DD – Defiance Democrat
DH – Delphos Herald
LN – Lima News
PCS – Putnam County Sentinel
LTD – Lima Times Democrat
DC – Delphos Courant
1-1-1909 DH
Notes From the Ottoville News
A. E. Leininger
transacted business at Cloverdale Wednesday.
Miss Estella Wannamacher
is visiting with relatives in Cloverdale for a week.
Theo. Meyers and
Peter Hess, of Decatur, Ind., are visiting with relatives and friends.
George, Andy and
Frank Wenzlick visited the past week at Chatfield and New Washington.
Mrs. Chas. J.
Bohrer, of Toledo, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Maehlmann,
over the holidiays.
Robert Frisch, of
Kirby, and George Remlinger, of Kerry, were the guests of relatives here the
past week.
Andrew Rellinger,
of Dayton, was a pleasant caller among his friends and relatives a few days
this week.
H. Stemen
transacted business in Ottoville Tuesday.
A box social was
given under the auspices of the C. K. of O. at their hall in the Winkelman
block Tuesday evening. Everybody enjoyed a good time.
The Ottoville
Mutual No. 3, will hold their annual telephone election, at a meeting to be
held on the second Saturday in January. All members are requested to be
The annual
statement of the Trustees of Monterey was made at the annual meeting at the
township house, Monday, Dec. 28. The total expenditure for the year was
$3,626.59. The balance in the treasury, $1,400.65. The Trustees want a man for
road superintendent in Dist. No. 2, for the year 1909. Application shall be
filed with the township clerk on or before the first of February.
On last Thursday
evening the home of B. M. Martin came near being destroyed by fire, which
started in the kitchen roof. With the help of his neighbors it was confined to
the kitchen and the wood house roof, which was destroyed to the extent of about
thirty dollars. Mr. Martin has expresses his sincere thanks to his many
neighbors and friends who assisted him and family to extinguish the fire and
save his home.
A corn husking
frolic was held for the benefit of Simon Plescher, at his home on Dec. 21st,
Those who kindly assisted we're: John Freimoth, Jos. Turnwald, Harvey Schwartz,
John Plescher, Joseph Plescher, Wm. Ricker, Frank Neitling, John Adam, Antone
Bensman, Frank Miller, Barney Martin, Chas Swartz, L. A. Kohn, Adam Plescher,
Antone Bensman, Jr., Lon Ricker, Wm. Morrison, Jos. Wenzlick, Peter Miller,
Frank Giesken.
As the sun arose
over the eastern horizon everybody marched to the field in good spirits with
the thought of the good work ahead. Well, you ought to have seen those
ears roll, Just one of those good old-fashioned bees, for they worked like
bees, and by sunset. Six acres of corn shocks had been turned into fodder
shocks and five hundred bushels of corn. Mr. Plescher thanks his many friends
for their help. At present he is improving as good as can be expected.
1-15-1909 DH
Notes From the Ottoville News
Wm. Vincke made a
business trip to Delphos.
The C. H. & D.
section men are placing the new Odenweller switch.
Eilliam and
Charles Turnwald were in Landeck, Tuesday, on business.
Missis Nora
Huysman and Lola Morton, of Delphos, attended the C. K. of O. social last week.
Delbert Howard had
a bone broken in his right foot, accidentally, last Thursday, by being struck
by a falling tie, while unloading same.
George Altenberger
and Audrey Peters were in Ottawa last week.
Grandma Klein who
lives near Douglas, is confined to her home by sickness.
Odenweller Milling
Co. have received a car load of ties for their new switch.
Otte Bros, have
improved the appearance of their business-rooms by a new coat of paint and new
wall paper.
Mrs. Henry
Dietering, who has been confined to her home by sickness, is improving and is
able to get about again.
The C. K. of O.,
of Cloverdale will hold a Pedro party at the St. Barbara school hall, on Sunday
evening January 10th.
Mrs. Augusta
Ranydels and children, Lima, visited a few days last week, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Beckner.
Mrs. Carolina
Studer visited over Christmas and New Years with her sister, Mrs. John Studer,
at Ottawa, who returned with her and will spend a week here.
Henry Beckner has
been very ill the past week, with stomach trouble. At present he is improving
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bohrer returned to their home in Toledo, Monday, after a week’s visit
with F. J. Maehlmann. Miss Elizabeth Maehlmann returned with them for an
indefinite stay.
The many friends
of Rev. Fr. Duhr, D. D., have received the good news that the Reverend Father
is located in St. Michaels Wis., near Milwaukee. He is enjoying the best of
health and doing well and has one hundred and ten families now under his
spiritual care. He is well pleased with this location and is very well liked by
his congregation.
1-29-1909 DH
From Ottoville Tri-County News
Albert Zahner sold
his livery barn and business to Joseph Weber, last Monday.
Mrs. Henry Fecker
and son, of Toledo, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Fecker the past
A social gathering
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Kramer, Tuesday evening. About
twenty were present.
The businessmen of
Ottoville held a meeting at Shenk's Hall, Thursday evening to discuss ways and
means for the improvement of the town.
Gus. Krotokrax, of
New Reigel, visited with his sister the past week.
Chas. Wank, of New
Reigel, Returned home last week after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Miss Zeta
Guisinger, of Ottoville, is visiting her uncle, P. C. Spieles, in Akron.
The section men on
the C., H. &. D. have laid over 200 feet of track on the new Odenweller
Otto Kortokrax is
busy sawing timber east of Ft. Jennings where he has a large job.
Mrs. Barney Geisken
returned to her home Monday from Cincinnati where She had been at the bedside
of her husband who was at a hospital at that place.
Mr. Joseph
Hasenkamp, and Miss Dena Dalsing were married at the St. Peter's and St. Paul's
Catholic church, at Seneca, Kansas, on Tuesday, January 12th, at 9 o'clock
a. m. They arrived here on their wedding tour
on January 13th. On that evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Wenzlick in honor of the bridal party. Lunch and refreshments were
served and all enjoyed a good time till an early hour of the morning. Miss
Dalsing will be remembered by her many friends as her home was formerly with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Deitering. The couple will visit for a
month with their friends and then will return to their home at Seneca, where
Mr. Hasenkamp has a large farm.
2-26-1909 DH
H. J. Beaming, the
popular superintendent of Ottoville schools, was about to use the paddle on a
twelve year old boy, in a way and place that would do the least damage and most
good to the boy. He told the boy that he did not like to spank him, for he was
sure it would hurt him as much to do it, as it would the boy to receive it. The
boy replied by saying, "Yes, Professor, may be it will, but it won't hurt
you in the same place it does me." Both the professor and the boy are now
doing well. — Ottawa Sentinel
3-11-1909 DH
The Council of
Ottoville has enacted an ordinance providing for the closing of the saloons in
that town at 10.30 and 11 o’clock at night on stated nights of the week and
during stated months of the year, prohibits billiard or pool tables in the
saloon, card playing, slot machines, dice or any game of chance, and also
provides against singing or music of any sort.
3-11-1909 DH
The burning out of
a chimney in the home of A. E. Leininger, in Ottoville, was the occasion of
reports being received in Delphos Wednesday morning that a terrible
conflagration was raging in that town. The smoke from the burning soot in the
chimney blackened the walls in the residence and it was thought that fire
existed under the floor. An investigation proved this to be a mistake. A number
of Delphos people arranged to go to Ottoville on the 10:55 C. H. &
D. train, when reports were circulated that a conflagration was in progress,
but the wild reports were corrected before the arrival of the train.
4-9-1909 DH
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
The residence of Charles Mallifske is being painted.
A telephone meeting was held at Shenk's hall, Monday evening
Geo. Altenburger made a business trip to Cloverdale, Tuesday evening.
A. B. Leininger was called to Dayton last Friday on special business.
Peter Leis plastered the new Farmers Mutual building this week.
Wm. Schneeg attended the Ashbaugh ditch hearing held in Van Wert, last
Thos. Wisher,. Sam. Dodson, Isaac Dodson and Alus Miller are building
new barns this spring.
Edward Odenweller is building a new addition to his home. Peter Schmitt
put in the foundation this week.
Miss Hazel Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams, and Mr. Caud
Schneider, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider, were united in marriage last
Wm. Schnegg has purchased a new automobile.
Mrs. W. G. Shenk visited in Delphos, Monday.
Miss Lucy Rekart, of Toledo, attended the Kromer funeral here, last
Wm. Turnwald and John Bartz attended the Farmers' Institute in Ottawa,
last Friday.
Henry Schneider has raised the house of John Von Oss, preparatory for a
new foundation.
Miss Regina Kehres left Saturday for Dunkirk, where she has a position
as trimmer in the store of Mrs. Rachel Taylor.
Wm. Biglow raised the barn of Henry Biedenharn's last week. The new
building is 32x50. Fourteen assisted in the raising. .
F. M. Peltier, of Ottawa, is here in the interest of the new telephone
line. New poles will be erected on the main streets, and several new terminals
will be put in at different places. This will make better service.
Miss Elizabeth Bowersock, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowersock,
was united in marriage to Mr. Bert Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Bryan, by
the Rev. Drummonds, at Elm Grove, last Saturday evening.
Dr. Wolfe, of Wetsel, was called to the home of Wm. Schneeg last
Sunday, to extract a peanut hull that had been become lodged in the baby boy's
throat,: and nearly
choked the little
fellow to death. Good luck dislodged the shell and, when the doctor arrived,
which was only a few minutes later, he found the youngster doing well.
Last Thursday night sadness crossed the threshold of the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Kromer, when death's angel guided back to heaven the two little
souls the angel of life had given them to bless their home seven weeks ago.
The children were twins, a boy and a girl. Funeral services were held
Saturday morning from St. Mary's Catholic church. Two boys and two girls were
pall bearers: Clara Ruen, add Nellie Greulich, and Simon Rekart and Albert
4-23-1909 DH
Mayor A. A. Roth
and F. J. Maehlman, cashier of the Ottoville bank, have each made purchase of a
"Cadillac 30" touring car.
4-23-1909 DH
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
John Nomine is on
the sick list.
Mrs. Mary Kromer
is very sick this week.
Louis Hoehn
returned from Texas last week.
John Rieger
visited over Easter with his parents.
Joseph Pittner is
in Cloverdale this week helping Frank Wannemacher.
Rev. Hahm, of
Mandale, was in town a few hours Tuesday evening.
The Misses Zora
and Zella Rower of Kalida, were in town one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Krebs, of Celina, were guests of relatives here last Sunday.
Walter Mersman and
family, of Celina, were the guests of relatives here, over Easter.
John Vondran and
wife, of Delphos, visited over Easter with relatives and friends.
Win. Bigelow
raised Wannemacher Bros. new barn, at Cloverdale last Thursday.
George Miller and
family left for their new home at Olpe, Kansas last Monday.
Edward Stallkamp
and Thomas Gengler, of Delphos, were here on a business trip last Friday.
John G. Klima and
family have moved to Cecil, in Paulding county. They left last week.
George and Martin
Zimmerman of Ottawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pittner, a few days
the past week.
Joseph Hammons,
wife and son visited over Sunday with Mrs. Hammons parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bowman, at Defiance.
The infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miehls, died last Monday. Funeral services were held
Wednesday, at Ft. Jennings.
Miss Zella Rower
has accepted a position as bookkeeper for the Kalida Milling & Grain Co.
She will commence her duties Monday.
The Boosters' Club,
composed of Delphos businessmen has been organized at that place the past
weeks. Its purpose is to help and push any project that will better that town.
Good thing to organize in Ottoville.
The trustees
staked the grade on the Huysman pike and Wannemacher pike. They also viewed the
1-4 mile road running east and west through the Arthur Carter farm, the latter
having petitioned the Trustees to have the road run straight.
4-30-1909 DH
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
Miss Martha Krebs
visited in. Ottawa last week.
Leo Bendele made a
business trip to Lima last week.
Wannemacher, Jr., was in Mandate one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Dray's baby has been very slick the past week.
A. A. Roth and
Joseph Vincke were in Van Wert last Sunday.
Joseph Scheck of
New Washington, visited with friends the past week.
Wm. Schneeg and
family were in, town Sunday With their new automobile.
Peter Schmitt and
family went to Kalida last Sunday, in their automobile.
Born, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Schlagbaum, Saturday, an eleven pound son.
Louis Hoehn and
Miss Mary Hoehn visited in Michigan the past week.
Mr. Henry Linger
And Miss Lizzie Haselman will be married April 27th.
A. E. Leininger
and Mat. Kline were fishing at the river last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Leininger attended the minstrel Show at Delphos, last Thursday night.
Mrs. Charles
Boherer, of Toledo, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Maehlmann.
Mr. Louis Hoehn
and Miss Mary Eberly, of New Washington, will be married at the home of the
bride on April 28.
Jos. Schlereth
hauled 24 tons of coal with Nick Lauer's team last Thursday from the cars to
Wannemacher Elevator Co.'s sheds. He loaded and unloaded the amount which means
one man handling 48 tons of coal in less than ten hours.
Nick Bedink has placed
on the sidewalk at the bank corner an Acorn Boulevard Arc Light, of 1500 candle
power. This light is being placed on trial and if it proves satisfactory the
council probably buy several lamps and have them installed. Nick Bedink is
agent for these lamps.
The coming
marriage of Mr. Wenz Klima and Miss Emma Martin was announced in church Sunday.
The Ottoville
Telephone company, of Ottoville, Putnam county, has been incorporated by J. C.
Wannemacher, John J. Miller, A. A. Roth, Ed. G. Odenweller, and Geo.
Wannemacher. They propose to construct and operate telephone lines in Putnam,
Paulding, Allen and Van Wert counties, The capital stock is $5,000.
5-14-1909 DH
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
Joseph Vincke was
in Delphos, Tuesday.
Mrs. Nick Gillen,
of Delphos, was the guest of her sister, one day this week.
Mrs. Wm. Frish and
little son are improving nicely .
Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mallifske attended the Klima-Martin wedding, Tuesday.
George Markward
has been sick the past few weeks, but at present he is improving.
Edward Malllifske,
of Hamilton, was the guest of his parents, over last Sunday.
A. E. Leininger
and W. C. Shenk have placed new awnings on their business places.
A ditch meeting
will be held in Washington township, Van Wert county, on May 8.
Mrs. Caroline
Studer and daughter Rosa, and Miss Pauline Pittner, were in Delphos, Monday.
Otto Kortokrax
made a business trip to Richmond Ind., last Friday. He stopped over with
Mersman Bros., at Celina, on his way home Saturday.
A joint ditch
meeting of the ditch supervisors of Putnam county, Van Wert counties was held
last Thursday, on the Wilhelm and Fortener ditch which starts in Jennings
An automobile
party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Clementz, a week ago Sunday.
Those present were Peter Smith and family, Gust Smith and family,
Joseph Perrin and wife, Chas. Perrin and
Jacob Rieger.
Mr. Wenzle Klima,
brother of. Jos. Klima, and Miss Emma Martin, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
H. Martin, were married at St. Mary’s Catholic church, Wednesday
morning at eight o’clock, Rev. Fr. Mertes
officiating. The groomsman and bridesmaid were John Fuerst of Cloverdale, and
Miss Lucy Willacker. The couple left for Toledo and Detroit, where they will
visit a week. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride, and was
attended by about fifty guests. After their return they will go to housekeeping
in this town.
John Kroeger and
Dr. Harmon attended the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of the formers
father, Joseph Kroeger, who resides at Delphos. About forty guests were
present. Several nice gifts were presented him.
Mrs. Frank Krebs
land Mrs. A. E. Leininger attended the funeral of Jacob Gross, at New Lathrop,
Mich., last week. Mr. Gross was formerly a businessman of this place. They also
visited at Albion, Mich.
Peter Schmitt and
son, Jos. Otte, Miss Francis Zahner and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kortokrax, were
Toledo visitors Sunday.
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
Joseph Vincke was
in Delphos, Thursday.
E. E. Rower
finished burning a kiln of tile this week.
Mrs. J. J. Miller
and Mrs. J. F. Ockuly were in Delphos, Wednesday.
Sophia Wannemacher
returned home from a visit at Cloverdale, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Wannemacher and baby of Cloverdale, were here Wednesday.
John Klima and
family are well pleased with their new home in Cecil.
C. Wannemacher's
Sons installed a gasoline engine and feed grinder for John Smead at Dupont last
Lucas Produce Co.
shipped over 25,000 dozen eggs from this station last week. The hen that lays
the golden egg has gotten busy again.
The music pupils
of Miss Mary Lauer will give a recital at C. K. of O. Hall on Friday evening,
May 21st, commencing at eight o'clock. Miss Blanche Kettiewell of Delphos, will
assist. Lovers of music should not miss this opportunity, as an excellent
program has been prepared and consists of thirty-one pieces. Admission 15
Announcements of
the marriage of Mr. Joseph Van Oss and Miss Dora Vincke, are out. The wedding
day is set far May 26.
6-18-1909 DH
From The Ottoville Tri-County News
Henry Kehres, of
Delphos, visited with friends here, Sunday.
Aaron Huysman
transacted business in Ottawa last week.
Joseph Pittener
put in a cement cellar at Ft. Jennings, last week.
H. W. Stemen, of
near Ft. Jennings, was in town Wednesday.
George. W. Sybert,
of Muntana, transacted business here Saturday.
Schulien &
Roth received their new Cadillac touring, car, Saturday.
Miss Agnes Sellet
left Tuesday, for a visit in Seneca county.
Geo. Wannemacher
received a car load of binders and mowers last week.
Oliver Sellet was
in Cloverdale, Tuesday.
Herman Brinkman
has placed a new roof and lightening rods on his house and kitchen.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Leininger attended the wedding of Mr. Charles Bartz and Miss Gertrude Mowrey, at Sidney, Thursday.
Miss Millie Reckart, of Delphos, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Zahn,
A new switch has
been surveyed and staked out for Lucas Produce Co. and Wannemacher Elevator Co.
John Zahm is able
to be at work again after being confined too his home the past week with
Plescher &
Brickner shipped two car loads of fine stock to Cleveland, Tuesday. Mr.
Brickner accompanied them.
Dr. Dietrick, V.
S., removed a tumor, last Monday, from a horse owned by Marion Dotson, that
weighed nearly a pound; it had grown near one of the eyes.
Nick Bedink has
made some nice improvements at the Star restaurant. The front has been parted
and a new lighting plant installed.
Louis Geisken, son
of Henry Geisken, and Miss Katie Duling, of Glandorf, were married at that
place, Wednesday morning. Several from here attended the wedding.
7-16-1909 DH
John Lauer was in
Toledo Monday.
F. J. Maehlmann
transacted business in Toledo, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Berry were visitors at Lima over Sunday.
Edward Odenweller
transacted business in Lima, Wednesday.
A new boiler is
being placed in the basement of St. Mary's church.
J. S. Miller and
Peter Ockuly, of Celina, left Tuesday for Black Hills S. D.
Leo Odenweller, of
Toledo, was a guest of relatives here.
Richard Knissel of
Fostoria, was the guest of the Odenweller Bros., Wednesday.
J. M. Thatcher, of
Delphos, was a welcome caller among his friends here Wednesday.
The four-months
old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wannemacher, of Cloverdale, died Wednesday
evening. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, from St. Barbara
church. Several from here were in attendance.
Anthony Gores and
sister, Miss Clara Gores, of Fremont, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. F.
J. Maehlmann, and family.
Mrs. C. Wirtz and
family and Edward Mallifske, of Hamilton, are the guests of Edward's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mallifiske.
A. E. Leininger
will leave Tuesday for Yellowstone Park, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, and a
trip through California and the south-west.
Born to Mr. and Mm
John Zahm Thursday, a baby girl.
Married Mr. Paul
Lehmkuhle and Miss Louise Mittelkamp were united in marriage last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Benning will move to their new home in Gland next week, where Prof. Benning
will have charge of the schools Prof. Uhrich of Loramie, Shelby county moved
here last Wednesday.
Mrs. George
Wannemacher and son Leander, are visiting at Fostoria.
Miss Viola
Wamnemacher visited at Cloverdale this week.
One of Wm.
Dickman’s horses became very sick while hauling stone last Saturday.
Miss Arlene
Metcalf, of Delphos is visiting George Wannemacher's family.
John Miller, Mrs.
Jos. F. Miller and Mrs. Mary Winkelman, left Tuesday, for Chesaning, Michigan
where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Deitering and Jos. Otte
Carl Sprough, of
Grover Hill had an arm broken last week, at the Lies farm, while starting an
A surprise party
was held at the home of Miss Lulu Rekart, Sunday evening, the event being her
twenty-first birthday anniversary. About forty were present. Refreshments were
C. Wannemacher
& Sons lost a valuable horse Monday.
Wm. Schneeg is
building la new house for Tony Hoersten.
Adam Moritz moved
here from Grover Hill, last Friday.
Mrs. Voradran
received word that her bother, Jos. Schille, is very sick at Cleveland.
Mrs. F. J.
Maehlmamn and children returned Tuesday from a visit at Fremont and Toledo.
Rev. J. M. Kasel,
German Prof, at the Catholic Normal School of Milwaukee, Wis., is the guest of
Rev. J. B. Mertes and his former pupil, Prof. H. J. Benning.
A. E. Leininger
has put in a new cement sidewalk on the north side of his business block. J. E.
Pittner had the contract.
Mrs. Landel Reiger
met with a serious accident last Friday morning, Sept. 10. While walking from
the house to the summer kitchen, she slipped and fell, tearing all the
leaders loose in her left ankle.
Andy Rellinger, of
Dayton, was a visitor with his friends here on Sunday.
Al. Birkmeier, of
Ft. Jennings, transacted business here Monday.
Nick. Bedink
secured the contract for lighting the new U. B. church at Oakwood, with the
Acorn Gas System. He also will place a new latest improved generator in A. E.
Leininger's business place.
Mr. Sylvester
Wannemacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wannemacher, and Miss Regina Wurst,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wurst, were married at St. Mary’s church,
Tuesday morning, Sept. 14th. The bridesmaid and groomsman were Miss Adeline
Wurst, sister of the bride and Mr. Albert Wannemacher brother of the groom. The
wedding breakfast and dinner was served at the home of the bride.
The best ball game
of the season was played between Ottoville and Delphos last Sunday. Eleven
innings were played to break the tie, resulting in favor of Ottoville. Score, 3
and 4.
10-1-1909 DH
Mrs. J. F.
Maehlmann is visiting at Napoleon.
The home of Mrs.
Henry Middlekamp east of town was struck by lightening last Wednesday night.
Insured. Loss light.
Thursday a very
bad fire was caused at the hone of Frank Schulien, by a gasoline stove, which
took fine while Mrs. Schulien was ironing. The fire damaged two rooms to about
the extent of between $15 and $20. At the time of the fire two strangers were
passing who rendered their aid and succeeded in getting the fire under control,
which was quickly put out when help came. Mr. Schulien who has been confined to
his bed for the past couple of months with to broken ankle, succeeded in
crawling out of the house onto the porch with the two small children, while
Mrs. Schulien hastily phoned for the fire department. The house was insured in
the Partners Mutual Insurance company.
11-26-1909 DH
Items of Interest from Ottoville News
Schulien & Roth conducted a horse sale here
Saturday, at which they sold over thirty head of horses.
Frank Schulien is
able to be out again, after being confined to his home with a broken ankle for
the past three months.
Mr. Michael Kehres
left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Celina.
A. H. Berry,
section foreman C. H. & D., had the misfortune to have one of his fingers
smashed last week.
Mrs. Joseph Miehls, of Ft. Jennings, left for Shawnee,
Oklahoma, last week, to visit her son Alfred, who is seriously ill with typhoid
Henry Breitholt, aged 48 years, 9 months and 17 days, died
at his home west of town Tuesday November 2nd, from an attack of
typhoid fever. He was only confined to his home for about a week. Funeral
services were held Friday morning, November 6th from St. Mary’s
Catholic Church. He is survived by one brother, John Breitholt.
Announcements have
been made at the St. Mary’s church of the coming marriage of Miss Rosa Lauer,
to Mr. Leo Otte, which will take place, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25th.
Joe Weber moved
into the home, which he recently purchased of Henry Wurst, who
has moved to Delphos.
John Winkelman
transacted business in Delphos last Tuesday.
Farmers around Ft.
Jennings are organizing a Farmers institute.
Otte Bros. Have
placed some new furniture in their business place.
Mrs. Michael
Kehres left Tuesday for a visit with relatives at Celina.
12-3-1909 DH
A pleasant event
occurred at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kortokrax, near Ottoville, on
Thanksgiving, when they entertained a number of young people at a six o'clock
dinner. A delicious dinner was served and a very pleasant evening was spent in
various games and amusements. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kortokrax were Misses
Mary Peiffer, Mayme Smith, Minnie Brinkman, Ellen Kalt, Ella Goebel, Josephine
Grothouse, Mayme Murray, Clara Kortokrax and Cora Harding, of Chichasaw. Messrs
Leo and Joe Murray, Ben Wunderle, Ed and Syl Smith, Raymond Lang, Lawrence
Grothouse, Frank Etgen, Gus Kortokrax, Robert Will, Henry and Roy Wegesin, Gust
12-10-1909 DH
From the Ottoville Tri-County News
Miss Eva Geier visited in Delphos last week.
Miss Mary Lauer
visited in Delphos last Monday.
Chas. Kalt, of
Continental, visited with relatives here last week.
Postmaster Coble
and wife, of Delphos, were Ottoville visitors last Friday.
John Schneeg and
Frank Grubenhoff were in Ottawa last Wednesday.
Mr. Gillard, of
Mandale, was here Saturday, breaking colts for Schulien & Roth.
Miss Nellie
Poling, of Delphos, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stemen Sunday.
Wm. Huysman, of
Detroit, is visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Geo. Trempert, and
family, of Lima, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peters.
Mr. Stewart, of
Wetsel, was a caller in town Saturday.
Andy Rellinger, of
Dayton, was the guest of relatives here Sunday.
Charles Sanders,
of Delphos, visited with relatives here last Sunday.
John P. Siren and
wife, of Cloverdale, attended the funeral of Mr. Utrup here Monday.
Schulien &
Roth are building a large barn on their farm south of town, at the old brick
Peter Schmitt is
completing a concrete bridge at Miller City cutoff.
Benjamin Galliger
was in town Saturday and says his eyes are much improved. He underwent an
operation, at Lima.
Frankhart, well known citizen of this county, died at his residence in Palmer
township, aged 68 years.
Jacob Schneider,
of Delphos, visited over Sunday with his friends. Mr. Schneider's foot was
amputated and he is now able to be about again.
Jacob Sellet,
while out hunting last week with several friends, was accidentally shot in the
eye, a stray shot striking this eye glasses, breaking one and cutting his face
under the eye.
How many in
Ottoville can tell how long on a clear day it will take for the sound of a
whistle blown at Delphos, to travel to Ottoville.
Wm. Greulich was
accidentally shot in the back by some unknown party last Friday noon while
standing in his kitchen door at home. The bullet was from a "22" and did not penetrate his
clothes, his suspenders warding it off. Village ordinances prohibit shooting
within the city limits, and this seems to be a case of downright carelessness
as well as a violation of the law.
W. T. Remlinger is
having his drug store repapered.
New storm fronts
are being placed on, the St. Mary’s church by a St. Louis firm.
William F. Utrup
was born in Ottoville, Ohio, October 19, 1882, and died at his, home south of
town, Thursday, November 25, 1909, at 4 o'clock p. m. The deceased was the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Utrup, and was married to Miss Clara Rode, of Delphos,
Ohio, at St. John's Catholic church, at Delphos, in 1906. One daughter two
years old and his wife are left to mourn a devoted father and husband. At the
time of his death Mr. Utrup was 27 years, 1 month and 3 days old. His
death was due to stomach trouble. Mr. Utrup was a member of St. Mary’s church,
and was well liked by his many friends. His death, which came unexpected, cast
a shadow of sorrow among his many friends, who extend their sympathy to the
bereaved family. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic church, and the
remains were placed in their last resting place in St. Mary’s cemetery, Monday
morning, Nov. 29. Besides his wife and daughter he leaves to mourn his loss
five brothers, three sisters and mother, Mrs. Jos. Utrup. The brothers and
sisters are Gerhart, Henry, Joseph Jr., Frank and Paul; Mrs. Wenzel Klima, Mrs.
Willim Frisch, and Miss Anna Utrup. Those present from out of town were Barney
Utrup and wife, Fracey Fipp and Mrs. Jos. Ostendorf, of Ottawa; Frank Utrup,
Joseph Schmersal and wife of Kalida, Andy Fuerst and wife, Conrad Fuerst and
Frank Mersman, of Cloverdale; Mrs. Henry Tegenkamp, Henry Shoemaker and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rode, parents of Mrs. Utrup, of Delphos; Lewis Rode and
family, and Mrs. Pothast and children, of Landeck.
10-24-1909 DH
From the Ottoville Tri-County News
Rieger was home over Sunday from Tiffin.
Henry Lauf, of Ft.
Jennings, transacted business here.
Frank Gmeiner, of
Ottawa, was here Friday transacting business.
The new plate
glass window was put in at the post office Saturday.
Grandma Pavel fell
and broke a leg last week, at her home south of town.
Nicholas Lauer and
J. J. Miller were in Grover Hill, Tuesday on business for the Loan Co.
Wm. P. Alter, of
Toledo, and H. C. Rampe, of Ft. Jennings, were in town Tuesday.
Miss Josephine
Wannemacher called on Mr. and Mrs. David Brown at
Oakwood last Tuesday.
Oakwood last Tuesday.
John Wannemacher,
Nicholas Lauer and John Kehres attended the stock show at Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Otte returned from their wedding
tour in Northern Ohio and Michigan last week.
Al Bertling went
to Kingsley, Mich., Monday, where he attended the funeral of his
brother-in-laws child.
Miss Cora
Wannemacher returned home, after a two weeks' visit with friends at Van Wert and
Wm. Schlagbaum
will attend the corn show, and Farmer's Institute at Ottawa.
Nick Bedink
received four calls last week for, Acorn Light systems at Elida, Scott, Latty
and Middle Point.
Henry Wannemacher
made an entry of twelve ears of corn at the show at Ottawa
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, a
girl baby, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt, a girl baby Saturday evening,
Dec. 11th .
Some fine hogs
have passed in their checks the past week. The price is high ranging about 8
cents per pound, and its what you might call high living.
A lamp explosion
at the home of F. F. Vincke last Friday evening, caused a small amount of
damage to one room. The fire was quickly extinguished.
Elevator Company loaded the first car of grain on the new side track, which
reached their elevator Saturday. They also received a car load of coal.
Sadness entered
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Franzer last Friday evening when their little
baby passed away. The funeral services were held at St. Mary’s church. Monday
morning at nine o’clock, interment in city cemetery.
Elias Buckley, an
aged resident of this county,who formerly resided south of town but who was
taken to the infirmary several weeks ago, is reported to be failing fast. Frank
Eickhart, his guardian, and John Schrack went over to Ottawa last week to visit
Mr. Buckley. He is the oldest settler living Putnam County, being 71 years old.
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