., Monday.
Krebs, Chas. Weber and Jos. Perrin started Monday for Illinois.
Jos. Amick,
of Continental, was in town Thursday.
Mrs. Wurst and
family, of Toledo, arrived here Thursday. Mr. Wurst will remain in Toledo for a
time, and later. Will move to Ottoville.
Keiffer, of Michigan, is home again.
Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Lauer, Sr., celebrated their golden wedding Thursday. They gave been
married fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Lauer were born in Wohlmeister, France, and
came to America in 1870. They settled on the farm, where they still reside,
south of Ottoville, which they recently sold and will move to this town. They
were married in 1852, and to them were born fourteen children, eight boys and
six girls. Only six children are living, Mrs. J. J. Miller, of Ottoville; Mrs.
John Frederick, of St. Mary’s; and John, Nick, Alex and Charles Lauer, all of
Ottoville. Alex Lauer Sr. was born in 1829, making him 73 years old. Mrs. Lauer
was born in 1833 and is now 69 years old. High mass was celebrated at St.
Mary’s church in honor of the golden wedding, and after the services at the
church the aged and highly respected people were escorted to the home of their
son John at the Lauer Hotel, where a pleasant social occasion was enjoyed. From
out of town, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckman, of Delphos, and Mr. Kirsch, of
Coldwater, attended. May Mr. and Mrs. Lauer live to celebrate many more wedding
anniversaries is the wish of everyone.
Ottoville Items PCS
John Gudakunst moved Tuesday on the
farm he recently purchased from Perkius.
Mrs. Tom McCLure was pleasantly
surprised Thursday evening by her many friends. A pleasant time is reported.
Andrew has purchased the Schulien
farm south of Ottoville. Consideration $6,550.
Geo. Berner and wife, Mrs. Eugene
Halters and Chas. Lauer left Monday evening on the fats train on the Clover
Leaf route from Douglas for Conlee City, Wash. They expect to make it their
future home.
The Agent of the Defiance Brewing
Co. was in town Saturday. He wanted to purchase the A. E. Leinineiger property
at Cloverdale.
Frank Gmeiner made a business trip
to Cloverdale Monday.
Cornelius Kortier, candidate for
probate judge, has sufficiently recovered from his illness, that he is able to
make an active canvas for the nomination.
Mr. Walkup and G. F. Wilson were in
town Wednesday looking after the gas well.
The furniture and household goods
of John Wurst arrived from Thursday from Toledo. He will move his family to the
Paul Schneeg residence.
Miss Louise Schlagbaum left
Wednesday for Cloverdale, were she will remain a few weeks.
The house of Alex Lauer is under
roof. The home of Mrs. Henry Perrin is almost ready to side up. Ottoville will
boom this coming spring in the way of new structures.
E. L. Odenweller bought two fine
new roadsters this week.
Ottoville against the world for
buggies. Our dealers in this line of goods have been hauling buggies from the
railway stations the past two weeks, still they are comning.
E. L. Brown, traveling passenger
agent of the Clover Leaf, was in town Thursday. Mrs. Alex Lauer is on the sick
list at this writing.
Mrs. A. Binder is still very low and only slightly
better at this writing, may a speedy recovery from her illness take place, is
the wish of her many friends.
A quilting and carpet rag social took place at the
home of W. D. Hughes. Participating: Mesdames Geroge Harpster, Robert Martin,
Jos. F. Leatherman, Jos. F. Eickholt, Adam Barts, Gudakunst, Mena Hummons and
daughter, John Grissner, Samuel Harpster, Dan Hummons and Daughter and Christ
Raabe. D. W. Hughes had to take care of the babies and Jos. F. Leatherman had
to spool the rags as rapidly as the ladies sewed them.
Peter Smith has the contract for putting
in a 120 barrel cistern for Nick Gillen.
Frank Gmeiner made a business trip
to Ottawa Wednesday.
Mrs. Henry Volka is some what
Rev. Father Wiechman, of Cloverdale, was the guest
of Rev. Father Mertes Wednesday.
The Democratic township caucus will
be held at the township hall, March 12, 1902, between the hours of 3 o’clock
and 7 o’clock p.m. The following ticket to be nominated:
One Trustee,
One Township Clerk,
One Assessor,
Two Supervisors,
Any Democrat wishing to be a
candidate for any office, designated in the above call, is requested to hand in
his name to the committeeman no later than march 11, 1902, 11 o’clock a.m.
Geo. Altenburger, Com.
Wannemacher & Gmeiner have
received two car loads of farm implements.
Otto Kortokrax is still out with
his sawmill sawing wood.
Nicholas Fisher, of Malinta, and
John Gillen, of Medaneora, are the guests of Nick Gillen and family.
3-8-1902 DH
Eckard Peters, of Ottoville, died Thursday at the age
of 80 years.
3-13-1902 DH
At Ottoville
At the Democratic Primary held at Ottoville, Alphonse
Roth was nominated for Mayor, William F. Graulick for Marshal, Peter
Wannemacher for Treasurer, and E. E. Rower, Albert Zahner and John Zahner for
Councilmen. For Monterey Township, Putnam County, Joseph Weber was chosen for
Trustee, Henry Ernst for Clerk and G. H. Otte Sr., for Assessor.
3-18-1902 DH
Joseph Lang has sold his south Delphos property to
William Wannemacher of Ottoville. Mr. Wannemacher is employed at Carr &
Shaffer factory, and will move his family here in a short time.
3-20-1902 DH
The Marshal of Ottoville has identified two of the
pictures of the robbers that are in jail at Van Wert as being in Ottoville the
evening after the robbery occurred in the Clover Leaf yards here. It is thought
that the robbers went from here to Ottoville.
Miller, father of J. J. Miller, of Ottoville, died at his home about one half
mile south of Ottoville Wednesday afternoon. Deceased was well known in this
section, having conducted a tailor shop in Delphos in former years.
3-21-1902 DH
A large raft of logs was taken through town on the
canal, Thursday, for the Delphos Hoop Company. The timber was procured near
Ottoville Items PCS
Strectker and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lehmkuhl, of Cloverdale, were in town
John Byrne
returned Thursday from Cleveland, after visiting relatives and friends there
for several weeks.
Dr. C. E.
Beardsley, of Ottawa, was here Thursday.
H. W. Krebs
has returned from Delphos after two weeks’ visit.
John Zahm,
Morten Pittner and Jacob Adams have put ’phones in their places of residence.
Yaklin and Jos. Studer returned from New Washington, Marion and Bucyrus Friday.
Peter Krebs
started to raft on the canal, but zero weather put an end to an early attempt.
Zahner is building an addition to his livery barn.
John Wurst
made a business trip to Wetsel Thursday.
Anthony has bought the Wm. Wannemacher property, consideration $840.
Wortkoetter, of Glandorf, was in town Monday on business.
Schwertner is layed up with a lame back.
Miss Louise
Schlagbaum, of Cloverdale, made a call on relatives and friends here Friday.
Ben Miehls
and Henry Calvelage, of Ft. Jennings, were here Monday looking for land.
Schmitt began the mason work on Len Gmeiner’s residence, which will be a brick
Hoehn completed the mason work on the Winkelman barn, west of town.
J. B.
Armstrong, of Leipsic, candidate for probate judge, was in town and vicinity
The officer
and boys of Muntanna had a foot race, while attempting to arrest a young man at
Granger town one day last week. The young man was onto his job. As soon as they
made their appearance he started to run in dead earnest, and the officer and
deputies after him. They followed him two miles, when the chase was given up.
They were outclassed as sprinters by the fugitive. One of the men claimed the
fugitive jumped over a nine rail fence without touching it.
Roth and
Frank Gmeiner made a business trip to Ottawa Tuesday.
Harpster started to work for Wm. Schlagbaum Monday.
Mandera bought a team of horses at the sale of Lawrence Miller. Henry intends
to farm this coming spring.
Studer and son returned home Tuesday from New Washington.
J. J.
Miller is moving his grocery building on the Wannemacher lot, in order to make
room for the new business block, which will be an extensive structure and a
credit to our burg.
Mr. and
Mrs. F. Miller, of Covington, Ken., arrived here Tuesday and are the guests of
Barney and Wm. Schlagbaum.
Mrs. Anton
Fuerst is on the sick list at this writing.
Ottoville Items PCS
John Miller
bought the Lauer farm south of town.
J. W.
Rekart has purchased a new advanced separator.
Born, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Weber, a girl.
Kehres, Jr., has bought a half interest in the Otto-Wurst saloon, Mr. Wurst
Misses Anna
Zahner and Katie Meyers, of Norwalk, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lauer
and Miss Frances Zahner.
Sommers, of Glandorf, did some repairing at the Ottoville
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Zahm, a girl.
John D.
Miller passed away at his home, one mile south of Ottoville, Wednesday morning.
Death came suddenly to him, the result of heart trouble. Mr. Miller was born
June 14, 1820, in Auspack Byron, Germany. He came to America in 1848 with his
parents and 7 brothers and sisters. They located in Fremont, where he conducted
a tailoring establishment for fifteen years. All of his family connections are
dead, save one sister, living in Port Clinton. Mr. Miller was married to
Johanna Flatz, June 20, 1853, and two them were born eight children, six of
whom are living; J. J., Edward and George Miller, Mrs. Anna Kehres, Mrs.
Josephine Brickner and Miss Katie Miller. In 1863 Miller and his family moved
to Ottoville and located on a farm south of town, where he made his home until
his death. He was one of the pioneer’s, who assisted in clearing up the forests
and made through his integrity a comfortable home for himself and family. Mrs.
Miller is left to mourn the departure of a kind husband and indulgent father. A
large concourse of people followed the remains to their last resting place, the
funeral being held Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the St. Mary’s Catholic
church, of which he was a devoted member.
interesting project is placed before the farmers of this community in the way
of sugar beet industry. While it is not an untried experiment in this
community, it should be given a favorable trial. What is meant by this is that
every farmer should try and plant one or two acres this season, which will be
the nearest way to prove its value to the farmers. A meeting was held at
Gillen’s Hall, Wednesday evening on this project.
4-30-1902 DH
Nick Gillen has rented the John Wunderle property on
west Sixth Street and moved his family here from Ottoville, today. Mr. Gillen
will be welcomed as a citizen of Delphos.
Henry Volke died at her home near Ottoville Monday, from a complication of
diseases and old age. Deceased was born in Germany in 1834, and came to this
country in 1881, locating on a farm. She leaves a husband and five children.
The funeral took place this morning from St. Mary’s Church in Ottoville.
Ottoville Items PCS
street canal bridge is out and it makes it very unpleasant for those who live
south east of the town. The Columbus bridge gang was at work to get the new
bridge in line, but was notified by Capt. Spencer to not put in the bridge
until they have a permit. Some delay was caused by that, and since they
received word to go ahead the weather is so bad that they cannot work.
Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Miller, of Covington Ky., and Mr. and Mrs. B. Schlagbaum made a short
visit in Cloverdale Thursday.
Studer and Wm. Wurst left Monday evening for Washington State. If they find it
all O. K. they will make it their future home.
Ockule left for Celina Monday after a short visit with relatives and friends
Altenburger, of Delphos, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. F. Thessing, and
Hilvers left Tuesday morning for Cincinnati to attend the wedding of his
Dallie Schurer and Paulina Flatz were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gust
Wannemacher at Cloverdale.
Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Miller, of Covington Ky., left for their home after spending two
weeks with relatives and friends. They enjoyed country life very much and had a
pleasant time while here.
Gmeiner made a business trip to Van Wert Wednesday.
Mersman has put in a private telephone line from his residence to Ottoville.
Sunday a
cyclonic wind storm struck this place causing a little havoc. The business
block of Schulien & Roth was damaged by half of the roof being blown off,
and the roof of Max Winkleman’s barn was partly blown off. Also other buildings
with steel roofs were more or less affected by the high winds.
A week ago
James Hummons and family and Chas. Halter and family started for Michigan with
part of their household goods, and after a few days drive they had to return on
account of the roads being impassable. They cam back to Mandale and chartered
another car.
Bersman sold his farm to Henry Calvelage.
Vandran made a trip to Glandorf Wednesday.
Lauer will soon have his stone quarry started.
Ottoville Items PCS
Malitska left Monday for Massillon, where he is employed as a bartender.
Schlereth made a business trip to Delphos Saturday.
Bonifas moved from Georgetown to Ottoville.
Roth made a business trip to Toledo Saturday.
The child
of James Claypool took suddenly ill Monday. It was not expected to live, but is
better at this writing.
The primary
and township election was very quiet and quite a number of voters stayed home.
Gmeiner and family moved to Ottawa Tuesday. His many friends wish him success
in his new home.
Wannemacher, of Madison, arrived here Friday. He moved his family to Ottoville
from New Philadelphia. Mr. Wannemacher used to be among the old pioneer
settlers of Ottoville.
H. L
Leilich, of Delphos, made a business call here Thursday.
Oliver Feitcher and a comrade of
his arrived from Germany. Mr. Feitcher was here four years ago and intends to
make this country his home.
Rev. Father Harsck, Allix and
Wenger, of Toledo, and Arnoldi, of Ft. Jennings, were the guests of Rev. J. B.
Ottoville Items PCS
Ferd King,
Geo. Almy and Walter Reul, of Delphos, gave us a pleasant call Sunday.
Nick Gillen
sold his business place to Chas. Kehres Monday, consideration $4,900.
John L.
Buetner and wife, if Marion township, visited last Sunday in this vicinity.
Mr. Buch
and Mayor G. F. Wilson, of Delphos, were in town Monday on business.
Altenburger and wife, of Delphos, gave us a short call Sunday.
Rhodes of Seamersville, moved to Ottoville Monday.
Gmeiner, of Ottawa, made a business trip to Ottoville Friday.
Kehres and Nick Gillen made a business trip to Delphos Thursday.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Winkelman, a daughter.
G. H. Otte
and Henry Beidenharn made a business trip to Ottawa Friday.
The little
son of Mat. Kline, who has been ill for some time, is convalescent again.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Burgei, a daughter.
Keiffer, who recently sold out, moved to town Thursday. Mr. Keiffer is one of
the pioneer settlers here, and now will retire from farming and spend the
remainder of his days in quiet.
John Sauer,
Joseph Sutter, Alex Wannemacher and Geo. Altenburger attended the Democratic
convention at Ottawa Thursday.
Barbara Young is spending a week in Lima and is the guest of Miss Agnes
Died Monday
at one o’clock p.m., at his home west of Ottoville, Lawrence Miller, age 37
years. Tuberculosis and heart failure cause of death, funeral Thursday morning.
He leaves a wife and two children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father.
Funeral service was held at the St. Mary’s church.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. Peter
Schmitt is on the sick list at this writing.
Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Altenburger, of Delphos, gave us a short call Sunday.
There will
be a new enterprise at Ottoville. The party interested will soon announce what
it will be.
Miller, Loraine, was here to attend the funeral of his brother, Lawrence
Martin made a business trip to Delphos Friday.
Mrs. Walter
Mersman, after an extended visit here, had returned to Celina Wednesday.
Lizzie and Mamie Linger, of Delphos, spent Sunday with their parents.
Studer and Wm. Wurst arrived at Conlee City, Wash., all O.K. George Berner and
D. Halter were at the station to meet them. They have taken up some government
land and expect to stay.
Miss Louise
Schlagbaum, of Cloverdale, made a short call here with relatives Wednesday.
Barbara Young returned Tuesday from Lima after a pleasant visit there.
Schmitt did good work on the masonry of Len Gmeiner’s new brick residence. He
is among the best as a brick layer and mason.
Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Kehres will move to town in the near future.
Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Gmeiner were here from Ottawa Thursday.
The saloon
keepers cheerfully complied with the order from Mayor Roth to remove the slot
Miss Helen
Mertes left Thursday for Toledo. She will remain a few days and will extend her
trip to Mt. Clemens Mich.
living in the south part of town are glad that the new bridge across the canal
is ready for travel.
Mayor Roth
and the new council took charge of the affairs of the town this week, and one
of the first acts of the council was to instruct the mayor to order the slot
machines taken out of the saloons.
Bedink, L. N. Wagener, J. J. Miller and several other members of the C. K. of
O., attended a meeting of the Delphos branch Tuesday evening.
There were
quite a number of our young people in Delphos Tuesday evening to witness the
play at the opera house.
Ottoville Items PCS
Elizabeth Eickholt and Miss Eve Miller were the guests of John Keiffer and wife
at Cloverdale.
Schmitt is doing some repairing at the lime kiln.
Nick Gillen
is going to move to Delphos where he will embark in the saloon business again.
Wish him success.
Kehres will take possession of the Gillen house Thursday.
A large
number of the C. K. of O., branch attended the mass meeting of the local branch
at Delphos, Sunday evening.
Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Hempfling, of Delphos, were the guests of Frank Thessing and wife
Jos. F.
Wannemacher and Peter Leis are doing fine work as plasterers. They have a fine
new process in the way of making mortar that makes the finest walls yet
& Gmeiner brick yard began operation Friday. They expect to manufacture
more brick than ever turned out before.
Frank Hepp
and Nick Nedolas, of New Washington, were here over Sunday.
Again the
grim reaper called away to eternity, one among our midst. Mrs. Henry Volka died
Monday morning at one o’clock. The family emigrated to this country in 1881,
and located near Muntanna on a farm. The deceased is 68 years old and leaves a
husband and five children. Those living are Mrs. Mat. Brinkman, Mrs. Herman
Hearsman, Chrst. Volka and Mrs. Wm. Wemeir, of Cincinnati. Funeral Wednesday at
nine o’clock, at the St. Mary’s church, of which she was a devoted member.
J. J.
Miller is ready now to commence work on his new brick block.
Schulien is building a barn on the property he recently purchased from Mr.
Anton Martin.
Rev. J. B.
Mertes left Monday for Toledo on a business mission.
Honnigfort bought the Jos. Deitering farm of 40 acres. Consideration $2,300.
F. H. King,
of Delphos, was in Ottoville Thursday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pittner,
a son.
Deitering bought the Nick Neitling farm of 80 acres. Consideration $4,550.
Bros. Have purchased a new traction engine for their threshing outfit.
There are
some people who are in the habit of making the school ground a dumping place
for thrash and rubbish. The school board should make them remove same and see
that it does not occur again.
5-3-1902 DH
Lightenings Work
Mrs. John Brabant and child
Severely Shocked
The electrical storm which passed over Delphos about
noon Friday played havoc at several places north of town. At Ottoville the home
of G. H. Otte Sr., was struck by lightening, tearing away the chimney and part
of the roof of the house. Another bolt struck the chimney over the kitchen at
John Brabant’s home. The electric current shattered the stove, and Mrs.
Brabant, who was preparing dinner and one of the small children who was nearby
were shocked to an extent that they were unconscious. They recovered, however
after several hours. All the members of the family were knocked down by the
5-7-1902 DH
Mrs. George Holter, of Ottoville, passed away Monday
A portion of the sugar beet seed
that was received in Delphos a few days ago has been taken to Ottoville for
Koester, of near Ottoville, died Tuesday morning, at the age of 82. Deceased
was one of the pioneer settlers of that section.
Ottoville Items PCS
The infant
child of Peter Neitling was buried Monday morning.
Martin’s new barn is nearing completion.
Henry Ernst
is on the sick list at this writing. His many friends wish him a speedy
Mrs. Geo.
Halter died Monday morning, funeral services were Monday morning at the St.
Mary’s church.
Mrs. Henry
Koester died Tuesday morning. Burial took place Thursday. Her age was 82 years.
She leaves and aged husband and two children to mourn the loss of a kind wife
and mother. Funeral services were held
at St. Mary’s church, of which she was a devoted member.
Friday noon struck the home of G. H. Otte Sr., tearing away the chimney and the
edge of the roof. Another bolt shattered the kitchen chimney of John Brabant’s,
it went down the chimney and shattered the stove. The members of the family
were prostrated, Mrs. Brabant and one of the children being the most shocked.
All soon recovered.
Henry Ruen
is giving his home a new coat of paint.
The little
child of Joseph Wolf died Wednesday. The funeral was held Friday at Cloverdale.
Rev. J. B.
Mertes returned Wednesday from Toledo.
G. P.
Wannemacher has started the erection of a new residence.
Jos. Reif
and Mayor Wilson, of Delphos, were in town Thursday.
W. J.
Steinle and Jacob Kuhn, of Delphos, were in town Thursday on a business
Nick Gillen
brought his business career in Ottoville to a close Thursday. The family left
Wednesday for their new home in Delphos.
Nick Krebs,
of Grafton, is home for a short visit.
Kehres took possession of the Gillen Saloon Thursday.
Miss Mary
Millenbaugh went to Delphos Thursday on a business mission.
Mrs. Wemeir
and Mrs. Lampe, of Cincinnati, attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Volka. They
returned home Friday morning.
Mr. Temple
purchased a fine lot of cattle in this vicinity recently.
Len Gmeiner
made a business trip to Cloverdale Thursday.
Ottoville fire department should be reorganized and without any delay.
5-14-1902 DH
Ottoville citizens have organized a fire department
with thirty members. John P. Lauer is the chief; John Schilli, Assistant chief;
Alex Miller, Treasuer; Alex Wannemacher, Secretary; William Grielich, Chief of
Hose Department. A committee was appointed to frame bylaws and report same at
the next meeting of the Council of that town.
Ottoville Items PCS
During the
recent wind storm the large barn on the Winkelman farm, west of town, was moved
several inches out of line.
A letter
was received from Wm. Wurst and Lewis Studer, who left this place about a month
ago for Conlee City, Wash., the letter is an interesting one describing the
climate, soil, giving the price of land, products, farm machinery, etc.
A pretty
wedding occurred at the St. Mary’s church here Tuesday morning, when Mr.
Nicholas Nedolast, of New Washington, O. led to the alter as his bride Miss
Lizzie Yaklin, of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Mertes.
Misses Mary Millenbaugh and Leona Nedolast acting as bridesmaids and John
Millenbaugh and Peter Nedolast as groomsman. The young couple went to Delphos
following the ceremony and were photographed and in the afternoon left for New
Washington, where they will make their future home.
Mr. Ed
Killen, of Landeck, Ohio, and Miss Leona Ernst, of this place, were united in
the holy bonds of matrimony at the St. Mary’s church Wednesday morning. A
reception was held in the afternoon at the home of the bride’s father, Geo.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Barts, a daughter.
The funeral
of Mrs. Wilhelm Koester Thursday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of
5-21-1902 DH
Theodore Kramer, of Ottoville, had a queer experience
a few days ago. He was shooting fish, and an old rifle he was using balked and
the load was accidentally discharged while he was taking aim at a pike. The
trigger rebounded and caught the end of Mr. Kramer’s thumb, inflicting a
painful wound.
5-23-1902 DH
At Ottoville
The storm did considerable damage north of town. At
Ottoville a new dwelling house which was being constructed by George
Wannemacher was moved about five feet off the foundation, and a barn of Max
Winkleman was wrenched to some extent. One side of the roof of Odenweller’s
flourmill was damaged. Reports from as far north as Continental state that more
or less damage was done through the country.
Ottoville Items PCS
Kramer had a queer and painful accident to happen to him Monday while shooting
fish at the Ottoville lakes. The old rifle balked and the load went off
accidentally. The trigger rebounded and caught his thumb, which caused a
painful wound.
Gmeiner, of Ottawa, gave us a call on Monday and Tuesday.
Claypool and Fred Barts made a trip to Delphos Friday.
Mrs. J. S.
Choeffer and daughter Agnes and Miss Bertha Flanagan, of Delphos, were her
Wednesday, the guest of Miss Kittie Moening.
Rev. H.
Wiechman, of Cloverdale, was a guest of Rev. J. B. Mertes Monday.
Minnie Schlagbaum and Frances Zahner went to Cloverdale Sunday evening, and
were the guests of Miss Louise Schlagbaum.
Miss Regan,
of Sandusky, and Misses Nellie and Katie Boehmer, of Ft. Jennings, were the
guests of Miss Louisa Otte Thursday evening.
Hoehn and family left for New Washington, where they expect to spend a few
weeks with relatives and friends.
There was a
meeting of the Ottoville Gas Co. Wednesday evening, but nothing definite was
decided for the future.
Mrs. W. J.
Rekart is on the sick list at this writing.
Mrs. Jos.
Siebeneck is on the sick list.
Piepenbrock, of St. Rose, is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Franzer.
Miss Laura
Ernst, of this place, and Edward Kill, of Landeck, were united in marriage
Wednesday morning at St. Mary’s church, by the pastor Rev. Mertes. The event
was celebrated at the home of the bride. Congratulations.
Mrs. Mat.
Schulien met with a painful accident at her home on Church street, while
attempting to catch a falling lamp globe, the globe fell on a chair and the
broken glass struck her wrist and severed an artery. By the timely aid of Dr.
Ockuly the blood was stopped and the wound dressed.
5-28-1902 DH
Nicholas Bendle and Miss Anna Turnvalle were married
at St. Mary’s Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning. They will reside on a farm
near Cloverdale.
Ottoville Items PCS
G. H. Otte,
Sr., and Hy. Biedenharn were at Ottawa Monday making their returns of the
assessment of Monterey and Jackson townships.
Mrs. Jos.
Leatherman left Sunday morning for Cincinnati, where she is a guest of her
Schmitt is employed a few days to saw for Joseph Weber at the Grote place.
Miss Lizzie
Buessing, of Delphos. Who spent the past week here, returned Tuesday morning to
her home.
The front
and back yards of the new parsonage have been improved by filling and leveling
L. H.
Leilich, Ed Stallkamp, Alex Shenk, Thomas Weger and N. Gillen, of Delphos, gave
the business people of Ottoville a call Monday.
Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Vondran and Kate Best, of
Landeck, were guests of J. M. Vondran Sunday.
Jos. Vincke, the wool man, is kept
busy taking in wool at present. His fair treatment in former years in the wool
business gives him many new patrons.
A pretty wedding took place at the
St. Mary’s church Tuesday morning. Mr. Nicholas Bendel and Anna Turnvall, both
of this place, were united in marriage. The groom is of our industrious young
farmers and the bride one of Ottoville’s charming young ladies. They left for a
wedding tour after the service to Fremont, Ohio. They will, after their return,
move to near Cloverdale on a farm. Congratulations.
Mrs. Chas. Kalt, of Coldwater, O.,
is here on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wannemacher.
Jos. Hotz, of Delphos, gave us a
short call Thursday.
Mrs. Jos. Leibrecht, who has been
ill for some time, is convalescent.
Jos. Graber is afflicted with
rheumatism at this writing.
Jos. Vincke made a business trip to
Delphos Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. Altenburger and grandma
Altenburger and Mrs. John Hohlbein left Wednesday morning for Wapakoneta. After
a few days they expect to extend their trip to Botkins, O.
Miss Louth, of Delphos, who has been
a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jos. Otto, returned Saturday.
Mamie Schlagbaum has returned from
Cloverdale after a visit there with here sister, Miss Louise.
The scholars and teachers of the
Ottoville and Douglass schools had their annual picnic Tuesday. The children
enjoyed the day.
5-31-1902 DH
A large class of children will receive their first
communion at the Catholic Church in Ottoville tomorrow.
A correspondent from Ottoville says that quite a number
of citizens in that town have taken stock in the Delphos National Bank.
6-3-1902 DH
A Robbery
Reported to Have Taken Place Near Ottoville
The HERALD is in receipt of an unsigned communication
from Ottoville, and from the fact that the writer withholds his name it cannot
be given in full. It refers to a robbery, which the writer says occurred there
one day last week. He says that several fellows were fishing along the canal and
one of them was sent to Ottoville to purchase provisions. Several boys from
town were in the store when the articles were purchased, and seeing the
stranger had nearly ten dollars on his person, they went out to the edge of
town and secreted themselves behind a pile of bolts that was lying along the
road. When the stranger came along the fellows pounced upon him and demanded
his cash. The writer says that the fisherman was unarmed and as a result he was
relieved of something over nine dollars.
Ottoville Items PCS
The children
made their first Communion here Sunday, forty-six in number. It was a pleasant
John Semer and Gerhard Utrup made a business trip to Ottawa Tuesday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geb Gmeiner, a daughter.
Henry Schnieder left Friday for Piqua, O., in the interest of the Butler
wind mill.
Frank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, was here for a visit and to attend to matters
of business last week.
Miss Anna Jerwers, of Glandorf,
spent Sunday and Monday with her many friends here.
The game warden and Mr. N. Gillen, of Delphos, were in town Monday.
Oh, my! Mr. Joseph F. Leatherman was proud when his wife returned from
Cincinnati, where she had been visiting her brother, Geo. Gmeiner.
While Peter Gergen was hauling dirt to the new parsonage one of his
gorses became suddenly lame. Dr. Holden, of Delphos, was called to attend it.
The new barn of Wm. Morten is completed and is quite an improvement.
John Lauer and Prof. T. A. Wagner were in Delphos on business Thursday.
Henry Heytmeier raised his new barn Thursday.
Quite a number of business men have taken stock in the Delphos National
A. A. Roth made a business trip to Toledo
The Lima Oil
Company has leased a block of 1,200 acres of land in this vicinity, and expect
to commence drilling in about two weeks.
Winkelman made a business trip to Delphos Monday.
John Studer, of Ottawa, was here visiting friends Sunday.
6-12-1902 DH
The State Boat went to the “deadman’s lock” just
below Ottoville, this morning to shut off the water there in order that the
levels may be filled up. This was done to enable the Hoop Co. to raft their
logs that are sitting along the banks north of town, and float them to their
mill here.
6-13-1902 DH
Fine Quarters
The Nolte Building, which is being remodeled, is
rapidly nearing completion. This when finished, will be one of the nicest
business rooms on the street. A steel ceiling has been put in by Gemke Bros.
& Busch and a hardwood baseboard all around the room, besides a fine stone
and cement cellar, the full length and width of the building. Nick Gillen, who
moved here from Ottoville a short time ago, will open a saloon and restaurant
in the building as soon as it is finished.
Ottoville Items PCS
Frank Gmeiner spent a few days at
Ottoville, looking after business interests.
Mr. Anton Eberl and Miss Katie
Meister, of New Washington, were guests of Alios Hoehn and family Sunday.
Rev. Father Mertes left Sunday for
Landeck, to attend the Forty-Hours Devotion.
S. N. Wagner and H. C. Fox, of
Coldwater, went to Ottawa Monday and were guests of H. F. Rauh.
Mrs. Geo. Harpster is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Harvey Wheeler, at Grover Hill.
James Claypool was in Delphos
Mrs. Nick Lauer is on the sick list.
A. E. Leininger and wife and Jacob Adams and
wife made a pleasant trip to
Celina Wednesday.
Mr. Enck, postmaster of Leipsic, was
here Thursday looking after the fire insurance business.
Miss Maude Claypool is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Shep Harris, at Ft. Jennings.
Peter Leis and Sophie Miller, of Sherman,
O., and Peter Leis, of Miller City, visited Henry Ernst and family this week.
Rev. J. B. Mertes and Mathias
Strauss were in Delphos Tuesday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard
Brinkman, a girl.
Wm. Duvall and wife left Thursday
for Michigan to attend the funeral of Mrs. DuVall’s mother.
Henry Schmitt is critically ill at
this writing.
Mathias Strauss, Miss Theresia and
Francis Strauss, of Buffalo, are guests of Father Mertes.
Born to Anton Bensman and wife, a
Jos. Green is Convalescent again
after a siege of sickness.
Four pupils of the Ottoville school
attended the Boxwell examination and passed. They were Miss Katie Miller,
Edward Miller, Miss Mary Lauer and Lampert Studer. Several more were eligible,
but were prevented from attending examination on account of belonging to the
communion class. Miss Edith Harpster, a pupil at the Antioch school, also
passed. The commencement will lake place next Thursday.
Lew Henry has a standing invitation
to Ira Dunlap and wife to pay him a visit, and have a chat about the basket of
groceries. Recently Bro. Ira and Lew Henry came to town to do their shopping.
Bro. Ira by mistake took Mr. Henry’s basket of groceries and left his. When he
came home he found he had another parties basket. Bro. Henry would like very
much if Bro. Ira would pay him a visit and explain how it came about.
Ed Ward died Tuesday morning at half
past ten o’clock, aged 32 years and 22 days. He was born near Landeck, Ohio,
and moved to Ottoville with his parents when he was quite young. He leaves a
faithful wife to mourn her loss. Funeral Thursday morning.
6-17-1902 DH
J. G. Birkmeier, the marbleman, has just erected a
new monument over the grave of the late Father Mueller in the Catholic Cemetery
at Ottoville. It is Barre granite and is a handsome piece of work. The stone is
18 feet, 6 inches in height and weighs 30,000 pounds. It took five wagons to
convey the monument from Delphos to the Ottoville Cemetery.
Ottoville Items PCS
Frank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, was in
Ottoville Tuesday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Wannemacher, a girl.
The Boxwell graduates of Monterey
township held their commencement exercises Thursday evening, at Lauer’s Hall.
From every point of view the exercises were a success. The attendance was large
and the members of the class acquitted themselves in a pleasing manner. Miss
Edith Harpster was first on the program, “Caeser Rodney’s Ride.” Her effort was
indicative of careful study and good understanding. An essay on “Ability” was
delivered by Miss Katie Miller. She brought out some points that were
beneficial to those who were present. Her essay was splendid. Edward Miller was
on the program with a declamation, “Zwei Kinder in Walde.” His preparation of
the subject was very good and his delivery excellent. “Evangeline” was the
subject of Miss Mary Lauer’s declamation. A very clever effort and interesting
throughout. Lambert Studer had an essay on “Liberty”. His theme was a very
important one, and the thought promulgated was in keeping the ideas of all within
the loving world Liberty. Splendid musical selections were given by Miss Fannie
Wannemacher, Prof. Beming, Miss Grace Harpster and the choir. The class address
was delivered by Prof. J. W. Smith, superintendent of the Ottawa schools. Prof.
Rauh, editor of the Demokrat. Prof. Heidlebaugh, of Columbus Grove, Prof.
Ottke, of Cincinnati and Prof. L. N. Wagner, principle of the Ottoville
schools, also addressed the class.
Miss Katie Zahm left Wednesday for
Defiance, where she expects to remain for some time.
Mr. Speiler, of Detroit, Mich., was
here a few days, visiting his many friends.
Miss Tena Zahm returned home from
Toledo after remaining away several years. She expects to make Ottoville her
home for some time.
Lightening struck the residence of
Frank Schulien Friday morning. No one was injured and only slight damage was
E. L. Odenweller made a business
trip to Toledo Monday.
residence of Wilhelm Ruen was struck by lightening Friday night. No one was
injured by the bolt. The house was considerably damaged and started to burn,
but by the timely aid of Frank Ruen the blaze was put out.
John P. Lauer and G. H. Otte, Jr., attended the fireman’s convention at
Defiance, Wednesday.
Leo Otte has returned from Defiance.
Mrs. Anton Weber left Monday for Ft. Wayne, to spend a week with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Westerdorf of Covington, Ky., are guests of Henry
Biedenharn and wife.
6-24-1902 DH
Wedding at Ottoville
On Tuesday morning, at Ottoville, at the home of Mr.
G. H. Otte, his daughter, Lizzie, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Rekart.
The bride looked beautiful, dressed in white, with wreath and veil, and the
groom looked handsome in the conventional black suit. They will go housekeeping
immediately, about four miles from Ottoville, where the groom has a beautiful
home ready for his new bride. Many relatives and friends sat around the festal
board and the editor was beautifully remembered. They secured many valuable
presents, and have the best wishes of a host of friends.
Ottoville Items PCS
John Birkmeir, of Delphos, and John
Willhoff, of Coldwater, gave us a short call Monday.
Grandma Ratliff has gone to Findlay
to visit her children.
Miss Francis Zahner left Saturday
for Canton, to visit her sister, Mrs. Mat Kramer.
J. W. Brown and Wm Knettels, of
Ottawa, were here Thursday on a business mission.
Last Sunday was children’s day at
Antioch Church.
Albert Zahner returned Monday from a
trip to Norwalk and Shleby.
Ed Stallkamp and son, Albert, gave
us a short call Monday evening.
Miss Emma Mittelkamp is on the sick
Jos. P. Byrnes made a business trip
to Delphos Monday.
Mayor Wilson, of Delphos, and J. W.
Fisher gave us a pleasant call Monday afternoon.
Tuesday morning at the St. Mary’s
church, at eight o’clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie Otte and Charles
Rekart. They were accompanied to the alter by Miss Mamie Rekart and G. H. Otte,
Jr., brother of the bride. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the
home of the bride where the happy event was appropriately celebrated. The groom
is one of the industrious young farmers, and the bride is a charming young lady
who enjoys the friendship of a host of acquaintances. She has for a number of
years conducted the millinery business at this place. Her kind and just
treatment has acquired her a great many patrons, who will indeed miss her in
the future. Many friends wish the couple all due happiness in their married
life and the Sentinel is among them. Mr. and Mrs. Rekart will go at once to
housekeeping in a neatly furnished house on a farm four and one-half miles west
of town.
Frank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, made a
business call here Monday.
Ottoville Items PCS
Miller Bros. received their new
traction engine.
Died, Wednesday evening at ten
o’clock Clemence Schilli, the fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Schilli. Death was caused by rheumatic fever. The funeral took place Saturday
morning. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their
The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Plescher had his right hand terrible maimed in a feed cutter. The little
fellow was playing with the cutter and got his hand in the knives. Dr. Ockuly
had to amputate part of the hand taking off three fingers.
Dr. Doty, of Lima, and Dr. Hixon. Of
Delphos, were in town Thursday.
Jos. Weber, who had been on the
retired list on account of his health, is convalescing.
Rev. J. B. Mertes and his guest left
for Buffalo Monday.
Wednesday morning at St. Mary’s
church occurred the marriage of Miss Philimena Brandehoff, of this place, and
Mr. Barney Ricker, of Ft. Jennings. After the ceremony the happy couple were
escorted to the home of the bride where the event was appropriately celebrated.
The attendants were Lizzie Vogt, and Lue Brenner, both of Ft. Jennings. They
expect to go to housekeeping at once. Their many friends wish them all due
happiness. The Sentinel included.
Mrs. Schomberger, of Defiance, is
the guest of Michael Schlereth and family.
The seven year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Brinkman had a close call Friday. While unloading hay in the barn
the pulley gave way and pulled down some timber from above. The falling timber
merely grazed his head afflicting the scalp.
Mrs. Frank Ulick, of Akron, is the
guest of Peter Wurst and family.
Anthony Summers and son are putting
a new wheat dump in for E. L. Odenweller.
Miss Anna Jerwers, of Glandorf, is
the guest of Miss Helen Mertes.
Mat Kreiger is on the sick list.
The angel of death called away one
more from our midst, Miss Emma Mittelkamp aged 18 years and 4 months, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mittelkamp, the deceased always enjoyed
good health until two weeks ago when she was stricken with pneumonia. Death
came Friday evening. Burial took place Monday morning at 9 o’clock. Services
were held at St. Mary’s church. After the ceremony the remains were tenderly
borne to her last resting place by six young ladies dressed in white. The
deceased was a bright young lady and respected by all who knew her. The entire
community sympathizes with the family.
7-5-1902 DH
Freddie, the 10-year-old son of John
Lauer, of Ottoville, fell from a fence a few days ago and broke the bones in
his right arm, between the wrist and elbow
Ottoville Items PCS
Nick Zahm returned Monday from Defiance.
Frank Gmeiner and wife gave us a
short call Monday.
Geo. Hohlbein left for Verna, Mo. He
intends to make his future home in the west.
Doc Wannemacher and Clara
Wannemacher made a trip to Dayton Sunday.
F. F. Vincke and wife, B. Schlagbaum
and wife, Wm. Schlagbaum and wife, and Mrs. Geo. Altenburger were guests of
Frank Helmkamp Sunday.
Wm. Frisch returned from Kirby,
Ohio, Monday.
Henry Ruen, who has been ill for the
past week, is some what better at this writing.
Anthony Roth, of Botkins, Ohio,
visited his son, Alphonse Roth, and family Thursday.
The Ottoville Loan & Savings Co.
held their annual election Monday evening: The following officers were elected:
Secretary, L. N. Wagner; treasurer, Jacob Wannemacher; directors, John Zahm, J.
J. Miller and J. C. Wannemacher.
Miss Regina Alt has gone to
Indianapolis, where she will take a business course in college.
Seth Swank and family will soon
leave the Buckeye State for Washington in the far west to join their Ohio
friends there. Seth expects to make his future home in Washington.
Henry Brox is on the sick list.
Mrs. Phillip Hohlbein has moved into
the Martin Malipska property, which she recently purchased.
Jos. Vincke and Mike Schlereth made
a business trip to Ft. Jennings Thursday.
Chas. Kehres was in Delphos Thursday
on a business mission.
Geo Weernberg and wife returned
Monday to Toledo. They were guests of Michael Schlereth and family.
During the electrical storm
Wednesday evening lightening struck the residence of Baltas Schurer, but no
damage was done, as the house was provided with lightening rods. The ‘phone in
the Odenweller Mill was completely destroyed. Ed Odenweller had a close call,
pieces of the phone striking him as he was standing nearby.
Miss Francis Strauss in on the sick
Prof. Ottke has returned to
Cincinnati. He visited Nick Gillen at Delphos on his way home.
Jos. G. Wannemacher and Peter Leis
are doing a fine job of plastering at Kalida in one of the finest residences in
that town.
Street Commissioner Ulerick is
making some improvements on the streets of Ottoville.
The fire department boys are taking
interest in the new organization. They intend to have copies of the rules and
by-laws printed. It is probable that they will apply for admission into the
Northwestern Fireman’s Association at Delphos next June.
7-16-1902 DH
W. H. Wallen and Miss Anna
Altenburger, of Ottoville, were married at the Catholic church in that town at
7:30 this morning by Rev. Fr. Mertes. They were attended by a sister of the
bride and brother of the groom. The newly wedded couple will go into
housekeeping are once on a farm west of Ottoville.
Ottoville Items PCS
Joseph Frede and wife and Miss
Ludwine Frede, of Cincinnati, and Miss Josephine Wittler, of Ft. Jennings, were
the guests of john N. Vondran and wife.
Miss Francis Zahner returned from
Canton, taking her vacation for two weeks, visiting relatives at Canton and
John Rekart is on the sick list.
Michael Zeigler and wife, of
defiance, who have been the guests of Michael Schlereth and family, returned
home Friday.
John Altenburger made a pleasant
trip to Cincinnati.
George Ockuly is tending bar for
Goerge Kruppe at Toledo.
John H. Wannemacher, Henry Schneider
and Wm. Gruelick took G. W. Keiffer to Ottawa Thursday. He appears as though he
is insane. The cause is a mystery.
Rev. Schirack, of Kalida, was the
guest of Rev. J. B. Mertes Thursday.
Mrs. Jacob Singer and Miss Anna
Zahm, of Defiance, are the guests of their father, Nick Zahm and family.
Joseph Sutter and wife paid a visit
to Brother Hughes and family Sunday. Joseph was very much delighted with the
hospitality extended by W. D. Hughes and family. However, ask Joe about how he
Frank Adams and family, of
Pinconning, Mich., moved back to Ohio Saturday and located on his farm again,
three miles west of Ottoville.
Mr. Adams moved to Michigan last
fall. The climate is too disagreeable for him especially the part he was in,
therefore his return. No place like home.
Henry Krebs and wife, Mrs. Peter
Schmitt and Mrs. Clara Schmitt, were the guests of Gust Schmitt and wife, of
Cloverdale Sunday.
Quite a number of the Ottoville boys
attended the ball game at Delphos Sunday.
Wm. Studer bought the Jacob Straley
store room at Seamersville.
7-19-1902 DH
Sent To The Asylum
Last Thursday evening George W.
Kieffer, of Ottoville, was brought to Ottawa and taken before Probate Judge
Boehmer on a charge of insanity. Kieffer is a carpenter and is about
thirty-five years old. He had been acting strangely for over a week and it has
been necessary to keep him locked up a part of the time. After an examination
in Probate Court he was pronounced insane and ordered committed to asylum at
Toledo, to which place he was taken Friday. – Ottawa Sentinel
Ottoville Items PCS
Miss Lillian Lauer left Monday for
Delphos, where she expects to remain for some time.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George
Wannemacher, a boy.
Misses Anna and Minnie Rekart left
for Norwalk Thursday.
Rufus Strahle, of Mandale, and Louis
Knepple, of Cloverdale, were in town Sunday.
Mrs. Mathias Fryburger, of Verona,
Mo., after a weeks visit here with relatives and friends returned home
Minnie Linger, of Delphos, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linger.
Mr. John Winkelman, Mrs. J. F.
Singer, of Defiance, Mrs. Haltenback, of Toledo, and Miss Tena Zahm made a
pleasure trip to Delphos Wednesday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John
Brandehoff, a girl.
Miss Clara Wannemacher left for
Chicago where she expects to make her home for some time.
Joseph Kemper, of Delphos, is taking
a vacation and it is at the home of his father Philip Kemper.
Mat Strausse and Miss Francis
Strausse returned to their home at Buffalo, N. Y. Friday morning after being
the guests of Rev. J. B. Mertes for several weeks.
Miss Katie Kortokrax has returned
from Dayton and Celina after a weeks visit with friends.
Martin Malifske moved to Ottawa
Nick Lauer made a business trip to
Wetsel Thursday.
Mrs. Haltenback, of Toledo, is the
guest of Miss Tena Zahm.
Wednesday morning the marriage of
Miss Anna Altenburger and W. H. Wallen took place at St. Mary’s church. After
the ceremony the happy couple were escorted to the home of the bride, where
everything was arranged for the proper celebration. Mr. Wallen and his bride
received many valuable presents and the best wishes of all who knew them.
Ottoville Items PCS
Work on the new Miller Block is
progressing rapidly. When completed it will be a splendid business location.
This block would be a credit to the main street of any city.
Council met Thursday evening and the
street light question was discussed. What effect it may have is to be learned
in the near future. Certainly we need better lights. Good walks and streets are
also a necessity. The question is, which should have our attention first.
Mr. Franzer, of St. Rose, is the
guest of C. F. Franzer and family.
Mayor Wilson, of Delphos, was here
Quite a number of young folks from
out of town spent Sunday evening at the home of Miss Mamie Schlagbaum east of
town. A very pleasant time is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Altenburger spent
Sunday at Cloverdale at the guests of Andrew Altenburger and family.
John Kieffer, of Cloverdale, spent
Sunday at the home of Elizabeth Eickholt.
Thursday evening at the home of
Oliver Sellet, Miss Anna Sellet was pleasantly surprised, it being her 22nd
birthday anniversary. Those present were: Katie Kortokrax, Katie Kromer, Katie
Krebs, Francis Zahner, Fannie Wannemacher, Celia Gier, Affie Krebs, Rosa
Studer, Callie Shurer, Minnie Hoersting, Lizzie Pittney, Henry Beining, C. B.
Wannemacher, John Pittney, Jacob Studer, Alex Wannemacher, Alex Miller, Joseph
Vincke, Frank Kromer, Jacob Tithoff, George Hoersting, Joseph Wurst, Chas.
Wannemacher, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Rekart, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gruelick and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Sellet, of Douglass. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable
evening was spent by all.
Wetsel is coming to the front to
join the Ottoville pike movement. Men were to solicit donations towards piking
this way.
The council passed an ordinance
prohibiting fast driving within the corporation limits. Parties in the habit of
driving faster than six miles and hour will do well to notice this writing.
Miss Tena Zahm left Monday for Ft.
Wayne to visit friends.
Miss Kittie Moening has completed
her millinery season here and returned to her home in Delphos.
Messrs. P. A. Ockuly, Henry Geir and
John Renning, of Celina, were the guests of Ed Miller and Dr. Ockuly Sunday.
Geo. W. Keiffer, who was recently sent
to the asylum at Toledo, made his escape and arrived home Sunday morning. An
officer from Toledo took him away again Monday morning.
The young men of Ottoville are
organizing a Coronet Band. As the appeal for members and financial aid has been
responded to most liberally in the near future they expect to be fully
Ottoville Items PCS
Miss Anna Vincke and Miss Anna Zahm
left Friday for Defiance.
Mrs. J. C. Wannemacher and son Wm.
Left Wednesday for Ft. Wayne to visit relatives and friends.
Fred Gier, of Defiance, spent Sunday
with his parents in this place.
Frank Gmeiner, of Ottawa, made a
business call here Friday.
Andrew Altenburger and family, of
Cloverdale, were gusts of Mrs. Philip Hohlbein Sunday.
Alphons Roth left here Thursday for
Toledo to attend the Embalmers’ convention.
Seth Swank and Peter Wannemacher
Jr., are getting in line to move to Conlee City, Washington.
The band meeting that should have
taken place Thursday evening was postponed until Wednesday evening. The meeting
is for the purpose of organizing the new band.
Misses Mollie, Mary, Tillie and Dena
and Andrew Brinkman, of Kalida, were guests of Louis Perrin and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wannemacher, Mr. and
Mrs. F. F. Vincke, Mrs. and Mrs. B. Schlagbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ricker and
Barney Giesken and wife were guests of Gust Ricker and family at Douglass
Prof. August Heckman, of New
Cleveland, gave us a short call Monday.
H. Bening and Miss Katie Kortokrax
were in Cloverdale Sunday.
Miss Katie Krebs left Monday for
Delphos where she intends to stay fro some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Altenburger attended
the funeral of Miss Lena Goetz at Delphos Monday.
Peter Schmidt has started the mason
work on the new residence of W. T. Remlinger.
Ottoville Items PCS
Charles Sellet moved from Douglass
to Ottoville Friday.
Frank Ulirck, from Akraon, will
assume the business place of E. M. Sellet at Douglas.
Jos. Reif, of Delphos, was in town
on Monday.
John Hohlbein and wife were the
guests of Grandma Hohlbein Sunday.
Chas. Wannemacher & Sons are
building an addition to their business place.
Mike Schlereth returned from Delphos
Miss Louise Otte and Henry Otte left
Monday for Defiance to attend the street fair there.
Mr. Ben Gillen, of Cincinnati, gave
his friends a short call Monday.
Mr. Ben Barlage and Miss Heueretta
Barlage, of Cincinnati, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linger.
Mrs. Kollsmith, of Delphos, was the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keiffer Sunday.
Richard Davidson and family moved to
Fred Geir returned to Defiance,
after visiting here a few days at the home of his parents.
The band meeting held Wednesday
evening was a success. Quite a number of names were enrolled and a committee
was appointed to further advance the proceeding.
Miss Dora and Mamie Wiedhorn, of
Cincinnati, Mrs. Anna Moenter and Grandma Moenter and Miss Lizzie Brinkman, of
Delphos, gave their friends a short call Wednesday.
John Altenburger, of Wapakoneta, was
the guest of Geo. Altenburger and family Tuesday.
John Rekart is some what better at
this writing.
A hack load of Ottoville people
attended the ball game at Delphos Wednesday.
A reunion was held at Lauer’s stone
quarry and the fatted lamb was prepared for the occasion. Quite a number from
town were present. A. E. Leininger was the toast master, Nick Lauer, table
waiter, Chas. Bonifas served refreshments. It was a rare treat.
8-16-1902 DH
Delphos Hardware company has secured
the contract to equip the entire big department store building of J. J. Miller
at Ottoville with a heating outfit. The plant will be up to date and will
furnish heat for four large rooms. The cost of the plant will be $1,650. The
new building will be very handsome and everything will be added to make the
place a model of convenience. Mr. Miller is to be complimented for his
progressive ideas expressed in the act of erecting such an imposing structure
in a town the size of Ottoville.
8-20-1902 DH
Joseph Utrup, a pioneer resident,
living near Ottoville, died Tuesday morning, death resulting from a stroke pf
paralysis. Deceased was 74 years old and was one of the most highly respected
men in that community.
Ottoville Items PCS
Schulien & Roth received ten
carloads of lumber and finishing materials.
The Ottoville Coronet Band has
completed its organization and will be equipped with new instruments.
The new farmers’ telephone line has
been extended to town. Already the poles are up in the corporate limits and the
line will soon be completed.
Mrs. Caroline Studer and Miss Rosa
Studer and Don Lampert attended the commencement at Ottawa.
Mrs. Caroline Diller and two
daughters, of Massilon, O., are guests of Frank Clemence and family.
Mrs. Nettie Farrell and Miss Daisy
Buone, of Cleveland, are guests of Jos. Byrnes and family.
Chas. Kalt and family, of Coldwater,
are home visiting their parents and relatives.
J. J. Miller and wife and John P.
Lauer and wife attended the commencement at Ottawa Thursday. Four pupils of
Monterey township were also present.
Mrs. Helen Stah and family, of
Dayton, are guests of Mrs. Anthony Weber.
Mr. Hy. Brox is quite ill at this
John Altenburger, west of town, was
pleasantly surprised Saturday evening. Quite a number of young folks were
present. A royal time is reported.
Ottoville Items PCS
Misses Stella and Florence Robben,
of Cincinnati, are guests of Gerhard Brinkman and family.
The city council has passed an
ordinance to have property owners build side walks and keep them in repair.
John N. Wannemacher called on
friends and relatives at Cloverdale Thursday.
The farmers’ telephone line is
connected with Ottoville and works nicely. Speaking well for F. J. Mersman, who
has charge of the work. Every farmer as well as every business man should
become patrons of this line.
Jos. Vincke attended the convention
at Ottawa Saturday.
John P. Lauer, Alex Wannemacher, C.
B. Wannemacher and E. E. Rower attended the street fair at Grover Hill Friday.
Born to Jos. Plescher and wife, a
Rev. H. Weichman, of Cloverdale, was
the guest of Father Mertes Thursday.
Samuel Harpster threshed 772 bushel
of oats from 11 acres of ground.
Miss Clara Wannemacher, of Chicago,
attended the wedding of Prof. H. Benning.
Born to Henry Deitering and wife, a
C. J. Wannemacher and wife and Geo.
P. Wannemacher and Wm. Bigelow attended the street fair at Grover Hill
Mrs. Joseph Byrnes, who has been
quite ill, is some what better at this writing.
Nick Neitling, who has just returned
from Washington and Oregon, will move his family to Oregon in the near future.
Miss Louise Schlagbaum, of
Cloverdale, made a short call last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Schlagbaum.
Mrs. Anthony Weber, Sr., left for
Dayton Sunday, to visit relatives and friends.
Quite a number of Ottoville people
attended the corner stone laying of the new Catholic church at Landeck Sunday.
Jos. Claypool had a wreck while
coming from the Grover Hill fair by running into John Kuntekunst’s buggy. His
rig was badly wrecked, but fortunately no one was seriously hurt.
Born to Gust Wannemacher and wife, a
Ottoville Items PCS
Miss Anna Krebs has returned home
after two weeks visit at Delphos.
Geo. Ockuly, of Toledo, is home
visiting his parents and friends.
Quite a number of Ottoville people
took in the excursion to Akron and New Washington Sunday.
Ed. And Art Wulfhorst and Misses May
Schuck and Theresia Wrassman, of Delphos, were guests of Miss Mamie Schlagbaum
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gmeiner, of
Ottawa, gave a short call Friday.
Mrs. John Studer and daughter have
returned home after a few days’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Yaklin.
Jos. Reif, of Delphos, was in town
Miss Lizzie Kehres, of Lima, is home
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kehres.
Miss Mary Bohn has returned home
after spending a week at Delphos visiting relatives and friends.
Seth Swank and family and Peter
Wannemacher, Jr., and family left Tuesday for Washington, where they expect to
make their future home.
Mrs. Stella and Florence Robben have
returned to their home at Cincinnati after spending a week with relatives and
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metz, of Gutman,
O., and Mrs. John Altenburger, of Wapaoneta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Altenburger and family.
Alphons Birkimier, of Coldwater, is
visiting his many friends at Ottoville.
Mr. August Kramer and B. H. Kramer,
of Newport, Ky., are visiting relatives and acquaintances here.
Ottoville Items PCS
Messrs. Geo. Ockuly,
Frank Kromer, Henry Ernst and Ed Miller and Misses Anna Sellet and Kittie
Kromer took in the excursion to Cedar Point Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mersman returned
to their home in Celina after spending Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Miller.
Mr. Alex Lauer and Miss Nettie
Guisinger were quietly married at the church Saturday morning.
Mr. Joseph Sherer, of Defiance, who
has been the guest of J. H. Otte for the past week, returns to his home
Mr. Henry Brox is very ill at this
John Krupp is temporarily on the
sick list.
Miss Anna Krebs left Monday for
Delphos where she is expected to remain for some time.
J. H. Otte Jr., and Andy Wurst Jr.,
left Saturday for Chicago.
Miss Rosa Wilhelm, of Grafton, is
visiting her parents here.
Mrs. D. J. Lucas, who has been very
ill with blood poisoning is convalescent again.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Kreitemier, a girl.
Geo. Louth, of Delphos, was in town
The little daughter of Frank
Gutekunst died Friday. Interment took place at Antioch Cemetery.
Mrs. Joseph Perrin and Mrs. Susan
Perrin and son, left Tuesday for Michigan, where they expect to spend two weeks
with relatives and friends.
John Lauer and Steve Wannemacher
were among the people from this section who attended the state fair at
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Grubenhoff, a daughter.
Miss Julia Indcover, of Norwalk, is
the guest of Miss Frances Zahner.
Jacob Wannemacher, the tinner has
moved his old shop back and will at once assume work on the new brick block.
Ottoville Items PCS
Miss Katie
Miller, of New Washington, was the guest of G. A. Otte and family for the past
A. E. Leininger made a business trip to Cleveland and Columbus.
Miss Lizzie Blenthman, of Garrett, Ind., is a guest at the home of
Balthasor Schurer.
Mrs. J. J. Voges, of Watson, Mo., is visiting her parents, Jos. Lehmkuhle
and relatives.
Geo. Ockuly made a flying trip to Celina Tuesday.
Alphons Roth and wife left for Botkins. Mr. Roth extended his trip to
Columbus on business mission.
J. J. Miller and Henry Wurst made a business trip to Delphos Monday. On
their way they came in contact of a runaway horse hitched to a buggy, which
proved to belong to Frank Helmkamp. Mrs. Helmkamp was thrown out and seriously
hurt breaking four ribs and considerably bruised otherwise.
Steve Wannemacher made a business trip to Cloverdale Wednesday.
Jos. Gross, of Michigan, formerly from here, paid his old friends and
neighbors a visit Sunday.
Henry Brox, aged 52 years, died last Friday morning. Funeral services
were held at St. Mary’s church Sunday. Mr. Brox was an old pioneer settler. A
wife and son survive him. He was a member of the C. K. of O. and quite a number
of Ottawa, Glandorf, Cloverdale and Delphos members were here to attend the funeral.
The Lima Oil Co., is starting work
in the Ottoville fields. They will put down their first well on the B.
Schlagbaum farm one half mile east of town.
John Krupp, who has been on the sick
list is convalescent again.
F. J. Mersman has the farmers telephone
line well extended in the rural territory and the farmers are delighted with
same. They are connected with Ottoville, Middlepoint, Groverhill, Wetsel,
Delphos and soon will be connected with Cloverdale and Kalida.
9-13-1902 DH
A report says that Don Baxter, of
Lima, has leased several thousand acres of land near Ottoville, and will soon
drill a well. It is remote from any other producer, although gassers have been
found in that vicinity.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. Mary Perrin and son, and Mrs.
Jos. Perrin have retuned from a two week’s visit in Michigan.
Jos. Vincke and W. J. Wannemacher
and Alex Wannemacher attended an opera at Delphos Monday.
John Willacker, of Lacornner, Mich.,
is visiting his brother, Andy and family.
Mrs. Clara Schmitt left Saturday for
Grafton where they expect to remain for some time.
The Lima Oil Co., have the derrick
completed on the B. Schlagbaum farm and expect to start work in the near
future. The bad weather has delayed them.
The question asked is will you attend
the Putnam county fair next week should be answered yes. All should attend and
have at least one day for yourself.
Mr. Frank Wannemacher, of
Cloverdale, and Miss Mary Schirack were united in marriage Tuesday morning at
the Catholic church by Rev. J. B. Mertes. After the ceremony the happy couple
were escorted to the home of the brides parents where everything was in
readiness for the occasion. The will start housekeeping at once at Cloverdale.
Mr. Wannemacher being a blacksmith at that place. Their many friends wish them
an abundance of happiness.
10-11-1902 DH
Gas For Ottoville
Council Grants
Company Franchise to Put in Mains
The Ottoville council, at a meeting
Friday evening, granted the Ottoville Oil and Gas Company a franchise to put in
gas mains and supply the town with natural gas. The company is composed of E.
B. Walkup and Nick Gillen, of Delphos, and J. J. Miller, Jos. Wannemacher,
Jacob Wannemacher, Ed. Miller, Peter Snider, Max Winkelman, of Ottoville. The
members of the company are confident that they have plenty of gas to supply the
consumers of Ottoville. Pipe has been ordered and the work of connecting up the
gas will be pushed as rapidly as possible.
Ottoville Items PCS
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kleman,
a daughter.
Mrs. Rumschlag, of New Reigel, is
the guest of Mrs. Henry Stroleman.
The Ottoville oil field has the real
thing to show up now.
John Krupp left for Michigan for a
short visit with relatives.
John Straman, of Ottawa, gave us a
short call Friday.
Chas. Hughes and Matilda Bartz were
quietly married at Ottawa Thursday.
John Winkelman returned from
Cincinnati after a week’s visit.
The new brick block of Jacob
Wannemacher is nearing completion.
Wednesday morning at the St. Mary’s
church Miss Callie Eickholt and Mr. Samuel Hessian were united in marriage.
After the ceremony they were accompanied to the home of the brides parents. The
happy event was appropriately celebrated and many beautiful and useful gifts
were received from their many relatives and friends. Best wishes go with them.
11-11-1902 DH
Henry W. Krebs is moving his family
from Ottoville to Delphos.
Ottoville Items PCS
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.
Wannemacher, a boy.
A. E. Leininger made a business trip
to Delphos Monday.
Miss Emma Grote, of Ft. Jennings,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lehmkuhle over Sunday.
Frank Gmeiner and wife, of Ottawa,
were visiting relatives here Friday.
Jake Tithoff paid a short visit to
Cloverdale Sunday.
Frank Geir, of Ft. Jennings, was in
town Wednesday.
C. B. Wannemacher and Leo Otto made
a business trip to Delphos Friday.
Joseph Hammans, of Grover Hill, was
in town Tuesday.
Mike Obringer and family moved their
household goods to his farm, near Seamersville.
Andy Krebs and family have moved to
Sterling, Ill., where they expect to make their future home.
R. Findley, of Paulding, passed
through town Wednesday on his way to Lima, where he attended the funeral of his
W. D. Hughes and Charley Henry made
a business trip to Lima Saturday.
11-18-1902 DH
At 8 o’clock this morning in the
Catholic church at Ottoville, by Rev. Fr. Mertes, Otto Holgreve, of Cloverdale,
and Miss Minnie Bently, of Ottoville, were married. The attendants were Wm.
Bently, brother of the bride, and Miss Ann Holgreve, sister of the groom. The
wedding was celebrated today in an appropriate manner at the home of the birde.
Both are popular young people and will go unto housekeeping in Cloverdale with
the best of wishes of their many friends.
11-28-1902 DH
Gephart Gmeiner, of Ottoville, was
in Delphos today, and while leaving the National Bank he lost his pocket book,
containing some money and a note. It was found by Harry Heames and retuned to
the owner.
11-29-1902 DH
Electric Lights
Wanted By Citizens of
Ottoville and Ft. Jennings
Citizens of Ottoville and Ft.
Jennings have conceived the idea that they can get electric current from
Delphos Electric Light plant to supply their town with electric lights. They have been holding meetings and
have discussed the matter. The machinery at the Delphos plant is all new and up
to date but it is believed the engine is not large enough to furnish power.
Manager Canfield states he intends putting in a new engine soon to replace the
small one at the plant but thinks he would not care to contract with these
towns for light at the present time. The citizens of Ottoville, especially, are
very enthusiastic in the matter but it is believed the expense would be mote
than they would care to bear. For constructing a line from Delphos to Ottoville
would cost alone in the neighborhood of $2,000.
12-30-1902 DH
In Mail Pouch
Ottoville Postmaster
Placed Money For Safe Keeping
One evening last week Postmaster
Vincke, of Ottoville, placed a sack, containing what he thought to be about
$110 in money, in a mail pouch for safe keeping. The next morning the
postmaster, evidently forgetting where he had placed the money, took the pouch
containing the cash and filled it up with Clover Leaf mail. When the pouch was
opened on the train by Mail Clerk Winks, he was surprised to find the sack of
money. Mr. Vincke was greatly relieved when notified that his coin was safe and
his surprise was greater still when he came to Delphos today and found that the
sack contained about $150 instead of $100 as he thought.
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