3-19-1924 LN
Double Funeral to be Held for Two Victims
Delphos -- Funeral services for Mrs.
John Lehmkuhle39, and Miss Clars Middlekamp, 24, who were instantly killed here
Monday when the Broadway Limited struck their machine, will be held here
Thursday at St. John’s church and the Immaculate Conception church
The body of Miss Mittlekamp has been
removed from the Baxter and Harter mortuary to the home of her mother, Mrs.
Anna Middlekamp, at Ottoville.
Mrs. Lehmkuhle was the holder of one
of the insurance policies issued thru the Lima News and as a result her estate
will receive $1,000.
6-15-1924 LN
Smallpox Outbreak is Reported in Vicinity
Gilboa – Glen Cherry is quarantined
in his home, suffering from smallpox are reported.
Henry Eickholt, undertaker of
Ottoville, is the first victim of the disease in Putnam-co. He was employed in
Toledo and embalmed the body of a child who died there from the disease.
He was attacked in the most virulent
from the death ensued after a week. The body was buried in Ottoville within 24
hours after death.
7-9-1924 LN
Ottoville Man Named Guardian of Children
Ottawa – August C. Eickholt, of
Ottoville, was on Tuesday appointed guardian of Leo J., 18; Bernice, 16 and
Arlo Eickholt 8, in probate court.
The children are heirs of Francis H.
Eickholt, undertaker, of Toledo. He gave bond to the sum of $5,000, with John
P. Lauer and George Wannemacher, both of Ottoville, as sureties.
The estate of the children is valued
at $2,800. Their father owned a one-half interest in the Ottoville Undertaking
Co., and left insurance of $3,000.
Mrs. Elizabeth Eickholt, the widow
who resides in Cloverdale, also shares in the estate, which consists of $3,500
in personal property, aside from the life insurance left.
8-4-1924 LN
Ottoville Undertaking Firm is Reorganized
The undertaking partnership of
Francis H. Eickholt and Theodore Kramer, at Ottoville, will be continued by
Kramer, followinf the death of Eickholt.
Eickholt had left the business with
Kramer and had gone to Toledo where he was employed as an undertaker. While
there he died.
Kramer in settling with the court
will pay the estate $1,000 in cash and give his note for $789.47. Appraisment
of the estate was made by B. H. Herringhaus, Ottawa undertaker, George
Altenburger and Leo H. Wannemacher, both of Ottoville.
The appraisment showed the stock of
caskets on hand amounted to $1,023.50; book accounts $15; notes, $320; and
debts, $271.79. Among the property listed was a horse hearse, now almost
umknown in the undertaking world and which was valued at $15.
Eickholt’s widow and three children
will share the estate according to previous documents provided in court.
9-7-1924 LN
Returns to Home
Miss Mabel Wannemacher, of
Ottoville, who submitted to an operation at St. Rita’s Hospital for
appendicitis, recently was able to return to her home Saturday.
9-13-1924 LN
To Be Nurse
Miss Kathleen Odenweller has gone to
Toledo where she has entered the training school at St. Vincent’s hospital,
prepatory to be becoming a registered nurse.
9-16-1924 LN
George Miller Named Yacklin Boy Guardian
George Miller, of Ottoville, has
been appointed guardian of William Yacklin, 6, in probate court. The childs
father is dead and his mother has abandoned him, according to information
contained in the papers filed in court.
The child, by the death of his
father, becomes heir to a tract of land in section 24, Monterey-tp, valued at
$15,000 at the death of Mary Yacklin, widow of Andrew Yacklin deceased.
10-15-1924 LN
Triple Funeral
The triplets born to Mr. And Mrs.
Aaron Schrum died soon after birth. The children were boys. Their funeral held
at the family home near here, was the first triple funeral ever held in this
part of Putnam-co. the three bodies were buried in one grave.
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