1-2-1901 DC
Alex Lauer
made a trip to South Bend, Ind., and had a pleasant time.
A. H. Raabe
and Barney Cavelage of Ft. Jennings were in town on business and calling on
Ruth Stump of Delphos, spent New
Years with Mrs. Mike Krebs.
John Ockuley, Joe Wurst, Fred Krebs
and Leo Otte, at the eleventh hour, reported a pleasant time at the Lauer
Henry Orbine, of Lima, spent New
Years with his parents.
Miss Lizzie Kehres and friends, of
Delphos, are visiting her parents, Mike Kehres and wife.
Barney Deitering and family, of
Iowa, are here visiting.
Fran Deitering who spent Xmas here
with his parents has returned to Iowa.
Last Saturday the angel of death
took home the spirit of the two-weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Helves.
C. Bener, of Joliet, Ill., is
visiting here.
Fred Krebs met with an unfortunate
accident while stepping from the hearse, Monday. He slipped and fell, spraining
his ankle quite severely.
Mass was celebrated New Years eve
in St. Mary’s church, and there was a very large attendance.
Frank and John Wannemacher, of
Cloverdale, spent New Years here visiting friends. Frank recently opened a
blacksmith shop there with everything necessary to do first class work.
Clara Willhelm is on the sick list.
Ben Gillen returned today to his
studies at College in Cincinnati.
A queer but painful accident
occurred here on New Years. Louis Knoepfle was lighting a match when the head
flew off striking his celluloid collar, which took fire but by jerking his
collar off saved himself from cremation.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-4-1901 DH
The Delphos Natural Gas Company Thursday evening
purchased the Ed Miller gas well No. 1 in the Ottoville field, and tomorrow the
gas will be turned into the mains, Britt, says.
1-5-1901 DC
A theatre
party consisting of Misses Anna Bucreth, Celia Gier, Lillie Lauer, and Messrs.
Alex Lauer, C. B. Wannemacher, Henry Otte, Alex Miller, Fred Krebs, Frank
Kramer, Jacob Wannemacher, Alex Wannemacher, and Chas. Wannemacher drove to
Delphos Wednesday night and witnessed the production of “Finnigan’s Ball.” They
all report a fine production.
Miss Bertha
Flanigan, of Delphos, is here visiting friends.
The cold
wave is welcome here. Everyone is busy putting up ice for the warm days to
John Hotz, of
Delphos, is here seeing some friends.
skating Joe Wannemacher treed a wild animal with his dog Sport. It is on
exhibition at Chas. Sellet’s now and all are welcome to see it.
Louis Sprow
was in town for the first time since he had his arm hurt.
Paul De
Severna is painting very attractive signs for the butchers.
Two car
loads of buggies are being put in at Wannemacher and Sons.
Wannemacher made a business trip to Delphos, Friday.
John Kehres
came home from Glandorf to visit his folks.
Jack Weber
bought the farm of Henry Kemper, three miles north of here. The deal was made
last week.
A Card
To those
who are owing me, I wish to say that the new year is here and the accounts of
1900 I desire very much to be paid. So please call.
F. Krebs
and Furniture Dealer
Oak logs
bought at the highest price at the Ottoville saw mill.
One of our
friends informs us that he can’t even look at an unmarried woman without being
talked about. Well, that is not so bad as not being talked about.
It isn’t
necessary for you to be an acrobat in order to “tumble” to the fact that this
is the best paper for your family to read.
Last year
some one stole meat from Henry Schmersal’s smoke house. He is now prepared for
such visitors.
Frank Gmeiner
is announced as candidate for county recorder.
Mrs. Joseph
Halter died last Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed Schwertner, who
lives two miles east of here. Mrs. Halter came here a short time ago from
Cleveland. She was 49 years old and had been ill for some time. Thinking the
change would do her some good, she left her home and came here to visit her
sister, where she died.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-9-1901 DC
DeSeverna, the painter, has gone to Frankfort to remain during the balance of
the winter.
To the
Ladies, if you want a Jacket at half price see J. J. Miller.
You can’t
tell how an apple tastes by licking the skin; neither can you tell what
pleasure you will enjoy by reading the Courant, when you read it but once.
Subscribe for it and become a steady reader.
One of our
subscribers asked us how to tell a bad egg. The only information we can give is
that if you are in doubt of it, break it gently.
A young
lady says that a young man shouldn’t think because a girl looks at him in an
interested manner that she is stuck on him. Maybe his necktie is up under his
ear or his socks are down over his shoes.
Mr. and
Mrs. Roth, of Wapakoneta, are here visiting friends here. They contemplate
moving here. Ottoville will give them a cordial welcome.
Go and see
the Seeker Stock Co. at Delphos on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Prices
10, 20 and 30 cts.
The ice
business has been on the boom the last few days. A bird in the hand is worth
two in the bush.
It is
rumored that Wm. J. Rekart has become quite interested in Glandorf of late. He
is good company and the boys here miss him. How is it William, guilty or not.
Robert Dunlap was hauling logs to Douglas his horses became frightened and ran
away. They were caught before and damage was done.
Fishback, of Nebraska, is here visiting his brother Joseph and friends. He is
well pleased with the country out there. He says the crops are not as regular
as around here but when they do grow they make up for the failures.
A Card
To those
who are owing me, I wish to say that the new year is here and the accounts of
1900 I desire very much to be paid. So please call.
M. F. Krebs
Undertaker and Furniture Dealer
Tillie Fate, of Toledo, is visiting
with Henry Mandery and wife.
Nick Bedink and wife went Monday to
Glandorf for a visit.
Fred Gmeiner and J. W. Rekart went
to Paulding Center on business.
C. F. Hughes, of Jackson Center, is
home for a visit with his parents, W. D. Hughes and wife.
On the opening night, Thursday, of
the Seeker Stock Co., they will present the thrilling play entitled “The Heart
of Kentucky.” Ida Nelson playing the role of Daisy. Popular prices, 10, 20 and
30 cents.
The angel of death on Saturday
evening took back to its Maker the 5 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Winkelman. The funeral services were held Monday. The parents have the sympathy
of the entire community.
In the spirit of kindness we wish
to say to parents of dear little children to impress upon the minds of the
little ones that the time of people engaged in business be it dress making or
any other valuable business, is valuable. While the bright young faces are
always welcome but for them to become noisy and disorderly around a place of
business is a nuisance and it is the duty of parents to see that such things do
not occur.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-12-1901 DC
Joe Vincke
and Willie Wannemacher took in the show at Delphos Monday night.
A. C. Kortier, the marshal of Ft.
Jennings was in town looking for some people.
Miss Clara Wannemacher is on the
sick list. It is hoped she will soon recover.
Nick Gillen made a business trip to
Delphos Monday.
Miss Charlotte Miller was pleasantly surprised by a
number of friends on Tuesday evening at her home two miles west of here.
W. Bohn, while butchering last week
accidentally cut his hand, which is very painful.
Miss Bertha Flannigan has returned
to her home in Delphos after a pleasant visit at John Lauer’s home.
Miss Tille Fiath has returned to
her home in Toledo after a pleasant visit at the home of Henry Mandery.
If you have a voice sing when about
your work. It is like a boy’s whistle; it keeps up your courage.
The young woman who gat married in
a balloon a short time ago must have thought that there was no man on earth
good enough for her. Perhaps she didn’t wait long enough at sixteen.
A man from Germany is in town
hunting for his brother, Joseph Heck, whom he had traced to Wapakoneta. But was
unable to locate him.
Alex Brown, Western and Southern
Insurances agent, of Delphos, was here Thursday and did a good business.
Frank Gier, of Delphos, was in town
Henry and Barney Giesken, of this
place, were called to Glandorf account of the illness of their mother.
If you want accident or life
insurance you will do well by calling on Geo. Altenburger and get figures
before placing your insurance elsewhere.
Lew Martin, the Douglas merchant
sold out to Pete Wurst who will try and make things good.
Fred Blunk, Bird Soliday and Martin
celebrated a holiday of their own yesterday. They report a good time.
Lew Gmeiner and Henry Kehres went
to Mandale on business.
E. L. Odenweller is getting his
mill yard planted with trees. He will have quite a forest, which Mike Vondran
is looking after.
John Lauer, Chas Sellet and Nick
Gillen feel happy on account of getting their crop of ice during the recent
cold spell.
Otto Kortokrax lost his mackintosh
hauling logs to Delphos. How did this happen, friend Otto? Have you found the
same? If not put an add in the Courant.
Go and see the Seeker Stock Co. at
Delphos on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cts.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-16-1901 DC
Mrs. Maggie
Weger, of Decatur, Ind., is home visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vondran.
Wannemacher made a business trip to Ottawa Monday.
Matt Kramer
left for Canton, where he expects to buy property and locate.
Schmersal was in Ft. Jennings Monday.
The small
pox epidemic at Grover Hill and vicinity is still raging and the Board of
Health of Jackson Twp. Has quarantined the territory north of the Spangler
A pleasant
sewing party was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Anna Krebs. The time was spent
in making bed comforts. A delicious supper was served an all report a pleasant
H. H.
Helves on Saturday morning. Four years ago he sustained a stroke of paralysis
which rendered him helpless and caused intense suffering until he was relieved
by death. He was born in Germany and came to this country in 1842 settling in
Cincinnati. He afterwards took up his residence on a farm west of town where he
lived out the remainder of his life. A wife and 12 children mourn the loss of a
kind husband and father.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-19-1901 DC
forget the big dance in Lauer’s Hall next Thursday night. Louth Bros.
Schlerth Jr., returned from Defiance where he attended the funeral of his
cousin, Mike Schamberg.
Lew Gmeiner
bought a tract of timber of Parrot Bros., which will be cut into cordwood.
Geo. Hohlbine
and Fred Blunk celebrated another holiday at Douglas last Saturday. There was a
time at which the entire community had a hearty laugh at their expense; a good
time is reported.
You could
paint the world nearly any color with the large stock of paints that W. T.
Remlinger has.
Helvers of Cincinnati was here to attend the funeral of his father.
Miss Bessie
Hughes and Richard Davidson were married last Sunday by Squire Wannemacher.
They will leave shortly for Michigan, where Richard will take charge of his
father’s farm. Their many friends extend congratulations.
Eickholt met with a bad accident. While chopping wood his axe slipped and
nearly cut off his foot.
Fred Bohn,
while helping Nick Lauer butcher, had a supposedly dead hog kick his hand,
making a bad wound. His friends hope for a speedy recovery.
Among the
happy parents this week are; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shider, a boy; Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Kortokrax, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohn, a girl.
Hohlbine and John Fishback have bought the farm one half mile north of Douglas,
known as the Fishback farm.
J. F.
Wannemacher went to Muntana yesterday to look after his business interests
Zahner’s freight wagon broke down just three miles from Delphos yesterday.
Frank Kramer was driving to Delphos with a load, when the axle broke. Pretty
cold day to be dropped and stopped.
J. C.
Wannemacher and Frank Gmeiner were in Ottawa on business Friday.
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Chas. Booth, of Mandale, was in
town yesterday on business.
Matt Kramer has purchased a fine 14
acre farm near Canton, O. He will make that his home in the near future. Many
good wishes will follow him.
B. J. Wannemacher is ailing with
the grip; he thinks that it takes something stronger than water and time to
effect a cure. Some medicine company will get a free adv.
We are glad to see Jacob Tithoff
out again after his severe illness.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address Courant office.
Carl Brown
1-23-1901 DC
Alex Lauer
and Charles Wannemacher were in Delphos Tuesday.
Leininger, of Massillon, is here visiting his parents and friends.
J. J.
Miller made a business trip to Delphos Monday.
Don’t forget the big dance in
Lauer’s Hall tomorrow night. Louth Bros. Orchestra.
G. Weichmann, of Breece, Ill.,
brother of Father Weichmann, is here visiting his brother and friends.
Jos. Sutter and wife were in
Delphos Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Groty.
Geo. Kehres and daughter, of
Findlay, O., are spending a pleasant visit with August Kehres and family.
Public sale on Feb. 2d, 1901, at
august Kehres’ farm 2 miles northwest of here. 4 horses, colt, several cows,
farming implements and household goods will be sold. Don’t forget to attend.
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Real Estate Sale – Chas. Grubenhoff
of near Cloverdale, disposed of 40 acres of farm land to Amelia Eickholt.
W. J. Rekart sold 40 acres in
Monroe township to A. Yocklin and Jos. Studer.
Joe Studer and wife went to Delphos
Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Groty.
John Farnman, of Van Wert, came
this morning to get a load of poultry and eggs, and one of his horses got sick
and was dead in a short time.
August Kloeppel, of Toledo, and
Oliver Kloeppel, of Defiance, and Mrs. Mary Wank, of New Regel, came to Delphos
with Otto Kortokrax to attend the funeral of Mrs. Groty. They returned to visit
with Otto Kortokrax.
On Sunday morning the home of S. S.
Johnson, 4 miles north, was burned with all its contents except a bedstead and
a few light articles; even the family clothing was burned. The loss was about a
thousand dollars, with no insurance. The origin of the fire is not known. It is
a heavy loss to Mr. Johnson for all he had was in the house.
Our Douglass correspondent informs
that the great entertainers, of that place last week were not, as we had them,
but instead they were Fritz Hitmeier and George Hohlbine that celebrated a
happy holiday; and Fred Blank was there only to see the cars go by.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
1-26-1901 DC
W. J.
Rekart made a trip almost around the state of Ohio. From Ottoville he took in
Canton, Norwalk, New Philadelphia, Cleveland, Belvue and Toledo. But when he
returned home he was satisfied that Ottoville was all O. K.
E. L.
Odenweller is leveling the pike between Ottoville and Douglas.
Mrs. Matt
Schulien has sold the Malefsky property to M. A. Guisinger.
Schulien and Alfonse Roth have bought the brick building on 6th Ave.
formerly used as a planning mill. They expect to engage in some business.
Public sale
on Feb. 2d, 1901, at august Kehres’ farm 2 miles northwest of here. 4 horses,
colt, several cows, farming implements and household goods will be sold. Don’t
forget to attend
Leo Otto
and Schimmoeller were in Delphos Thursday on business.
S. D.
Chambers returned Wednesday from Denver, Colorado.
It is
reported the Ben Wannemacher, of New Philadelphia, has sold his flouring mill.
Eickholt, who severely cut his foot with an ax, was in town yesterday.
and Roth are going to remodel the old planning mill building, putting in a
plate glass front and perhaps add another story. It will be equipped for a
business room.
The Delphos
Steam Laundry should provide Willie Otto with a new laundry basket. Willie is a
hustler and it takes a good large basket to hold all the trade he gathers up in
The ball at
Lauer’s Hall was a marked success and proved a pleasing social feature. The
crowd was a fair one but had the weather been more favorable, a greater crowd
would have been present. Quite a number came from surrounding towns.
A Surprise Party
delightful surprise was given August Kehres and family at his home, Friday
evening. August and his family were just returning from a trip to Delphos and
expected no visitors but to their surprise they found that no less than forty
of their relatives and friends had gathered at their home to greet them with
surprise and to express their hearts best wishes for their success and
happiness in their new home in Oklahoma. A very nice supper was served and the
home was a scene of happiness and enjoyment for all. George Kehres and
daughter, Josephine, of Findlay, were present. A very handsome album was given
August and his family by their friends as a token of their esteem.
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Tony Neitling of northwest of
Ottoville is going to move to Washington State where he has relatives who like
the country. He will offer his stock, farming implements, household goods,
etc., at public sale on Tuesday, Feb. 12th. He will sell two work
horses, cow, 16 shoats, 3 brood cows, 80 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, corn
drill, grain drill, buggy, cultivator, plows, grain cradle, 16 bush. of barley,
other farming implements and a lot of household goods.
Terms: Cash on all sales of less
that $5.00; on $5.00 and over a credit of 9 months will be given on note and
two approved sureties.
Frank Krebs Auctioneer
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
1-30-1901 DC
Fisher, of Ottawa, was in town Sunday.
Grandpa and
Grandma Hammons are still on the sick list.
Schulien and Roth were out looking for a team of horses.
Susan Gergen and Susie Winkelman were visiting at Miss Gergen’s home.
Vincke and George Fishbach will start for Orleans, Neb., Thursday.
Dr. Liesen
has been kept on the go day and night for some time.
J. C.
Wannemacher went to Ottawa on business today.
It is
reported that the derrick on the Mandale well has been taken down. It is
probably a no go.
To get an
idea of the royal line of suits made to order for Spring call on F. F. Vincke.
His marvelously low prices are bound to merit your attention.
We wonder
how the two young men of town like the idea of paying bills for tearing other
people’s clothes.
Eickholt and Gmeiner were over in Jennings Tp. And vicinity Monday looking up
Mr. Gmeiner’s friends as their choice for reorder.
The wedding
bells will soon jingle again. John Keifer and Amelia Eickholt were published
Schlagbaum is sewing for Francis Zahner.
A young man
of near Ottoville while calling on his sweetheart said “Well I guess it is time
to go.” As the clock struck 2 a.m. The weary maid replied “You don’t have to
guess again.”
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Tony Neitling of northwest of
Ottoville is going to move to Washington State where he has relatives who like
the country. He will offer his stock, farming implements, household goods,
etc., at public sale on Tuesday, Feb. 11th. He will sell two work
horses, cow, 16 shoats, 3 brood cows, 80 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, corn
drill, grain drill, buggy, cultivator, plows, grain cradle, 16 bush. of barley,
other farming implements and a lot of household goods.
Terms: Cash on all sales of less
that $5.00; on $5.00 and over a credit of 9 months will be given on note and
two approved sureties.
Frank Krebs Auctioneer
sleighing now.
change in date of Otto Nietling’s public auction sale to one day earlier.
Chas. Wurst
left for San Francisco to join the U. S. Navy. He expects to be put on the
Battleship Mississippi.
Miller and family will go in the near future to their new home on a farm near
New Corydon, Ind.
H. F.
Raugh, candidate for Representative at the Democratic primary was in town
A sleighing
party out to the home of Chas. Kehres on Tuesday where a very pleasant evening
was spent. The party consisted of Henry Krebs and wife, August Kehres and wife,
Geo. Kehres and daughter, Matt Vondran and wife Misses Lizzie and Louise Otto,
Mary Milenback and Leo Otto, Wm. Schlagbaum.
Henry H.
Lampe, candidate for Sheriff at the Democratic primary was among us Tuesday.
A sleighing
party consisting of Katie Kramer, Lizzie Lauer, Celia Geier, Mamie Miller,
Katie Kortokrax, Katie Zahn, Frances Zahner, Fannie Wannemacher, Netta
Guisinger and Messrs. Steve, C. B., Chas. And Wm. Wannemacher, Henry Otto, Alex
Miller, Joe Wurst, Alex Lauer, and Joe Vincke drove to Delphos last evening and
were entertained by Mrs. Joe. Hotz. They all report a pleasant time. And from
the appearance of all the eyes it must have been towards morning when they
returned. Lunch was served.
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
2-2-1901 DC
Raddle, the great western explorer, is home visiting his mother.
Meyers, of Ottawa Twp., candidate for Commissioner of Putnam County, was in
town Friday.
Jos. W.
Reckhart has engaged in a new enterprise. He is moving buildings and a good job
is guaranteed.
Transfers – Henry Wannemacher, 40 acres to Henry Breithold.
W. J.
Reckhart 40 acres to Henry Wannemacher.
Keiffer and Joe. Baker were in Delphos Friday on business.
Vondran has packed his household goods all ready for Oklahoma.
The census
figures given in this column do not do Ottoville justice, as they do not
include an addition on the east side of the canal called Georgetown, which has
about 150 people at least Ottoville has nearer 600 than 369.
changes in date for Otto Nietling’s public sale to one day earlier.
The first
and second classes of our Ottoville schools are going to Delphos for a sleigh
ride. Mr. Cole, the primary teacher, is on the sick list and school is
the butter man from Lima, was in town yesterday.
Gus. Kehres
struck good luck while yet in Ohio. In looking around he found a whole bin of
oats, which he didn’t know he had. Now for Oklahoma!
Too Rich to
Marry next Wednesday at Delphos.
Wm. Bohn
has just returned from Ft. Jennings, where he has been working on Raabe’s new
Recorder, Putnam County
We are
authorized to announce the name of Frank Gmeiner, of Monterey Township, as a
candidate for County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic
To get an
idea of the royal line of suits made to order for Spring call on F. F. Vincke.
His marvelously low prices are bound to merit your attention.
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Tony Neitling of northwest of
Ottoville is going to move to Washington State where he has relatives who like
the country. He will offer his stock, farming implements, household goods,
etc., at public sale on Tuesday, Feb. 11th. He will sell two work
horses, cow, 16 shoats, 3 brood cows, 80 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, corn
drill, grain drill, buggy, cultivator, plows, grain cradle, 16 bush. of barley,
other farming implements and a lot of household goods.
Terms: Cash on all sales of less
that $5.00; on $5.00 and over a credit of 9 months will be given on note and
two approved sureties.
Frank Krebs Auctioneer
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
2-6-1901 DC
Winkelman, Jos. W. Rekart and Nick Lauer are cutting their crop of ice today.
sad news from Delphos, which reached us Saturday evening, announcing the death
of Mrs. S. F. Shenk was quite a shock to the entire community. The bereaved
family have our sympathy in their sad bereavement.
Kroneberger while helping to put up ice Saturday was badly bruised by falling
on a cake of ice. Too bad, Adam, we all sympathize with you.
Ricker, of Ottawa Twp., candidate for Commissioner was in town Saturday.
720 is the lucky number that drew the watch and chain at Nick Gillen’s.
Krebs and family, of Lima, are visiting his parents here.
Roth while in Columbus purchased a new funeral car and caskets for the firm of
Schulien & Roth.
Claypool has returned from Convoy where he spent Saturday and Sunday with
L. Rieger is on the sick list.
Roth left for Columbus, Saturday evening.
Odenweller is loading cars at Douglas for E. L. Odenweller.
Burger, Jos. Studer, Andrew Yacklin and Chas. Studer will leave Tuesday morning
for Verone, Mo., to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Freiburger. From there they
will extend their trip to Oklahoma.
community was shocked by receiving the sad news of the death of Mrs. John
Freiburger, of Verone, Mo., and that he is not expected to live.
John Freiburger and family formerly resided here and were well known to all.
They have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement.
– Mr. john Freiburger died yesterday morning at 7 o’clock. This indeed is a sad
affliction as they leave a family of five children, the oldest being ten and
the youngest 1 year old.
Estate Transfers – Mary Schilen to M. E. Guisinger, Ottoville, pt. Outlot 4. w.
122 01, $700.
C. Williams to Mary Schulien, Ottoville, inlots 37 and 27, w. 1 23-01, $ 850.
Recorder, Putnam County
We are
authorized to announce the name of Frank Gmeiner, of Monterey Township, as a
candidate for County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic
& Roth ordered 12 carloads of lumber and are still placing orders. They
will carry a full stock of lumber and building material. Those that intend to build
this spring will do well see Schulien & Roth before placing their orders
elsewhere. As they pay spot cash for everything they buy, you will find their
prices right.
To get an
idea of the royal line of suits made to order for Spring call on F. F. Vincke.
His marvelously low prices are bound to merit your attention.
For Sale – A fine black horse,
weighing 13 to 14 hundred. 6 years old, for $65, a bargain; call on C.
Richardson, 4 miles north of here.
Hor, the Mayor, Jos. Wannemacher, J. J. Miller and wife, J. C. Wannemacher and
wife, Fanny Wannemacher and Geo. Altenburgerwent to Delphos this morning to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Shenk.
Public Sale
Tony Neitling of northwest of
Ottoville is going to move to Washington State where he has relatives who like
the country. He will offer his stock, farming implements, household goods,
etc., at public sale on Tuesday, Feb. 11th. He will sell two work
horses, cow, 16 shoats, 3 brood cows, 80 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, corn
drill, grain drill, buggy, cultivator, plows, grain cradle, 16 bush. of barley,
other farming implements and a lot of household goods.
Terms: Cash on all sales of less
that $5.00; on $5.00 and over a credit of 9 months will be given on note and
two approved securities.
Frank Krebs Auctioneer
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
2-7-1901 DH
The census bureau has given out
figures showing the population of Putnam County Townships and towns. Jennings
Township 1,465; Ft. Jennings, 322; Monterey Township, 1,342; Ottoville, 369.
promise’s that the gas pressure will be stronger tomorrow says that the pipe
leading from the three wells in the Ottoville field was found plugged up, and
that it will be opened up by Friday. Hope so.
2-9-1901 DC
Matt Kramer
and family will in the near future move to New Industry, O., where he has
purchased a house. We regret to see them go but wish them success in their new
The work of
remodeling the building of Schulien & Roth has begun this week and in a
very short time the new firm will be established in the lumber and undertaking
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. George Wannemacher, an 11 pound boy.
W. S.
Porter of Delphos, was in town Wednesday on business.
Kramer has taken up the work of drawing landscape pictures. He has several
specimens of his work on exhibition at his shop.
Dunlap, of Semersville, and Miss Grace Hammons were united in marriage by
Squire Wannemacher on last Wednesday. They will make their home near
Feiburger left for Verone, Mo., last Wednesday.
Miss Susie
Groty, of Springfield, Mo., is the guest of friends here.
Mrs. Joseph
Sutter is spending the week at New Regel, O., with relatives.
The workman
that turns out a poor job is an improvement over the man who does nothing but
looks on and makes remarks.
Prof. L. N.
Wagner was compelled to close his school room on account of La Grippe.
A sled load
of young people went to Gerhard Brinkman’s Thursday evening. A pleasant time is
Eve Miller
had the misfortune to fall on the walk at her home and break her wrist.
Grundon and Miss Adams were married by Squire Semer, Wednesday.
Gust Kehres
is loading his house hold goods in a car at Ft. Jennings for Oklahoma.
Binkley, the Singer Sewing Machine man was in town this week.
Chas Sellet
has had quite a tussle with the grip.
Leo Otto is
on the sick list afflicted with a tooth ache.
30,000 line
brick for the Ottoville boom. Who has them for sale?
Wannemacher hurt his arm while putting up ice for John Winkelman.
J. M.
Vondran is on the retired list for a few days. Moral!! Good time.
Dumont, of Blanchard Twp., is a candidate for Representative.
A sleighing
party from Delphos came here Wednesday evening and were entertained by Miss
Lillie Lauer at the Ottoville House. A delicious supper was served and a
pleasant social time enjoyed by all. Those who composed the crowd were, Rose
Pohlman, Anna Buckroth, Katie Hodde, Gertrude and Celie Banzhoff, Emma Steinle,
Katie Flick, Mollie Barlsman, Jessie Micksell, Bertha Flannigan, Rudolf and Joe
Kipp, Tom and Evan Williams, Andrew Beckman, Harry Dolbner, Sylvester and Will
For Recorder, Putnam
We are
authorized to announce the name of Frank Gmeiner, of Monterey Township, as a
candidate for County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic
Public Sale
Tony Neitling of northwest of
Ottoville is going to move to Washington State where he has relatives who like
the country. He will offer his stock, farming implements, household goods,
etc., at public sale on Tuesday, Feb. 11th. He will sell two work
horses, cow, 16 shoats, 3 brood cows, 80 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, corn
drill, grain drill, buggy, cultivator, plows, grain cradle, 16 bush. of barley,
other farming implements and a lot of household goods.
Terms: Cash on all sales of less
that $5.00; on $5.00 and over a credit of 9 months will be given on note and
two approved securities.
Frank Krebs Auctioneer
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
2-13-1901 DC
Jos. Klema
has bought Wm. Lapold’s house, opposite Nick Gillen’s. Klema & Geier will
start a harness shop. Ottoville is booming.
Wannemacher, Leo Otte, Alex Lauer, Jr., and C. B. Wannemacher took in a show at
the Opera House Monday evening.
Jos. Vincke
and Miss Katy Zahm went to Delphos Monday evening.
John Stahl
and wife made a trip to Delphos today.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. Binder, a boy.
The public
sale of Tony Neitling’s as advertised was all O. K. Friend Tony was well
pleased with the proceeds and will soon be ready to start for the state of
All the
Ottoville news, all the time, in the Courant.
Fisher, of Ottawa, got the contract for finishing the Schulien & Roth
Jos. Krebs
and family, of Huber, O., Sundayed here with his uncle, Henry Krebs.
G. H. Otte
will be a candidate for Assessor at the spring election; such is the report.
Sellet is on the sick list: Kinney Wannemacher is working for him until he is
able to be around again.
Miss Lillie
Lauer and several other young ladies from here took in the show at Delphos
Monday night.
Gust Kehres
and family Monday celebrated their farewell festival at home of his son-in-law,
Wm. Schlagbaum. All the relatives were present and a happy event is reported.
His many friends will miss him and his family very much and wish them the best
of success in their new home in Oklahoma.
Do you get
the Courant, Twice-a-week, in your home? If not end in your name at once, and
don’t miss the Ottoville news, which it gives each issue.
Miss Cecilia
Geier has been spending the week at the home of Frank Altenburger in Delphos.
She attended the Opera Monday with a crowd from here.
Recorder, Putnam County
We are
authorized to announce the name of Frank Gmeiner, of Monterey Township, as a
candidate for County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Democratic
For Sale – A good, new Store
Building, 21x60, best location in Ottoville; three big rooms; lot 25x132. A
rare chance. Call on or address or Nick Bedink.
Carl Brown
2-14-1901 DH
Keiffer and Miss Mollie Eickholt, young people living near Ottoville were
married at that place, this morning. They came to Delphos and departed for
Toledo, on a wedding trip. They will go to housekeeping near Cloverdale.
2-27-1901 DH
Ottoville is to have a brewery, it is reported. A
brewer from Germany is said to be at the head of the project.
2-28-1901 DH
George and
Henry Fishbach, of Oxford, Nebraska, have been visiting in this vicinity for
some time and George left for his home today. Henry goes next week. They have
been in Nebraska for fifteen years and like the country very much. They
formerly lived near Ottoville.
3-9-1901 DH
Want a
businessmen of Ottoville are agitating the matter of having a switch constructed
from the Clover Leaf track at Douglass to Ottoville, to give them better
facilities for getting freight in and out. The distance is about 1½ mile’s.
Ottoville Items PCS
Barbara Kolhoff, Laura Kahle and brother George, of Glandorf, were guests of
Mrs. Pete Wannemacher.
Mr. J. B.
Mersman, of Celina, was in town Friday and Saturday.
There is
some talk of starting up a brewery in Ottoville. The services of an experienced
brewer are available.
Fisher, of Ottawa, is at work remodeling the old planning mill. A new story
will be added, a plate-glass front put in and various other improvements made.
When completed it will be occupied by Messrs. Schulien and Roth as a business
room for furniture and undertaking.
Mr. Will
Hoffman, of Glandorf, was in town last week looking after his political
Miss Lizzie
Wurst has been appointed postmistress in Douglass.
Mr. P.
Lanahan, of Michigan, moved his family to Ottoville this week. He will go into
partnership with Leonard Gmeiner.
Miss Regina
Alt spent Sunday with Miss Gertrude Seitz, of Cloverdale.
men are agitating the question of running a switch from Douglass to Ottoville.
This, if secured, would be a great convenience not only to business men but to
all citizens.
Ottoville Items PCS
Miss Clara
Wannemacher has returned from a three weeks’ visit in Dayton and Wapakoneta.
Rev. J.
Mertes was in Toledo on Monday and Tuesday.
On Tuesday
evening Mrs. Perrin was not a little surprised when a number of friends walked
in on her. They reminded her that it was her 53rd birthday. A
pleasant evening was spent in cards and chatting. After partaking of a
substantial lunch and wishing Mrs. Perrin many happy returns of the day, all
went home.
Wednesday Frank Fischback returned to Oreland, Neb., accompanied by Frank
Vincke. Mr. Fishback was here on a visit with his brother. Mr. Vincke went in
quest of health.
Mr. John
Rekart formerly of this place but now of Toledo, spent a few days with friends.
Mr. Len
Gmeiner and family moved into the Wannemacher property. Mr. Wannemacher moved
into one of the rooms over the Drug Store.
Hilfers has been on the sick list for two weeks.
Dr. Siesen
is able to attend to his patients again. He had an attack of lung fever.
The C. K.
of O. had a business meeting last Sunday.
The plans
for the new parsonage have been completed.
Miss Lizzie
Farrel, of Toledo, was the guest of Miss Anna Lyons recently.
Mr. Jos.
Wannemacher spent a few days in Cincinnati.
3-16-1901 DH
Ottoville Ticket
At Ottoville the following Democratic ticket has been
placed in the field: Clerk, J. C. Wannemacher; Councilman, F. F. Vincke; George
Wannemacher, Joseph D. Otte; Sealer of Weights and Measures, W. T. Remlinger.
Ottoville Items PCS
Sutter and
Studer went to Delphos on Wednesday, when they returned they brought with them
two western horses, which they had purchased.
At the
caucas held last Saturday the nominations made were as follows: Councilmen; F.
F. Vincke, Geo. Wannemacher, Jos. D. Otto; Clerk, J. C. Wannemacher.
Mr. Henry
Lampe, candidate for Sheriff was here on Saturday looking out for his political
carloads of Plymouth stone for the new parsonage were received last week.
An attempt
is being made to raise the number of members of the board of education from
three to six. Whether or not this will be successfully carried out will be seen
a little later.
carloads of lumber have been received by Schulien & Roth.
Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Rower spent Sunday in Kalida.
3-23-1901 DH
Wagner has gone into partnership with W. S. Porter, in the photograph business.
The new firm will install a gallery at Ottoville in the near future and expect
to do a good business there. They also expected to locate a gallery in
Middlepoint but could not find an available room.
3-26-1901 DH
& Roth have about completed their lumber and furniture plant at Ottoville.
They have a fine building, one that would do credit to a larger town and we
trust that they will prosper.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mr. H.
Harner, of Bodkins, Ohio, spent a few days in this place.
On Tuesday
the feast of St. Joseph was very fittingly celebrated. A solemn High mass was
read, Rev. Mertes officiating, with Rev. Schirrack and Wichman assisting. The
members of the St. Joseph’s society and the Catholic Knights of Ohio attended
mass in a body.
Mr. Laibe,
candidate for Sheriff, spent Tuesday here.
Mr. John H.
Straman, of Ottawa, was here on business on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.
On Sunday
evening Rev. Mertes was called to Cleveland by a message. His uncle was dying.
The bill
whether the members of the school board should be increased from three to six
in number was voted on. The result was that henceforth there shall be six members.
Only 26 votes were cast.
Mr. Frank
Krebs received a white hearse last week.
Kortokrax was in Ft. Jennings on Friday last.
Mr. Frank
Kracht, of Ottawa, spent Sunday here.
contract for the new parsonage has been given to a man from Toledo, the mason
work to Schumaker, of Leipsic. The contractor was here on Thursday and the plan
for the foundation was executed and the ground staked off. The home is to be a
very fine structure furnished with all the modern conveniences.
seems to be flourishing. One large business block is being put up, another one
being planned, still another one will be put up in the course of the summer.
Work enough to keep all the Ottoville folks at home. A new impetus is thus
given to Ottoville, to its trade, and to its citizens. More improvement is
being made and will be made during this coming summer than has been made during
the last four or five years. May the good work go on.
business men of the town are agitating the question whether or not a town this
size can afford a bank. This town should certainly support one for there should
be a safe place of deposit in the town for the large sums handled by the
business firms.
Spring is
here. The bright sunshine and balmy air are coaxing one to spend the time out
of doors after a long siege of the cold weather.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. Mary
Krebs has bought the house built for Mr. Will Studer.
On Friday
evening Rev. Mertes returned from Toledo where he attended the funeral of his
Mr. John Brandehoff
and family have moved onto their farm about three miles from town.
Miss Lena
Mertes came from Toledo last Saturday to visit her uncle, Rev. Mertes.
On Saturday
Mr. Henry Wurst and Mr. Ulrich, both from here, went to Ottawa. About two miles
from Ottawa, the buggy upset and both men were thrown into the ditch. Mr.
Ulrich was badly bruised about the face, broke a shoulder and received other
internal injuries. Dr. Beardsley, of Ottawa, attended to him. He was brought
home the same day. His condition is serious. Mr. Wurst escaped with a few
Miss Lizzie
Farrel has retuned to Toledo after having spent a few weeks in Ottoville.
Mr. Chas.
Huber and Mr. Laubenthal spent Sunday here.
On Sunday a
number of candidates and their aides made a farewell visit to Ottoville.
Ottoville Items PCS
Barbara Weller, of Toledo, is the guest of Ottoville friends.
At the
school election the following new members were elected: Will Remlinger, for
three years; J. C. Wannemacher, J. J. Miller, for two years; Frank Paul, for
one year.
The brick
work on the Schulien and Roth building is now completed.
Mr. and
Mrs. A. Leininger, of Cloverdale, are spending a few days with Mrs. Leininger’s
father, Frank Krebs.
Miss Lena
Mertes has decided to make her home with her uncle.
Rev. J.
Mertes spent a few days in Sandusky and Toledo.
Miss Clara
Wannemacher made a flying trip to Delphos last Tuesday.
Wednesday was a busy day in Ottoville. The town fairly swarmed with traveling
What is
needed to improve Ottoville? Some street lamps, to be sure.
Wannemacher-Gmeiner building is under construction; work progressing nicely.
Recorder-elect, Frank Gmeiner, spent Wednesday in Ottawa.
Ottoville Items PCS
Rev. Wagner, of Miller City, was
the guest of Rev. Mertes on Monday last.
Mr. Alfons
Roth went to Columbus, Ohio, to take a course in the Dodge School of
Arnoldi, of Ft. Jennings, spent Friday with Rev. Mertes.
Miss Anna
Lyons left for Toledo last week. From there she expects to go to Denver, Colo.,
where she has relatives.
Mr. Will
Remlinger, put up a fine new street lamp in front of his place of business.
Motto for the business men of the town. “Go and do likewise.”
Mr. Albert
Mersman and Mr. P. D. Ockely, of Celina, spent Sunday with friends and
Hermann, a contractor from Toledo, who ahs the contract for the new parsonage,
arrived on Monday ready to begin laying the foundation.
Rev. H.
Wichman, moved to his own parish at Cloverdale, on Friday last. Rev. Wichman
has made many friends during his stay here, who regret his departure.
children of this parish are taking a course of instruction prepatory to making
their first communion.
5-1-1901 DH
At the Catholic Church in Ottoville, this morning,
Miss Josephine Trentkamp and Joseph Utrup were married. They came to Delphos,
accompanied by Miss Utrup and Gust. Trentkamp. A host of friends wish them all
due happiness.
5-8-1901 DH
Tuesday morning, at the Catholic Church in Ottoville,
occurred the marriage of Miss Anna Bentley and Mr. Michael Kehres, well known
and popular young people. The event was celebrated in a happy manner. Miss
Fannie Kehres was the bridesmaid and Mr. Joseph Bentley the groomsman. Frank
Stump and family, of Delphos, Mrs. E. E. Miller, of North Baltimore, Miss
Sophia Kehres and Louis Sellet, of Lorain and Mrs. Schulte, of Minster, were
present at the celebration of the wedding. The HERALD extends congratulations
to the happy couple.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mr. Geo.
Altenburger went to Toledo last week.
Mr. J. H.
Straman, of Ottawa, was her on Tuesday.
Miss Anna
Jerwers closed her school on Wednesday, after a successful years work.
Jerwers spent Sunday with her daughter.
Wednesday morning there was a pretty wedding in which Joseph Utrup and Miss
Josephina Trenkamp were the contracting parties. A brother of the bride and a
sister for the groom witnessed the wedding. After the ceremony the happy couple
repaired to the home of the bride’s mother, where a large party of invited
relatives and guests awaited them. A bountiful dinner was also waiting. The day
was pleasantly spent. Mr. and Mrs. Utrup will make their home on a farm about
two miles out of town.
Dr. Binder
was in Delphos on Wednesday.
Brinkman, of Kalida, has moved his family to town. Mr. Brinkman has a position
in the tile yard.
Mr. E.
Leininger is working on the brick yard.
foundations for the new parsonage are now complete. The contractor is a
will have a new M. D. soon.
On Friday
evening Miss Regina Alt was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of her brother
from Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he been for two years on account of his
health. He is much improved.
Miss Regina
Alt and brother spent Saturday in Ottawa.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. B.
Schlagbaum was called to the deathbed of Mrs. Grave, in Frankfort, Ind. Mrs.
Grave was buried in Delphos.
boasts of another doctor in the person of John Ockuley. Mr. Ockuley came from
Cincinnati, a graduate of the Cincinnati Medical College.
Dr. Binder
returned from Cincinnati, where he had attended the commencement exercises and
the alumni re-union of the Cincinnati Medical Collage.
Mr. and
Mrs. F. Vincke and Mr. B. Schlagbaum attended the funeral of Mrs. Heckman, in
Rushculle, Ind., on Wednesday last.
Mr. Alphons
Roth, of the firm Schulien & Roth, is now a full fledged undertaker, having
received his diploma last week.
During the
past week the schools were subjected to a thorough examination with a view to
regarding them, which was necessary, as there will be four rooms next year,
instead of three. On Tuesday the school was open to parents and friends of the
school. Work done by pupils during the past year was laid out for inspection.
On Wednesday the school closed with a basket picnic in Kehres’ Grove, east of
town. During the past year the teachers have worked hard for the advancement of
the schools, and they already show a marked improvement.
Sylvester Kohls, teacher of primary grade, will leave for a trip through the
west, immediately after the close of school.
Mr. Al
Berkemier will also close his school on Wednesday. Mr. Birkemeier has taught a
good school, and it is regretted by patrons and friends, that he intends to
leave the county. His friends wish him success wherever he may go.
5-29-1901 DH
The Delphos Hardware Company has contracts for
installing heating plants in the new Parochial residence at Ottoville and the
residence of B. F. Raynolds, at Pleasant Valley. Work has been commenced on the
building of the new parsonage at Ottoville. The structure will cost $12,000.
6-4-1901 DH
A class of 65 children received first communion at
the Catholic Church in Ottoville, Sunday.
6-6-1901 DH
Will Miss Delphos
The route of the proposed Findlay, Columbus Grove
& Ft. Wayne Electric railroad has been changed. The line will not pass
through Kalida, as arranged, but will run west from Columbus Grove to
Vaughnsville and go on through to Ottoville. Beyond Ottoville the route is not
yet selected. North of Columbus Grove the line will connect with the Defiance,
Ottawa, Kenton & Columbus Interurban Railway.
6-7-1901 FWS
Shot In The Breast
Matilda Sanders, of Ottoville, O., who ius a guest at the home of Mrs. Theresa
Fricke, of 132 Chicago street, was accidentally shot in the breast about 2
o’clock this afternoon by William Schlenker, a young man living nearby, who was
shooting sparrows with a target rufle. The young lady was standing at the
window in the Fricke home where one of the bullets glanced off and struck her,
inflicting a painful flesh wound. Dr. W. D. Calvin dressed the injury and no
serious results are looked for.
6-13-1901 DH
Joseph Harding, of St. Rose and Henry Schrage, of
Casilla, were here Thursday. They have been employed as teachers at the
Ottoville schools.
6-17-1901 DH
For Twenty-Five Years
Monterey Township School Board Kept No Record of Meetings
Township, that part of Putnam County lying just north of Delphos, in which
Ottoville is located, is receiving attention at Columbus at present. The Press
Post of Saturday says that O. E. D. Barron, special examiner, has submitted a
report to State School Commissioner Bonebrake concerning the affairs of the
School Board in the second special district of Monterey Township, Putnam
The inspector states that he found many irregularities and that it was the custom for the members of the board to make repairs on the schoolhouse and appropriate money to pay themselves for the work. He also reports finding that the books of the clerk have not shown a correct balance for 25 years.
The inspector states that he found many irregularities and that it was the custom for the members of the board to make repairs on the schoolhouse and appropriate money to pay themselves for the work. He also reports finding that the books of the clerk have not shown a correct balance for 25 years.
examiner sums up the report by stating that he fails to find a single act of
the School Board, which in his opinion, would be legal under the laws of the
state. No record was kept of the meetings of the board.
7-15-1901 DH
Death at Ottoville
Timothy Wannemacher, of Ottoville, a resident of that
place for four years, died Sunday afternoon, from stomach and bowel trouble, at
the age of 68. Deceased was an uncle of Andy Wannemacher, of Delphos. His wife
preceded him to the grave twenty years ago, but he is survived by seven
children, as follows: Charles and Frank, of Dayton; Oscar of Wapakoneta; Joseph
of Springfield; Louis, of Chicago; Pollie of Dayton; and Clara at home. The
funeral will be held from the Catholic Church in Ottoville, Tuesday morning.
Ottoville Items PCS
Ask Mike
Vondran how he enjoyed his bath Monday when he fell into the canal.
Ben Gillen,
of Cincinnati, has arrived home to pay his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gillen, a
short visit.
Wagner, son of Prof. N. W. Wagner, is home visiting his parents. He is a
student at Rensselaer, College.
Miss Tracy
Wenslitz, of Cloverdale, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. W. F.
Schumaker, of Dayton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leis.
Wannemacher, Jr., Jos. Miller and Jos. Hilvers took in the excursion on the
Clover Leaf Saturday to the Soldiers’ Home at Marion Ind.
Kromer and Stephen Wannemacher left Monday morning for Buffalo to attend the
Leo Otto
went to Delphos Monday on business.
Dr. Doty,
of Lima, was in town Monday and Tuesday.
Winkelman is putting down a new sidewalk at his business place.
A grand
picnic was held in Wm. Schlagbaum’s grove Sunday afternoon. Those present were Miss
Louisa Halle, Lizzie Bussing, of Delphos, Mr. and Mrs. B. Schlagbaum and
family, Henry Giesken and family, Henry Kehres and family, Mrs. Sarah Giesken
and daughter, Miss Frances Zahner, Katie Kromer and Katie Zahner. A splendid
time was reported.
Ottoville Items PCS
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Nick Bedink, a girl, Saturday.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Moritz, a girl.
Pete Eberle
and brother, George Nedolas and Tom Wenslitz, of New Washington, paid a visit
to their relatives and friends here Sunday.
Miss Anna
Studer and Lena Nedolas, of New Washington, are guests of Caroline Studer and
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yaklin.
Jos. Weber
fell from the tank wagon while threshing at Jacob Weber’s. he was not seriously
hurt, but had a hard fall.
Gmeiner attended the convention at Wauseon, Tuesday.
Ottoville Items PCS
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. Wurst, a girl.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Guisinger, a boy.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. William Greilick, a boy.
Schlagbaum and Tracy Becker are visiting at Maria Stein.
Caroline Studer and son, Lampert, Lizzie Yaklin, Anna Studer, and Lena Nedolas
left Monday for New Washington, Bucyrus and Akron, where they have many
relatives and friends.
The young
men and ladies have organized a social club here. They will have another
meeting in the near future to adopt rules and regulations. All members are
requested to present.
Dr. and
Mrs. A. Binder left here Sunday evening for Buffalo to attend the exposition.
Wannemacher, Frank Kromer and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller returned from the
exposition at Buffalo Wednesday.
Alex Heinel
and Barney Calvelage, of Ft. Jennings, were in town Saturday.
The little
boy of Godfred Stioses had a lucky escape from being crushed under a loaded
wagon Wednesday. When he drove across the canal bridge going down grade, the
end board fell out frightening the team. The boy was thrown forward on the
tongue and dragged two hundred feet, when he lost his hold and dropped to the
ground. He was slightly bruised at the ankle but no bones broken.
The stone
crusher of Nick Lane had to shut down Saturday. A large iron sledge came off
the handle and dropped into the crusher bringing everything to a standstill at
once. Nothing broken, but the crusher is out of line or the shaft bent.
afternoon the barn of Jos. Wolf, living 5 miles northeast of Ottoville burn to
the ground. All his hay, oats and wheat were consumed also fifteen head of hogs
and a blacksmith shop. Some insurance.
8-16-1901 DH
The death of Mrs. Joseph Swartner, of Ottoville,
Thursday is reported.
8-22-1901 DH
An 8-year-old daughter of Max Winkleman, of
Ottoville, died Wednesday and the funeral will be held Friday morning.
Ottoville Items PCS
Vincke returned from New Orleans Thursday.
Mrs. Nick
Gillen is visiting at Cleveland.
Vondran had his hand severely crushed by unloading disc harrows at Douglass.
Freshbach bought the Ed. Miller farm Saturday. Mr. Miller will move to Toledo.
Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Altenburger, of Delphos, are visiting relatives here.
Schlagbaum, of Frankfort, Ind., is visiting her parents.
Dr. and
Mrs. Binder returned from the Pan-American Thursday.
Theresia Schwertner died last Wednesday. Funeral services were held Friday
Schlagbaum is visiting at Frankfort, Ind.
Alex Heinle
and Barney Calvelage, of Ft. Jennings, were in town Saturday.
happy parents are, Mr. and Mrs. John Hohlbine – A daughter.
8-24-1901 DH
A Terrible Death
Mrs. Josephine Gabriel Used
Coal Oil to Start a Fire.
Friday afternoon the news of a terrible accident
reached Delphos from near Timberville, three miles north of Ottoville. Thursday
Mrs. Josephine Gabriel endeavored to start a fire in the kitchen stove and when
it did not burn rapidly enough to suit her, she resorted to pouring on coal
oil. The flames flashed up and before she could get out of the way Mrs. Gabriel
was enveloped and her clothing ablaze.
arrived almost immediately but before the flames were extinguished the
unfortunate lady was fatally burned and died shortly afterwards. She was a very
portly woman, weighing perhaps 200 pounds. She leaves a husband and seven
Ottoville Items PCS
Lizzie and Katie Bluethman, of Cincinnati, are spending their vacation with their
uncle. Baltas Schurer and family.
Clara Coates and Veronica Gengler, of Garret, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. B. Schurer and family.
G. W.
Keiffer had his hand severely crushed Monday by a falling plank, while doing
some carpenter work in the country.
Giesken and family and John Winkelman and wife made a pleasure trip to Glandorf
and Ottawa Monday. They also paid a short visit to Frank Giesken and family.
Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Rower left for the Pan-American Exposition Tuesday morning.
Alex Miller
and George Ockuley went to Celina Sunday. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Mersman.
The eight
year old daughter of Max Winkelman after being ill with dysentery for the past
week, was called on by the angel of death Thursday morning. Burial took place
Saturday morning at the St. Mary’s church. A large concourse of people attended
the service, showing their sympathy for the bereaved family. After services the
remains were tenderly born to her last resting place.
Dr. Ockuly
and Prof. J. W. Wannemacher made a flying trip to Coldwater this week.
9-3-1901 DH
A. P. Korb, formerly of Ottoville, has moved to
Carey, where he was secured a lucrative position and will make his future home.
9-4-1901 DH
Monday evening, a big gasoline lamp in the window of
Nick Bedink’s store at Ottoville exploded and shattered the glass. Flying
pieces of glass injured a horse that was standing in the street.
near Ottoville found a leak in the gas main along the canal the other day and
the stuff was used to make them a campfire and roast chicken, etc., for a big
was received here Tuesday of the death of William Koeble, a son of John Koeble,
at Kingsley, Mich. The father formerly lived in Ottoville and the son was a
resident of Delphos some time ago. His death was caused by a wagon tongue
striking a crushing his head when a log rolled against it.
Ottoville Items PCS
Semildinger had the misfortune to get his hand caught in a pulley, while
threshing at Godfred Stirns, and had it severely hurt. Three fingers had to be
amputated at the first joint.
Carolina Studer and son, Lambert, returned Thursday from New Washington, after
a pleasant visit with her relatives and many friends.
Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Rower returned from the Pan-American Monday.
Quite an
explosion took place at Nick Bedink’s harness hop Monday evening. A large new
model gasoline lamp exploded, bursting out the entire glass front, except the
doors. Luckily no one was hurt.
Barbara Young and Regina Alt returned home Monday from Buffalo and New
Washington. Miss Alt will start her school Tuesday.
Misses Rosa
Krebs, of Kalida, and Anna Krebs, of Cloverdale, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krebs.
Schimmoeller and C. Wannemacher went to Rimer Sunday, where Joe will make his
future home.
Wannemacher went to Glandorf Sunday in Christmas style. The buggy containing
many presents handed to him by friends.
Wm. Harmon,
of Wetsel, was in town Monday.
9-13-1901 DH
Theodore Shilling is piping the new parochial
residence at Ottoville, for acetylene gas.
Ottoville Items PCS
C. B.
Wannemacher left Monday for Chicago, where he intends to stay for two months
and take an opticional course.
Koeble, of Kingsley, Mich., is visiting Otto Kortokrax and friends. Mr. Koeble
was an old resident of Ottoville until of late years, when he and his family
moved to Michigan.
Wineandy, of New Riegel, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Joseph Sultz and
Mrs. Otto Kortokrax.
F. F. Vincke
and William Schlagbaum made a business trip to Delphos Friday.
W. T.
Remlinger, Theo. Kramer, Lawrence Kramer and John Lauer are at Cleveland and
Pan-American Exposition.
Jos. G.
Otto left Friday for Mackinac, Mich., for his health.
Mr. Geo.
Keller has purchased the Continental Laundry.
Frank Krebs
is on the sick list. A speedy recovery of his present illness is the wish of
his many friends.
Harris passed through town Monday evening with seven head of fine bred horses,
to be entered in the Van Wert Fair.
The fifteen
months’ old daughter of Ranford Harris, of Muntanna, died Tuesday evening.
Burial took place in the Antioch cemetery Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev.
James Claypool officiating.
Miss Lizzie
Yaklin returned Wednesday evening from a month’s visit at Bucyrus, New
Washington and Thompson.
Wm. Sheets,
of Berne Ind., was in town Wednesday.
Ottoville Items PCS
W. T.
Remlinger returned from the Pan-American Saturday.
Mrs. Frank
Gmeiner returned from Upper Sandusky Saturday, where she spent a week with her
many friends there.
Gmeine returned Saturday from Columbus, where he attended the convention of C.
K. of O. as a delegate of the local branch at Ottoville.
Schimoller, of Rimer, was in town Sunday.
Jos. Weber’s
new dwelling is completed and helps the appearance of his farm.
Jos. Otto
returned from Mackanac, Monday. The trip improved his health very much.
Jo Ruf, of
Delphos was in town Monday on business.
Mrs. Kalt
and Lizzie Wurst went to Delphos Monday.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Sutter, a daughter.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. William Studer, a daughter.
& Lineham received their new brick mill Monday. It is one of the latest
improved mills. And will be quite an improvement to the enterprise.
9-20-1901 DH
Telephone Improvements
The Putnam Telephone Company, which has a toll
station at Kink Bros. Drugstore, is making some improvements along its lines.
New poles are being erected and new wire taking place of old in some places.
New instruments are being installed at different points and other improvements
are being made. The exchange was moved from Ft. Jennings to Ottoville. This
company has lines covering a large territory north, northwest and northeast of
9-21-1901 DH
Bartlett Wenslitz, of Ottoville, died Thursday at the
age of 57, leaving a wife and nine children. The funeral was held this morning.
9-26-1901 DH
Mr. Biedenharn, living one mile east of Ottoville,
died this morning, at an advanced age. The remains will be brought to Delphos
Friday and taken to Cincinnati, where the funeral will be held.
A Correction
In connection with the item concerning the new well
that is to be drilled in the Ottoville field by the Ottoville Gas Company, this
paper stated Wednesday that if it proves a good gasser the product will be
turned into the mains of the Delphos plant. That is a mistake. If a good gas
well is struck the gas will be used exclusively in supplying the needs of the
people of Ottoville and pipes will be laid to convey it to the people there.
The prospects are very flattering, too.
Ottoville Items PCS
Next week is fair week. Try to
attend at least one day.
Mrs. N. Gillen is visiting her son,
A. P. Korb, at Carey.
Seth Swank has returned home from a
delightful trip to the state of Washington.
Jake Best, of Kalida, was in town
Monday on business.
C. Sellet and Jos. Vincke made a
business trip to Delphos Thursday.
Frank Gmeiner and wife made a
business trip to Ottawa Saturday.
Bartlet Wenslitz, aged 57 years,
died Thursday afternoon. He leaves a wife and nine children, three girls and
six boys to morn the loss of a loving father and husband. The funeral service
took place at the St. Mary’s church Saturday at eight thirty a.m. where a large
concourse of relatives of this place and New Washington attended.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ernest died Sunday morning. Burial took place Monday at eight a.m. Their many friends extended their heartfelt
sympathy in their late bereavement.
Michael Schlereth, of Georgetown,
was in town Monday.
The Board of Directors of the
Putnam County Fair, have left nothing undone or spared any expense to make this
one of the best fairs held in the state this year. Second to none. Come and
spend a pleasant week with your families and sweetheart. You know boys what is
meant and have a good time. Don’t stay at home.
10-2-1901 DH
Canal Boat Sunk
The canal boat “Walbridge,” owned by John Joyce, went
to the bottom of the canal in the short level at Ottoville, this morning. She
was loaded with wood, which was to have been taken off at Ottoville.
This morning, at the Catholic Church in Ottoville,
Henry Smith and Miss Clara Krebs were married by the pastor, the Rev. Fr.
Mertes. The wedding was celebrated at the home of the parents of the bride. They
will live on the Peter Krebs farm.
10-3-1901 DH
Iva Gallaway has brought suit for divorce from Jesse
Gallaway. She alleges that the plantiff is guilty of gross neglect. They were
married at Ottoville is 1899 and are the parents of one child.
10-4-1901 DH
Henry Lauf, of Ft.Jennings, and Miss Lizzie Utrup, of
Ottoville, are to be married soon.
Ottoville Items PCS
J. J.
Miller and Frank Gmeiner made a business trip to Ottawa Friday.
H. Hilvers
will move to Dupont in the near future, where he will make his future home.
Biedenharn died Thursday morning; aged 72 years. His remains were prepared for
shipment Friday to Cincinnati, where he formerly lived. He leaves a wife and
son to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The family have our
sympathy in their sad bereavement.
Born to Mr.
and Mrs. August Roelling, a boy.
Wagner and Beming made a business trip to Ottawa to arrange for children’s day
on the fair grounds.
Hohlbine died Friday morning. Burial took place Monday. Services were held at
8:30 at the St. Mary’s church. After the services his remains were tenderly
born to his last resting place. He leaves a wife and six children, two boys and
four girls, all married, to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father.
Rev. Mertes
made a trip to Delphos Tuesday.
& Lineham are turning out lots of brick since putting in the new mill.
10-15-1901 DH
The new gas well in the Ottoville field is expected
to drill in tonight.
10-17-1901 DH
The Ottoville gas well is a disappointment. Very
little gas was found; not sufficient to make it a paying well.
Miller, living four miles north of Ottoville, while filing a saw, had two small
pieces of steel imbedded in the ball of his right eye. Mr. Miller came to
Delphos this afternoon and had the particles taken out by a surgeon. It was
necessary to cut through the coat of the eyeball.
10-19-1901 DH
Another well will probably be drilled in the
Ottoville field. The failure of a few days ago in the search for gas has not dismayed
the promoters of the project.
10-25-1901 DH
A. C. Kortier, of Ft. Jennings while engaged in a
battle with Andy Krebs, at Ottoville, Thursday, had his hand sprained.
Young Man near Ottoville Accidentally Shot, Thursday
home of Samuel Miller, three miles northwest of Ottoville, was thrown into
mourning Thursday, over the untimely death of William, the 16-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Daniel Spangler, and uncle of the boy, had called at the
house at noon Thursday to borrow a revolver that he intended taking along on a
hunting trip to Michigan. Before leaving the house he examined the weapon and
while handling it the hammer descended on one of the shells, there was a
report, and Mr. Miller’s son, who was nearby, in a stooping position, fell over
and in two minutes was dead.
The bullet had entered his body about two inches below
the heart, and death was almost instantaneous. When Mr. Spangler saw what he
had done he was almost wild with grief. The accident is a most terrible one and
the parents of the unfortunate boy have the sympathy of the entire community.
Mr. Spangler, who was the cause of the death of the young man, is deserving of
sympathy for the misfortune that has overtaken him.
Child of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller Stepped on by a Horse and Died Twelve Hours
is also the gloom of death over the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, who live
five miles north of Ottoville. Wednesday evening their little baby son, three
years old, was sitting in the door of the barn and when one of the horses
entered the structure the child was knocked over by one of the animal’s knees
and one of its rear hoofs crushed the little ones bowls. The babe was taken up
and to the house and surgical aid summoned and given, but it was no avail.
After lingering for twelve hours the child died Thursday morning. The horse
that was the cause of the death of the child is a docile animal, and it was
probably hurrying to get to the manger and its feed when the accident occurred,
paying no attention to the child. The death is not ascribed to viciousness on
the part of the horse.
Ottoville Items PCS
Monday was
a day of sorrow in this village. This little village is in deep mourning over
the death of one, who has been a benefactor to his people. A citizen of
sterling worth, a man that loved his people, his country and his god; all of
which are fully demonstrated by the prayers offered up by the hundreds at his
bier. Though words can express the loss of so great a man no artist can beautify
his works, no; not even the sweet perfume from all the roses can hide that
noble character, which has called him to vanish and brought sadness to many a
broken heart. Dr. Albert Binder departed his life October 20, 1901. Consumption
was the cause of his death. His father was one of the successful practitioners
of medicine and died at the age of 40, of that dreaded disease, consumption.
Dr. Binder was married to Miss Emma Winkelman, of Ottoville, May 4, 1891. To
mourn this loss is a noble wife, six small children, the mother, a brother, two
sisters and a multitude of friends. The floral tributes were many and
beautiful, mutely expressing the deep grief of friends and relatives. The
funeral services were held Wednesday morning at the St. Mary’s church and were
conducted by Rev. Father J. B. Mertes. The attendance was the largest in the
history of this section. The remains were interred in the cemetery here. The
pall bearers were Drs. George Wolf, Ockuley, J. E. Stephan, E. Burnette, of Van
Wert county and C. O. Beardsley, of Ottawa.
11-6-1901 DH
Andrew Grubenhaus and Mathilda Kehres were married at
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ottoville, this morning.
Ottoville Items PCS
Mrs. James
Claypool, son and Miss Gusta Bartz made a pleasure trip to Leipsic and were the
guests of her sister Saturday.
Ed Miller
and wife were at Delphos Thursday.
Sellet moved to Douglass to take charge of the store. Mr. A. E. Leininger
taking possession of his place of business in Ottoville.
F. F.
Vincke and wife made a pleasant trip to Delphos and vicinity Friday.
Giesken, John Zahn, Jos. Vincke and B. Giesken were the guests of Frank Giesken
and Henry Rehman, of Glandorf.
Nick Lauer,
of Ottoville, and John Bowersock, of Wetsel, made a business trip to Cleveland
Goreize was born January 19, 1819 in Breitschenheisen, Austria, and on June 12,
1852 she was married to Martin Mallifskey. On May 6, 1854 they moved to America
settled on a farm in Crawford county, New Washington, moving from there to
Huron County near Monroeville, then to Wyandot County near Upper Sandusky, and
later to Ottoville, in Putnam County, where they have lived for ten years to
the time of her death October 17, 1901 at the age of 82 years and 9 months. She
was very feeble and helpless for the last five years and died of old age. She
has lived a long useful life, been a faithful and obedient member of the
Catholic church, a good wife and kind mother. She leaves a husband and six
children to mourn her death.
11-9-1901 DH
The Bishop of Luxemborg, Germany, is at Ottoville, a
guest of Rev. J. B. Mertes, pastor of the Catholic Church there.
11-12-1901 DH
Gus Wannemacher and Miss Anna Schurer were married
this morning at the Catholic Church in Ottoville.
Ottoville Items PCS
Gmeiner and Geb. Gasser made a business trip to Ottawa Monday.
Kramer, of North Industry, Ohio, is visiting his brother, Theodore Kramer, and
also looking up some business interests.
A pleasant
surprise was given Mrs. Henry Wittler, of Ft. Jennings, Thursday evening. A
crowd of Ottoville were at the party.
Kelley, of Wetsel, was in town Friday.
A dancing
club was organized here Thursday. About twenty of our popular young people
christened their intentions by giving a dance at J. P. Lauer’s Hall on last
Tuesday night.
Opening of
A. E. Senger’s Saloon and restaurant Saturday evening. Everybody welcome.
E. Leininger and Frank Krebs went to Delphos Friday on
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Kramer, a girl.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Altenburger, twin girls.
Karl Bildstein purchased the old
parsonage building at public auction Wednesday for $350. He will move it on
11-25-1901 DH
Wild West
Negroes and Ottoville People had a lively Mixup
night, at Ottoville, there was a regulation Wild West scene for a few minutes,
but luckily no live were lost and no one injured. Five Negroes from Paulding
County, accompanied by a woman, came into Ottoville, and while they were in
front of Gillen’s saloon, a resident of Ottoville, a white man, commenced
talking to the colored woman, just for fun. The husband of the woman, a burley
Kentucky coon, resented the familiarity and remarked that he would allow no
white man to talk to his wife.
The coon
was bad and flourished a gun, but another of the gang of negroes wrenched it
out of his hand. The coons then went to John Lauer’s place, but they did not go
inside. They were followed by the Marshal and a crowd of men. This riled the
coons and another chewing match occurred. The Marshal ordered the dusky
visitors out of town, and after they had crossed the creek and over the
corporation line, they engaged in some back talk and the coon with the gun
attempted to fire at the crowd on the other side, but the revolver failed to work.
An Ottoville man then fired a couple of shots to scare the coons.
The colored
“gemmen” concluded that they better get out of it the best way they could and
when an order came for them to halt, they promptly complied. The Ottoville
people were thoroughly worked up by this time, and after telling the coons what
they would have done to them if they had made any more hostile moves, they were
allowed to depart. No blows were struck, no blood was shed and after the
department of the visitors all was again lovely.
12-18-1901 DH
H. Otte is lending his efforts to get the C. H. & D. railroad company
interested in running that connecting a line from Delphos to the Findlay, Ft.
Wayne & Western at Mandale, through Ottoville, and President Woodford has
promised to investigate the matter.
12-28-1901 DH
A three-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartes,
of Ottoville, a twin, died Wednesday.
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