Gilbert Klima (Infant)
Alexander Lauer
Alexander Lauer Dead
Aged Resident Of Ottoville Passed Away Thursday – Funeral
Will Be Held Monday
One of the aged and respected
citizens of Ottoville, who had been a resident of this vicinity for forty-three
years, died Thursday afternoon, when Alexander Lauer answered the final summons
and passed to the great beyond. Mr. Lauer had been ill since the first of the
year, suffering from the infirmities of old age and his death came Thursday
afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, marking the close of a long and useful life.
Alexander Lauer was born in
Wollmuenster, France, October 15, 1829, and died in Ottoville, O., January 16,
at the advanced age of 83 years, three months and one day. Mr. Lauer spent his
early life in the country of his birth, remaining there until 43 years ago when
he came to America with his family and located on a farm one mile southwest of
Ottoville. Mr. and Mrs. Lauer remained on the farm on which they located until
about 11 years ago, when they came to Delphos and resided in this city for two
years. They moved to a farm two miles south of Ottoville from Delphos and
remained there until about six years ago, when they moved to Ottoville, making
that place their home until death removed them from earthly life.
Mr. Lauer united in marriage to Miss
Reitze, in the old country in 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Lauer celebrated their golden
wedding eleven years ago. To this union were born 14 children, six of whom are
surviving. The living children are, Nick Lauer, John Lauer, Alex Lauer, Mrs. J.
J. Miller, Ottoville; Mrs. John Frederick, Delphos; and Charles Lauer, a
resident of the state of Washington. Thirty grandchildren and twenty
great-grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. C. Beckman, of Ottawa, survive. Mrs.
Lauer preceded her husband in death five years ago.
During his long residence in the
vicinity, Mr. Lauer had been a splendid citizen, a good neighbor, and was
respected and esteemed by everyone who new him. He was an adherent of the
Catholic faith and arrangements have been made to hold the funeral services
from the Catholic Church in Ottoville Monday morning. The remains will be laid
to rest beside those of his wife in the Catholic Cemetery at Ottoville.
Anna Bohn
Aged Resident Of Ottoville
Mrs. Mary Bohn, 87, Passed Away At Home Of Her Son,
Joseph Bohn, Wednesday Evening
Another pioneer resident of
Ottoville has been removed from earthly life, Mrs. Mary Bohn answering final
summons, Wednesday evening. Her death came at 6 o’clock, at the home of her
son, Joseph Bohn, where she had resided for a number of years. Last fall Mrs.
Bohn suffered an attack of pneumonia and never fully regained her strength, and
for some time past she had been gradually failing, until she entered the sleep
of death at the hour stated above.
Mrs. Bohn was past 87 years of age
and nearly her entire life had been spent in this vicinity. For many years she
had resided in Ottoville and was known and respected throughout the vicinity.
Mr. Bohn died about 40 years ago and for a number of years his widow made her
home with her son, Joseph Bohn, at Ottoville.
Mrs. Bohn is survived by two sons
and two daughters, Mrs. George Hedrick, of Ft. Jennings; Fred Bohn, Mrs. Barney
Honigfort and Joseph Bohn, of Ottoville. A number of grandchildren and
great-grandchildren are also living.
Mrs. Bohn was a devout adherent to
the Catholic faith and it has been arranged to hold funeral services from the
Catholic Church at Ottoville Saturday morning at 8:30 o’clock. The remains will
be interred at the cemetery at that place.
Florian Hoersten
Ottoville Man Called By Death
Lawrence Hoersten, Well Known Farmer Passed Away at The
Age Of Sixty-Eight Years
Lawrence Hoersten, a well known
resident of near Ottoville passed away Thursday morning at 5 o’clock. Mr.
Hoersten had been in failing health since last fall. His condition became
serious two weeks ago and death finally resulted, his demise being due to heart
trouble. He suffered with courage and fortitude, being resigned to the will of his
He had been a resident of near
Ottoville for more than thirty years and was one of the respected farmers of
the community and resided on a farm two miles northwest of Ottoville.
Lawrence Hoersten was born in
Germany on September 2, 1844, and at the time of his death was 68 years, 5
months and 4 days old. He was untied in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Kramer.
To this union eleven children were
born, nine of whom, with the widow, survive to mourn the loss of a kind and
loving husband and father.
The funeral will be held from St.
Mary’s Catholic Church in Ottoville, Monday morning at 8:30 o’clock and
interment will be made in the Catholic Cemetery there.
Carolina Hilvers
Maria Rieger
Ottoville Lady Dead
Mrs. Al Rieger Passed Away After Illness of Two Months –
Funeral Thursday Morning
In the death of Mrs. Al Rieger, a
lifelong resident of Ottoville, has been summoned and one of the well respected
citizens of that place has passed from earthly life. Mrs. Rieger died at her
home in Ottoville Monday noon, her death being the culmination of two months
illness from liver trouble.
The deceased, whose maiden name was
Mary Osterheld, was born in Ottoville, January 20, 1850, and was past 63 years
of age when death came. She spent her entire life in Ottoville, from childhood
into womanhood, and there forty years ago last October, she was united in
marriage to Mr. Al Rieger. They established their home in Ottoville, reared
their children, and continued to reside at that place as there years advanced.
The union of Mr. and Mrs. Rieger was
blessed with a large family of children. The husband and ten children are left
to mourn the departure of a kind and loving wife and mother. The surviving
children are, Joseph Rieger, Jacob Rieger, John Rieger, George Rieger and Miss
Monica Rieger, all of Ottoville; Mrs. Thomas Hollacher, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Mrs.
William Nomina, Mrs. John Creeger, of Tiffin; Mrs. C. M. Alspach, Lima; and
Mrs. H. Connolly, Huntington W. V. Three sisters, Mrs. F. Schleuter and Mrs.
John Ricker, of Ft. Jennings; and Mrs. Henry Stothman, of Tiffin, are also
Mrs. Rieger was a member of the
Catholic Church at Ottoville and a strict adherent to the Catholic faith.
Funeral services will be held from that church Thursday morning at 8 o’clock,
and the remains interred in the Ottoville Cemetery.
Peter Kiefer
Death Claims Aged Resident
Peter Kieffer Pioneer and Oldest Man of Putnam County
Passed Away In Ottoville – Funeral Wednesday
A resident of this section for more than
fifty years and one of the oldest residents of Putnam County was summoned in
the death of Peter Kieffer, which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
George Miehls, at Ottoville. Mr. Kieffer had been in failing health since the
death of his wife more than a year ago and for the past eight weeks had been
bedfast, gradually weakening under infirmities of old age. His death came
peacefully at 11:15 o’clock Saturday evening.
Peter Kieffer was born in Luxemburg,
Germany, January 12, 1823, and was 90 years, 5 months and 2 days old at the
time of his death. His early life was spent in Germany, and there he grew to
manhood. Nearly sixty-four years ago he came to America, landing in New York.
He was employed in various cities and about fifty years ago he located on a
farm near Ottoville. There Mr. and Mrs. Kieffer resided until about ten years
ago when they retired from active labors and removed to Ottoville where they
made their home until summoned by the Grim Reaper. Since last September Mr.
Kieffer had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Miehls.
Mr. Kieffer was united in marriage
to Miss Susanna Wagner, at New Reigel, about sixty years ago last April. To
this union were born eleven children, four of whom having preceded their father
in death. The surviving children are, Mrs. George Miehls, Ottoville; Mrs. J. M.
Kollsmith, Delphos; Mrs. Conrad Krebs, of near Ottoville; Peter Kieffer,
Montpelier, O.; George Kieffer, Sylvania, O.; Michael Kieffer, Morenci, Mich.;
and John Kieffer, Chesaning, Mich.
Mr. Kiefer was one of the most
highly respected residents of this section, and was known far and wide. He was
a friend to everyone, and always had a kind word for all with whom he came in
contact. In his death a splendid citizen has been removed from the community, a
good friend and neighbor and a noble Christian has been summoned to a better
world. The deceased was a devout member of the Catholic Church at Ottoville and
funeral services will be held from church Wednesday morning at 8:30 o’clock,
and interment made in the Ottoville Cemetery beside the body of his wife.
Carl Bildstein
Elisabetha Kraemer
Mrs. Mat Kramer,
aged forty years, of Ottoville, died at the State Hospital at Toledo, where she
was a patient.
Charles Wannemacher
Ottoville Man Died Suddenly
Charles Wannemacher, 62, Passed Away Friday Afternoon,
Death Being Due to Paralysis – Had Son and Other Relatives Here
Charles Wannemacher, a well known
resident of Ottoville, died very suddenly Friday, his demise being due to paralysis.
Mr. Wannemacher had been a sufferer from asthma for many years, and had not
been able to sleep during the nights recently. Friday morning he remained in
bed and at noon members of the family went to call on him and found him in an
unconscious condition, due to a stroke of paralysis, which resulted in his
death a short time later.
Mr. Wannemacher was born in Germany
and came to this country with his parents when two years of age. He located at
Ottoville where for many years he worked at the carpenter trade. He had reached
the age of sixty-two years last February. Many years ago he was united in
marriage to Miss Anna Hitt in Ottoville. His wife preceded him in death about
eight years ago. He is survived by three sons and three daughters. They are George
Wannemacher, of Delphos; C. B. Wannemacher, of Ottoville; William Wannemacher,
of Lima; Mrs. Charles Kalt, of Coldwater; Mrs. John Wurst and Mrs. George
Rieger, of Ottoville. He also leaves five brothers and three sisters, John
Wannemacher, of Ottawa; Peter Wannemacher, of Washington; Joseph Wannemacher,
of Idaho; William and Andrew Wannemacher, of Delphos, Mrs. Oliver Sellet, and
Mrs. Henry Ernst, Ottoville; and Mrs. Joseph Hotz, Delphos.
Mr. Wannemacher was a highly
respected citizen and is well known in Delphos. He has many friends in this
city and in his home town who will be grieved at his sudden demise.
The deceased was a lifelong member
of the Catholic Church and the funeral will held from the Catholic Church in
Ottoville, Monday morning, at 9:30. it is expected that quite a number of
relatives and friends of the deceased from here will go to Ottoville to attend
the funeral.
Christina Pavel
At Age of Ninety-One
Mrs. Christine Pavel, One of Putnam County’s Pioneer
Ladies Died at Ottoville – Funeral Held Friday
Funeral services over the remains of
Mrs. Christine Pavel, one of the oldest residents of Putnam County, were held
in the Catholic Church Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock and many relatives and
friends assembled to pay their last tribute to this aged lady.
Christine Pavel, passed away
Wednesday August 20, at the age of ninety-one years. She was born in Europe in
the year 1822 where she remained with her parents until she was united in
marriage with Barney Pavel at that place and then came to America. They resided
in Ft. Jennings for a number of years and later moved to Ottoville. To this
union were born several children of whom six survive, Mrs. Ann Huber, Henry
Pavel, Emma Pavel, Mary Schmersal, Rose and Elizabeth Braubain. Thirty-seven
grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren also survive.
Barney Pavel, her husband, passed
away in March 1905, leaving her a widow eight years ago. She remained with her
son Henry Pavel for five years and has since made her home with her daughter
Mrs. Mary Schmersal
Elizabeth Martin
John Schille
Death Claims John Schille
Well Known Resident of Ottoville Passed Away After a Long
Illness – Was Born at Landeck – Funeral Wednesday
Schille, a well known resident of Ottoville, passed away after a long illness
from cancer of the stomach. He had been in failing health for the past year and
last February underwent an operation at the Toledo Hospital in the hope of
gaining relief. He was suffering from cancer of the stomach and since the time
of the operation he had been confined to his bed constantly.
Schille was born at Landeck on January 13, 1861, and died September 21, 1913,
at the age of 52 years, 7 months and 9 days. He was married to Philomena Etgen
in Ottoville, on January 30, 1882, and since their marriage they have resided
at Ottoville. Eight children were born to them, two of whom preceded their
father in death. Those surviving are Emma, Nicholas, Anthony, Mary, Edward and
Frances, all of Ottoville.
Mr. Schille
was a member of the Catholic Church and was also a member of the Ottoville
Branch Catholic Knights of Ohio. It is quite likely that a number of members of
the C. K. of O., of Delphos will attend the funeral services.
The funeral
will be held from the Catholic Church in Ottoville, Wednesday morning at 8:30
o’clock and interment will be made in the cemetery there.
Anna Plescher
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