Adam Leis
Aged Resident Is Summoned
Adam Leis, For Fifty Years a Resident OF Ottoville,
Passed To Great Beyond Monday Evening, Death Following a Paralytic Stroke – Was
Well Known Throughout Putnam County
Adam Leis,
well known throughout Putnam County and a pioneer resident, died at the family
home two and a half miles west of Ottoville Monday evening, at 11 o’clock. Mr.
Leis was stricken with paralysis about noon Monday, but his condition was not
considered serious and his death came quite unexpectedly.
deceased was born in Schmiweiler, Bavaria, on August 28, 1834, and was past 81
years old. He came to America at the age of seventeen years and located in
Sandusky, coming from there to Ottoville about fifty years ago. On September
15, 1863, the deceased was united in marriage to Catherine Miller, at Sandusky,
and for more than fifty-two years Mr. and Mrs. Leis traveled life’s pathway
To the
union of Mr. and Mrs. Leis were born thirteen children, five of whom have
preceded their father in death. Surviving are the wife, one brother, Paul Leis,
Sandusky, and eight children, Peter, Joseph, John, Michael, and Charles, all of
Ottoville; Mrs. Mary Sellet, Mrs. William Shumacher, and Miss Rosa Leis,
services over the remains will be held at the Immaculate Conception church at
Ottoville Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock, and interment in the Catholic
Cemetery at that place.
Henry Strottman
Resided In Vicinity For Many Years
Henry Strottman, Whose Death Occurred At Tiffin, Resided
On Farms Near Ottoville For More Than Fifty Years – Body Brought To Ottoville
For Interment
The remains
of Henry Strottman, whose death occurred at his home in Tiffin, O., at 2:30
o’clock Wednesday morning, were brought to Ottoville, and taken to the home of
his adopted daughter, Mrs. Fred Bohn, Thursday. The body was accompanied to
Ottoville by Mrs. Henry Strottman, Mr. And Mrs. Weirling, Mr. Vever, Joseph
Lambert, John Schlueter, all of Tiffin. Mr. Strottman’s death was due to
bronchial pneumonia.
deceased was born in Edgenberg, Hanover, Germany, August 24, 1838. He came to
America from Edgenberg at the age of seventeen, and located on a farm near Ft.
Jennings, with his father. In 1859, Mr. Strottman married Miss Kamphaus and
they located on a farm one and a half miles west of Ottoville. No children were
born to this union but in 1860 Mr. and Mrs. Strottman adopted a daughter, now
Mrs. Fred Bohn, of Ottoville. Mrs. Strottman died 19 years ago, and on November
20, eighteen years ago, Mr. Strottman married Fannie Schleuter.
After their
marriage Mr. and Mrs. Strottman settled on a farm one mile west of Ottoville
where they made there home until seven years ago when they went to Tiffin to
reside. The deceased is survived by his wife, Adopted daughter, Mrs. Fred Bohn,
of Ottoville, and four step-children, Mrs. Catherine Weirling, Mrs. Elizabeth
Vever, John Schleuter, all of Tiffin and John Schleuter, of Ottoville.
services will be held from the Immaculate Conception Church in Ottoville Saturday
morning at 8:30 o’clock and burial in the Catholic Cemetery.
Gertrude Brinkman
Ottoville Girl Answers Call
Miss Gertrude Brinkman, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Brinkman, Died at The Family Home Thursday Evening After Week’s Illness From
Complication of Dideases, Following Grip
Gertrude Brinkman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brinkman, died at the family
home, one and one-half miles east of Ottoville, Thursday evening, at 7 o’clock.
Miss Brinkman’s death came after a week’s illness. She took sick last Friday
with and attack of grip, which later developed into a complication of diseases
and death resulted at the hour above stated.
Brinkman was born November 22, 1899 and was aged 16 years, 1 month and 21 days.
She is survived by her parents, three brothers and four sisters, Fred,
Alphonse, Anna, Leona, Monica, Rowena and Colletis Brinkman.
deceased was a member of the Young Ladies’ Sodality of the Immaculate
Conception church at Ottoville, and a very loveable young lady who had many
friends in Ottoville and vicinity. Funeral services will be held Monday from
the Immaculate Conception church at 8:30 o’clock and interment in the Catholic
cemetery at Ottoville.
Mary Deitering
Came Here In Early Days
Mrs. Mary Deitering, Who Passed Away At Ottoville, Was
Native of Germany And Came To America In Her Childhood – Was Resident of This
Vicinity For Many Years
Mrs. Mary
Deitering, an aged and respected resident of Ottoville, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. George Wenzlick, in Ottoville, Sunday morning at 1:30 o’clock.
Death was due to the infirmities of age from which she had been suffering for
some time.
Deitering was born in Germany on July 30, 1834, and was past 81 years of age.
When she was quite young she came to America and had been a resident of
Ottoville for many years, being among the old settlers in this part of the
country. Her marriage to Herman Deitering, who preceded her in death seven
years ago, took place many years ago. To this union were born nine children,
one of whom has died. The surviving children are, Henry Deitering, of
Ottoville; Barney Deitering, Elgin, Neb.; Joseph Deitering, Andy Deitering,
Mrs. Theresa Neitling, all of Chesaning, Mich.; Frank Deitering, Bancroft, Ia.;
Mrs. Mary Dalsing, Kieferville, Kan.; and Mrs. George Wenzlick, of Ottoville.
Henry Honigfort, of Delphos, is a nephew of the deceased.
deceased was a member of the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, and was
also a member of the Alter Rosary Society. Funeral services will be held from
the Ottoville church Tuesday morning at 8:30 o’clock and burial in the Catholic
Cemetery there.
Joseph Fischbach
William Ruen
Pioneer At Ottoville Summoned
William Ruen, Step-Father of Mrs. Michael O’Donnel, of
Delphos, Passed Away
Ruen, Sr., a pioneer resident of Ottoville, who came to this section when it
was a wilderness, was summoned to the great beyond, Wednesday morning, after a
week’s illness from grip. In the death of Mr. Ruen, one of the oldest residents
of Ottoville, in point of years and residence, has been taken.
deceased was born in Westphalia, Germany, on November 1, 1824, and was 91
years, 2 months and 18 days old at the time of his death. He came to America in
1860 from Germany and located in Cincinnati. He remained there for two years
and while in that city, married Fredricka Hoerboun, in February of 1861. They
came to Ottoville from Cincinnati located on a farm one and three-fourths miles
northeast of Ottoville, where his death occurred. Mr. Ruen was living with his
son, Frank Ruen, on the old home place. Forty-one years ago Mrs. Ruen died, and
in August of the same year, the deceased married Mrs. Sybilla Fritche, in
from the first union are three children, William Ruen, Cloverdale; Mrs. John
Fuerst and Henry Ruen, Ottoville. One child born to the first union, has
preceded the father in death. To the second marriage were born five children,
two of whom have died. Surviving from this union are, Frank Ruen, Mrs. August
Trenkamp, of Ottoville; and Mrs. Joseph Schmersal, Kalida; Mr. Ruen is also
survived by three step-children, Mrs. Barney Scherger, Toledo; Mrs. Michael
O’Donnel, Delphos; and Mrs. William Matthews, Kansas City.
deceased was a member of the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville, and
also of the St. Joseph’s Society, whose members will attend the funeral in a
body. The funeral will be held from the Ottoville Catholic church Saturday
morning at 9 o’clock and burial in the Ottoville cemetery.
Orville Kramer (Infant)
John P. Odenweller
Funeral Of Accident Victim At Ottoville
Remains Of John Odenweller, Who Met Death In Elevator
Shaft In Overland Plant At Toledo Laid To Rest Thursday
The remains
of John Odenweller, who met a tragic death in the Overland automobile plant in
Toledo, were brought to Ottoville and funeral services were held at the
Catholic Church in that place Thursday morning. Interment was made in the
Ottoville cemetery.
Word of the
death of Mr. Odenweller did not reach relatives here until Wednesday. He was
engaged in operation of an elevator at the Overland plant. Monday the elevator
was not working properly and he called an electrician, taking him in the
elevator to the third floor. As the gate went up and the electrician stepped
off, the elevator became unmanageable and Mr. Odenweller attempted to jump, but
was caught under the gate. He was held there until the elevator started to go
up and he then dropped down the elevator shaft, a distance of 40 feet. He received
injuries, which soon resulted in his death, his skull being fractured, both
legs broken and he was internally injured.
deceased was past 62 years old. When a young man he taught school near Delphos
and for a time made his home here. He later went to Ottoville, where he resided
on a farm for many years. Thirty-seven years ago he was united in marriage to
Miss Anna Rekart in Ottoville. She preceded him in death about nine years ago.
He left Ottoville and had been a resident of Toledo a number of years.
He leaves
two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Wannemacher, of Leipsic and Mrs. William
Finkenour, of Indianapolis. He is also survived by one brother, Barney
Odenweller, of Delphos and two sisters, Mrs. Ferd Bertling and Mrs. William
Boehmer, both of Ft. Jennings.
Catherine Plescher
Ottoville Resident Summoned
Mrs. Joseph Plescher, A Native Of Austria, Died at Her
Home Near Ottoville Thursday Evening After a long Illness – Had Lived In This
Vicinity For More Than Thirty
After an
illness of several months from a complication of diseases, Mrs. Joseph Plescher
died at her home four miles north of Ottoville, Thursday evening, at 10:45
o’clock. On August 5 of last year Mrs. Plescher underwent an operation but the
hoped for relief was not secured and since that time she has been confined to
her bed the great part of the time.
Her maiden
name was Katherine Kulhanek, and she was born in Urchan, Austria, July 25,
1863, and was past 53 years of age at the time of her passing. On September 15,
1884, she was united in marriage to Joseph Plescher at Auherzen, Germany, and
shortly afterward they came to America, locating on a farm near Ottoville, on
which Mrs. Plescher’s death occurred. They have since been respected and
esteemed residents of this vicinity and many friends extend sympathy to the
bereaved family.
To the
union of Mr. and Mrs. Plescher, fifteen children were born, four of whom died
in infancy. The surviving children are: Anthony Plescher, Mrs. Michael Friend,
Mrs. John C. Bachtel, Lima; Mrs. Charles Perrin, Cloverdale; Joseph Plescher,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Josephine, Alfred, Henry, Gerhardt, Adolph and Leo, at home.
The deceased is also survived by six grandchildren, three sisters and two
brothers, Mrs. John Dick, Mrs. John Turnwald, Jacob Kuhlanek, Joseph Kuhlanek,
Chesaning, Mich.; Mrs. Anton Hoehn, Ottoville.
deceased was a member of the Immaculate Conception church and a good Catholic.
Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 9 o’clock from the Immaculate
Conception church and burial will be in the Ottoville cemetery. Mrs. Plescher
was affiliated with the Alter Rosary Society and its members will attend the
funeral in a body as a mark of respect to the deceased.
Albert Bender
Ottoville Child Taken In Death
Funeral Of Albert Binder Held At Immaculate Conception
Church Saturday Morning
The last
sad rites over the remains of Albert Binder were
held from the Immaculate Conception church, at Ottoville, Saturday morning, at
8:30 o’clock. The members of the St. Aloysius Society attended the funeral in a
body, and Rev. Ludwig conducted services. The body was laid to rest in the
Catholic Cemetery at Ottoville. the pall bearers were Messrs. Joseph and Arnold
Lauer, Oliver Snyder, Otto Friemoth, Leo Miller, Arnold Wannemacher, attending
the funeral from out of town were: Misses Estella and Irma Binder, Hugo Binder,
Toledo; Bruno Binder, Mrs. Lintz, Cincinnati.
Viola Maria Miller (Infant)
Miss Viola
Miller, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, residing at Ottoville,
died at the family home Friday, at the age of three months. The child was born
on December 31, 1915. The little one was taken ill with whooping cough several
weeks ago and about two weeks ago inflammation of the bowels set in. the
parents and one brother survive. The funeral services will be held Monday
morning, at 8:30 o’clock, at the Immaculate Conception church in Ottoville,
conducted by Rev. Ludwig. Interment in the Ottoville cemetery.
Linus H. Friemoth (Infant)
John H. Brinkman
Aged German Resident Dead At Ottoville
John Brinkman, A Native Of Germany And a Resident of That
Country Until Thirty Years of Age, Passes Away At Home of His Daughter
John Henry
Brinkman, a native of Germany, but for many years a resident of Putnam County,
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Martin, one and a half miles east
of Ottoville, Thursday morning, at 8:20 o’clock. Mr. Brinkman had been in
failing health for several months, but had been bedfast for only two weeks,
suffering from inflammation of the bowels.
Brinkman was born in Luxemburg, Germany, on April 16, 1837, and was 70 years
old. He remained in Germany until he was thirty years old, coming to America in
1867. He located on a farm near Kalida where he resided for a long time. In 1872,
he married Mary Brunk, who died December 15, 1893.
deceased is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Henry Martin, Mrs. Benjamin
Rayman, Ottoville; Mrs. Mary Meiter, Ft. Jennings, Mrs. Katie Tobe, of Minster,
four sons, John Brinkman, Minster, Henry Brinkman, Ottoville; Joseph Brinkman,
Ft. Jennings; and Herman Brinkman, of Kentucky; two brothers, Joseph Brinkman,
Glandorf; and Henry Brinkman, Delphos; and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Klein,
Cincinnati, and Mrs. Jennie Leininger, Cincinnati.
services will be held from the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville,
Saturday morning at 8 o’clock. The body will be laid to rest in the Catholic
Cemetery at Ottoville, beside the remains of his wife.
Regina Pittner (Infant)
Michael Kehres
Was Among The First Settlers In Ottoville
Michael Kehres, A Pioneer Resident And Widely Known
Throughout Putnam County, Answered Final Summons, Death Coming Suddenly –
Funeral To Be Held Saturday Morning
Kehres, one of the earliest settlers in Ottoville, coming there when what is
now the village was a wilderness, has answered the final summons. His death,
which occurred at the family home in Ottoville Wednesday evening, at 11:30
o’clock, was sudden, and followed a very brief illness. Mrs. Kehres was taken
suddenly ill Wednesday evening and in a very short time life had left the body.
The infirmities of age were given as the cause of death.
Kehres was born in Alsace, Germany, February 24, 1834, and at the age of 18
years left the old country and came to America, landing in New York. From that
city he went to Bloomville City and remained there for eight years. He then
came to Ottoville, being among the first settlers there. He located on a farm
three miles northwest of Ottoville and resided there for thirty-four years. In
1903 Mr. and Mrs. Kehres retired from active labors and removed to Ottoville
where his death came.
On July 29,
1860 the deceased was married to Margaret Perrin, at New Reigel, O., and in
1910 Mr. and Mrs. Kehres celebrated their Golden wedding. To this union were
born thirteen children, three of whom, Josephine Kehres, Mrs. Carrie Shute and
Mrs. Sophia Sellet have preceded their father in death. Surviving are the widow
and the following named children; Mrs. Louisa Leinnen, St. Mary’s; Mrs. John
Krebs, Celina; Mrs. Carrie O’Brien, Lima; Mrs. Charles Hemburger, Celina; Mrs.
John Lutz, Columbus; Michael Kehres, Jr.; Mrs. E. E. Miller, North Baltimore;
Mrs. John Burkbarger, Columbus; Mrs. Joseph Miller, Lorain; Miss Regina Kehres,
Mr. Kehres
was widely known throughout Putnam County and was very highly respected.
Arrangements have been made to hold the funeral services Saturday morning at 9
o’clock from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at Ottoville and interment
in the cemetery there. The members of the St. Joseph Society, with which the
deceased was affiliated, will attend the funeral in a body as a mark of respect
for Mr. Kehres.
Anton Hoehn
Death Came Suddenly To Ottoville Man
Anton Hoehn, A Lifelong Resident Of Neighboring Village
Passed Away Early Friday Morning – Was A Member Of C. K. of O. And The St.
Joseph’s Society
prominent resident of near Ottoville has been summoned by death, Anton Hoehn,
who had resided in that vicinity all his life, passing away early Friday
morning. Mr. Hoehn had been failing for the past six weeks, suffering from a
complication of diseases, but the end, which came at 3 o’clock, was unexpected.
deceased was born in Ottoville, February 7, 1861, and was 55 years, 3 months
and 12 days old. On May 3, 1887, he was united in marriage to Margaret
Kuhlanek. The widow, ten children, William Hoehn, Lima; Albert Hoehn, Columbus;
Joseph, Mary, Frank, Leo, Antoinette, Sylvester, Rudolph, and Gilbert Hoehn, at
home. He is also survived by three brothers, Peter and Henry Hoehn, New
Lathrop, Mich; and Oliver Hoehn, Lima.
Mr. Hoehn
was very well respected and a devout member of the Catholic Church. He was
affiliated with the C. K. of O. and the St. Joseph’s Society will attend the
funeral in a body, meeting at their hall at 8 o’clock on Monday morning. The
funeral services will be held from the Immaculate Conception Church Monday
morning, at 8:30 o’clock, and interment in the Ottoville cemetery.
Catherina M. Klein
Child’s Death At Ottoville Was Due To Diptheria
Miss Catherine Marie Klein, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Klein, Died Sunday Morning – Private Funeral Services Held Monday – Two Others
In Ottoville Ill With Diptheria
Catherine Marie Klein, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Klein, residing
one and a half miles southeast of Ottoville, died Sunday morning at 8:45
o’clock, death being due to diphtheria. The child was taken ill with whooping
cough some time ago, followed by measles and later diphtheria developed,
causing death at the time stated above.
The child
was born May 26, 1911, and was aged 5 years, one month and six days. The
parents and one brother, Henry Klein, are surviving. Private funeral services
were held at family residence Monday morning at the remains laid to rest in the
Catholic Cemetery at Ottoville, Rev. Ludwig officiated at the funeral services.
There are
two other cases of diphtheria in Ottoville, both in the same family, but it is
believed that these are not serious.
Henry Peters
Funeral To Be Held From Local Church
Remains of Henry Peters, Who Died at Home Near Rushmore,
To Be Interred In West Side Cemetery – Rev. Bergener To Conduct Last Rites On
Wednesday Afternoon
services over the remains of Henry Peters, who died at his home one mile north
of Rushmore, Monday noon, will be held from the St. Peter’s Lutheran church on
North Pierce Street, Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, conducted by the
pastor, Rev. P. G. Bergener. The body will be laid to rest in the West Side
Mr. Peters’
death followed an illness of a year, during which he suffered from dropsy and
paralysis. He had been bedfast for the past three weeks and the end was not
deceased was born in Putnam County, O., December 25, 1868, and was past 47
years of age. He spent his early life on the farm near Ottoville on which he
was born and after his marriage he located on a farm in Van Wert County where
they resided for some years. For the past six months Mr. and Mrs. Peters had
been living on the farm near Rushmore where his death occurred.
Mr. Peters
was married to Matilda Miller in 1899. This union was blessed with six
children, one of whom preceded the father in death. Surviving are the wife,
five children, one sister residing in Toledo, and three brothers, Fred Peters,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Louis Peters, Flint, Mich.; Andrew Peters, Ottoville.
deceased was confirmed in the Reformation Church, but for the past eighteen
years was affiliated with St. Peter’s Lutheran church in this city, and from
there the funeral services will be held.
Frank I. Sanders
Another Loses Life Swimming In A Quarry
Second Victim Of Accident In This Vicinity Within a Few
Days – Frank Sanders, While Swimming at Ottoville Seized With Cramps and Was
Dead Before Rescuers Reached Him
The second
victim of a swimming accident in this vicinity within the past three days,
occurred at Ottoville Tuesday evening, when Frank Sanders of that place, lost
his life. Mr. Sanders, with Peter Bendele had gone to the Lauer quarry, located
just at the north edge of Ottoville, to enjoy a swim. Neither could swim very
well, and Mr. Sanders got beyond his depth, was seized with cramps and
sank before help could reach him.
The quarry
is about 25 to 30 feet deep in the deepest part and near the edge it is
shallow. Mr. Sanders was in the shallower waters, and started out into deep
water when seized with cramps. Mr. Bendele endeavored to rescue his companion,
but not being very much of a swimmer, his efforts were unsuccessful. Several
boys were out on the quarry in a canoe, and they went quickly to the place
where Mr. Sanders had gone down. The body was rescued by several men from
Ottoville and as soon as it was brought to the surface Dr. Harmon of Ottoville
and Rev. Fr. Ludwig, of that place made every endeavor to resuscitate him,
working with him several hours, but life was extinct.
The body
was taken to Kramer & Eickholt morgue in Ottoville where it was prepared
for burial and Wednesday morning was taken to the home of the grief stricken
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sanders. The victim was born on a farm near
Ottoville, February 8, 1888, and was 28 years, 5 months and three days old at
the time of his death. He was unmarried. He leaves to mourn his sudden death,
his parents, five sisters, Mrs. John Snyder, Mrs. William Bigelow, Mrs. Andrew
Bendele, Mrs. Joseph Klima, all of Ottoville; Mrs. E. J. Steinacker, Ft. Wayne,
Ind.; and one brother, John G. Sanders, of Ottoville.
deceased was a Catholic, a member of the Immaculate Conception church at
Ottoville, and faithful to his religious duties. He was a member of the
Ottoville branch, C. K. of O., and the Young Men’s Sodality. Both of these
orders will attend the funeral in a body, the C. K. of O. to meet at their hall
at 8:30 o’clock Friday morning. Funeral services will be held from the Catholic
church at Ottoville Friday morning at 9 o’clock and interment in the cemetery
at that place.
Jacob F. Wannemacher
Citizen Of Ottoville Passes Away
Jacob Wannemacher, 55, A Well Known Resident Of
Neighboring Village Dies In Hspital at Mt. Clemens, Michigan
Funeral Services To Be Held Thursday Morning From
Catholic Church at Ottoville
Wannemacher, aged 55 years, a well known and highly respected resident of
Ottoville, passed away Monday evening. August 7, 1916, in a hospital at Mt.
Clemens, Michigan. Death was due to a complication of diseases, which dated for
a period of several years back in the lifetime of the deceased. On August 1st,
acting on the advice of his family physician Mr. Wannemacher left his home for
Mt. Clemens where it was thought relief from his afflictions might be secured.
Reports from the hospital in which he was placed were encouraging for the first
few days and naturally the news of his death proved a great shock to his many
friends in the community of Ottoville.
The remains
were taken to the home of his sister, Miss Fannie Wannemacher, at Ottoville,
via the Clover Leaf, at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday night.
services will be conducted from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at
Ottoville, Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Rev. J. D. Mertes of that parish will
be in charge. Burial to take place in the Catholic Cemetery of Ottoville.
Wannemacher was a native of Ottoville, having been born near that village,
February 21, 1871. Being a son of good practical Catholic parents, he was
naturally raised in the faith of his father and mother, and to the precepts of
the mother church he clung inseparably throughout is lifetime. He was the son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wannemacher, deceased.
He leaves
to mourn their loss one sister, Miss Fannie Wannemacher, of Ottoville, with who
the deceased made his home throughout his lifetime; also four brothers, Joseph,
John, Alex Wannemacher, of Ottoville; and S. P. Wannemacher of Cloverdale. Also
a host of relatives and friends who have been cast in deep mourning because of
his sudden departure.
deceased was never married. His moral conduct was always above reproach and his
good qualities made him popular among all with whom he was acquainted. The
result of his untimely demise has been to cast a gloom over the community which
nothing but the hand of time will be able to remove.
Stephan Studenka (Infant)
Charles J. Rekart
Ottoville Man Fell Dead At His Home
Charles Rekart, Prominent Resident of Neighboring
Village, After Partaking in a Hearting Supper, Dropped Dead In Living Room of
His Home – Was Member of Delphos Council K. of C.
Without a
moments warning, death came to Charles Rekart, a prominent and very respected
resident of Ottoville, Friday evening, and the news of his passing came as a
shock to his relatives and friends. Mr. Rekart’s death occurred about 7:30
o’clock Friday evening, at his home, one and a half miles east of Ottoville.
Mr. Rekart
had worked all day and ate a hearty supper in the evening. He had just gone
from the dining room into the living room of his home, when he fell over dead.
Medical assistance was immediately summoned, but efforts to revive him were
unavailing. The spark of life had gone out. Heart trouble was given as the
cause of death.
deceased was a lifelong resident of Ottoville. He was born there forty-one
years ago last August, grew from boyhood to manhood, married established his
home and was rearing his children. He was twice married. His first marriage was
to miss Clara Wiechart, of Delphos. She died shortly after their marriage and
on Jun 24, sixteen years ago, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Otte,
of Ottoville. Mr. Rekart was a prosperous and energetic agriculturist, a
splendid citizen and devoted to his family. His bereaved relatives have the
sympathy of all who knew him in their sadness.
Mr. Rekart
is survived by his wife, three daughters, Marcella, Gertrude and Margaret, two
sons, Elvin and Harold; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rekart, of Ottoville;
six sisters, Tillie, who is in the convent of the Franciscan Sisters in La
Crosse, Wis.; Mrs. Rose Weisenberger, Mrs. Catherine Fornier, Toledo; Misses
Anna, Olivia and Mrs. Joseph Wurst, of Ottoville and three brothers, Ed,
William and Frank of Ottoville.
Reared in
the Catholic faith, Mr. Rekart was ever faithful to his church duties and
followed the teachings of the church. He was a member of the Ottoville Branch
C. K. of O., and the Delphos Council, Knights of Columbus. In both of these
orders his presence will be missed and to show their esteem for the departed
member, the members of the two organizations will attend the funeral in a body.
The last sad rites will be held from the Immaculate Conception church at
Ottoville Monday morning at 9 o’clock. Burial in the Ottoville cemetery.
Norbert Giesken
Maria Ricker
Aged Resident Of Ottoville Died Tuesday
Mrs. Bernadine Ricker, Aged Nearly 77 Years Passed Away
at Her Home Near Neighboring Village – Funeral To Be Held From The Ottoville
Catholic Church
Bernadina Ricker an aged resident of near Ottoville, died at her home near that
village Tuesday morning. She was born in Glandorf, O., in 1839, and was aged 76
years, 11 months and 23 days. She had been a resident of near Ottoville for
many years and was highly esteemed by everyone.
The funeral
services will be held Thursday morning, at the Immaculate Conception church in
Ottoville. Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery at that place.
Joseph Becker
Death Comes Unexpectedly
Joseph Becker, Resident Of Near Muntanna For Many Years,
Passed Away After An Illness Of Short Duration – Funeral To Be Held In
Ottoville Tuesday Morning
The news of
the death of Joseph Becker, a prominent resident of near Muntanna, and
universally esteemed, came as a shock to his many friends and acquaintances.
Mr. Becker was apparently in the best of health until last Wednesday evening
when he became ill and in a short time his condition was pronounced pneumonia.
He lived but a short time after the disease became apparent, passing away at
1:05 o’clock Saturday afternoon. In his passing a splendid citizen, whose life
was worthy of emulation, has been summoned to the Great Beyond.
services will be held from the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville
Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock and burial in the Ottoville cemetery. Mr. Becker
was a very devout Catholic, having been reared in that faith and clinging to
the Catholic belief throughout his life.
deceased was born in Glandorf, Germany, June 19, 1861, and was 55 years, 4
months and 2 days old. He spent his boyhood days in the fatherland and at the
age of sixteen years came to America to seek his fortune, locating on a farm
one fourth mile west of Muntanna, where had had since made his home. Since the
death of his wife, twenty-three years ago, he continued to reside on the old
home place, his son August Becker and wife making there home there and another
son being at home.
Mr. Becker
was untied in marriage to Theresia Strecker, at Glandorf, thirty-three years
ago. To this union were born six children, four of whom are surviving. The
living children are; August and John Becker, Mrs. Albert Schimmoeller and Mrs.
Henry Horstman, all living in Jackson Township. Three brothers, August Becker,
William Becker, of Douglas, Charles Becker, of Cloverdale and two sisters, Mrs.
Anna Ston, living in Glandorf, Germany and Mrs. Barney Soecke, of St. Henry,
O., also survive.
Catherina Bendele
Ottoville Lady Found Dead In Bed
Mrs. Sebastian Bendele, Who Had Been In Failing Health
For Several Years Passed Away Early Sunday Morning Her Husband Finding Her Dead
About 4:30 o’clock – Was Mother of Eleven Children
Sebastian Bendele, one of the most highly esteemed residents of Ottoville, was
found dead in bed, by her husband, when he awakened bout 4:30 o’clock Sunday
morning. Mrs. Bendele had been in failing health for several years and for the
past eleven months she had been bedfast, suffering from a complication of
diseases. Mrs. Bendele had apparently died a short time before her husband
Bendele’s maiden name was Catherine Herzog, and she was born in Sulz, Germany,
she was aged 72 years and 11 days, she came to America at the age of 22 years
and located in Ottoville and had since made that place her home. She was united
in marriage to Sebastian Bendele, many years ago. Surviving are the husband,
eleven children, fifty-seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The children
are; Mrs. Anthony Bensman, Mrs. John Plescher, Andy Bendele, Mrs. Michael
Kehres, Sebastian Bendele, Leo Bendele, Mrs. Barbara Eickholt, all of
Ottoville; Mrs. Frank Wieging, Mrs. John Wieging, Mrs. Fred Ewgelen, all of Ft.
Jennings; Mrs. Charles Giesken, Chesaning, Mich.
deceased was a devout Catholic, a member of the Immaculate Conception church at
Ottoville and also a member of the Alter Rosary Society. The funeral services
will be held from the Immaculate Conception church at Ottoville Wednesday
morning at 9 o’clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Fr. Mertes. The burial will
be in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
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