DD – Defiance Democrat
DH – Delphos Herald
LN – Lima News
PCS – Putnam County Sentinel
LTD – Lima Times Democrat
DC – Delphos Courant
1-2-1903 DH
Merry Crowds of Young People Take Advantage of the Snow
A number of young people drove to Ottoville Thursday
evening and went to the home of Peter Krebs. The hours were made merry with
various games and refreshments were served. The party was composed of; Misses
Francis Krebs, Lula Lotzenhiser, Rosella Metzger, Lillie Deubler, Agnes
Wannemacher, Kate Nomine, Rosa Tegenkamp and Ida Kalt. Messer’s. Claude
Alexander, Dave Wade, Dave Landwehr, Charley Krebs, Benjamin Kalt, William
Wannemacher, Fred Grothouse, R. T. Edwards, Fred Kundert, George Schleuter,
Will Falke, George Oakley, and Alex Mueller, of Ottoville.
1-3-1903 DH
Magdeline Weaver died at her home in Ottoville Friday morning aged 73 years.
1-13-1903 DH
A merry crowd of sleigh riders went to Ottoville,
Monday evening and after lunching there went to Ft. Jennings where a jolly time
was had. The party was composed of Misses, Carrie Bowman, Nellie Mottor, Freda
Kipp, Lena Stienle and Hazel Van Geisen, Messrs. Victor Holmes, Rimer Davies,
Harley Baxter, Frank Bryan and Ed Holmes.
2-7-1903 DH
Schneider died at his home in Ottoville Thursday evening, after an illness of
about two weeks. Deceased was born in Germany and came to this country when 29
years of age. He was 84 years of age at the time of his death.
3-5-1903 DH
The ice is all out of the canal and navigation has
again opened up. The boat “H. W. Myers” came up today from Ottoville, loaded
with bolts for the Delphos Hoop Company. Several of the swinging bridges do not
work properly. The one at third street did not swing back into place and it
took bridge tender John Schooley and the Street Commissioner several hours to
arrange it so teams could pass over. The lift bridge at Second Street works
3-25-1903 DH
Ottoville businessmen are again talking up the bank
proposition. One thing is certain Ottoville people have the coin and if any
section can maintain a banking institution, Ottoville and vicinity surely can
keep up their end of this financial problem.
4-28-1903 DH
state boat went to Ottoville this morning to repair a lock.
5-2-1903 DH
The C., H. & D.
Will Extend Its Tracks From
Delphos to Mandale
Line To Strike Ottoville
Clover Leaf Tracks Will
Probably Be Used on Washington Street
W. W. Graham and Mr. Watson, representatives of the
C., H. & D. railroad company, were in Delphos a few days this week, sent
here by President Woodward, of Cincinnati, to investigate the matter and
ascertain what would be required to extend the Dayton-Delphos division of the
C., H. & D., from Delphos to Mandale, Paulding County, and there connect
with the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western railroad. The C., H. & D. Company
is now operating the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western road, which extends from
Findlay, Ohio; to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and in about four weeks the property will
be sold by Judge F. J. Wing, of the United States court, at Ottawa, the upset
price being $250,000, and will be purchased by the C., H. & D. Company.
This will give the C., H. &D. a line from Dayton to Ft. Wayne, thus giving
Ottoville a railroad and opening up some excellent territory in Putnam and
Paulding Counties.
citizens have been working diligently on this proposition for some years, and
it is partly through their efforts that the extension is about to be made.
Messrs. Graham and Watson drove to Ottoville and Mandale, the two towns through
which the road will pass and found the citizens greatly agitated over the
proposed road. The matter will be taken up at once and the citizens of
Ottoville will lend their assistance in securing the right of way. The new line
will be known as the Delphos & Northern.
the above named gentleman were in Delphos they investigated the ordinance
granting the Clover Leaf the Right of way on Washington Street, and it is found
that track room was given conditioned that other companies could have the same
privileges. If there is not sufficient room for another track, the clover Leaf
must allow the use of their track, for a reasonable amount of compensation. If
the compensation cannot be agreed upon by the two companies, then each is to
appoint an arbitrator, those two a third, to settle the question. This state of
affairs is very pleasing to the C., H. & D. people, as there is not
sufficient room on Washington Street for another track, and the only logical
route for them to continue through the city from the terminus of the
Delphos-Dayton Division. If it can possibly be arranged, the C., H. & D.
people will use the Clover Leaf track from the depot to a point north of the
shops, then branch off to the northwest, through Ottoville to Mandale. This
will give Delphos one more railroad line and will pass through territory that
will greatly benefit its citizens.
Ottoville correspondent says of the proposed line: There are no strings tied to
that proposition of the C., H. & D. Company. The line will be built if the
right of way can be secured, and that is a foregone conclusion. If the Delphos
Council takes the right view on the matter in helping the company to get
traffic arrangement with the Clover Leaf through town, the line is assured.
Unless that can be done, the only way the connection can be made is by a belt
line east or west of Delphos, and that is not feasible under the circumstances.
5-4-1903 DH
Died In Lorain
Mrs. Louis Sellet Succumbed to
Typhoid Fever
Mrs. Louis Sellet, formerly of Ottoville, died at her
home in Lorain Friday evening, about 9 o’clock. of Typhoid Fever. Mrs. Sellet’s
maiden name was Sophia Kehres and was well and favorably known by a large
number of friends in the vicinity of Ottoville and Delphos. She was married to
Louis Sellet about two years ago. The remains will be brought to Ottoville
tonight and the funeral will be held from the Catholic Church in that town
Tuesday morning. The following named persons were here today on their way to
attend the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kennington and Master John Kennington,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry O’Brien and Ellen and Lenore O’Brien, and Mrs. Like O’Brien,
of Lima, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller, of North Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schulte and Master Albert Schulte, of Minster, Mr. and Mrs. John Lutz, of
Columbus, and Miss Lizzie Kehres, of Ottawa.
5-6-1903 DH
tumble in one of the canal locks near Ottoville gave way this morning. The
State boat crew, which was at Spencerville, was telephoned for, and they passed
through here this afternoon on their way to repair the break.
large barn owned by Joseph Frieburger, near Ottoville, was destroyed by fire
Monday afternoon. Everything was burned except the horses, a wagon and surrey.
A spring colt perished in the flames. A mower, binder and other farming
implements were destroyed. The destroyed property was insured in the German
Mutual Insurance Company. The origin of the fire is unknown.
5-8-1903 DH
At Work on Extension of the
C., H. & D. Railroad
May Parallel Canal Bank
Citizens of Ottoville Agree to
Secure all Right-Of-Way Free of Cost to Company
W. W. Graham, representing the C., H. & D.
railroad, was in Delphos today looking over the prospects for the extension of
their line from Delphos to Mandale and they’re to connect with the Findlay, Ft.
Wayne & Western. He was accompanied by a corps of surveyors, Walter Watson,
E. Hayes, A. Vermillion, T. A. Justice and Floyd Eackman.
surveyors went to work this afternoon to map out the route over which the road
will be built. In conversation with Mr. Graham, the HERALD was informed that
the Ottoville citizens agreed to secure all the right-of-way from Delphos to
Mandale and turn it over to the Company free of cost. The present intentions
are to run the line along the east bank of the canal if it can be secured. Many
of the farmers along the canal would give their land free for this line, but
their will be some difficulty on account of the state owning strips of land
extending east of the bank. However, the surveyors will select a route that is
the most convenient. Mr. Graham stated that in event that it should become
impossible to get the route through Ottoville, they would parallel the Clover
Leaf to Cloverdale. The road is sure to come and if the route cannot be decided
upon the other one will be.
5-12-1903 DH
Godfrey Wannemacher died at her home in Ottoville Monday afternoon. Deceased
was well known in this city. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs.,
Wannemacher were married in the bandstand in the City Park here during a Fourth
of July celebration, several years ago. The funeral will be held Wednesday
5-13-1903 DH
Mrs. Dr. Binder, of Ottoville, certainly has the
sympathy of the people in that community. Fourteen months ago, Dr. Binder
passed from this life to the unseen world, and Monday a nine-month-old child,
one of a pair of twins, died from the effects of lung fever. The little one was
buried Wednesday in the cemetery south of town.
young men hired a rig at a local livery barn Sunday and drove to Ottoville.
They became pretty well loaded while on their trip and as a result the rig was
badly broken when it was returned. They put up for the damage and thereby saved
being arrested.
5-14-1903 DH
grain men in the section north of Delphos are surely preparing to handle large
volumes of the products from the farm. Raabe Bros. are putting a large addition
skyward to their Ft. Jennings property, Odenweller & Sons, of Ottoville,
are erecting a new elevator at Douglass, and Lauer & Wannemacher are
constructing a neat elevator at Ottoville. They expect to have the building
ready to receive grain this fall. It will be constructed like the Raabe
structure at Cloverdale.
Laemmerman has been given the contract to furnish uniforms for members of the
Ottoville Fire Department and also the band at that place. He went to Ottoville
this afternoon to take measurements. The Ottoville boys will have their new
uniforms and participate in the big parade here June 17.
5-15-1903 DH
Will Build Road
Delphos and Northern
Incorporated at Columbus Thursday
Capital Stock is $25,000
Ottoville People Taking a Hand
and Delphos will be Asked to Assist
The following dispatch was sent out from Columbus
Thursday. The Delphos & Northern Railroad Company of Cincinnati was
incorporated today to acquire or build a steam road from a point on the present
line of the C., H. & D., at Delphos to the northwest corner of Gorham
Township, Fulton County, and extending through the counties of Allen, Van Wert,
Putnam, Defiance, Henry, Williams and Fulton. Its capital stock is $25,000, and
the incorporators are W. R. Probasco, J. B. Child, Clifford Resoe, Walter S.
Parks and L. C. Maxwell.
Graham, of Cincinnati, who has been in this vicinity during the past week, with
a corps of surveyors, endeavoring to establish a route over which the road will
be built, was in Delphos today. He states that the road has been incorporated
up into Michigan, but it is not the intention at present to run it any farther
than Mandale. The citizens of Ottoville are very enthusiastic over the road and
are working on the right-of-way. They think that Delphos should assist in
securing the improvement, and ask that the people here obtain the right-of –way
for two miles north of Delphos and they will secure the remainder as far as
Mandale, where the road is to connect with the Findlay, Ft. Wayne &
Western. Mr. Graham spoke to S. F. Shenk, President of the Board of Trade, on
the subject, and while Mr. Shenk could give out nothing definite he informed
Mr. Graham that the people here would do anything that was reasonable in the
5-19-1903 DH
Load of Lumber
Fell on Henry Mittlekamp North
of Ft. Jennings, seriously injured.
Henry Mittlekamp, residing on a farm near Muntanna,
is lying at the point of death at his home. He went to Ft. Jennings a few days
ago and purchased a load of lumber and while driving home his team became
frightened and got beyond the control of the driver. From what can be learned
the wagon ran into a ditch along side of the road and was upset, Mr. Mittlekamp
was thrown to the ground and the heavy lumber and wagon fell on top of him. He
was removed from his perilous position by his son and neighbors and taken to
his home when it was found that one arm and four ribs were broken and the flesh
on one leg was badly mashed into a pulp. Physicians from nearby towns were
summoned and everything possible was done to afford relief, but Mr. Mittlekamp
remains in critical condition and there is little hope for recovery.
5-25-1903 DH
Proved Fatal
Henry Mittlekamp Received Injuries Which Caused Death
Henry Mittlekamp,
a farmer living near Muntanna, died ay his home Saturday. A little over a week
ago Mr. Mittlekamp and his son were driving home from Ft. Jennings with a load
of lumber and the horse frightened. The lumber was thrown onto Mr. Mittlekamp’s
body inflicting serious injuries. He lingered in an unconscious state until
death relieved him of his suffering. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning
from the Ottoville Catholic Church.
5-26-1903 DH
F. A. Wagner, H. J. Wulfhorst. Louis
Warbus, Adolph Wrocklage, Otto W. Moening and Ben Jauman, members of the C. K.
of O. drove to Ottoville this morning to attend the funeral of Henry
Mittlekamp, a member of the Ottoville branch, the church was crowded with
sympathizing friends.
For Right-Of-Way Being Taken For C. H. & D. Extension
The survey for the extension of the C. H. & D.
railroad from Delphos to connect with the Findlay, Ft. Wayne and Western, has
been completed, and W. W. Graham is now taking up options on right-of-away. He
has about five miles secured. The route that has been decided on will be a
direct line north of Delphos on the section line. The proposed route does not
strike Ottoville, but runs just east of town along the side of the new Lauer
& Wannemacher elevator. However a switch will be run to town to give the
citizens an outlet. Mr. Graham stated that Van Wert was very anxious to have
the road and a man would be sent over the route through the town next week.
A class of 65 took their first communion
at the Catholic Church in Ottoville Sunday. The church was beautifully
decorated for the occasion and over 100 people from Delphos were present. The
Ottoville band was out and furnished good music.
A little child of Mrs. Edward Nock, of
Dayton, died Monday, while Mrs. Nock was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Miller, at Ottoville. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning and the
remains interred in the Ottoville cemetery.
This morning, at the Catholic Church
at Ottoville, by Rev. Fr. Manes. Robert Schwertner, and Miss Mary Rayman were
united in marriage. The attendants were Edward Schwertner, brother of the
groom, and Miss Louise Rayman sister of the bride. The wedding was nicely
celebrated at the home of the bride’s parents. They will live at Ottoville.
Both are well known young people and have best wishes of their many friends,
5-27-1903 DH
$5,000 Raised by Ottoville
Citizens in Less Than Three Hours
Secure C. H. & D.
The Extension North of Delphos
is Now an Assured Fact – Work to be Connected Soon
The citizens of Ottoville are certainly wide-awake
when it comes to adding improvements to their little town. A testimony of their
enterprise was evidenced a few days ago when the question came up as to whether
or not they were secure the extension of the C. H. & D. railroad. The
railroad company asked the Ottoville citizens to furnish $5,000 with which to
purchase right-of-way three miles north and three miles south of town, and a
committee set to work a few days ago and in less than three hours the required
amount was secured. This cinches the road for Ottoville and will quiet those
who were building up hopes that the C. H. & D. extension would cut across
the country, striking Van Wert. The route selected for the new road will be on
the quarter section line directly north from Delphos, leaving the Clover Leaf
at the coal dock north of the shops. Thos. Rice, of Delphos, has been given the
contract to move a number of buildings that are located on what will be the
right-of-way, and he will commence the work in a short time. The right-of-way,
other than that furnished by Ottoville citizens will be taken up by the
railroad company, and Mr. Graham, the chief engineer, and John Lauer, of
Ottoville, are now working with a view of closing up the gap.
8-1-1903 DH
Prof. L. N. Wagner, who formerly had charge of the
schools at Ottoville, has moved to Delphos and will reside in the residence
east of the Parochial House. Mr. Wagner will teach Dist. No. 4 Washington
8-8-1903 DH
Jacob Thithoff, of Ottoville and Miss Emma Johns were
married Wednesday morning at Cloverdale. The event was celebrated at the
bride’s home. The Ottoville Band was present and furnished music.
8-29-1903 DH
There was another break in the banks of the canal
between Melrose and Ottoville yesterday.
9-10-1903 DH
Nothing Doing
What Has Become of the C. H.
& D. Extension to Mandale?
Van Wert Does Not Want it
Cincinnati Northern Threatens
to Move Their Shops if Further Encouragement id Offered
Question are being asked as to what is being done
with the extension of the C. H. & D. railroad from Delphos to Mandale and
there connect with the Findlay, Ft. Wayne & Western. The surveyor left here
about six weeks ago and stated that several difficulties that they had
encountered would be brought before the officials. Since that time no work has
been done. The surveyor, Mr. Graham, stated, when he was doing some work here,
that the citizens of Van Wert were very anxious to have the extension cut
across the country and strike that town, thus giving the little end of the
deal. It has been learned on good authority that the citizens of Van Wert are
now anxious to give up the idea as the Cincinnati Northern railroad is becoming
jealous and threatened to move their shops from that town if they further
encourage the C. H. & D. extension to run that way. It is also stated that
the Cincinnati Northern officials do not take kindly to the way the Van Wert
citizens have been going after the Rapid Transit Electric Line. Both the C.
H. & D. and the Rapid Transit Lines through Van Wert would be strong competitors of the Cincinnati Northern and it is on those grounds that the kick is made. However, there is little chance of Van Wert getting the extension, should it be built, as the right-of-way for the line through Delphos has all been taken up, and the citizens of Ottoville have donated liberally in that direction. Should the Delphos Foundry Company erect its buildings on the site now under option, the C. H. & D. railroad will be greatly benefited thereby, as it will be the only railroad in Delphos that can conveniently get a switch to the grounds.
H. & D. and the Rapid Transit Lines through Van Wert would be strong competitors of the Cincinnati Northern and it is on those grounds that the kick is made. However, there is little chance of Van Wert getting the extension, should it be built, as the right-of-way for the line through Delphos has all been taken up, and the citizens of Ottoville have donated liberally in that direction. Should the Delphos Foundry Company erect its buildings on the site now under option, the C. H. & D. railroad will be greatly benefited thereby, as it will be the only railroad in Delphos that can conveniently get a switch to the grounds.
9-12-1903 DH
Lehmkuhle and Miss Lizzie Fuerst were married at Ottoville Wednesday.
9-23-1903 DH
Hustling Ottoville
Citizens in the Little Village
are Pulling for the Progress of Their Town
The little town of Ottoville is at present enjoying
an air of prosperity and the citizens there are all up and doing. Instead of
one bank they are intending on starting two in the near future, one in upper
and one in lower Ottoville. The two factions there keep things lively in a
business way, and the anticipation of the citizens is centered on the C. H.
& D short line. A large number of new cement walks have been constructed
the past summer, and every man is pushing and praising the progress made by the
people. The new Lauer & Wannemacher grain elevator is completed and it is
surely a model of convenience. The building is so arranged that a large volume
of grain can be handled with the slightest effort. There are fifteen bins for
storage. The basement has a cement floor and a 20 horsepower gas engine has
been installed to elevate grain and grind feed. The structure cost in the
neighborhood of $7,000
Ottoville Items
Two Prominent Young People
Joined in Wedlock
A pretty wedding occurred at St. Mary’s Catholic
Church in Ottoville Tuesday morning when Miss Mary Rekart and Mr. Joseph P.
Wurst were made man and wife. The attendants were, Miss Katie Rekart, sister of
the bride, and Mr. Paul A. Wurst, brother of the groom. High mass was
celebrated and the choir sang a beautiful selection. The bride was attired in
crepe de chine trimmed in Mexican lace and velvet. She also wore the bridal
veil, and carried flowers. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rekart, just east of Ottoville. Mr. and
Mrs. Rekart left on the 2 o’clock train for a trip to Toledo, Cleveland and
Detroit and will be absent about ten days. Upon their return they will go to
housekeeping in a neatly furnished home in Ottoville. Mr. Rekart is a popular
clerk in J. J. Miller’s general store in Ottoville.
Happy Weddings
Young People of Ottoville and
Ft. Jennings, United in Marriage
At the Catholic Church at Ft. Jennings, this morning,
the pastor performed the ceremony, which united in marriage, Mr. Joseph
Schneeg, and Miss Jennie Deck. The attendants were Lizzie Schneeg, sister of
the groom and Mr. Henry Deck, brother of the bride. The wedding was
appropriately celebrated at the home of the bride today. The couple will live
in Muntanna. Their friends shower best wishes and congratulations upon them.
Lewis Brockman, of Ft. Jennings, and Miss Louise Rayman, of Ottoville, were
united in marriage at the Catholic Church in Ottoville this morning, the pastor
performing the impressive ceremony, which united the couple for life. They were
accompanied to the alter by Miss Etta Helmkamp and Ben Rayman, brother of the
bride. The wedding was elaborately celebrated at both the homes of the bride
and groom. They will reside in Ft. Jennings. Both are worthy young people and
enjoy a wide circle of friends who wish them happiness.
10-24-1903 DH
night the residence of Michael Vondran, of Ottoville, caught fire, but the
blaze was extinguished by the fire department before much damage was done.
10-27-1903 DH
Ottoville Bank Starts out with
Capital of $25, 000
Ottoville Bank Company was incorporated at Columbus Saturday with $25,000
capital stock. The incorporators are F. J. Machlmann, John J. Miller, J. C.
Wannemacher, Alphons A. Roth and F. F. Vincke. This bank will start out on an
excellent financial basis and will fill a long felt want among people living in
Ottoville and vicinity.
11-3-1903 DH
Work Deferred
The officials if the C. H. & D. railroad have
decided to defer the work on the extension of the line from Delphos to Mandale
until next spring. Tools etc., with which to do the grading, have been received
at both ends of the proposed line, but as it is growing late in the season, and
the work cannot be accomplished before the cold weather, further work will be
dropped until next week spring. The people of Ottoville who were counting on
the road this winter are sorry to learn of the change but still live in hopes
that they will get a railroad before another summer rolls around.
11-12-1903 DH
Frank Boggs, of
Grafton, Ohio, and Miss Rose Wilhelm, of Ottoville, were married at St. Mary’s
Church in Ottoville, Wednesday morning. The wedding was celebrated by a large
number of guests at the home of the bride last evening.
11-18-1903 DH
Monday evening the stockholders of the Ottoville Bank
met and a board of directors was elected as follows: J. J. Miller, J. C.
Wannemacher, J. H. Wannemacher, Alphons Roth, E. L. Odenweller, Andrew Yacklin
and F. J. Meuhlman. The next meeting will be held Dec. 8, at 4 o’clock p.m., to
adopt by-laws, etc.
11-19-1903 DH
Pretty Wedding
Miss Margaret Summers Becomes the Bride of Mr. Edward Odenweller
Another pretty wedding was consummated at St. John’s
Church, this morning, when Mr. Edward Odenweller and Miss Margaret Summers were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. Fr. A. I. Hoeffel performed the
ceremony. Miss Anna Summers, sister of the bride, and Mr. William Odenweller,
brother of the groom attended the couple.
bride was beautiful in a gown of white Persian lawn, with lace trimmings. She
carried the bridal roses and wore them in her hair. She also wore the bridal
veil. The bridesmaid wore a gown of white with a shower bouquet of white
chrysanthemums and the same in her hair. The groom and groomsman were attired
in the conventional black.
the ceremony, the wedding party repaired to the home of the bride where a
wedding feast was served to the immediate relatives of the contracting parties.
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Summers, and is an accomplished and
popular young lady. She was employed as a clerk in the E. F. Lloyd millinery
establishment for several years where she won friends by the score, by her
charming personality. Mr. Odenweller is connected with his father, in the
Ottoville mills, and is an exemplary young man, and will make a model husband.
He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Odenweller, of south Pierce Street. A cozy
home is in readiness for them in Ottoville, when they will go in housekeeping
immediately upon return from their honeymoon trip. They received many beautiful
and costly wedding presents of china, fine linen, cut glass and gold and silver
and Mrs. Odenweller left over the Pennsylvania this afternoon for Cincinnati.
They will be absent for about a week. They start out in their wedded life with
bright prospects for the future and the best wishes of a host of friends.
11-21-1903 DH
Joseph Byrne, a pioneer living near Ottoville, died
Thursday night. Funeral Monday morning. Deceased was an uncle of Nick Gillen,
of Delphos.
11-23-1903 DH
Deadly Corn Husker
Inflicts an Awful Wound on a
Man Near Ottoville
While husking corn on the Joseph Reckart farm, east
of Ottoville, Saturday, August Becker met with a most horrible accident. His
left hand was caught in the machine and the forearm was pulled into the rolls
and ground into a mass of fine meat and bone. From the elbow to the shoulder
the arm was horribly mangled, leaving no flesh on the bone, which necessitated
the amputation of the arm at the shoulder. There was not enough flesh left to
cover the bone at the amputation, and a large piece was taken from his side to
complete the operation. Surgeons from Ottawa were summoned and they came in an
automobile in a very short time.
Nicholas Krebs, of Ottoville, and lady friend were out driving Sunday near
Muntanna, they came in contact with another vehicle. The horse became
unmanageable and their buggy was overturned and smashed into kindling wood. The
couple escaped with minor bruises.
Double Funeral
Father and Son Will be Buried
at Ottoville Tuesday
Thursday evening, Joseph Byrne, a respected citizen of Ottoville, passed away
at his home, from the effects of consumption. Sunday evening the youngest son,
John Byrne, aged 24 years, died with the same disease. The son was able to be
up when his father died but his death was not unexpected. The father and son
will be buried from the Catholic Church in Ottoville, Tuesday morning.
11-24-1903 DH
She Says She is Cured
“I am cured doctor and don’t need anymore medicine”
was the greeting Mrs. Raymond of Ottoville gave Dr. Mahon when she called the
last time on the doctor at the Phelan House. Mrs. Raymond’s case was
remarkable. She came to Dr. Mahon terribly run down with stomach trouble.
People all said she would die with consumption. Under Dr. Mahon’s treatment she
began to gain in flesh and strength. The cough gradually left her until as she
said, “she was entirely cured.”
12-1-1903 DH
The Arsenic Route
A dispatch from Columbus says: “Fannie Carrick, a
domestic at 242 ½ South Street, attempted to kill herself with arsenic this
afternoon. Her home is in Ottoville, Ohio.
12-7-1903 DH
new bank at Ottoville will be opened for business, Jan. 15 next. The bank is to
be located in the Krebs Hotel building. T. Truax, of Delphos, will install a
Victor manganese safe in the building and also a large fire and burglarproof
12-8-1903 DH
Pete Carder and Ed Runyan are doing fine work with
their baler. They are now working at Ottoville.
12-9-1903 DH
The Lauer and Wannemacher elevator has changed hands,
John Lauer selling out to Matt Wannemacher. Mr. Lauer has been ill with
rheumatism for some time and could not stand the work. The business will be
conducted as before.
12-24-1903 DH
Very Sudden
Was Death of Mrs. H. W.
Beckman Wednesday Evening
Mrs. H. W. Beckman, wife of H. W. Beckman, Landlord
of the Beckman House, died Wednesday evening a few minutes past ten o’clock.
Mrs. Beckman was in her usual happy mood during the day and seemingly was
enjoying the best of health. During the evening she and her daughter, Miss
Kathryn, were uptown doing some Christmas shopping and arrived at the hotel the
time above mentioned. They entered the hotel and talking to several who were
there, Mrs. Beckman went upstairs to her room while her daughter remained in
the office. Mrs. Beckman entered her room, which was just at the head of the
stairs and after taking off her wraps, those who were in the office below heard
a noise as if she had fallen to the floor. Several rushed to the room and there
found her lifeless form lying on the floor, physicians were summoned at once,
but they were of no service as the spark of life had flown. Death was due to
paralysis of the heart.
M. Reckart was born in Ottoville, May 24, 1854, being 49 years of age last May.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Reckart. About 25 years ago when
she was married to H. W. Beckman. Five children were born to them, three
daughters and two sons, one daughter and one son having preceded her in death.
In 1890 Mr. and Mrs. Beckman, with their family, moved to Delphos, and since
that time have been residents of our city. Mr. and Mrs. Reckart, parents of the
deceased, died some years ago. She is survived by two sisters and one brother,
Mrs. John Zahm, of Ottoville, Mrs. John Wannemacher and William Reckart, living
west of Ottoville.
Mr. and Mrs. Beckman have had charge of the hotel, Mrs. Beckman has won the
esteem of all those who were employed at the hostelry, and was ever kind and
congenial to the traveling public, thus winning favor of all with whom she came
in contact. The family is grief stricken by the sudden taking away of the wife
and mother and they have the sympathy of all in their affliction.
services will be conducted from St. John’s Church Saturday morning at 8
o’clock, and the remains will be interred in the East Side Cemetery.
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