1-20-1925 LN
Farmer Dies
The death of John H. Brinkman,
farmer, residing near Ottoville, occurred following a long illness from cancer.
4-7-1925 LN
Formation of New District is Opposed
Argument against the proposed school
district, petitioned for by Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, of Ottoville, was voiced
by 100 residents of the territory to compose the new district, Tuesday, before
the county board of education. The district, as outlined, will include protions
of Jackson and Jennings-tps and all of Monterey-tp.
Farmers were opposed to creation of
the new district by the board on grounds that taxes would ber higher and they
were in favor of continuance of the “little red school house.”
The board may meet Tuesday afternoon
to consider the proposition, after hearing arguments.
4-27-1925 LN
Ottoville School District Created
Creation of the district of
Ottoville schools has been made by the county board of education. The district
was not created as petitioned for by Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of
Immaculate Conception church, Ottoville, but included parts of Jackson and all
of Monerey-tp.
Heretofore Monterey-tp and Ottoville
schools were operated separately. Work upon the erection of the school building
soon will begin. Land for the location has been purchased.
7-10-1925 LN
Board Creates School District at Ottoville
Petition Asking for New Division
Unsuccessfully Contested by Faction
Voters Are Counted
Construction of Building for Section is
Already Started by Petitions
Creation of the Ottoville school district,
as outlines in the petition submitted to the county board of education some
months ago, was approved, at a meeting of the board, called in a special
session at Ottawa.
The petition, seeking creation of
the district, was presented by Re. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate
Conception Roman Catholic Church at Ottoville.
The new district, as created,
includes Ottoville, Monterey-tp, Monterey second school district, Jackson
special school district, Jackson-tp and two eighty-acre tracts of land in
Thew petition was strongly contested
and a poll of the district asked. This the board required to be taken and the
poll takers showed that 904 persons of voting age resided in the district.
Names Removed
At the board meeting, for various causes, the
names of 63 persons were removed from the list, some being possible
non-residents and some not being of legal age, the board announced.
With this number removed from the
original poll, the remonstrance petition, placed against the proposition,
fialed to have a sufficient number of signatures to constitute a majority of
the people of the new district, the board therefore authorized the new
The board of education for the new
district is composed of F. T. Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga, both of Ottoville;
William Schlagbaum, of Ft. Jennings; Joseph Hoersten, of Ottoville, and J. C.
Wannemacher, of Ft. Jennings.
Acting upon the belief that the
board would create the new district, Rev. Father Arnoldi already has the school
building to house the pupils of the new district well under way in its
7-27-1925 LN
Contest Looms Over Ottoville School District
Dissatisfied Citizens Are Expected To
Institute Court Action in Controversy
Remonstrance Failed
New Building Now Beining Constructed For
Section – Objectors Prefer Old System
Probability that the creation of the new
Ottoville school district and the construction of the new building there, under
the supervision of Rev. Father J. S. Arnoldi, pastor of Immaculate Conception
church at Ottoville, will be contested in the courts seems certain.
Attorneys, said to’ represent
dissatisfied tax-payers, were in Ottawa Monday, obtaining school records, in an
endeavor to contest the case.
Certain parts of the outlying
districts in Jennings, Monterey and Jackson-tps and all of Monterey-twp are
included in the new district.
Many of the patrons favored the
little red schoolhouse to the large new building, which Rev. Father Arnoldi is
providing for educating the youth of the southwestern part of Putnam-co.
It is those who favored the old time
methods who are said to be at the bottom in insituting the court action.
Petition Filed
At the time the petition for the creation of
the new district was considered, a remonstrance petition was presented by citizens
who were bitterly opposed to the new district.
After investigation, it was
determined that the remonstrance petition was to be disregarded as it did not
contain the names of a majority of residents of the district.
The new district was authorized and
construction on the new building, which has been underway for sometime, was
continued. The new building is now practically complete and will be ready for
occupancy this fall.
The board of education for the
district, appointed after the decision was made, is composed of F. T.
Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga, both of Ottoville; William Schlagbaum, Ft.
Jennings; Joseph Hoersten, Ottoville and J. C. Wannemacher, Ft. Jennings.
8-4-1925 LN
Award Damages
Court Awards Farmer $2,200 in Case Against
Ohio Power Co.
Frank Utrup, Monterey-twp farmer of
near Ottoville, was given more than $2,000 in damages against the Ohio Power
Co. in the condemnation proceedings in probate court before Judge William
The jury, in bringing in a verdict,
awarded Utrup $850 for compensation for use of his land by the Ohio Power Co.
and gave him $1,413 for damages.
Utrup refused to grant necessary use
of the land, charging that the construction of steel towers to carry current
distributed by the company, interfered with farming of the land near the towers
and was detrimental to life of man and animals.
The company sought to obtain the
land by condemnation proceedings filed in probate court. Two towers are located
on the Utrup farm. One tower is half on Utrup’s place and the remainder on the
adjoining farm.
In a similar suit in condemnation
proceedings Felix Calvelage a farmer in Monterey-twp, was given $30 damages.
Lines of the company cross Calvelage’s fields, but no towers are located
8-16-1925 LN
Home From Europe
J. J. Miller, one of the leading
merchants of Ottoville, and his daughters, Marguerite and Katherine, have
returned home after a tour of Europe. Many interesting points were visited in
England, France, Italy and Germany.
9-6-1925 LN
Cognovit Actions Are Taken In Ottawa Court
Three cognovit actions were filed
Saturday in common pleas court against Oliver Gasser and Theodore Van Oss, both
of Monterey-tp. The Ottoville Garage Co., of Ottoville, took judgement against
two men for $207, alleged to be due on a note. William Schneeg took judgement
against them for $528.50 and George A. Martin took Judgement for $296.60. Geb.
Gasser Jr., was on the note as one security on which Martin seeks payment.
9-20-1925 LN
School Dispute is Carried to Ottawa Court
Question Arises Over Legal Time District was
Few Days Difference
Number of Signers to Petition Ask Withdrawl
of Names
Common Pleas court will be compelled to
decide whether months from the date of creation of the Ottoville school
district, fell on a Saturday or a Monday, according to a petition filed in that
The county board of education and
Prof. George J, Kemath, county superintendent of schools, held that the law
made the time for filing of a remonstrance petition until Monday, because the
month, by days, fell on Sunday.
Taxpayers who are seeking to enjoin
the action of the board contend that the month was up Saturday. At that time,
it was probable there were, there was a majority of signers on the remonstrance
petition to the boards action. But by Monday, the time it was filed, a large
number had asked their names be withdrawn.
Joseph Brickner, Joseph Ricker,
George H. Hammons, William Dickman and albert Schimmoeller, taxpayers of the
Ottoville school district, filed the suit in court Saturday, making the county
board of education and the newly created board of Ottoville school district and
Prof. Kemath, defendants.
The new district was created of
Ottoville village, Monterey Second special district, Monterey-twp, Jackson
Special and Jackson-twp districts.
The pastor of Immaculate Conception
church, Ottoville, is in charge of the new building, which is being erected in
Ottoville for the newly created district.
The taxpayers favor the “little red
schoolhouse,” thay say.
Members of the board of education of
the Ottoville district, as created, are F. T. Schimmoeller, Joseph Osenga,
William Schlagbaum, Joseph Hoersten, and Joseph Wannemacher.
Members of the county board of
education are Dr. H. A. Niswander, of Pandora; Edward Odenweller, of
Monterey-twp’ Charles Henry, of Liberty-twp; Nathan Shireley, of Continental
and Frank Logan, of Columbus Grove.
10-18-1925 LN
Ottoville Wins
Awards in Educational Department of Putnam-co
Fair are Announced
Prize winners in the educational department of the Putnam-co fair have
been announced, following compilation in the office of Prof. George J. Keinath,
county superintendent of schools.
In the display of large village schools, Ottoville was awarded first
prize, Glandorf second, Ottawa third and Continental fourth.
10-22-1925 LN
Parochial And Public Schools
Nov. 21 – Complete vindication of the Putnam Co. Board of Education and the
people of Ottoville, led by Rev. J. S. Arnoldi, was made in the election of
William Schlagbaum, Joseph Osenga, J. C. Wannemacher, Joseph Koester and Frank
Schimmoeller to the Ottoville Board of Education, according to an announcement
by Prof. F. J. Uhrich, superintendent of schools here.
appointment of these five men as members of the board of Ottoville was made by
the county board at the time the district was created. The board was re-elected
by good majorities.
schools are now in effect at Ottoville and members of the parish of which Rev.
Arnoldi is pastor, pay for the same, Nuns alone teach there.
few Protestant people in the district obtain education of their children free,
not being called upon to contribute to the salary of the teachers and the
school equipment of the parish.
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